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Britain takes 'precautionary' measures at border after Paris magazine attack


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Britain takes "precautionary" measures at border after Paris magazine attack

LONDON, Jan. 9 (Xinhua) -- Britain has taken "precautionary" steps to increase security at the French-British border following the deadly attack on the Paris office of French magazine Charlie Hebdo, British Home Secretary Theresa May said Thursday.

Twelve people were murdered and 11 others injured when masked gunmen stormed the offices of the French satirical magazine in Paris on Wednesday.

Britain's international terrorism threat level remains at "severe," the second highest of all five possible threat levels, meaning that a terrorist attack is "highly likely" and the public should remain vigilant, May said in a statement.

"We have offered France every assistance necessary, including the full cooperation of our police and Security and Intelligence Agencies," she noted.

She added that the British officials were "in close contact with their French counterparts."

Full story: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/europe/europe/2015-01/09/c_133906559.htm

-- Xinhua 2015-01-09

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So. They are going to look for masked men with AK 47's at the border?

I'd say they would do better to look inside the country. Maybe start with Rotherham.

Yes, they should get this guy straight on the case.

A policeman with a sideline as a gangster involved in prostitution and drugs was brought to justice after driving a £170,000 Ferrari to work.

Osman Iqbal, who was an officer based in Birmingham, was jailed in September for seven years for running a brothel.

During their investigations, detectives also found Iqbal had attempted to access police intelligence systems.

Iqbal was asked by Nahiem Ajmal, a Birmingham religious leader, to obtain information on behalf of Sajad Khan, West Midlands Police said.


I'm sure he had his fingers in all the correct pies to weed out all the undesirables.

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So. They are going to look for masked men with AK 47's at the border?

I'd say they would do better to look inside the country. Maybe start with Rotherham.

Yes, they should get this guy straight on the case.

A policeman with a sideline as a gangster involved in prostitution and drugs was brought to justice after driving a £170,000 Ferrari to work.

Osman Iqbal, who was an officer based in Birmingham, was jailed in September for seven years for running a brothel.

During their investigations, detectives also found Iqbal had attempted to access police intelligence systems.

Iqbal was asked by Nahiem Ajmal, a Birmingham religious leader, to obtain information on behalf of Sajad Khan, West Midlands Police said.


I'm sure he had his fingers in all the correct pies to weed out all the undesirables.

West Midland's Police have run campaigns to recruit more ethnic minority police officers for years now. Here is a classic example of where it can go wrong.

A corrupt police officer - who happens to be a ethnic Asian and Moslem. Earning money from prostitution and illegally accessing police information.

But he's caught, prosecuted, convicted and receives lengthy prison sentences. Not transferred or placed in an inactive post.

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So. They are going to look for masked men with AK 47's at the border?

I'd say they would do better to look inside the country. Maybe start with Rotherham.

I was thinking as I read the thread title, of a pantomime. Where the actor on the stage is saying to the kids in the audience "Where is he?" and all the kids yell back "He's behind you."

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The UK has a border control system that is best described as a total mess.

On top of that the seedbed of so much terrorism can be traced back to radical members of the Finsbury Park Mosque.

The lefties in Blairs Labour government allowed radicals to use the mosque as a training ground.

The French terrorists had links to this place.

Under Abu Hamza's leadership, the north London mosque became a place where young zealots were taught combat, the use of knives, how to dismantle and reassemble firearms and surveillance techniques. Amongst the extremists who looked to Abu Hamza for leadership were Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called twentieth hijacker from the attacks of 9/11, and Mohammed Sidique Khan, the ringleader of the 7 July London bombings.

Happily Captain Hook is now in a US supermax prison with no chance of release.

There are several others free to practice their evil art in the UK funded by the taxpayer.

Nice to know public money supports these evil people while genuine old age pensioners starve and shiver.

Edited by Jay Sata
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