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This sub forum has gotten more civil....?


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Too cold in Northern Thailand! I wasn't cold this morning, what on earth are you talking about? All I had on was a singlet, a T-shirt, a nylon Honda jacket, a poncho, knitted gloves and a beany. And I was quite comfortable until about 10.00am when I had to go shopping in Sak Lek.

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After posters sitting in their beautiful but fragile ivory towers accusing people as fan boys got quiet, problems are over.

We had some soul and character problems. It looks like it is over as well.

Grammar nazis got over their habit.

Jealous attackers have gone guiet too.

People start to respect others's ideas a bit more.

And of course many forums around but nothing is as local and real as this one. Easy to meet with new people as well unlike a forum in usa and have many friends here so I like this forum.

Edited by ll2
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Mainly evolving around my dislike of small bikes.

All those small bikes blowing by you is the reason right?


Just dipping my toe in the water seeing if I get a nibble. But I don't ever remember you and I going back and forth about smaller displacement bikes. Perhaps other things, but I don't hold grudges and the disagreements must have not lasted enough posts (or been uncivil enough) for them to brand you in my mind as someone I'd get into a scrap with every chance I got. Same with wantan...I remember people calling him a troll but I wouldn't denigrate him as such...so whatever. And of course there's ll2 who is mostly ok but he does occasionally get a pencil up his arse sideways that he needs dug out now and again.

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After posters sitting in their beautiful but fragile ivory towers accusing people as fan boys got quiet, problems are over.

We had some soul and character problems. It looks like it is over as well.

Grammar nazis got over their habit.

Jealous attackers have gone guiet too.

People start to respect others's ideas a bit more.

And of course many forums around but nothing is as local and real as this one. Easy to meet with new people as well unlike a forum in usa and have many friends here so I like this forum.

'nazis' should be capitalized as 'Nazis' in-as-much-as it is a proper noun.

Incorrect. As it is an acronym, the proper way to write it is as such: NAZI.

However it can be argued that the word as actually became an anacronym and as such can simply be written as such: nazi.

But that's just being pedantic. I do like the denigration that comes from having your belief system demoted to lower case however.....

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I d say start this thread about the 250/300 cc relevance. May be, i hope thrre will be videos with those riding bigger bikes through bangkok traffic and proving is as easy as the 250/300 s. There are such but usually with flowing traffic or wide lanes. Second as you said you miss some posters , I can add that I would be glad if at least some of them are back since they were good posters. i remember KSR s last thread where he complained about someoen hanging his laundry on his cbr. All the <deleted> that joined to troll led to his disapreance.

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After posters sitting in their beautiful but fragile ivory towers accusing people as fan boys got quiet, problems are over.

We had some soul and character problems. It looks like it is over as well.

Grammar nazis got over their habit.

Jealous attackers have gone guiet too.

People start to respect others's ideas a bit more.

And of course many forums around but nothing is as local and real as this one. Easy to meet with new people as well unlike a forum in usa and have many friends here so I like this forum.

'nazis' should be capitalized as 'Nazis' in-as-much-as it is a proper noun.

Incorrect. As it is an acronym, the proper way to write it is as such: NAZI.

However it can be argued that the word as actually became an anacronym and as such can simply be written as such: nazi.

But that's just being pedantic. I do like the denigration that comes from having your belief system demoted to lower case however.....

Interesting theory: but an acronym for 'Nationalsozialismus' would be Nazi, rather than NAZI, right?

Unable to find reference to NAZI or nazi as an accepted usage.


papa like lower case okay 75%.

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Interesting theory: but an acronym for 'Nationalsozialismus' would be Nazi, rather than NAZI, right?

Unable to find reference to NAZI or nazi as an accepted usage.


papa like lower case okay 75%.

Not necessarily. I can think of SONAR (SOund NAvigation and Ranging), RADAR (RAdio Detection And Ranging) at least that are acronyms that use 2 consecutive letters to form the new word. Note that to qualify for status as an acronym, rather than an abbreviation or initalism, the word has to be pronounceable. NAZI (or nazi) is definitely pronounceable. Think of other acronyms (NATO, et al) and notice they are all capitalised unless they are anacronyms...in which case they are not capitalised with the exception of normal rules.

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After posters sitting in their beautiful but fragile ivory towers accusing people as fan boys got quiet, problems are over.

We had some soul and character problems. It looks like it is over as well.

Grammar nazis got over their habit.

Jealous attackers have gone guiet too.

People start to respect others's ideas a bit more.

And of course many forums around but nothing is as local and real as this one. Easy to meet with new people as well unlike a forum in usa and have many friends here so I like this forum.

oh the irony ll2. the primo reason thise forum has gotten more civil is because all the members who you and a handful of other "buddies' have fun in groop attacking anyting at all that one or other of yours donnot agree with have just given up in disgust and stoped posting on here. !!! you particulary bring great tensions to this forum in your manner of often crude and ataganising comments and then jim and rob and others all jumpin boots and all and like thai boys become a 6 to 1 fight against others who are not in your ''buddies club" i wouls say that you,ll2 has been the main instigater in starting bad mouthing others that ends in shit fights and see a thread closed more often than no!!.. you willof coarse deny deny thgis but man its all here in history of multple threads forall to see. you "buddies'' are vberry unnaccepting of others views if not shared by you all.so in sommery yes it may well be civil, but boring as heell now as you can see. bah.gif

Quite a few good posters have left, and the ones that remain just post less frequently. We are left with a plethora of posts like the one above yours. Hence the lack of interest in the forum.
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I get it.

SONAR, RADAR, SCUBA = acronyms.

...sonar, radar, scuba = anacronyms.

NAZI, nazi,


neither really acceptable style.


Ya, in da books.

English is a really messed up language!

I just know the basic rules and attempt to follow them as well as I can but also realise there are exceptions. For instance, I don't even try to recall which times i goes before e except after c and except for...my computers have spell checkers in them damn it!

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After posters sitting in their beautiful but fragile ivory towers accusing people as fan boys got quiet, problems are over.

We had some soul and character problems. It looks like it is over as well.

Grammar nazis got over their habit.

Jealous attackers have gone guiet too.

People start to respect others's ideas a bit more.

And of course many forums around but nothing is as local and real as this one. Easy to meet with new people as well unlike a forum in usa and have many friends here so I like this forum.

oh the irony ll2. the primo reason thise forum has gotten more civil is because all the members who you and a handful of other "buddies' have fun in groop attacking anyting at all that one or other of yours donnot agree with have just given up in disgust and stoped posting on here. !!! you particulary bring great tensions to this forum in your manner of often crude and ataganising comments and then jim and rob and others all jumpin boots and all and like thai boys become a 6 to 1 fight against others who are not in your ''buddies club" i wouls say that you,ll2 has been the main instigater in starting bad mouthing others that ends in shit fights and see a thread closed more often than no!!.. you willof coarse deny deny thgis but man its all here in history of multple threads forall to see. you "buddies'' are vberry unnaccepting of others views if not shared by you all.so in sommery yes it may well be civil, but boring as heell now as you can see. bah.gif

Quite a few good posters have left, and the ones that remain just post less frequently. We are left with a plethora of posts like the one above yours. Hence the lack of interest in the forum.

yes exactly rite.and as i pionted out that the "buddies" who feel the nead to rule this foums are the only ones mostly posting now, god luck to them they can have it! most of the more interestrd posters have indeed left~one noticable excetion is from papa who achieved agreat journey kudo to him. well done man! he alone went out and did it and not one word of support from any of the "buddies"..so much for ''weare all bikers on here" i did notice that a few "buddies" went for a ride and h saw how different the story was. asking for advices and what to do and where to sleep and route and like children. papa just got on his bike and did it and reported what he had acheived after the fact..he is the real achiever.

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I've never cared about feuds between posters-bikers or groups. I only ever had an argument with one guy who was trolling other people's threads, saying how gay saddlebags are and what a real man he is. Don't know if he's part of a group though.

The forum is about bikes and riding in Thailand. If we need those old conflicts and immature bickering again just to keep it interesting, it would be a sad state of affairs indeed..

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speedthrills, on 16 Jan 2015 - 21:35, said:speedthrills, on 16 Jan 2015 - 21:35, said:speedthrills, on 16 Jan 2015 - 21:35, said:speedthrills, on 16 Jan 2015 - 21:35, said:speedthrills, on 16 Jan 2015 - 21:35, said:
ll2, on 16 Jan 2015 - 19:40, said:ll2, on 16 Jan 2015 - 19:40, said:ll2, on 16 Jan 2015 - 19:40, said:ll2, on 16 Jan 2015 - 19:40, said:ll2, on 16 Jan 2015 - 19:40, said:

After posters sitting in their beautiful but fragile ivory towers accusing people as fan boys got quiet, problems are over.

We had some soul and character problems. It looks like it is over as well.

Grammar nazis got over their habit.

Jealous attackers have gone guiet too.

People start to respect others's ideas a bit more.

And of course many forums around but nothing is as local and real as this one. Easy to meet with new people as well unlike a forum in usa and have many friends here so I like this forum.

oh the irony ll2. the primo reason thise forum has gotten more civil is because all the members who you and a handful of other "buddies' have fun in groop attacking anyting at all that one or other of yours donnot agree with have just given up in disgust and stoped posting on here. !!! you particulary bring great tensions to this forum in your manner of often crude and ataganising comments and then jim and rob and others all jumpin boots and all and like thai boys become a 6 to 1 fight against others who are not in your ''buddies club" i wouls say that you,ll2 has been the main instigater in starting bad mouthing others that ends in shit fights and see a thread closed more often than no!!.. you willof coarse deny deny thgis but man its all here in history of multple threads forall to see. you "buddies'' are vberry unnaccepting of others views if not shared by you all.so in sommery yes it may well be civil, but boring as heell now as you can see. bah.gif

I started browsing the forum when I bought a Ninja 250 about 3 years ago. I've since gotten much more in to riding.

I have been checking it out ever since because of the new bikes being introduced during that time - the Honda 500's, the Kawasaki 300's, the Honda 650's etc. I'm a poster on a couple of motorcycle forums and never signed up to this one because reading LL2's posts simply turned me off it. The motorcycle forums I use that don't have him there are better for it. Since I started following the forum around the time the Honda 500's came out, a lot of regular posters on here have stopped posting and moved to other forums... I don't really wonder why.

Edited by James Yayo
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Just for the record.

Saddlebags are a necessity when you go touring, especially if your wife comes along.

And just for the record, I'm not going to take the bait.

Have a nice day.

When your wife comes along, you can't have enough bags on your bike. facepalm.gif

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After posters sitting in their beautiful but fragile ivory towers accusing people as fan boys got quiet, problems are over.

We had some soul and character problems. It looks like it is over as well.

Grammar nazis got over their habit.

Jealous attackers have gone guiet too.

People start to respect others's ideas a bit more.

And of course many forums around but nothing is as local and real as this one. Easy to meet with new people as well unlike a forum in usa and have many friends here so I like this forum.

oh the irony ll2. the primo reason thise forum has gotten more civil is because all the members who you and a handful of other "buddies' have fun in groop attacking anyting at all that one or other of yours donnot agree with have just given up in disgust and stoped posting on here. !!! you particulary bring great tensions to this forum in your manner of often crude and ataganising comments and then jim and rob and others all jumpin boots and all and like thai boys become a 6 to 1 fight against others who are not in your ''buddies club" i wouls say that you,ll2 has been the main instigater in starting bad mouthing others that ends in shit fights and see a thread closed more often than no!!.. you willof coarse deny deny thgis but man its all here in history of multple threads forall to see. you "buddies'' are vberry unnaccepting of others views if not shared by you all.so in sommery yes it may well be civil, but boring as heell now as you can see. bah.gif

Quite a few good posters have left, and the ones that remain just post less frequently. We are left with a plethora of posts like the one above yours. Hence the lack of interest in the forum.

yes exactly rite.and as i pionted out that the "buddies" who feel the nead to rule this foums are the only ones mostly posting now, god luck to them they can have it! most of the more interestrd posters have indeed left~one noticable excetion is from papa who achieved agreat journey kudo to him. well done man! he alone went out and did it and not one word of support from any of the "buddies"..so much for ''weare all bikers on here" i did notice that a few "buddies" went for a ride and h saw how different the story was. asking for advices and what to do and where to sleep and route and like children. papa just got on his bike and did it and reported what he had acheived after the fact..he is the real achiever.

oh I am so glad you have been reading my other thread ,it was probably you then who set up a new Google account just to troll my you tube videos?.....sad loser that you are.....
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