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Thai government to present results of human trafficking issue to US


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Thai government to present results of human trafficking issue to US
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BANGKOK, Jan 8 -- The Thai government has approved setting up a committee to oversee policies on human trafficking and illegal trafficking in regard to fisheries, while appointing five subcommittees to handle specifics of the issue.

The Thai premier wants the results to be concluded by Monday, so it can be reported to the United States by the end of this month.

Prime Minister and National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) head Gen Prayuth Chan-o-cha presided at a meeting to resolve the problem of human trafficking and illegal labour Thailand's fisheries sector at Government House yesterday.

A government spokesman said the meeting agreed to set up five subcommittees to specifically deal with such issues, as the premier has voiced that he would like the outcome of the committee operations to be completed and handed to Human Trafficking Prevention and Mitigation Committee president Gen Prawit Wongsuwan by the close of business on Monday.

The results would then be revised and translated into English before being sent to the United States government at the end of the month.

Meanwhile, deputy government spokesman Maj Gen Sansern Kaewkamnerd said the reason that Thailand is sending the report on human trafficking problems to the US was not because the country is trying to the please one of the world's top three powers, but because it is committed to literally resolve the problem, as a detailed report would help to methodically show each step of how to solve the problem and provide clear operational results. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2015-01-08

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This is just about fisheries. Not even sure this even includes the small Burmese and Cambodian children that peel shrimp 12 hours a day. What about the textile and and fruit industries? We dont even want to start talking about the traffickers in the sex industry do we.

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Let me get this straight, you've set up 5 x committee's on a Wednesday, and you want them to have resolved the problem of human trafficking and illegal labour in Thailand's fisheries sector by the close of business on the following Monday?

So, that's 3 working days to deliberate and resolve the issues, and then 3 weeks to get it translated from Thai into English.

What < deleted > planet am I/they living on?

Lucky its not something as complicated as reforms or a new constitution that can take 4 years or more to discuss ....

Three days seems about right for something as trivial as human trafficking by this lot....... results in about 2020 with a must try harder conclusion no doubt whistling.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Let me get this straight, you've set up 5 x committee's on a Wednesday, and you want them to have resolved the problem of human trafficking and illegal labour in Thailand's fisheries sector by the close of business on the following Monday?

So, that's 3 working days to deliberate and resolve the issues, and then 3 weeks to get it translated from Thai into English.

What < deleted > planet am I/they living on?

Excellent! An don't forget this is a bunch of Thais on top of all those bureaucratic layers.

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The US and the world no longer wants Thais preaching and pontificating on human trafficking about "steps" on how to solve and "steps" for achieving operational results. The US and the world wants Thai action, arrests, money laundering investigation, banker busts, jail terms, asset confiscation, cease and desist orders, clear action plans, not Thai "how to steps." The world is tired of Thais pontificating how to and more steps. They want action and commitment. Thais need to walk the walk now, no more talking.

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Dear Mr. Obama...

Sawasdee krap from Thailand.

Due to the wildlife issues such as dog, tiger, elephant and pangolin trafficking via Thailand to China through Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, we found ourselves with no pets! They na laak maak. sad.png

But we miss them. So we will only traffic support humans like you and me. coffee1.gif They are slighly smellier, but it be unbelievable, they can speak and do work. Win win for both of us!! thumbsup.gif

Thank you and we also think you na laak maak but a bit pew dumm.giggle.gif

Sawasdee krap,


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“The results would then be revised [by the Human Trafficking Prevention and Mitigation Committee president General Prawit Wongsuwan]”

Why not just have Prawit's Committee do the report in one day the way it wants than having five subcommittee's do a report that will need revision?

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Why would the USA believe anything the military junta has to say about anti-human trafficking when it still has defamation lawsuits against Reuters News Agency and its Thai reporters for insinuating that the military has been supporting human trafficking? This is the same junta that assured the US that it was not going to overthrow the Yingluck government just a week before it did. Unfortunately for the Thai people, the USA may not feel very lenient towards this military cabal to give it any benefit of doubt.

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Let me get this straight, you've set up 5 x committee's on a Wednesday, and you want them to have resolved the problem of human trafficking and illegal labour in Thailand's fisheries sector by the close of business on the following Monday?

So, that's 3 working days to deliberate and resolve the issues, and then 3 weeks to get it translated from Thai into English.

What < deleted > planet am I/they living on?

Chalerm's son's mate completed checks of all rice stocks in all warehouses in a couple of days when Yinngy instructed. So this seems to be a comfortable time scale.

The trick is to have the results and report all ready before actually doing any checking. Saves so much time and effort. whistling.gif

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Thailand to tackle human trafficking seriously


BANGKOK: -- Thailand has taken human trafficking seriously with now five subcommittees being appointed to suppress human trafficking.

The country will soon file its progress on its dealing with the issue to the United States, according to government spokesman Capt Yongyut Maiyalap.

The appointment of more committees to tackle human trafficking was reached at a meeting chaired by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha of the committee on human trafficking policy and illegal fisheries yesterday.

The spokesman said currently Thailand has two committees directly responsible in tackling the human trafficking issue, namely the Policy Consultation Committee on Human Trafficking and the Prevention and Suppression of Human Trafficking Committee.

To increased effectiveness, five subcommittees were established, namely the Human Trafficking subcommittee, chaired by the Minister of Interior, the subcommittee on Women’s Issues, chaired by the Minister of Social Development and Human Security, the subcommittee on Child Labour, Forced Labour and Migrant Workers, chaired by the Minister of Labour, the Fisheries and IUU subcommittee, chaired by the Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, and the subcommittee on Legal Affairs and Public Relations, chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The spokesman said that each subcommittee will be holding their meetings on various subjects with the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense Gen Prawit Wongsuwan as a consultant.

The subcommittees were ordered to start working immediately and constantly report the progress without delay, to be presented in the meeting of the big committees.

Meanwhile, the committees have approved the plan to solve street begging issue through law enforcement, protection, and rescue operation as beggars might be involved with cases of human trafficking.

Regarding the United States Trafficking in Persons Report 2014 where Thailand has been downgraded to Tier 3, the spokesperson said that Thailand will send a progress report of this issue to the United States within 30 January 2015, clarifying Thailand’s current policies, law enforcement and prosecution, aid, protection, and cooperation with all related agencies to tackle this issue.

Meanwhile deputy government Spokesman Maj-Gen Sansern Kaewkamnerd said that the appointment of more committees reflected Thailand’s strong determination to the global community that the country is trying to improve the situation on human trafficking.

He said that the report will highlight the accomplishments, and will include a solution to issues that have not yet been accomplished, with hope that the report will help rebuild the trustworthiness of Thailand to the international community.

(Photo : Thai PBS File)

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/thailand-tackle-human-trafficking-seriously

-- Thai PBS 2015-01-09

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Well, since the US is their #2 trading partner behind only Japan, and since Japan doesn't like this crap either, they should do more that "form committees."

They should send out rescue ships from the navy and send the army through the processing plants looking for ID and work permits and repatriate any who aren't legal or who want to quit.

The Thais don't seem to understand that the people of the US won't buy something that they think is made with slave labor.

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Let me get this straight, you've set up 5 x committee's on a Wednesday, and you want them to have resolved the problem of human trafficking and illegal labour in Thailand's fisheries sector by the close of business on the following Monday?

So, that's 3 working days to deliberate and resolve the issues, and then 3 weeks to get it translated from Thai into English.

What < deleted > planet am I/they living on?

What did the previous governments manage to do about this problem in all the years they were in power?

Nothing, apart from pushing it around then sweeping it under the carpet.

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“The appointment of more committees”

“The spokesman said currently Thailand has two committees”

“The spokesman said that each subcommittee”

“…the meeting of the big committees.”

“…now five subcommittees…”

“…all related agencies…”


Spokesmen, Committees, Subcommittees and Agencies

The New Comedy Blockbuster! (Made in Thailand)

cheesy.gif cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Edited by iReason
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Let me get this straight, you've set up 5 x committee's on a Wednesday, and you want them to have resolved the problem of human trafficking and illegal labour in Thailand's fisheries sector by the close of business on the following Monday?

So, that's 3 working days to deliberate and resolve the issues, and then 3 weeks to get it translated from Thai into English.

What < deleted > planet am I/they living on?

What did the previous governments manage to do about this problem in all the years they were in power?

Nothing, apart from pushing it around then sweeping it under the carpet.

Indeed, Thaksin has had decades to make inroads into this, just like he did with the drugs trade. It's obviously not a priority (for any Government here, including the current self-named one) as there's too much money to be made from it all.

However, in case you missed my point, it's the fact that they've only dedicated 3 working days to get this entire problem resolved, yet 3 weeks to get the findings translated into English.

I'ts purely a "look, we're doing something Mr USA, please upgrade our rating cos we're really nice guys actually and we're serious about it now, honest! I know we've said it before, but we really mean it this time. Look how many committee's we've formed!"

They must think westerners are morons.

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5 Sub committees my god that is serious.

What is it the say about a committee : A group of people who can do nothing on their own who get together and after long and careful deliberation find that nothing can be done" or words to that effect.

whatever comes out of it I am sure 'when all is said and done there will be more said than done'.

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They still don't get it!

The US gave Thailand 3 extra years on TIP level2 (-) beyond the legislated limit because of promises and "committees", however there was no actual action. The only way that Thailand will get off level 3 on the TIP reports is when they can show they have actually done something. It is results that will get Thailand raised off the bottom of level 3 to an acceptable level.

These promises of action will be reviewed next month, February, with the report published later in the year. Wait for the howls of protest when they are kept on level 3. It will all be the fault of the report writers, they do not understand.

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OK, I'm an American from the "Ununited Socialists States of America" USSA... I understand Thailand wanting to be a good neighbor in the international community and sharing their results to prove they are taking this issue seriously...BUT who the F is the "US" and why does anyone feel they need to prove their countries progress/status to the US?

Sure, I guess the US has a way of meddling in other countries/peoples lives and making life a living hell, kinda like that bully in elementary school who you gave your lunch money too just to get rid of them BUT... F the US, I wouldn't report my toilet paper usage... let them sit and fester and see the results in the future.

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... "who the F is the "US" and why does anyone feel they need to prove their countries progress/status to the US? " Perhaps those countries that rely on US foreign aid and/or trade. IMHO, eliminating human trafficking is a responsibility of all nations, regardless of which borders are involved.

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OK, I'm an American from the "Ununited Socialists States of America" USSA... I understand Thailand wanting to be a good neighbor in the international community and sharing their results to prove they are taking this issue seriously...BUT who the F is the "US" and why does anyone feel they need to prove their countries progress/status to the US?

Sure, I guess the US has a way of meddling in other countries/peoples lives and making life a living hell, kinda like that bully in elementary school who you gave your lunch money too just to get rid of them BUT... F the US, I wouldn't report my toilet paper usage... let them sit and fester and see the results in the future.

The USA actually only cares if the Thais would like to sell them something and yes CP would like very much to sell shrimp to that USA.

I think that is just about fair enough. If thais don't want the USA money, they can sell to somewhere else that might like Thai shrimp to the same volume as the USA.

Like, nowhere....

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