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lack of passion

Crazy chef 1

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Unfortunately this is endemic among the young of all nations today. Causes one to wonder what the future of our society will look like 10-20 years from now. Seems the young are handed too much by families and society today without having to earn any of it. This creates an entitlement mindset that is very destructive to society.

All I can say is that I do not envy you having to find employees in today's workplace. I think you are better off hiring older employees and forget about the lazy louts. Good luck!

Yes they get handed to much and my children in Canada keep reminding me that they would be hurt if I did not leave them something when I pass and they are not hurting for money. If I was in distress they would for sure send me nothing 0 zero zilch. I admire the counter culture here where the girls look after the parents (most boys contribute nothing like in my g/f's case. Her father had 4 girls first but would not quit until he produced a useless son who contributes nothing now that he has supposedly reached adulthood). Its a disgrace. I tip my hat to the Thai ladies they endure not matter what. The women here are by far the better sex.

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Unfortunately this is endemic among the young of all nations today. Causes one to wonder what the future of our society will look like 10-20 years from now. Seems the young are handed too much by families and society today without having to earn any of it. This creates an entitlement mindset that is very destructive to society.

All I can say is that I do not envy you having to find employees in today's workplace. I think you are better off hiring older employees and forget about the lazy louts. Good luck!

Yes they get handed to much and my children in Canada keep reminding me that they would be hurt if I did not leave them something when I pass and they are not hurting for money. If I was in distress they would for sure send me nothing 0 zero zilch. I admire the counter culture here where the girls look after the parents (most boys contribute nothing like in my g/f's case. Her father had 4 girls first but would not quit until he produced a useless son who contributes nothing now that he has supposedly reached adulthood). Its a disgrace. I tip my hat to the Thai ladies they endure not matter what. The women here are by far the better sex.

You seem to have a nice relation with your kids.. I sure dont envy you. I know that i would send my parents whatever money they need. However they are quite well off and the money in general flows my way so we don't have to pay the taxman if they pass away.

(hope they live for quite a long time still)

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very few have a passion for work , a lucky few do,

But really how much passion can you have for cleaning dirty dishes and mopping floors unless you see by working hard you can move up a few steps and make more $$$$.

That has to be the motivation , not just that they should be happy to just have a job !

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Unfortunately this is endemic among the young of all nations today. Causes one to wonder what the future of our society will look like 10-20 years from now. Seems the young are handed too much by families and society today without having to earn any of it. This creates an entitlement mindset that is very destructive to society.

All I can say is that I do not envy you having to find employees in today's workplace. I think you are better off hiring older employees and forget about the lazy louts. Good luck!

Damn whippersnappers! When I was young, I'd walk 10 miles to school each day in a raging blizzard ... and I was happy about it! Now these young people take their fancy buses, have their funny haircuts, and just play all day with their interwebs.

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The world is passing through troublous times. The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint. They talk as if they knew everything, and what passes for wisdom with us is foolishness with them. As for the girls, they are forward, immodest and unladylike in speech, behavior and dress."

(From a sermon preached by Peter the Hermit in A.D. 1274)
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Funny, when I started working in the '60's; management said the same things about the newbie's. I said the same things in the '80's and'90's about the newbies. I think it will finally soak in to some, and they will, if all is right on the world, be the ones to take over. Of course, looking at today's world, all is not right.

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Motivation, hard work, and even honesty is generally not rewarded in Thailand. In fact, a person is often punished or penalized for having those traits, especially if it shines a light on the unmotivated, lazy and dishonest staff and it's managers.

Welcome to Thailand

Uncle Bob

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Motivation, hard work, and even honesty is generally not rewarded in Thailand. In fact, a person is often punished or penalized for having those traits, especially if it shines a light on the unmotivated, lazy and dishonest staff and it's managers.

Welcome to Thailand

Uncle Bob

"When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion- When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing- when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors- when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you- when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice- you may know that your society is doomed."

What society do you think Ayn Rand was referring to in Atlas Shrugged?

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I saw heston blumenghtal talk about his staff. If there was ever a problem in his kitchen he now blames it on himself. Example, if the food is not cooked correctly he didnt teach them properly. If u r a manager then every problem is yours which is why its one of the hardest jobs going around.

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Motivation, hard work, and even honesty is generally not rewarded in Thailand. In fact, a person is often punished or penalized for having those traits, especially if it shines a light on the unmotivated, lazy and dishonest staff and it's managers.

Welcome to Thailand

Uncle Bob

"When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion- When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing- when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors- when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you- when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice- you may know that your society is doomed."

What society do you think Ayn Rand was referring to in Atlas Shrugged?

ayn rand??? lol

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I did. I was responding to the OP. Telling him that old farts from the time of Socrates to Ayn Rand have been saying the same thing and it is more a symptom of oldfartism than the younger generation actually being less passionate.

barely an old fart and not generalizing the younger generations in general....but in my profession passion is paramount...

Cooking? I'll settle for a recipe produced correctly and hot food, hot and cold food, cold and nothing poisonous served the paying customers.

Hookers need passion. Cooks need cleanliness, good recipes and management. It's cooking, not art. Cooking is following the numbers art is not painting by the numbers.

In all the years I've been in the business all I ever wanted was a cook to follow instructions. Nothing more nothing less. Following instructions is not passion as far as I'm concerned. It is hot tedious work with people yelling at you.

How many of your cooks make over 100,000 baht a week? I have never seen passion in this country for less and most countries for a lot more. Garbage men in NYC make about 100,000 baht a week. http://www.wnd.com/2011/01/253645/

My point though was not to berate cooks but to point out that the older generation has been saying the same thing about the younger generation since the ancient Greeks and man started keeping written records.

Edited by thailiketoo
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btw why has almost every topic lead into a personal rant between certain members here?

just use the pm button much easier to bicker at each other and the contributing members can exactly do what they want- contributing and exchanging different views...

I put him on ignore and will no longer respond to any of his posts. I suggest he do the same as I'm sure the bickering must get as tedious to everyone as it does to me.

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you are right about cooks they don't need passion...but heart.

but if they want to become CHEFS they need it...from a certain level cooking is a kind of art...

Maybe I'm wrong but I think you show a cook how to do something and want him to do it the same way. Over and over again. Practice makes perfect. You are the boss. You want replication before creativity. Yes?

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you are right about cooks they don't need passion...but heart.

but if they want to become CHEFS they need it...from a certain level cooking is a kind of art...

Maybe I'm wrong but I think you show a cook how to do something and want him to do it the same way. Over and over again. Practice makes perfect. You are the boss. You want replication before creativity. Yes?

you are 100 % correct, but there are two things you should consider:

first: you can't follow blind recipes because we are working with natural products.sometimes the taste is stronger sometimes less; sometimes the meat is naturally tender sometimes you have know how to make it tender;sometimes meat is already aged enough sometimes not but you need to spot it,sometimes potatoes have more sometimes less starch but you need to now how to equal it...and so on don't want to bore you

second: if you don't give a young cook the chance to develop own recipes or to be creative how he can grow?

i will always support ideas from my team.

sure they have to present them at first to me and no changes without my approval.but if somebody comes up with a great idea i take it on the menu and his/ her name get mentioned- this makes them proud and they will grow...

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you are right about cooks they don't need passion...but heart.

but if they want to become CHEFS they need it...from a certain level cooking is a kind of art...

Maybe I'm wrong but I think you show a cook how to do something and want him to do it the same way. Over and over again. Practice makes perfect. You are the boss. You want replication before creativity. Yes?

you are 100 % correct, but there are two things you should consider:

first: you can't follow blind recipes because we are working with natural products.sometimes the taste is stronger sometimes less; sometimes the meat is naturally tender sometimes you have know how to make it tender;sometimes meat is already aged enough sometimes not but you need to spot it,sometimes potatoes have more sometimes less starch but you need to now how to equal it...and so on don't want to bore you

second: if you don't give a young cook the chance to develop own recipes or to be creative how he can grow?

i will always support ideas from my team.

sure they have to present them at first to me and no changes without my approval.but if somebody comes up with a great idea i take it on the menu and his/ her name get mentioned- this makes them proud and they will grow...

I worked for Wolfgang Puck, Ruth Chris and Rich Melman. All the recipes were taken care of at the corporate level by big money guys with big cooking brains. Meat was all the same, steak after steak and the potatoes always the same starch content, potato after potato. The butchering and farm production methods determine specs within tight tolerances.

We had kitchen managers at the unit level but not really chefs in that they were not responsible for creating anything except profit and the elimination of waste. So I never saw any reason to want creative people only good workers. I guess our experiences are too different.

I'm a corporate guy that was responsible for millions of dollars and thousands of people to produce a certain experience.

Kids are kids and I found them to be the same 50 years ago as today. Mostly it was me that changed and made the place a success or failure. As I got better at motivating young employees they got better. As I got older I hired people to do the motivation. In any event it was not the employees that made the business go up or down it was me. If I hired good supervision the place worked well. If I hired that good looking bimbo with the giant assets for my afternoon breaks the business went to heck.

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Every old fart (see definition of old fart = ignorant nincompoop who dislikes young people) has been going on about the lack of passion in the current generation not just in Thailand but all over the world since the dawn of time.

lol! and now I've got him trying to apply incredibly narrow and ridiculous definitions to try and avoid the fact he has backed himself into a corner yet again!!


A great victory for you!

Everyone on TV knows your sole purpose here is not about having a discussion to root out facts, but simply for backing decent people into corners, then giving yourself numerous pats on the back.

You should be so proud.

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Every old fart (see definition of old fart = ignorant nincompoop who dislikes young people) has been going on about the lack of passion in the current generation not just in Thailand but all over the world since the dawn of time.

lol! and now I've got him trying to apply incredibly narrow and ridiculous definitions to try and avoid the fact he has backed himself into a corner yet again!!


A great victory for you!

Everyone on TV knows your sole purpose here is not about having a discussion to root out facts, but simply for backing decent people into corners, then giving yourself numerous pats on the back.

You should be so proud.

they paint themselves into corners with their ridiculous claims that they cant back up when questioned about them. and since when did you, of all people, speak for everyone on TV?

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Every old fart (see definition of old fart = ignorant nincompoop who dislikes young people) has been going on about the lack of passion in the current generation not just in Thailand but all over the world since the dawn of time.

lol! and now I've got him trying to apply incredibly narrow and ridiculous definitions to try and avoid the fact he has backed himself into a corner yet again!!


A great victory for you!

Everyone on TV knows your sole purpose here is not about having a discussion to root out facts, but simply for backing decent people into corners, then giving yourself numerous pats on the back.

You should be so proud.

they paint themselves into corners with their ridiculous claims that they cant back up when questioned about them. and since when did you, of all people, speak for everyone on TV?


See post #13. Then compare to post #15.

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you are right about cooks they don't need passion...but heart.

but if they want to become CHEFS they need it...from a certain level cooking is a kind of art...

Maybe I'm wrong but I think you show a cook how to do something and want him to do it the same way. Over and over again. Practice makes perfect. You are the boss. You want replication before creativity. Yes?

you are 100 % correct, but there are two things you should consider:

first: you can't follow blind recipes because we are working with natural products.sometimes the taste is stronger sometimes less; sometimes the meat is naturally tender sometimes you have know how to make it tender;sometimes meat is already aged enough sometimes not but you need to spot it,sometimes potatoes have more sometimes less starch but you need to now how to equal it...and so on don't want to bore you

second: if you don't give a young cook the chance to develop own recipes or to be creative how he can grow?

i will always support ideas from my team.

sure they have to present them at first to me and no changes without my approval.but if somebody comes up with a great idea i take it on the menu and his/ her name get mentioned- this makes them proud and they will grow...

I worked for Wolfgang Puck, Ruth Chris and Rich Melman. All the recipes were taken care of at the corporate level by big money guys with big cooking brains. Meat was all the same, steak after steak and the potatoes always the same starch content, potato after potato. The butchering and farm production methods determine specs within tight tolerances.

We had kitchen managers at the unit level but not really chefs in that they were not responsible for creating anything except profit and the elimination of waste. So I never saw any reason to want creative people only good workers. I guess our experiences are too different.

I'm a corporate guy that was responsible for millions of dollars and thousands of people to produce a certain experience.

Kids are kids and I found them to be the same 50 years ago as today. Mostly it was me that changed and made the place a success or failure. As I got better at motivating young employees they got better. As I got older I hired people to do the motivation. In any event it was not the employees that made the business go up or down it was me. If I hired good supervision the place worked well. If I hired that good looking bimbo with the giant assets for my afternoon breaks the business went to heck.

different kind of business and few of the job. i would call this more catering instead of cooking.also we are here in Thailand where no product has the same quality all the time(except the imported ones).but don't get me wrong nothing wrong with it and a great job what the guys are doing there.in this kind of business surely you don't want creative minds because it will spoil your product.same as in Airline catering or hospital food.but in the hotel or restaurant scene you need the creative minds otherwise there will be no progress.


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last weekend, went to homepro

my god, more employees that customers

a store like that in my home country, maybe would have a staff of 5

here it was 5 per isle

they seemed to enjoy each other, talking, texting

oh, on the cashier side, only 3 people, long lines and nobody got into their brain to go help where help was needed most

thainess, right ...

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last weekend, went to homepro

my god, more employees that customers

a store like that in my home country, maybe would have a staff of 5

here it was 5 per isle

they seemed to enjoy each other, talking, texting

oh, on the cashier side, only 3 people, long lines and nobody got into their brain to go help where help was needed most

thainess, right ...

No, the employees work for the brands not Home Pro. They are supposed to stay close to the merchandise they are paid to sell. Same thing with cosmetic girls in department stores. How many times has someone told you this on Thai Visa? I can't be the first one can I?

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