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Simple for me really Costas.

100% trust , both me to her and her to me. Been like that the 10 years weve been together.

Ditto for going on eight years. Never been better. I couldn't ask for better. I never knew it could be so good!


Are.nt most young women today a narcissist pain in the ass? The foreign women taught them well. But they tend to attract shit for guys anyway because no good guy will touch them with a ten foot pole. these women tend to be good for one thing. of course once they start to age they have some serious bad karma to pay off. Too stupid to understand that when they are young. more so if they have a big chest it all goes to their pea brain heads.

Her......never ever again........narcissist and so on.........

Trust is in the eye of the beholder......


Trust builds over time for me. When you marry someone neither partner really knows the other. We have been together for 42 years married 40. We work and play well together... 5 children, many grand and great grand children here and in the USA...

I'm thinking no sex, separate beds, just like living with mom, am I right?

Hey, if it works for you, some guys are OK with no sex.


Yea they end up with a royal shallow pain in the ass.

100%. She's a diamond. Told me today that her daughter is proud of me, and so is she. And this, coming from a farmer's daughter. I am humbled.

Have a farmers daughter myself.. ..anyone that longs for the the "hiso chinese" have shallow lowso ambitions....social climbing ego fed low self esteem parasites....they don't want a woman of substance - they want bragging rights.....and they end up with exactly what they deserve......

Trust builds over time for me. When you marry someone neither partner really knows the other. We have been together for 42 years married 40. We work and play well together... 5 children, many grand and great grand children here and in the USA...

I'm thinking no sex, separate beds, just like living with mom, am I right?

Hey, if it works for you, some guys are OK with no sex.

nonsense. you sound like a jealous child

  • Like 1

After finding she has been talking to guys on Thai Friendly.

The TRUST has gone DOWN A LOT.

And after 4 years of looking after her.

Makes you wonder how you can trust ANY of them.



This is a poor question and fairly illogical. It makes no difference whether you trust or untrust your partner. Anyone with reasonable iq would conclude that it matters not how u feel about it. It matters what is actually occurring. So u should trust&untrust at all times. Which end of the scale u are is determined by "evidence". Hope didn't confuse u lol


I tried trusting. That did not work.

Now I distrust and that does work.

Now not with a Thai and what a difference.

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You don,t drink. One reason you have a good woman. Sadly the majority not the minority can say the same. That is why once they enter Thailand its all down hill from there. Screwed up head screwed up life period. No good woman wants a drunk anywhere.

Trust my wife 100%,I was fleeced by my exwife (good old UK law) she got the lot, i kept my pension, my wife has her own car,her own house , works for a good company in Rayong, she trusts me 100% 2, she is 20yrs younger than me, we have a good life, we have fun, we both don't drink,smoke or gamble, we have good friends, infact we live a very normal life, and we don't give all our money to her family, did not pay her mum and dad so we could get married,or her brothers motorcycles or carsetc we have a very normal life so yes trust her 100%

A double post and badly written.



You don,t drink. One reason you have a good woman. Sadly the majority not the minority can say the same. That is why once they enter Thailand its all down hill from there. Screwed up head screwed up life period. No good woman wants a drunk anywhere.

Trust my wife 100%,I was fleeced by my exwife (good old UK law) she got the lot, i kept my pension, my wife has her own car,her own house , works for a good company in Rayong, she trusts me 100% 2, she is 20yrs younger than me, we have a good life, we have fun, we both don't drink,smoke or gamble, we have good friends, infact we live a very normal life, and we don't give all our money to her family, did not pay her mum and dad so we could get married,or her brothers motorcycles or carsetc we have a very normal life so yes trust her 100%

There are far more good marriages between Thai women and farang men than bad marriages. People on Thai Visa know about the bad ones because they are talked about far more. The good marriages don't get talked about,

1 because the people involved are happy with each other and don't need to tell an anonymous forum.

2 bad news is always reported and sells but good news doesn't.

There have been good news threads on TVF before but they were normally closed because of the whiners and moaners and those who think all Thai women are the same.

News flash. Thai women are NOT all the same. Neither are farang women all the same either.

  • Like 2

Trust builds over time for me. When you marry someone neither partner really knows the other. We have been together for 42 years married 40. We work and play well together... 5 children, many grand and great grand children here and in the USA...

I'm thinking no sex, separate beds, just like living with mom, am I right?

Hey, if it works for you, some guys are OK with no sex.

nonsense. you sound like a jealous child

I imagine he is, living in a country where he trusts no one and his proudest achievement is that his pension will cover his ability to bang a hooker whenever he pleases for the rest of his miserable existence. Don't even know why he comments he has an ex wife and a hooker girlfriend... where's the partner? Just another all western girls are all fat ugly money hungry sluts and Thai girls are just money hungry rooting machines. Plenty of his ilk in this country much better to look at the root causes of his thinking because I could nearly guarantee the girl wasn't to blame going by his attitude. Actually better off just ignoring them completely.

  • Like 2

You don,t drink. One reason you have a good woman. Sadly the majority not the minority can say the same. That is why once they enter Thailand its all down hill from there. Screwed up head screwed up life period. No good woman wants a drunk anywhere.

Trust my wife 100%,I was fleeced by my exwife (good old UK law) she got the lot, i kept my pension, my wife has her own car,her own house , works for a good company in Rayong, she trusts me 100% 2, she is 20yrs younger than me, we have a good life, we have fun, we both don't drink,smoke or gamble, we have good friends, infact we live a very normal life, and we don't give all our money to her family, did not pay her mum and dad so we could get married,or her brothers motorcycles or carsetc we have a very normal life so yes trust her 100%

There are far more good marriages between Thai women and farang men than bad marriages. People on Thai Visa know about the bad ones because they are talked about far more. The good marriages don't get talked about,

1 because the people involved are happy with each other and don't need to tell an anonymous forum.

2 bad news is always reported and sells but good news doesn't.

There have been good news threads on TVF before but they were normally closed because of the whiners and moaners and those who think all Thai women are the same.

News flash. Thai women are NOT all the same. Neither are farang women all the same either.

In a nutshell... spot on clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif


News flash. Thai women are NOT all the same. Neither are farang women all the same either.

If you have only known one or two women I suspect they in the naive posters mind they would all be the same. Hence the stereotyping and generalizing that goes on in these threads.

  • Like 1

After finding she has been talking to guys on Thai Friendly.

The TRUST has gone DOWN A LOT.

And after 4 years of looking after her.

Makes you wonder how you can trust ANY of them.


Because you are a bad judge of character, dont stick us all in that bad decision making process

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Trust my wife 100%,I was fleeced by my exwife (good old UK law) she got the lot, i kept my pension, my wife has her own car,her own house , works for a good company in Rayong, she trusts me 100% 2, she is 20yrs younger than me, we have a good life, we have fun, we both don't drink,smoke or gamble, we have good friends, infact we live a very normal life, and we don't give all our money to her family, did not pay her mum and dad so we could get married,or her brothers motorcycles or carsetc we have a very normal life so yes trust her 100%

Pete, mate, that ain't normal.

You have a pension.

The wife, 20 years younger has everything else.

Tell me again how that's "normal".

  • Like 1

Well at least you learn something. Don,t get involved with a bar girl , a massage girl or one that had a foreigner before. If your that dumb or hard up you deserve what you get.

I trust the girl that I am with and it's hard to be 100% , I try to be realistic because it could all come crashing down at any time for whatever reason which is why I just try to keep it casual in a sense. I'm happy with no worries and concerns because I'm not totally wrapped up in the relationship so much to where I lose my self identity if you know what I mean. If it she should cheat on me for whatever reason, it wouldn't be a drastic change for me to be on my own once again. I'm not married and I will keep it that way because there is nothing on the line, if she cheats , she leaves empty handed, if we were married than it would be a different story, it would be much harder to be casual when you stand to lose out. In a perfect world it would be nice to have total trust in a relationship but this is Thailand and changing partners is so easy and there is so much temptation around us. I've been in a relationship where I had very little trust and I didn't enjoy the relationship at all, I felt like I was on borrowed time with her. It was my first and last mistake at thinking I could convert a bar girl into a girl friend. Doomed right from the beginning.

Stick to the ladyboys...is that what you're saying Jim?


There are far more good marriages between Thai women and farang men than bad marriages. People on Thai Visa know about the bad ones because they are talked about far more. The good marriages don't get talked about,

Hang on a minute, you've moved the goalposts,

When did this thread become about bad Thai/foreigner marriages?

I thought the topic was about trusting your wife/gf/partner.

A completely different discussion.

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I do not trust anyone. This is especially true as an old man living in Thailand with little Thai language and limited budget.facepalm.gif

Old man can not run and can not fight in defense.facepalm.gif

Thailand policing emergencies, like street attacks or otherwise, is slow and minimal; meaning keep a very low profile.bah.gif

I can not even call for help (chewa dewa ???) nor explain my problem quickly (I carry a paper with words in Thai... hospital, police, call wife).

I can not afford to just throw money at a problem and need a low profile, too.blink.png

Being in a reduced circumstance like this, I would be foolish to trust anyone. Ok I know that someday I will have to trust a doctor.whistling.gif

I am ok with my Thai wife as she dispenses my daily medications, but you can never really know anyone.huh.png.pagespeed.ce.6VcCaNwNXg8vvwkLD1a

But have no problem posting close to 600 on TV.

Back under the bridge .


Trust my wife 100%,I was fleeced by my exwife (good old UK law) she got the lot, i kept my pension, my wife has her own car,her own house , works for a good company in Rayong, she trusts me 100% 2, she is 20yrs younger than me, we have a good life, we have fun, we both don't drink,smoke or gamble, we have good friends, infact we live a very normal life, and we don't give all our money to her family, did not pay her mum and dad so we could get married,or her brothers motorcycles or carsetc we have a very normal life so yes trust her 100%

Pete, mate, that ain't normal.

You have a pension.

The wife, 20 years younger has everything else.

Tell me again how that's "normal".

Yep, I agree, once you have a wife 20 years younger, you have gone way outside 'normal'.

Does Pete consider Hugh Hefner normal too?


I trust her not to go and have sex behind my back but trust her with not lie no , thai woman just lie full stop .

If she did go behind my back for sex well not much I can do about it just lever her and get a new one .

That is why I just put 10% of my money in to my thai and our home here and the rest is back home very safe were no one will get it , but my kids when I die .

Isn't love Grand??

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I don't trust them as far as i can throw them

I like them younger than me,,, so

will they cheat on me,,,, sure ,,,maybe

will they steal from me,,,sure,,, only what i allow

will they ever leave me,,,sure,,,i hope so

i'm not one for long term relationships so if

you want to go then leave,,,

what do i think about that,,, NEXT.

I love the chase, always have.

The chase is great.....until age catches up on you......and then the lady boys finally catch up to you.....but the chase is still fun...apparently.


Like I was saying never trust a girl in Thailand 100% Especially with finances. I have just heard too many horror stories about guys loosing everything. Never invest in property or business without getting good independent legal advice. Alway make sure you are worth more alive than dead and arrange things so that you can walk away at a moments notice.

Awwww...Summertime...you are just so cute!

I want to pinch your cheeks!!!!

Did Mommy tell you to write this?

Listen Sugar.... just stay away from girls for at least another ten years.

Ok Honey?

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I trust her not to go and have sex behind my back but trust her with not lie no , thai woman just lie full stop .

If she did go behind my back for sex well not much I can do about it just lever her and get a new one .

That is why I just put 10% of my money in to my thai and our home here and the rest is back home very safe were no one will get it , but my kids when I die .

Isn't love Grand??

George doesn't love, he just lives.

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