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Why Do Thais Have Nicknames?


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I may be in error, but I seem to remember reading that Thais traditionally did not bestow names upon the newborns for some 30 days. Related to earlier posts, I think it had something to do with not wanting the child's kwaan to be called away. The nicknames were bestowed at birth, often reflecting some physical characteristic such as the always common Deng (red), and the countless varieties of small (Lek, Nit, Noi, etc).

The belief in the kwaan was clearly one of the central tenents in pre-Bhuddhist beliefs amongst the Tais and one can still occassionaly see a riak kwaan ceremony being performed in the rural areas when a child has become ill and it is belived that his/her kwaan has temporarily departed leaving the person weak and ill. In our village area there is only one elderly man who is able to perform this ceremony and I doubt any of the younger generation will follow as the texts he uses are written in old Lanna script and many of the verses recited are recited in the K'mu language which was the native language of the eldest generation in the area.

I was going to put that in but not as well writen and without as much detail. I't essentialy what I've been told as well. Also it's bad luck to say nice things about a baby "oh is'nt he/she lovely" ect as it will possibly atract the attention of jealuos spirits.

I'd read the thing about the surnames but don't know wether I was supposed to or not

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Probably complety off topic so sorry for that, I underdstand that the more letters you have in your last name the greater chance you have of entereing university :o

Newer Chinese immigrants (i.e. since 1949 or so) were given longer surnames. The Chinese being the high academic achievers that they are, they tend to dominate university places.

It would be truer to say that the longer the surname, the more likely the holder is to be Chinese.

... or Greek

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