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Gang Mentality


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My nieces and nephews are constantly sharing all kinds of gorey and violent nonsense on my facebook page. (I did a post before about car crashes and how you simply wouldn`t get such a lack of respect of the dead and injured elsewhere.)

The most recent gem is this <snip - inappropriate link removed from view - mod edit>

For those who don`t want to watch it basically it`s a ten on one fight (the ten all ladyboys) savagely beating a Thai girl. Despite the area being packed the only one to intervene is a farrang who then gets savagely beaten himself.

From everyone elses experience are Thais less likely to intervene in such circumstances? Is the gang mentality more accepted? Perhaps this is just amongst the lower end of the spectrum types in Pattaya?

My experience of violence in Thailand is minimal thankfully.

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When Thais kick off they really kick off. They are like a pack of wolves attacking linked by telepathy for want of a better description.

You don't want to be on the wrong end of one of these incidents.

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Troll post so you'll get the responses you're looking for.

Sure, this sort of thing never happens in Chicago, Paris, Madrid, Sydney, London, Wellington, Berlin, etc etc. It only happens in Thailand.

Or was it the ladyboy aspect that piqued your interest?coffee1.gif

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Troll post so you'll get the responses you're looking for.

Sure, this sort of thing never happens in Chicago, Paris, Madrid, Sydney, London, Wellington, Berlin, etc etc. It only happens in Thailand.

Or was it the ladyboy aspect that piqued your interest?coffee1.gif

Bless, did the Pattaya and Ladyboy bit grate you? biggrin.png Who am I to question your lifestyle choices? emot-kiss.gif

My point was people intervene elsewhere, most videos I`ve seen from Thailand they don`t.

Toddle on

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A gang of four men savaging a lone girl in the middle of a street. The costumes they are wearing confuse people who otherwise might intervene. Even the guy who tried to help was fooled at first, if it was 'real' dudes he would have smashed them in the face in the beginning instead of gently trying to pull them off. They are men and should be treated as men.

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Troll post so you'll get the responses you're looking for.

Sure, this sort of thing never happens in Chicago, Paris, Madrid, Sydney, London, Wellington, Berlin, etc etc. It only happens in Thailand.

Or was it the ladyboy aspect that piqued your interest?coffee1.gif

Not common in the west definitely, in the west its usually 1 on 1 2 on 1, not 10 on 1. Its called being brave when its 3-4 on one in Thailand :D

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Sure, this sort of thing never happens in Chicago, Paris, Madrid, Sydney, London, Wellington, Berlin, etc etc. It only happens in Thailand.

Yep, that's right, it ONLY happens here. Gang-banging aside, let's say you have a minor accident through no fault of your own and the Thai driver is angry and starts getting physical. There is a good chance other, non-related Thais will join in simply because you are the farang and there is no chance of them getting hurt due to the numbers. This scenario has happened to many farang on here. You'd have to be a loved-up newbie to not have noticed.

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Quote: My nieces and nephews are constantly sharing all kinds of gorey and violent nonsense on my facebook page.

Why are you allowing your nephew and nieces to access your Facebook page, if contains such gorey images.

Isn't that promoting that violence is OK to a younger generation.

If it's violent nonsense, remove it, or better still don't let them use your Facebook page.

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When Thais kick off they really kick off. They are like a pack of wolves attacking linked by telepathy for want of a better description.

You don't want to be on the wrong end of one of these incidents.

"When Thais kick off they really kick off. They are like a pack of wolves attacking linked by telepathy for want of a better description."

​Pretty much describes the mindless onslaught of Thai bashing on TV.

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There seems to be more relaxed and different attitude to online violence amongst Thais (for better or worse). I remember a while back I was walking through a shopping centre in Pattaya and there was a big crowd of Thai adults and children outside a shop ooiing and aahing and laughing. I went to take a look and it was shop selling televisions and on a large screen TV in their display window a "Pirahna" film was showing. Lots of blood and gore as the piranhas tore into their victim's leg.

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The incident in the video took place in Phuket. There was a confused explanation under the video from one of the people involved in the altercation who constantly referred to the girl under attack as a CHANEE, which is a derogatory term used for females by katoey.
The explanation was that one of the katoey went up to the farang and asked him for a light for her cigarette and the girl told the katoey to go away in a rude way and didn't apologise so an argument began which eventually led to blows.
According to the explanation, it was all the girl's and the farang's fault and the katoey were totally blameless. rolleyes.gif

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Interesting thing in that vid is the moto boys (and one or two others) not intervening to help the lass who is 4 on one (bar the Westerner) but hovering around in case the Westerner gets fully involved so they can stick the boot in....they really are a gutless nation of people at times....

At times?

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The incident in the video took place in Phuket. There was a confused explanation under the video from one of the people involved in the altercation who constantly referred to the girl under attack as a CHANEE, which is a derogatory term used for females by katoey.

The explanation was that one of the katoey went up to the farang and asked him for a light for her cigarette and the girl told the katoey to go away in a rude way and didn't apologise so an argument began which eventually led to blows.

According to the explanation, it was all the girl's and the farang's fault and the katoey were totally blameless. rolleyes.gif

If this is the case then it's understandable why the farang would be protecting her. THE OP made it sound like it was a kind hearted farang who randomly chanced on this Thai girl being beaten and decided to aid her when it's most likely she's his friend or girl friend

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