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Friendless in Seattle (pattaya)


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Face it Pattaya is a totally Phony place and most the residents are likewise.

Expats who think they know it all....Bar Room Lawyers.

Why anyone lives there I fail to see.

Apart from the above the traffic is worse than ever.

The sea is adrift with garbage and excreta....wanna swim in that?

The Beach Touts and Vendors are a constant pest.

Jomtien is passable and a lot better than Sin City.

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Good Friends are difficult to find anywhere.

But in Pattaya it is even more difficult as it is a very Transient City. Those hard working honest Expats you seek don't work their. You may meet some when they are on Leave, and really form a true friendship with some, then they disappear in a month. Some come back. Most others do not! I was just the type that came back.

The one advantage of these types of friendships as you can quickly become friends with people you normally wouldn't. I remember one time I met up with a Young American Doctor and his friend a American Phychiatrist. Now these are two people I normally wouldn't be friends with back home. But for that month we all became Best Friends and had one Hell of a Good Time. I came back! They didn't!

The easiest place to meet them is in a relax atmosphere, like a Bar. I can't count all of those Short Time Friends! But for 2 years, and before I got attached to a supreme Thai Lady, my Best Friends were the Bar Girls on Soi 7 & 8. They were always their to meet me when I came back, with a smile, and open hand. Now, My Best Friend is my Thai Wife, and I hers.

By living here you chose a different life then the people back home. So you should expect things to be different then the things back home to. Most Long Time Expats that have lived here a very Long Time, are very careful who they let into their inner circle. I don't know why exactly. Except to say I am sure they have their good reasons.

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Sell your push bike and take your golf clubs and leave...easy, if your not happy change it !!!!

Maybe you should read all the posts in a thread before delivering simple solutions to complicated situations!

And "Easy" it just isn't, especially when you are getting older and the property market in Pattaya is already crowded with many unsold properties !

But then again this is TV and like many you seem to post a comment based on the last couple of posts that you may or may not have read thoroughly.

Sorry for a slight peppery reply to your post but really there are seldom simple solutions to lifes problems, unless of course you are footloose, fancy free and loaded with moolah, you maybe I am not!

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Just viewed your profile and all of the posts you have started and contributed to, very surprised you have no close friends. NOT!!!

Hello BBG

and of course you are right and I didn't think that you were having a go with your reply.

However and in all

Real friends?

no not really, just two in this town and they are diamonds, the type who would put themselves out for you if you were in any sort of trouble.

Oh dear, if thats the pre requisite for real friends then my count just went to zero. And having reviewed my real friends in the last 3 months ive decided to relocate to the far north west as ive no need of any of them.
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Just viewed your profile and all of the posts you have started and contributed to, very surprised you have no close friends. NOT!!!

Really? The OP has a very good ratio of posts/likes. Yours is better, which is surprising based on this offensive, sarcastic post.

Hi Tropo

and thanks for your support.

In all fairness to BBG though,I didn't think he was being offensive, just not believing that I didn't have any friends thats all.

I could be wrong about that but I think he didn't see the word "Real" just before the word friend.

I'm actually in the same boat as you, but out of choice. I don't want "friends" in Pattaya and don't try to find them. As a loner I prefer to be on my own.... each to their own.

Perhaps the best you can do in Pattaya is finding acquaintances. When the going gets tough, they will all disappear anyway.

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I have no friends also, i just arrived !

You soon will have though TT1, just be careful and keep your back pocket sewn up and you will survive.

Seriously though, when you do first arrive here, with some people (especially like me) its normal to feel a little outside of your comfort zone and look for friends in the wrong places and this can be a definite weakness if you are unlucky enough to mix with the wrong sort of people.

Also if you are not married or already have a lady or boy friend dont allow yourself to get too deeply involved with the first person you meet from a "love" point of view

scribbled the smug expert, another Oracle of what goes down in Thailand.

Take no notice Thaitorrent, everyone is different from everyone else.

Just go about your own life and business and use your own common sense !

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I agree with the OP. been here 15 years had some friends in the past but most of them turned out to be <deleted>, got quite a few people I know but would not call them friends, for me best off alone no problems if I want some company just get a girlfriend to come around. job done happy days

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Get a bird mate

A good idea- but needs a lot of time and effort, if you get a parrot and feed them from a chick they will imprint on you for life- considering they can live for many years- it's a long term commitment.

I have a vague suspicion that you may be referring to a female companion- who on earth still uses the term bird when referring to a woman ( only the wife beater wearing brigade)

PS mate is a bit old fashioned too these days .

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get out of pats dude. get a women, get a job, get some hobbies

Read all the posts in the topic.........Please

On the basis that I know you havnt read all the posts in the OP thread, your advice is still spot on !

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Just viewed your profile and all of the posts you have started and contributed to, very surprised you have no close friends. NOT!!!

Hello BBG

and of course you are right and I didn't think that you were having a go with your reply.

However and in all fairness I could argue my point on the basis that my OP was accurate in respect of "Real friends"

I have Loads of good mates and golfing , cycling buddiesas well as some nice people on the Soi where I live.

Real friends?

no not really, just two in this town and they are diamonds, the type who would put themselves out for you if you were in any sort of trouble.

<deleted>. You just countered your Thesis of having no friends.

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I have no friends also, i just arrived !

You soon will have though TT1, just be careful and keep your back pocket sewn up and you will survive.

Seriously though, when you do first arrive here, with some people (especially like me) its normal to feel a little outside of your comfort zone and look for friends in the wrong places and this can be a definite weakness if you are unlucky enough to mix with the wrong sort of people.

Also if you are not married or already have a lady or boy friend dont allow yourself to get too deeply involved with the first person you meet from a "love" point of view

scribbled the smug expert, another Oracle of what goes down in Thailand.

Take no notice Thaitorrent, everyone is different from everyone else.

Just go about your own life and business and use your own common sense !

A bit unfair owd pal but to be considered a "smug expert and even an Oracle " by the likes of yourself is really a pat on the head and your helpful hint for the day is 180 degrees away from my "expert opinion" is it?

You said;

"Just go about your own life and business and use your own common sense !"

What makes me a "smug expert" and you a little educating Angel, Pray tell me the difference I am just trembling with anticipation for your words of wonderful sage advice and wisdom?

Like many on here you post with sarcasm and a half witted belief in your own superiority, no problem for me owd lad, just grist to the stimulation mill but please give me something that I can get my teeth into and not just this one liner stuff, or in your case three lines completely ignoring the topic or the way that the thread has developed.

Seems to me that you may have a problem but seriously start your own topic and then I can do a reciprocal three liner on your thread that bears no relevance or importance to your original topic.

I thought this topic was going too well and free of the thread bending and topic changing posters, You of course stopped that thought process with your muck!

If you think I am overreacting, I genuinely am not and invite you to reply in a post of more than three lines to educate me as the the value of your words of wisdom, just in case I have got it all wrong, which I occasionally do.

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I've always considered the term 'friend' in Pattaya to be more akin to 'poker buddy' or 'drinking buddy' : it's a fairly superficial relationship where your money is on the table and your 'friends' can get up and walk out anytime they like. I'm happy with the associates I have here - when I move on, life will go on, and that's exactly as it should be - crying into one another's beer at a farewell got old 30 years ago. The best I can hope for is to find people who I can consistently share a laugh with, not someone who needs to hear all about my health problems - I have sheryl for that :D

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Try the Expats Clubs , most who attend them seem to have their shit together.

I see you play golf, normally this creates a good social group.... although they are dull to non-players.

But don't worry, you are not alone.

I have whittled down to a very small number of friends and seem to enjoy the company of my good Thai lady more.

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why not go to the pattaya expats club on a sunday morning at mercure hotel soi 15 at 11am. you will meet lots of expats and most are friendly and a lot are in the same boat as you

Inspite of what is said about maybe certain members of the leadership of the Pattaya ExPats club I do agree that there are indeed some very good and genuine people who go there regularly and I do know one or two who have been very active in the support of local charitable causes especially where kids have been concerned.

But being a born cynic I still got the feeling every time that I went that I was considered something of a "Patsy" being got ready for the kill.

Maybe also that same feeling that a fish would have if it had a brain, that somewhere along the line I was going to be hooked by one or another of those fishing for "Business".

So thanks for the info but been there, done that and found the place not suited to my temperament

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I have no friends also, i just arrived !

You soon will have though TT1, just be careful and keep your back pocket sewn up and you will survive.

Seriously though, when you do first arrive here, with some people (especially like me) its normal to feel a little outside of your comfort zone and look for friends in the wrong places and this can be a definite weakness if you are unlucky enough to mix with the wrong sort of people.

Also if you are not married or already have a lady or boy friend dont allow yourself to get too deeply involved with the first person you meet from a "love" point of view

scribbled the smug expert, another Oracle of what goes down in Thailand.

Take no notice Thaitorrent, everyone is different from everyone else.

Just go about your own life and business and use your own common sense !

A bit unfair owd pal but to be considered a "smug expert and even an Oracle " by the likes of yourself is really a pat on the head and your helpful hint for the day is 180 degrees away from my "expert opinion" is it?

You said;

"Just go about your own life and business and use your own common sense !"

What makes me a "smug expert" and you a little educating Angel, Pray tell me the difference I am just trembling with anticipation for your words of wonderful sage advice and wisdom?

Like many on here you post with sarcasm and a half witted belief in your own superiority, no problem for me owd lad, just grist to the stimulation mill but please give me something that I can get my teeth into and not just this one liner stuff, or in your case three lines completely ignoring the topic or the way that the thread has developed.

Seems to me that you may have a problem but seriously start your own topic and then I can do a reciprocal three liner on your thread that bears no relevance or importance to your original topic.

I thought this topic was going too well and free of the thread bending and topic changing posters, You of course stopped that thought process with your muck!

If you think I am overreacting, I genuinely am not and invite you to reply in a post of more than three lines to educate me as the the value of your words of wisdom, just in case I have got it all wrong, which I occasionally do.

That really got to it didn't it ?

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It sure did and I am still waiting for an answer from you but then again silence sometimes speaks much louder than words.........................................................

That is if anyone (Me as well) can remember what question, in whatever the post or thread was in the first place

Nice to see that you have a sense of humour though


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