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Vigil for Charlie Hebdo massacre victims in Bangkok


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More of this is needed

I also have a thought. People get confused between the difference hating of all Muslims and hating scum who use Islam as an excuse for their murder lust, Instead of labelling these murderers as Islamic radicals or whatever they should be re-labelled as "invading tribes" and take the word Islam or Muslim out of the equation. Deal with invading tribes according to the situation. it doesn't matter who the tribe is or what their excuse is, just deal with it appropriately. Nobody likes invading tribes and by taking any mention of religion out of the frame then there can't be confusion and whitewashing people with broad strokes!,

Well yeah, of course.

Yep-er. Let's really nail all those invading tribes.


Unless they're (like) from . . . . . (cough, cough)

have you been taking disco biscuits or something? I was going to say what b*llox you talk but you don't actually say anything, do you? (cough cough)

Give your disco biscuit references a rest there Alwyn

Everyone . . . . And I mean EVERYONE including your preciously obtuse self knows exactly what country I'm talking about.


Your background and your references are of such exquisite shallowness and your demeanour so pathetically obtuse I suspect you've never ever been into a truly factual exchange on this subject.

Livin' the dream ?

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Vigil For Charlie Hebdo Massacre Victims in BKK

Let's just hope and pray that this group was made up by only foreign, humanity defending group members.

I wonder why they weren't picked up and executed at the crime scene.

In the end they protesting within Thailand, where any human rights defending protests are broken up and the criminals "removed"!


Could one trust and respect a duplicitous, treacherous, phony folk which highly values oppressing measures, dismantles democratic values and calls another world hostile country its close ally?


Would you trust and respect Norht Korea? So why then any of its "close, many decades long friends?"

Edited by Harleys
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I am not even bothering to look at any stories from Paris - but I'll give it high marks for MO = FalseFlag.

Sure thing, mate.

Tin foil hats are the new black, innit?

I remember you taking me to task over the Sandy Hoax debacle. Turns out the school wasn't even licensed to be open, Robbie Parker [the laughing dad] gets videoed laughing and joking just hours after his daughter has supposedly been shot to death, and Adam Lanza turns out to really be Ryan Lanza who changed his name.

Perhaps its time to wake up and stop pushing the Psychopaths agenda...

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Funny thing JT, you come on here and want to be perceived as one of the good guys, and compared to the terrorist in Paris of course you are.

But the irony is, at the same time you are part of the problem.


Dude, in future please kindly desist from attempts to make this personal about me. There is a topic here. It is not me, so ...

attachicon.gifRejected stamp.jpg

Wrong-o. JIngthing

YOU rejecting posts all on your own is patently ridiculous.

Poster of the year fuss go to your head ??

You are so blissfully unaware or so willfully unaware of the facts surrounding these horrific incidents that you ARE part of the problem.

Isn't the Internet wonderful ;-?

We can still speak freely (more or less) unless it's about (cough, cough . . . spit)

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Isn't the Internet wonderful ;-?

We can still speak freely (more or less) unless it's about (cough, cough . . . spit)

About what? I can't read your mind. I know you think your posts are coherent, but I have news for you. They ain't!

(Ignoring your personal attack rant noise ... NOT interesting or worthy of any response.)

Edited by Jingthing
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Isn't the Internet wonderful ;-?

We can still speak freely (more or less) unless it's about (cough, cough . . . spit)

About what? I can't read your mind. I know you think your posts are coherent, but I have news for you. They ain't!

(Ignoring your personal attack rant noise ... NOT interesting or worthy of any response.)

Your full good guy mode is a real hoot

Your "worthy of response" jive is the best you can pull out of the ol' talking points bag y'all use.

I KNOW my posts are well received.


My comments are massively coherent to those who can read and think.

You on the other hand have massive following among the ignorant and the fearful to whom facts and evidence mean nothing.

But DO go on.

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I rarely watch world news but found myself looking up this Charlie thing that I'd never heard of before. It is everywhere and nothing to do with Thailand.

12 people being killed is nothing compared to say the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the WTC.

These cartoonist had some very inappropriate cartoons and maybe deserved some kinda repercussions although death is extreme. They should have and probably did know it was a possibility.

I have no sympathy for them.

If I did some things in this country I would suffer similar consequences so guess what, I don't do them and accept that I don't have free speech here.

The Thai journalists, if they really care for free speech should grow some ba^^s and say what they want.

Probably be another year or two before I tune in on world news - totally depressing.

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OK. You win. Ignore list time. (Life is too short.)

You're just another poster here, Jingthing.

Whyancha watch that UNEDITED vid of that cop who was supposed to have been "executed at close range" by an AK47 round and give us your opinion on it.

Here are mine:

The muzzle smoke was much too white to have been real round.

The wad hit the concrete footpath two feet from the cop.

You can see the hit.

Comments ?

The terrorist ID's left at the scene.

Comments ?

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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?

How can the French govt know which of its citizens are going to turn to scum?

Or are you just claiming all members of one faith are scum.

Nah, doubt any one could be that bigoted.

From the BBC today

"Dr Shuja Shafi, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, also condemned the attack - believed to be in response to cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

"Nothing is more immoral, offensive and insulting against our beloved Prophet than such a callous act of murder," he said.

A group of 15 UK imams released a statement saying "cold-blooded murder such as this is the antithesis of Islam and its tenets".

There was an equally outright condemnation from one of the leading centres of Sunni Islamic teaching in Egypt yesterday.

Yes these killers are scum.

However they are not representative of any faith.

Some are using these extremist attacks as a justification for bigotry, and racism. I see a lot of that going on in the US too. It is a tiny percentage of the Muslim population that is involved. But, the issue is that more and more Muslims need to speak out against the super freak, gang rapists, who commit these acts. Happy to see some of the Imans speaking up, and some govt. officials too. It is necessary to isolate the men without cajones, who murder and rape the innocents.

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I am not even bothering to look at any stories from Paris - but I'll give it high marks for MO = FalseFlag.

Sure thing, mate.

Tin foil hats are the new black, innit?

This tinfoil hat refuge, the "not worthy of comment" posture, the threat to unilaterally dismiss posters by his own campaign, this willful (all too willful) ignorance reeks of cough, cough, (hack) spit tactics we've seen before.

The usual suspects on these boards screaming bluddy murder behind the scenes, while claiming they don't understand or the comments are unworthy of comment.

Now that IS rich.

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I rarely watch world news but found myself looking up this Charlie thing that I'd never heard of before. It is everywhere and nothing to do with Thailand.

12 people being killed is nothing compared to say the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the WTC.

These cartoonist had some very inappropriate cartoons and maybe deserved some kinda repercussions although death is extreme. They should have and probably did know it was a possibility.

I have no sympathy for them.

If I did some things in this country I would suffer similar consequences so guess what, I don't do them and accept that I don't have free speech here.

The Thai journalists, if they really care for free speech should grow some ba^^s and say what they want.

Probably be another year or two before I tune in on world news - totally depressing.

Death is too extreme, maybe 20 lashes would have been enough?

They respected the French law, and they did not discriminate between religions. They were very provocative but also anti-racism and anti-stupidity - and they were funny (ok, most of the time)!

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I rarely watch world news but found myself looking up this Charlie thing that I'd never heard of before. It is everywhere and nothing to do with Thailand.

12 people being killed is nothing compared to say the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the WTC.

These cartoonist had some very inappropriate cartoons and maybe deserved some kinda repercussions although death is extreme. They should have and probably did know it was a possibility.

I have no sympathy for them.

If I did some things in this country I would suffer similar consequences so guess what, I don't do them and accept that I don't have free speech here.

The Thai journalists, if they really care for free speech should grow some ba^^s and say what they want.

Probably be another year or two before I tune in on world news - totally depressing.

Wow...9/11 on the other hand is nothing compared with the konzentration camps of the Nazis, so...what is your point?

They were FRENCH journalists in FRANCE, where free- speech and freedom of expression are highly regarded.

What the extreme F has that to do with you, doing something in some country?

They had it coming, huh?

Why did they offend the Prophet?

Rape victims also had it coming- all them mini skirts!

My respect for you -not really on a high regarding your comments on the farang- slapping monk and the Yoga- scandal- just has dropped to an all time low!

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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?

How can the French govt know which of its citizens are going to turn to scum?

Or are you just claiming all members of one faith are scum.

Nah, doubt any one could be that bigoted.

From the BBC today

"Dr Shuja Shafi, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, also condemned the attack - believed to be in response to cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

"Nothing is more immoral, offensive and insulting against our beloved Prophet than such a callous act of murder," he said.

A group of 15 UK imams released a statement saying "cold-blooded murder such as this is the antithesis of Islam and its tenets".

There was an equally outright condemnation from one of the leading centres of Sunni Islamic teaching in Egypt yesterday.

Yes these killers are scum.

However they are not representative of any faith.

Thank you for your sensible comment Bluespunk.

I knew personnally two of the cartoonists who were shot at Charlie and I can't begin to describe how shocked I am today.

One thing I can say about these very talented, funny and courageous guys is that they loved nothing more than tolerance and that's what they stood for, always. If some warmongerers want to call it 'political correctness' then I guess it means that political correctness (unlike intolerance) is not always ridiculous.

They made fun, sometimes aggressively, of bigots and extremists. ALL bigots and extremists, ONLY bigots and extremists. The issue that was so controversial and caused their headquarters to be torched never once made fun of the Prophet himself and/or Islam as a religion, it made fun of the demented bastards who hijack his legacy and kill in his name. There is a BIG difference.

Yes, all demented terrorists are scum.

But let it be said that people who suggest, as in the first two posts, that terrorists represent Islam are doing exactly what those terrorists want them to do, ie wage war against a quarter of humanity and thus think with everything but their brain. These people are also scum and they are no less dangerous than the terrorists themselves.

"No less dangerous than the terrorists themselves?" Really? So you see no difference between a terrorist sawing off your head, and some jackass wrongly accusing you of supporting terrorism merely because of your religious affiliation? One is as "dangerous" as the other? What an asinine remark.

And how utterly perverted. Of COURSE someone who actually does the murdering & bombing is worse than someone who merely speaks hate and holds out ideas you consider racist. You're spouting idle, idiotic, over-the-top rhetoric because you apparently can't make your point in any rational fashion. OK, so as far as you're concerned, there should be limits on free speech when it comes to Islam or ideas you consider racist or otherwise disagree with; is that it?

So. I'll tell you what. I'll support your curtailment of freedom of expression as long as *I*, and only I, get to be the one who decides what people can & can't say. Deal? (You don't actually think any sane person would hand over that right to someone who can't tell the difference between actual, violent, murderous terrorism and mere speech you consider unacceptable, do you?)

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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?

Stricter gun control laws might a possibility. I understand the police, at least in Paris, are not armed.

Unarmed French police retreat from Islamist attackers - hotair.com

Current firearm policy - France

"In France, the right to private gun ownership is not guaranteed by law" (not to mention law enforcement officials)

How about every non-Immigrant French Man or Woman issued a firearm to carry 24/7 for protection. Gun Control is a steady hand. Better to have one and not use it than need one and not have it.thumbsup.gif

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They made a BIG mistake. No religion would want their leader/messiah etc lampooned by means of a cartoon. Use your brain next time! "Free Speech" you also need to consider other things as well.

Would "want" no.

Would mass murder and global riot about it in today's world?

Only Muslims.

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They made a BIG mistake. No religion would want their leader/messiah etc lampooned by means of a cartoon. Use your brain next time! "Free Speech" you also need to consider other things as well.


Free speech is just that: free!

No matter if you are "offended" or not!

People who believe in talking snakes and the likes are open to ridicule, just like grown ups, still believing in Santa Claus!

And no ridicule, whatsoever, gives you the "right" to kill someone!

If you feel offended, you are invited to join the debate- but leave the gun at home!

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They made a BIG mistake. No religion would want their leader/messiah etc lampooned by means of a cartoon. Use your brain next time! "Free Speech" you also need to consider other things as well.

What's really concerning are the apparent numbers of seemingly educated people willing to surrender their free speech rights simply out of fear. 'Course they can't man-up to the fact that they've actually been scared and successfully intimidated, so they see others willing to stand up for their freedoms as "brainless". An immigrant to the U.S. I used to work with and have a whole lot of respect for once told me that "people don't appreciate their freedom until they don't have it".

Some people just can't see past the end of their nose.

Oh, and newsflash: others see their religions "lampooned by means of a cartoon" routinely!

Edited by hawker9000
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They made a BIG mistake. No religion would want their leader/messiah etc lampooned by means of a cartoon. Use your brain next time! "Free Speech" you also need to consider other things as well.

What's really concerning are the apparent numbers of seemingly educated people willing to surrender their free speech rights simply out of fear. 'Course they can't man-up to the fact that they've actually been scared and successfully intimidated, so they see others willing to stand up for their freedoms as "brainless". An immigrant to the U.S. I used to work with and have a whole lot of respect for once told me that "people don't appreciate their freedom until they don't have it".

Some people just can't see past the end of their nose.

Oh, and newsflash: others see their religions "lampooned by means of a cartoon" routinely!

Don't know the real quote but it goes something like this: I don't like what you say, but I'll defend to my death your right to say it!

Edited by PeCeDe
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