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The So-called Gentleman, Stupid And A Nazi?

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The whole Bear-Pit has been swamped with anti-semetic propoganda by the so-called gentleman. He never includes the web-addresses, but you might try some of these sites:


Goring. com



We have an Aryan nutter back on the forum Georgie. Methinks he won't last long. Oh, and it is Swastika, :o

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:o , I dont expect what I write to be popular, but I do think there are so many different slants on the "truth", they should be explored - thats all!

It does make me laugh though, that you guys actually think, that what Bush tells you is the truth, but you have no proof, other than his war mongering word!

The answers to my posts here are proof enough, that you guys are so conditioned (please read Why Americans Will believe Anything), that other than your own thoughts, no one elses could be right. That in itself is far from comfortable to my way of thinking.

You could look at it this way - we were told that Saddam had WMDs and was a threat to the world, so we all, said get him, kill him - then after the real facts are let known, we then try to come up with the next rational, for going to war, without even thinking about the real reason the lie was told in the first place - no Bush never believed it, nor did rice or powell, so dont feed me that crap.

You then write, I am racist, anti semetic, a nazi blah blah :D how wrong you are :D

I am not saying my posts are absolute fact, they are as factual as the posts you write - nothing can be called a fact unless you witness it - correct?

So to you blind faith supporters of Bush and the like, instead of slandering a person for putting up thought provoking material (no its not all crap :D, read it or keep living in your bubble - the governments love that we are fed television, work jobs that just keep the wolves from the door, go to football practice twice a week with the kids and dinner at McDonalds - why we are all tending to those basic needs, they are in the business of feathering thier own nest, with lies, deciet and power, to benefit only themselves and thier agenda - conspiracy theory or fact - think about it!

p.s. the stuff that I post is mainly from middle of the road American scholars and a few other countries - there is many sides to many stories - maybe you should check your own sources and then see who is a racist! :D

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We have an Aryan nutter back on the forum Georgie. Methinks he won't last long. :D

You are not anti-American. You are not anti-semetic. You just want us to "think".

That is why you are on here, everyday, all day, flooding the Bear-Pit with posts that are offensive to Americans and Jews.

We have a saying about Nazis where I come from; Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

In other words, get stuffed you lying Nazi creep! :o

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We have an Aryan nutter back on the forum Georgie. Methinks he won't last long. :D

You are not anti-American. You are not anti-semetic. You just want us to "think".

That is why you are on here, everyday, all day, flooding the Bear-Pit with posts that are offensive to Americans and Jews.

We have a saying about Nazis where I come from; Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

In other words, get stuffed you lying Nazi creep! :D

I am here everyday Georgie, for the same reasons as you!

without me, you have nothing to debate as its me against all of your followers - I love it, I find it funny and stupid, that you guys follow a man, like he is something, other than a man :o

I also find it sad, that you believe, the world is black and white and do not question anything that is said by your government at this time.

Prediction for today - more people senselessly killed in Iraq and Afghanistan - all in the name of "terrorsim", but nothing to do with terrorism! :D

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Most of my "followers" were on here debating your wacko mentor, Butterfly, long before I heard of this site.

The pro-Americans, Jeepz, Boon Mee, Membrane and the others, are far better writers than I am, and basically just put up with me because my "heart is in the right place".

In fact, some of them send me PMs every day with advice about watching my language, etc.

They deserve no criticism for my debating "style".

You, however, are just another lunatic looking for attention, another Butterfly. Don't flatter yourself by pretending to be a thinker because you look at all these racists tracts on the Internet, and pass them on for other looneys to see. Every nut that reads the Turner Diaries tries to tell himself the same thing.

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I'm still waiting to hear what you've got against Freemasons?

George Bush!

George Bush is not a Mason. He belongs to another fraternal organization not as old as the Masons... :o

Try again...

could it be skull and bones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All of those types of "covert, white collar, nest feathering" kids scouts clubs" are just that - a small version of main stream politics - to me they are all the same.

I wish you were here, so I could give you every hand shake, from every one of these orgs.

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I'm still waiting to hear what you've got against Freemasons?

George Bush!

George Bush is not a Mason. He belongs to another fraternal organization not as old as the Masons... :o

Try again...

could it be skull and bones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All of those types of "covert, white collar, nest feathering" kids scouts clubs" are just that - a small version of main stream politics - to me they are all the same.

I wish you were here, so I could give you every hand shake, from every one of these orgs.

A Kid Scout (as in Boy Scouts) handshake???

I'd have to see this one!

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