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my new neighbors started a cock fighting ring in their garden.


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The police! There are new anti-cruelty laws. You might contact the Soi Dog Foundation for proper direction.

These laws were recently used against a man who attacked a cat...he paid a fine and had to apologize :)

Good luck!

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We recently managed to get shot of the **nkers next door, it took a year!

A couple of months back, when my wife mentioned complaining to Tesaban, the landlady, woke up pretty quickly. A month later, their were gone.

One poster said to tip off the law, I would definitely think about going to the Tesaban office as well as the law!

Just be careful how pi*sed off you show them you are. You don't wanna be the prime suspect for grassing, might get ugly!

Good luck my friend.

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If you are renting, complain to your landlord. Otherwise, you could see wether other neighbours are affected and try with them to solve the problem.

That's the only sensible possibility - group action with Thais fronting for you.

But keep in mind that most Thais have a high tolerance for noise, and it may not bother them as much as it does you.

Good luck.

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Someone who raises fighting cocks shows (unless he is forced to do it) that he has no empathy for animals, and that he is a cold-hearted person who will do almost anything for cash. I know a guy personally who raises fighting cocks and as nice and smiling he appears if he knows he has to, as short-fused he is when under pressure... Rest assured that those people will do whatever necessary to get "troublemakers" like you out of the way. They also will know where the complaint was coming from as the RTP (with very few exceptions) is nothing but a rotten pile of corrupt bastards who as well do whatever is needed to make some extra cash. They will snitch on you and your wife. My advise to you is to move away if you simply have rented the place. If you own it... poor you sad.png might try to sell, but chances are bleak I guess...

Edited by catweazle
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See if others are in the same situation as you are or not, if they are im sure they will come forward,and if you are renting that place i guess you can look for a better option. but if you are the owner, than i must say you are in hard luck for now.

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Take some photos of the action, especially if there are coyote dancers, then post them for us to see.....A lawyers letter to their landlord might be a decent idea. These kinds of folks are almost always renters.....might be related to the owners, though, and might also be related to some BiB.

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In BKK I suffered years with the next house rooster (only one in a coop) that was voicing like every 20 seconds all day all night except (for some unknown reason) from 8 to 9 PM. I tried to throw cooked rice laced with rat poison over the fence into the coop but that didn't work.

A fancy condo was eventually built on the other side of the street and once completed the moneyed tenants must have been annoyed too and had probably some influence because the coop was gone in a short time thereafter.

In Pattaya I have the same situation. Here it's 3 roosters and assorted chickens that the neighbor is raising in his yard. I did think of poisoned seeds that I could throw at the beasts. I also thought of aiming a very noisy boom box at the rear of that neighbor's house but that would have annoyed other people in the vicinity. Now I just use a Songkran water gun from my rear balcony to shoo them away as far as can be (it's a big garden). I finally have learned to live (and sleep) with the noise by using earplugs.

Live-in TGF has repeatedly told me that she is not bothered because it was like that at home in Isaan.

OK. That's me. In your case I'd consider moving out. Me, I couldn't because my two rented studios are otherwise super nice and convenient for me.

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If there is gambling involved, it is illegal. Get someone to tip the old bill off, they like the publicity of an easy bust.

I certainly would not take the above advice. Word gets around fast in Thai communities and if there is gambling and money involved you could be leaving yourself and wife vulnerable to those who will bear a grudge.

Where we live there is probably hundreds of feral chickens roaming around the area, we hear them non stop 24/7 including the dogs and cats. Our dogs bark, our neighbors dogs bark, there are the occasional domestic disputes sometimes in the late hours. But this has to be an acceptable part of living within Thai communities and over the years I have become hardly aware of these sounds, none of it bothers me.

As for the cock fights, best to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to it, especially if these events only happen on occasions and are not frequent. Otherwise it`s as one poster has already advised, if you can`t tolerate it than move on somewhere else into an environment more suited to your lifestyle if you prefer absolute peace and quite. Welcome to Thailand and a whole new way of life, for better or for worse.

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