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Obama issues 2nd veto threat in 2 days


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Obama issues 2nd veto threat in 2 days
DAVID ESPO, Associated Press
NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House issued its second veto threat in as many days Wednesday against top-priority legislation of the new, Republican-controlled Congress.

Republican leaders, in turn, challenged President Barack Obama to sign measures that clear the House and Senate with support from at least some Democrats.

"We're calling on the president to ignore the voices of reaction and join us," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said as he and House Speaker John Boehner lined up legislation to approve the Keystone XL oil pipeline and make changes to the health care law they also have vowed to repeal.

Lawmakers formally opened the new session of Congress this week with the Republicans in charge of both the Senate and the House of Representatives for the first time since Obama took office. The party's sweep of the November elections is certain to complicate the final two years of Obama's presidency as he seeks to cement his policies on health, the environment and immigration.

The conflict comes at a time when the Democratic president and the two Republican congressional leaders have all stressed the opportunity for bipartisanship, and polls generally indicate the public wants divided government to produce compromise instead of gridlock.

By approving measures with bipartisan support — the pipeline legislation has well over 60 supporters from both parties in the 100-member Senate — it appears Republicans are trying to make the president pay at least a short-term political price if he makes good on his veto threats.

Far larger and more partisan fights likely lie ahead, particularly if, as expected, Republicans attempt to seek large savings in government benefit programs as part of an attempt to balance the budget.

One day after saying Obama would reject the pipeline bill, the White House said he would veto legislation to make a change in the health care law he signed into law four years ago.

The law, Obama' signature domestic achievement, has extended insurance coverage to millions of Americans who previous lacked it. Republicans have criticized the law for requiring Americans to carry insurance or face penalties. They also warn that it will worsen health care in the U.S.

The Republican measure would increase the definition of a full-time worker who must be offered health coverage at work to 40 hours from the current 30.

In a written veto threat, the administration said the Republican legislation "would significantly increase the deficit, reduce the number of Americans with employer-based health insurance coverage, and create incentives for employers to shift their employees to part-time work - causing the problem it intends to solve."

Republicans argue the health law's 30-hour requirement is encouraging companies to cut workers' hours.

On the Keystone pipeline, Republicans have allies within the Democratic ranks.

"It's just wrong. It's just not the way you do business," Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin said after the White House announced it would veto the measure. "If this is the start of things, it is a sad beginning."

An identical bill passed the House last year with support from 31 Democrats.

The 1,179-mile (1,897-kilometer) project is proposed to go from Canada through Montana and South Dakota to Nebraska, where it would connect with existing pipelines to carry more than 800,000 barrels of crude oil a day to refineries along the Texas Gulf Coast.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-01-08

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I do not understand the presidential system.

If a pres can veto laws passed by a duly elected congress, what is the point of the congress?

Congress gets the final say. They can overide the president's veto if 2/3 of congress votes to overide.

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I lost a friend of over 10 +++ years , cause I asked him why he hates Obama and asked him for reasoning . he cursed me called me a few names and considering he isn't even a American and lives in Vegas and swears racism has not a thing to do with why he is so disliked , except that Obama and his cronies are the racists.....but this pipeline has no value to the USA that i hear tell about , its all Canadian oil that they will make money selling but endangering our environment , Republicans are for it because Big oil is one of their big donation contributors to the GOPs and the Democrats who are for it are on Big Oil payrolls too. I just realized that maybe I was being cursed by my ex-friend cause he hates liberals , which I tend to be , in a Conservative point of view too. I believe in Voting for the best candidate , I think Obama is being foolish not decriminalizing Pot and at least allowing or getting it out of the Category 1 , No Medicinal value category ! Which is a big lie told by the federal Agents who back when Prohibition was being repealed made up the REEFER MADNESS - BS - on weed to keep their jobs , get kickbacks from oil & plastics , Booze distributors & Big Pharma came on board bribing to keep it illegal with bribes to even make hemp illegal , except when needed in WW 2 , Farmers were asked to grow it....

Even cartels kick-in to crooked Politicians to keep it illegal , so they lie about the demon Weed !

I think there is one truth in all this , and that all Politicians are becoming or have become as crooked as they can get away with , so what good does this pipeline do for America , very few jobs for USA.....I also deduced just as many GOP members my friend was a bully too , cause he's positive Obama is the Anti-Christ and was born in Kenya......of course he is a 1% member as all those who want this pipeline are ! Obamacare even with the better reports on it as of late , is still the worst thing ever. So I guess it has nothing to do with TRUTH anymore but who can yell the loudest and get the Media to report their story as the God's honest Truth in the matter ! Especially FuX Newsless , the Media Company that when Republicans Lie to America , Fux Newsless Swears to it !








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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I do not understand the presidential system.

If a pres can veto laws passed by a duly elected congress, what is the point of the congress?

The Senate can override a veto. It requires almost a unified Senate of both parties to do so and what could be better for a bill if its deserving?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


The two vetoes he promised are for two things that should be vetoed especially the unneeded pipeline boondoggle.


"The two vetoes he promised are for two things that should be vetoed especially the unneeded pipeline boondoggle.

What I fail to understand is why Obama insists he must veto any suggested changes to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).

He may have a clue what is being discussed in the way of change but until the legislation is written, voted on, passed by both Houses of Congress and presented to the White House, he really won't know what he needs to veto or why. Why do his handlers feel it imperative to throw down a gauntlet at this early stage of his remaining two years?

His own action since the original legislation was enacted and signed in 2010 have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt the legislation is poorly written and parts of it should be amended or deleted entirely.

There have been 28 changes to the law made by the Executive Branch, of which he is in charge.

Congress has amended the law a further 16 times with his concurrence and the Supreme Court has changed it two times.

It is far from perfect and, considering it was written by Democrats, passed by Democrats and voted on in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve 2009 without a single Congress person having read it or a Republican voting for it, very likely could use a little retrospective attention.

Changes listed here: http://www.galen.org/newsletters/changes-to-obamacare-so-far/

"he really won't know what he needs to veto or why." Actually he does know, thus the threat.

Unlike the NLA where you have no opposition, many bills in the US Congress require political coalitions for passage so it's impossible and just plain stupid to try to keep proposed bills secret. There is also a very active news press that has a lot of inside contacts and is very adept at ferreting out political strategies.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The Keystone pipeline will also carry the oil coming from the Bakken shale oil field in North Dakota, as well as the Pennsylvania oil, to the refineries in Texas and the Gulf Coast.

It is now being transported by rail across the US and it is traveling right through the middle of densely populated areas.

Besides the safety feature, the pipeline is expected to create up to 20,000 jobs during its construction period of over two years, plus an unknown number of peripheral businesses and jobs for the ongoing oil production.

This pipeline is considerably more than a Canadian venture.

So then build a separate pipeline for the US oil through its states.

Oil is not oil. Canadian "oil" is not crude oil but tar sand oil that has been liquidifed with extremely toxic chemicals that make a spill almost impossible to clean and scrub from the water table. At stake is a potential shutdown of a $20 billion/year agricultural industry that far out weighs the benefits of temporary employment created by Keystone Pipeline. There was a reason Canadians refused to allow their pipeline to travel west entirely through Canada and show little interest in sending it east through Canada.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


The two vetoes he promised are for two things that should be vetoed especially the unneeded pipeline boondoggle.


"The two vetoes he promised are for two things that should be vetoed especially the unneeded pipeline boondoggle.

What I fail to understand is why Obama insists he must veto any suggested changes to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).

He may have a clue what is being discussed in the way of change but until the legislation is written, voted on, passed by both Houses of Congress and presented to the White House, he really won't know what he needs to veto or why. Why do his handlers feel it imperative to throw down a gauntlet at this early stage of his remaining two years?

His own action since the original legislation was enacted and signed in 2010 have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt the legislation is poorly written and parts of it should be amended or deleted entirely.

There have been 28 changes to the law made by the Executive Branch, of which he is in charge.

Congress has amended the law a further 16 times with his concurrence and the Supreme Court has changed it two times.

It is far from perfect and, considering it was written by Democrats, passed by Democrats and voted on in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve 2009 without a single Congress person having read it or a Republican voting for it, very likely could use a little retrospective attention.

Changes listed here: http://www.galen.org/newsletters/changes-to-obamacare-so-far/

"he really won't know what he needs to veto or why." Actually he does know, thus the threat.

Unlike the NLA where you have no opposition, many bills in the US Congress require political coalitions for passage so it's impossible and just plain stupid to try to keep proposed bills secret. There is also a very active news press that has a lot of inside contacts and is very adept at ferreting out political strategies.

I wasn't implying the Republicans would try to keep any legislation secret. That hasn't been done since Obamacare.

Amendments can be added at any point during the process and something absolutely great might be added at the last minute, from Obama's viewpoint, that might make the legislation palatable.

My point, until it is written and passed, he doesn't really know what is in it.

Why is it necessary to issue the veto threat when he isn't certain? Just political foreplay.

PS: You got me with the NLA. Google starts with the National Landlords Association of the UK.

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We have these two veto threads hopelessly mixed up.

We are discussing the Keystone veto on the Obamacare veto thread and vice versa.

My fault, I guess, but I'm gonna lay off until one of them becomes clear.

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It takes the votes of 67 Senators to overturn a veto of a bill passed by the Senate, and 290 Representatives in the House. Currently the Senate has 54 Republicans, 44 Democrats and 2 Independents. Not near enough to overturn a veto without support from some Democrats. In the House, the Republicans would need 44 Democrats to break party ranks to overturn a veto. Keep your eyes open. It's likely to happen soon.

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Before the Nov elections...which was a condemnation of the Obama government's policies...Obama could simply tell Harry Reid, leader of the Senate, not to allow a piece of by-partisan legislation to come to a vote in the Senate...so Obama would not have to use a veto to disapprove of the legislation that was not part of his personal agenda for his community of supporters...

Now...however...the Senate is controlled by the Republicans and legislation will certainly be sent to the President's desk for approval...

By threatening to veto legislation...Obama is doing a preemptive strike against legislation which is not part of his game plan...letting the Congress and Senate know before they get started...that he will be hostile to their attempts to advance proposals to move the country forward after 6 years of stalemate legislation and dictatorial Presidential Executive orders...

Two more years of a man using one of the most powerful offices in the world for his personal play thing...

Edited by ggt
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


The two vetoes he promised are for two things that should be vetoed especially the unneeded pipeline boondoggle.


"The two vetoes he promised are for two things that should be vetoed especially the unneeded pipeline boondoggle.

What I fail to understand is why Obama insists he must veto any suggested changes to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).

He may have a clue what is being discussed in the way of change but until the legislation is written, voted on, passed by both Houses of Congress and presented to the White House, he really won't know what he needs to veto or why. Why do his handlers feel it imperative to throw down a gauntlet at this early stage of his remaining two years?

His own action since the original legislation was enacted and signed in 2010 have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt the legislation is poorly written and parts of it should be amended or deleted entirely.

There have been 28 changes to the law made by the Executive Branch, of which he is in charge.

Congress has amended the law a further 16 times with his concurrence and the Supreme Court has changed it two times.

It is far from perfect and, considering it was written by Democrats, passed by Democrats and voted on in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve 2009 without a single Congress person having read it or a Republican voting for it, very likely could use a little retrospective attention.

Changes listed here: http://www.galen.org/newsletters/changes-to-obamacare-so-far/

"he really won't know what he needs to veto or why." Actually he does know, thus the threat.

Unlike the NLA where you have no opposition, many bills in the US Congress require political coalitions for passage so it's impossible and just plain stupid to try to keep proposed bills secret. There is also a very active news press that has a lot of inside contacts and is very adept at ferreting out political strategies.

I wasn't implying the Republicans would try to keep any legislation secret. That hasn't been done since Obamacare.

Amendments can be added at any point during the process and something absolutely great might be added at the last minute, from Obama's viewpoint, that might make the legislation palatable.

My point, until it is written and passed, he doesn't really know what is in it.

Why is it necessary to issue the veto threat when he isn't certain? Just political foreplay.

PS: You got me with the NLA. Google starts with the National Landlords Association of the UK.

Amendments can be added at any point during the process and something absolutely great might be added at the last minute, from Obama's viewpoint, that might make the legislation palatable


Haven't been around Washington much I see.

The majority party in the House controls the number of representatives that sit on each committee. The Rules Committee decides which amendments can be offered by which members and under which terms and conditions, to include the conditions of the voting, such as the unanimous consent rule, or the regular order rule, a special rule, to name a few of such rules of debate, and the amount of time a given amendment may be considered and argued.

The Rules Committee says who can offer an amendment, who cannot. Any member of the House who wants to offer his amendment, must petition the Rules Committee. blink.png

The Rules Committee is the legislative muscle of any given speaker of the House. It is deliberately small of membership and is controlled absolutely by the speaker, any speaker of either party. If the speaker does not want an amendment to be offered on the floor in any given upcoming debate, it never sees the light of day.

There are three things to know and to remember about the Rules Committee:

1) It is powerful and controlling of all debate and voting before it ever begins

2) It is powerful and controlling of all debate and voting before it ever begins

3) It is powerful and controlling of all debate and voting.before it ever begins

The current House Rules Committee has seven Republicans and four Democrats. Pres Obama will get no amendments to Obamacare that will be a Christmas gift or any other kind of favorable development. All the amendments to Obamacare will be hostile to it in the extreme and all of 'em will be made only by Republicans in the House.

End of.


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The White House and the Congress will butt heads for some period of time, perhaps till spring, to establish respective political turf. Neither will sound compromising, and perhaps neither will be at all compromising.

It will take a few months to move all this legislation through, but immigration funding of Dept of Homeland Security comes up next month....Rs will give their first indications over that, then..

If there is a compromise in any of this, it won't come or perhaps be realized until the last minute and not a moment before.

That is the most likely scenario, but not the only scenario.

The congress will have to enact a couple of bills, XL pipeline, Obamacare, and Obama will have to veto them. It will be a part of the process of slugging it out early on.

After that we'll see.

I doubt we will like much of what we shall see for a while yet, so the public reaction will be a lot of disgust, profound disgust. The tea party won't care but other Republicans might care because there's an election coming up and the Rs are desperate to be credible so they could win. The White House will care because Obama needs Hillary to assure his legacy....an R president will smash it for certain as everyone knows.

The thingy about compromise is that going in to the election next year after all this is done, each side can say they won the fights of this year and promise more of the same if they win it all next year. Nothing like an election to get people focused.

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The Keystone pipeline will also carry the oil coming from the Bakken shale oil field in North Dakota, as well as the Pennsylvania oil, to the refineries in Texas and the Gulf Coast.

It is now being transported by rail across the US and it is traveling right through the middle of densely populated areas.

Besides the safety feature, the pipeline is expected to create up to 20,000 jobs during its construction period of over two years, plus an unknown number of peripheral businesses and jobs for the ongoing oil production.

This pipeline is considerably more than a Canadian venture.

This is the nature of the opposing mindset. Somehow they don't seem to care about jobs or prosperity. They've managed to cut off most logging costing countless jobs in the woods, in trucking, and in the mills, and now the US buys most of it's lumber from Canada, exporting those very good middle class jobs. Trees are a renewable resource and are replanted when cut, by law.

This pipeline would add safety in shipping, create a lot of very good jobs, and give the US economy another boost. But there are people who don't care about that and have a knee-jerk reaction.

If anyone in the US is obstructionist it's Obama. His Obamacare is badly flawed, has been changed and changed again and yet he clings to it as if his life depended on it. The Keystone Pipeline would give a big boost to the economy while increasing safety but he says he will veto it even against many members of his own party.

The US and Canada are huge and have a lot of natural resources in ocean fishing, oil, timber, farm land, minerals... Yet any time someone wants to use them to create jobs and boost the economy we have our screamers, especially in the USA.


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FOX news broadcasters actually perpetuate & reinforce this nonsense, say 100% of the textbooks get it wrong on evolution and global warming is a scam?

Another blatant lie, from a poster who seems to specialize in them. You have been told before that a GUEST on Fox made the remark about textbooks and evolution - not a broadcaster.

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FOX news broadcasters actually perpetuate & reinforce this nonsense, say 100% of the textbooks get it wrong on evolution and global warming is a scam?

Another blatant lie, from a poster who seems to specialize in them. You have been told before that a GUEST on Fox made the remark about textbooks and evolution - not a broadcaster.

What kind of person defends FOX news? I'm not saying you are stupid but you do know they target the religious & low IQ demographic.

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If your not an American, it's probably hard for people to see why Obama says he will Veto anything that's not within his Ideology! His whole term in office is to transform America from a strong country into a country similar to Greece. Broke and weak! He's almost accomplished this with his Socialist Ideology! During

the MidTerm Elections, the American people said "NO MORE", but Obama has his Agenda and he doesn't care what others think, but history will tell about

his Failed Administration! He played the Race Card during during the MidTerm Elections and he lost every election that he did! Now he's still playing the Race Card, which is The Core Electorate of the Socialist Democrats and now it's backfired in New York! Obama has no where to go except double up and continue his Emperoristic Administration! The Supreme Court will Rule on the Fraud of ObamaCare by June and then it will be a long eighteen months to the end of Socialistic Governorship in America for at least the next two Presidential terms (16 Years). Maybe by that time, the bad taste of the Obama Socialist Democrats will not be so bad to consider again except in the Socialistic Blue States, which are now minimal! From Texas to North Carolina are now Red States with strong Governors! Very hard for a Socialist Democrat to run for President in those states! And it's all because of Obama!!!! The Red (Conservative) States now number 35 out of 50! God Bless America!

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Well consider this, at least I am not stupid enough to post a blatant lie - for the second time - that has already been proven wrong. Maybe you are not as clever as you think you are. wink.png

Hold on there, you just got off another thread calling them liars too. Seems you watch FOX and are terribly misinformed.

They lied too - just like you did. There is something called Google that you types need to know about.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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Spend the same amount of money as the pipeline by building a new Canadian/American joint venture refinery on the border near the oil and those temp jobs can become perminant. It would also reduce the spillage factor as there would be a very minimal distance of transportation required.

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Obama is now 3 for 3. The White House has issued veto threat number three in the third day of the new Congress.


Obstructionist White House Threatens Veto of 40 hr Work Week
By Associated Press January 8, 2015 6:55 am
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The White House on Wednesday said President Barack Obama will veto legislation that would increase his health care law's definition of a full-time worker from 30 to 40 hours per week.
Republicans argue the health law's 30-hour requirement is encouraging companies to cut workers' hours. The White House said in statement there is no evidence the law has caused a broad shift to part-time work.
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Spend the same amount of money as the pipeline by building a new Canadian/American joint venture refinery on the border near the oil and those temp jobs can become perminant. It would also reduce the spillage factor as there would be a very minimal distance of transportation required.

How do the refined products reach their destination from the northern refineries?

Surely you are not suggesting the refined oil would be consumed in the local area of the refinery.

The Keystone pipeline is planned to connect with existing pipelines in Nebraska from the North Dakota Bakken oil field.

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