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Russia bans transgender people and other 'deviants' from driving


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Im not sure if its true but I was told that Russia has a real population problem and need

more people to keep the country intact.

The government knows this and is doing anything it can to discourage people from being

gay so people will make more babies.

A Russian Gay man told me and my Gf this.

Hello and thanks for a nice try, but... could you please join the rest of us in the XXIst century, dude ? Because if you do even a very basic research, you will find out that no one can 'discourage people from being gay' simply because being gay IS NOT A CHOICE.

Homophobic laws, habits and customs can throw gay people into hiding, which is what happened in most of human history, but they cannot and will never be able to change their NATURE. Most clergies of most faiths don't like that truth and spend a lot of energy denying it, but then they created the churches, they didn't create human beings unless I'm very ill-informed.

How many times does that need to be said, including to people like you who are obviously rather kind and tolerant, but still believe that being gay is a choice ?

Also, do you really have to heavily point out that this 'Russian Gay guy' told you and your gf ? OK, ok, you're not gay, fine. By making this extra point you do make it obvious, however, that homophobia is alive and well in a territory that goes way beyond Russia. If it wasn't doing well, a straight man defending gay rights wouldn't feel the urge to hastily talk about his gf so people won't think he's one 'of the family'.

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Sexual deviants in Russia?? Thought, from previous TV posts, that they were all on Phuket!


The term "Sexual deviant" seems to be an outdated, non-specific term, often used by those to express their lack of knowledge, tolerance and understanding of others who may not fit their idea of what people should look like.

Historically, words used by politicians and oppressors, such as "deviants, undesirables, untermensch, revisionists, counter-revolutionaries" etc., have been used as a springboard for horrific acts against humankind.

"Tis funny to laugh at others being taken away, until your own door is kicked in while you are sleeping, never to heard from again".

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Hello and thanks for a nice try, but... could you please join the rest of us in the XXIst century, dude ? Because if you do even a very basic research, you will find out that no one can 'discourage people from being gay' simply because being gay IS NOT A CHOICE.

Homophobic laws, habits and customs can throw gay people into hiding, which is what happened in most of human history, but they cannot and will never be able to change their NATURE. Most clergies of most faiths don't like that truth and spend a lot of energy denying it, but then they created the churches, they didn't create human beings unless I'm very ill-informed.

How many times does that need to be said, including to people like you who are obviously rather kind and tolerant, but still believe that being gay is a choice ?

Also, do you really have to heavily point out that this 'Russian Gay guy' told you and your gf ? OK, ok, you're not gay, fine. By making this extra point you do make it obvious, however, that homophobia is alive and well in a territory that goes way beyond Russia. If it wasn't doing well, a straight man defending gay rights wouldn't feel the urge to hastily talk about his gf so people won't think he's one 'of the family'.

What an unpleasant and condescending attack. 'Dude'.

You read so much into his post, it smacks of 'heterophobia'. 'Heavily' pointing and not one 'of the family'. Sheer invention. You toss out 'homophobia' and 'homophobic', an offensive and ugly smear, with only your imagination as evidence. Perhaps it is YOU who needs to keep up... try using 'sexual preference' instead. THEN you might achieve a more civilized dialogue... http://psychology.ucdavis.edu/faculty_sites/rainbow/html/prej_defn.html

The 'being gay is not a choice' viewpoint is too simplistic. It may be for some but there is a percentage of youngsters who are susceptible to 'grooming'. If this was not so, the term and practice would not exist.

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Whether sexual orientation is always a choice or always not a choice (it's obviously neither and much more NUANCED than that) is totally irrelevant in regards to the homophobic scapegoating of sexual minorities in Putin's Russia. Actual individual sex criminals, such as ones who prey on children, need to be prosecuted in any country regardless of the sex of the offenders or victims. Nothing to do with driving rights. A primary theme of Russian style homophobia is promoting the big lie of an equivalency between gay sexual orientation and pedophiles. Not only Russia of course but right now things are very bad for sexual minorities in Russia.

Edited by Jingthing
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this is only for documents if you have face as man in docs but you are looked as woman due to surgery you must change the pic on you doc too. not be i d i o ts, lads

also if you are less 150 cm you must have in your car special equipment to help to control the car .

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this is only for documents if you have face as man in docs but you are looked as woman due to surgery you must change the pic on you doc too. Do not be i d i o ts, lads

Maybe Putin shouldn't be such an idiot.

Dude, it is illegal in Russia to stand with a sign that just says: GAY IS OK.

How do you think Russian gay youth feel now?

If you're trying to make apologies for the legal oppression of sexual minorities in Russia under Putin, it simply doesn't fly.

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this is only for documents if you have face as man in docs but you are looked as woman due to surgery you must change the pic on you doc too. Do not be i d i o ts, lads

Maybe Putin shouldn't be such an idiot.

Dude, it is illegal in Russia to stand with a sign that just says: GAY IS OK.

How do you think Russian gay youth feel now?

Russian gays have clubs, 90 of our singers are gays, but sign GAY is OK better do not show. The society is not ready for it. The word "Gay" in russuan "Pidor" sounds like f**ing ba***rd in English. This is historically

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this is only for documents if you have face as man in docs but you are looked as woman due to surgery you must change the pic on you doc too. Do not be i d i o ts, lads

Maybe Putin shouldn't be such an idiot.

Dude, it is illegal in Russia to stand with a sign that just says: GAY IS OK.

How do you think Russian gay youth feel now?

Russian gays have clubs, 90 of our singers are gays, but sign GAY is OK better do not show. The society is not ready for it. The word "Gay" in russuan "Pidor" sounds like f**ing ba***rd in English. This is historically

Then Russia is very backwards. In fact, it had made progress with gay civil rights after the Soviets but under Putin is has REGRESSED. Sorry, if the truth hurts, but the world sees and the world will criticize. All countries are subject to that. For example I have no problem if other countries criticize backwards things about the USA ... such as the rates of incarceration, the gun mad culture, and the still messed up health care system.

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till about 1950 black and white couldn't study in one shool in the US, Time is changed everywhere. I think many gays work for Putin in his administration. And if you come to Moscow you will not see big difference with NY.

Please stop with the apologist propaganda.

We know what happened with the largest gay nightclub in Moscow.

We know what happens at gay film festival events.

We know how gays are hunted and stalked on internet and then beaten, humiliated, forcibly outed ruining their lives with families and jobs, and even murdered and that the perps are usually not arrested and actually feel encouraged by the anti-gay laws of the state.

In this era, you can't hide this stuff anymore.

Don't even try.

Maybe you're a patriotic Russian and you're offended by outside critics?

Too bad!

Je suis Charlie.

Dude, this is a BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS issue and based on your rhetoric, I reckon you're on the anti- human rights side of this issue.

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It is no problem. They can all come to Thailand where they will not be noticed

No they can't. Some sexual minorities are indeed seeking asylum outside of Russia because they see no hope of a decent future for themselves in Russia. That's easier said than done to achieve such asylum. Not all who want that are able to pull that off.

It's a good point though. This isn't only about Russia. Western countries should be doing more to help more of those sexual minorities in Russia who do need asylum to get it.

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till about 1950 black and white couldn't study in one shool in the US, Time is changed everywhere. I think many gays work for Putin in his administration. And if you come to Moscow you will not see big difference with NY.

Please stop with the apologist propaganda.

We know what happened with the largest gay nightclub in Moscow.

We know what happens at gay film festival events.

We know how gays are hunted and stalked on internet and then beaten, humiliated, forcibly outed ruining their lives with families and jobs, and even murdered and that the perps are usually not arrested and actually feel encouraged by the anti-gay laws of the state.

In this era, you can't hide this stuff anymore.

Don't even try.

Maybe you're a patriotic Russian and you're offended by outside critics?

Too bad!

Je suis Charlie.

There are maybe 100 gays clubs in Moscow, maybe 200 and they work everyday. If something happened in one what does in mean? I think that nothing. The reason of accident is unknown too. Anyway if you have been cought you would get penalty or even sentenced to jail even till 7 years no matter gay or not.

About Gay film festival I heard only of Ukrain that cinema in Kiev was fired..

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I don't think we have much more to say to each other.

Why so harsh Comrade JT? StasD clearly isn't homophobic. Shouldn't we talk to people exactly like him and help them to see the truth and than hopefully enlist them for the resistance to subvert the evils of the Putin system?

Edited by Morakot
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I don't think we have much more to say to each other.

Why so harsh Comrade JT? StasD clearly isn't homophobic. Shouldn't we talk to people exactly like him and help them to see the truth and than hopefully enlist them for the resistance to subvert the evils of the Putin system?

He clearly only wants to make excuses and apologies for the status quo there.

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I don't think we have much more to say to each other.

Why so harsh Comrade JT? StasD clearly isn't homophobic. Shouldn't we talk to people exactly like him and help them to see the truth and than hopefully enlist them for the resistance to subvert the evils of the Putin system?

He clearly only wants to make excuses and apologies for the status quo there.

Perhaps Comrade StasD could clarify his intention. I'd like to recommend for him the following reading, for Subbotnik, to begin with and love to hear from him in the future.

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Transgender people in Russia banned from driving, says legal amendment


Transgender people have been banned from driving in Russia, according to a new legal amendment published this week.

The regulations, which affect people deemed to have “sexual disorders”, also affect fetishists, voyeurs, exhibitionists and transvestites, and were immediately condemned by human rights activists as discriminatory.

The amendment to the law listing medical impediments to driving was signed by prime minister Dmitry Medvedev at the end of last year, but only published this week.


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