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my new neighbors started a cock fighting ring in their garden.


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You need to find an intermediary who will speak with them and negotiate how much money you need to pay them to have them move the birds. The price will be high because they know the value and they moved in to collect it. They are waiting and you should act fast before your guest house reputation for no sleep gets further established.

No way are they going to be bought out and move the birds elsewhere; better you move and save yourself untold years of heartache and misery

Yeh right, pack up and move a GUESTHOUSE.

And how do you happen to know they will not be bought out?

Well im a curious cat---am i allowed to ask the name of your GH in the city--now with rowdy roosters?

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The nice way? Have a friend hang out in the neighborhood claiming to be a relative of the people that moved out and explain that the reason they moved is because the house is haunted, that the entire family unexplainably became allergic to cats and one of them almost died and probably would have, had they not moved to safety. A week later, hire somebody to make an alms stop as a monk and have him ask about the ghosts and offer to exorcise the bad spirits from the house. Then pay a veterinarian across town to give you dead cats because your son is a taxidermist and has customers wanting stuffed cats. Have somebody (never you) toss a cat carcass near the gamecocks now and then. Go to the animal shelter and adopt live cats and turn them loose around the roosters.

The not so nice way? Tap into their phone line and make disturbing calls to somebody that warrants a jail term and talk at least 90 seconds each time, or use the same technique, when you are sure the neighbors are away and after you have lifted the baskets to turn the cocks loose, to call animal control to come pick them up.

Have you not taken up falconry? It is a popular and legitimate sport in Thailand.

You could lace apple pieces with cyanide since apple seeds contain it in small quantities, or you could break up and scatter raw beans because they're toxic to birds.

But, seriously, why all the bother? Get some ear plugs and set up your DVD to broadcast at 5 a.m. full volume with the sound of a hawk's screech. That'll have the chickens hunkering down in silence.

Brilliant!....Im deeply intrigued by your post and would like to subscribe to your Newsletter!!!! thumbsup.gif

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The police! There are new anti-cruelty laws. You might contact the Soi Dog Foundation for proper direction.

These laws were recently used against a man who attacked a cat...he paid a fine and had to apologize smile.png

Good luck!

How much was the fine?

And did THE CAT accept the apology?!


19-year-old Sitthichai (last name was withheld) paid THB1,000 fine!

The cat did not accept the apology, it said...mai-ow!

Thought you were going to say Somchai!....Haha...mai-ow...good one---gave me a chuckle! clap2.gif

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If it's really that bad, grow some balls and just talk to them about the situation, in a civil manner. If you can't resolve it, talk to the Teseban, politely.

Don't listen to the spineless scaremongerers on here.

I recently had new neighbours move in across the road, with 20+ yappy little dogs. Damn straight I spoke to them about the noise. Turns out they are moving out at the end of the month.

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The only practical solution is move ...

You know that if you speak to the landlord or the BIB and the neighbors find out it could get seriously unpleasant for you.

If possible, just move.

There are plenty of options, including the one you suggested that does sometimes work. Were you always so defeatist or did you become that way here?

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If it's really that bad, grow some balls and just talk to them about the situation, in a civil manner. If you can't resolve it, talk to the Teseban, politely.

Don't listen to the spineless scaremongerers on here.

I recently had new neighbours move in across the road, with 20+ yappy little dogs. Damn straight I spoke to them about the noise. Turns out they are moving out at the end of the month.

Too many Farangs act too meek, as if somehow they have no right to complain. Possibly the 'we are guests here' attitude is part of it, possibly they feel intimidated. I act like I would back home and at the same time I expect the respect that any Thai of a similar age or position as me would expect. I think too many Farangs here kowtow too much and give out the wrong signals.

I have had numerous problems over the years and dealt with them firmly but politely. When a young girl started fitting out a place near my house as a bar I told that she couldn't open a bar in a small soi and that if she did I'd check with the authorities if she had licences, and pointed out that this was a quiet soi with some old people living there and that most of the neighbours were army retirees. She didn't open.

The sois near me have loudspeakers making announcements about local events, particularly at the temple. It is a daily thing. Occasionally I have to go to the office because it is too loud and I politely let the know and I usually get a result.

One thing you do find is that over the years you do get used to certain noises and for me one of them is the cocks crowing. Unfortunately, that doesn't work for a guesthouse as guests aren't going to get used to it. Try to speak with the neighbours first, but make sure you get the attitude right. Be courteous, and polite, but at the same time don't act as if you are inferior to them or that you have no rights.

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Can you build a really big wall? (AND sound proof the windows)

It helps to ask around in the neighborhood; Thais (in the city) are NOT immune to noise. It depends a little on the demographics in your area if there is mileage in this. You see Thais protesting bar noise too, after all. (Not to much effect of course..)

Cock fighting in Thailand isn't typically overly violent. None of the blades and suchlike you sometimes read about. They just let them go at each other until there is a clear winner. They are noisy as @#&K though. Even if they follow the law 100% and keep only 3 of the beasts that will STILL be noisy.

Gambling is illegal of course, but it's not the gambling that causes you trouble. And the police is of course involved, as they are with just about any other mildly illegal activity. This doesn't make it completely impossible to effect change, but does make it very expensive and time consuming.. Likely more than you want to spend.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Can you build a really big wall? (AND sound proof the windows)

It helps to ask around in the neighborhood; Thais (in the city) are NOT immune to noise. It depends a little on the demographics in your area if there is mileage in this. You see Thais protesting bar noise too, after all. (Not to much effect of course..)

Cock fighting in Thailand isn't typically overly violent. None of the blades and suchlike you sometimes read about. They just let them go at each other until there is a clear winner. They are noisy as @#&K though. Even if they follow the law 100% and keep only 3 of the beasts that will STILL be noisy.

Gambling is illegal of course, but it's not the gambling that causes you trouble. And the police is of course involved, as they are with just about any other mildly illegal activity. This doesn't make it completely impossible to effect change, but does make it very expensive and time consuming.. Likely more than you want to spend.

Go back and look at my picture posted earlier. I missed a snapshot of money taken hands. Its on national tv

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I've been in similar situations too many times. Move. There are no other solutions that don't involve people getting hurt or property damaged.

Everyone here makes the assumption that moving is easy. If you're a single guy renting, fine, but what if you're married, own the house, have lived there for years, have kids going to school nearby etc?

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Buy some kind of radio controlled helicopter and drop from that in night poisoned seeds around of their garden.

Brilliant, how long did you spend dreaming that one up? Supposedly no one would see or hear a radio controlled helicopter or know who owns it! My guess is that you've been reading too many comics.

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You should assume there are shady characters involved in such illegal operations and that this is not really just another "noisy neighbor" problem.

Find out what your other neighbors think of the noise. If they are also similarly upset, then it's better to be patient, and keep you fingers crossed that they would do something to get rid of this nuisance sooner or later. Conversely, if they are hoping that you will do the dirty job instead, then don't fall for it rolleyes.gif

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Looking at Tripadvisor reviews, the rooster noise issue isn't really too uncommon a complaint around downtown Chiang Mai.

(Roosters are mentioned in reviews for many places. Complaints are mostly not too strong though; with some moderate sound proofing it would seem a lot of tourists are willing to put up with some local sights and sounds though, especially in the guesthouse segment.)

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Perhaps remarket your guest house slightly.

- Experience the genuine Thai country life, smack in the middle of the city with all its accomodities.

- Be awoken at 5am by roosters.

- See real (not staged!) cock fights right outside your bedroom window*.

- Participate in gambling and betting on cock fights with real Thai people, including real Thai policemen*.

*We cannot guarantee that cock fights will be held on every night.

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Perhaps remarket your guest house slightly.

- Experience the genuine Thai country life, smack in the middle of the city with all its accomodities.

- Be awoken at 5am by roosters.

- See real (not staged!) cock fights right outside your bedroom window*.

- Participate in gambling and betting on cock fights with real Thai people, including real Thai policemen*.

*We cannot guarantee that cock fights will be held on every night.


For a small fee, we can help you to place bets for any cock that you fancy.whistling.gif

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There was a good post here which was saying that possible someones wants your property for cheap a higghly possible option. Now here is some you may try boil a few pounds of chilli and spray the land with it where the roosters are but of course do it in a way that no body sees you when you spray it, believe me they will move faster out then you may be able to look. Of course not the fine art to do so but it will help you.

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Seriously...get a new hobby...Tit for Tat....Take up the Bagpipes!.....anything goes on your own land.

eg.. to my right; is noise pollution from 8am-4pm from a family owned cottage industry....nice people,never heard of a 'good-neighbor' policy.

to my left; is a gifted karaoke system to a young man who suffered a brain injury due to drunken motor bike accident...also now hard of hearing and tone deaf .

Behind; a young farang/Thai couple just moved in,new baby,stereo system and addiction to 'ganster-rap' music....baby not impressed.

In front; 40yr old boy/man with 3 roosters,champion cock-fighters that due their thing around the clock......

saving grace, drop-dead quiet by 9pm(except cocks) .......but, soon to be moving to a mountain-top. biggrin.png


Edited by FrankOff
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Seriously...get a new hobby...Tit for Tat....Take up the Bagpipes!.....anything goes on your own land.

eg.. to my right; is noise pollution from 8am-4pm from a family owned cottage industry....nice people,never heard of a 'good-neighbor' policy.

to my left; is a gifted karaoke system to a young man who suffered a brain injury due to drunken motor bike accident...also now hard of hearing and tone deaf .

Behind; a young farang/Thai couple just moved in,new baby,stereo system and addiction to 'ganster-rap' music....baby not impressed.

In front; 40yr old boy/man with 3 roosters,champion cock-fighters that due their thing around the clock......

saving grace, drop-dead quiet by 9pm(except cocks) .......but, soon to be moving to a mountain-top. biggrin.png

The cocks or you?:blink::blink::blink:

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Invite the local Police Chief and staff over for a BBQ dinner for doing a great job and you felt they needed rewarded. Take lots of pictures of them with the evidence in the background.....then just let things just go where they go. Got the idea?

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As good a reason as any to reserve Thailand as a holiday destination, when you can stay in four-star hotels tens of floors over the rabble. whistling.gif

If it's not fighting cocks then it's packs of rabid dogs, karaokes (Thai or farang!), whistling policemen, drag-racers, idiots revving their engines or temples and schools with deafening PA systems. rolleyes.gif

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Bag pipes!....funny...... I like the ultrasonic bird repeller idea.... more covert. The tactical effect may cause the birds to "perform" strangely if at all during the fights and thus the location itself maybe interpreted as containing some form of 'voodoo' or "bad-spirit" ..they will be scratching their heads trying many remedies like shooting elastic- bands at the moon et... after failure they will be forced to move to another venue.

technology can be a wonderful thing thumbsup.gif

Edited by HaleySabai
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Seriously...get a new hobby...Tit for Tat....Take up the Bagpipes!.....anything goes on your own land.

eg.. to my right; is noise pollution from 8am-4pm from a family owned cottage industry....nice people,never heard of a 'good-neighbor' policy.

to my left; is a gifted karaoke system to a young man who suffered a brain injury due to drunken motor bike accident...also now hard of hearing and tone deaf .

Behind; a young farang/Thai couple just moved in,new baby,stereo system and addiction to 'ganster-rap' music....baby not impressed.

In front; 40yr old boy/man with 3 roosters,champion cock-fighters that due their thing around the clock......

saving grace, drop-dead quiet by 9pm(except cocks) .......but, soon to be moving to a mountain-top. biggrin.png

The cocks or you?blink.png:blink:blink.png

Learn to read,homy wink.png

Learn to spell d..k head.

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Bag pipes!....funny...... I like the ultrasonic bird repeller idea.... more covert. The tactical effect may cause the birds to "perform" strangely if at all during the fights and thus the location itself maybe interpreted as containing some form of 'voodoo' or "bad-spirit" ..they will be scratching their heads trying many remedies like shooting elastic- bands at the moon et... after failure they will be forced to move to another venue.

technology can be a wonderful thing thumbsup.gif

Not a bad idea. Bt1400 on Amazon.


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