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Farang Steals Cash And Mobile Phone

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Farang steals cash and mobile phone


Tries to avoid prosecution A New Zealand passport holder, drinking at the We Are The World bar, stole the mobile phone of a member of staff and then walked away without paying his bill of more than 3,500 baht.

Miss Pradep Tongtai, aged 34, reported to the nearby police station that the farang had walked off with her mobile phone after asking to examine it. Police later were able to arrest Mr Miroslav Homola, aged 32, who tried to explain he did not understand Thai law. He said he was now more than happy to return the mobile phone and pay the bill after coming to the conclusion that he had made a serious mistake.

However, he was told he must face prosecution as his sin was in the act of trying to steal which could not be wiped out by a willingness to make amends following public exposure.

-Pattaya Today

15 Aug 2006


shame on him makes other kiwis look bad what an ass

All Kiwis are asses :D

only one step up the ladder from an Aussie :o:D

and two steps up from an american!!


shame on him makes other kiwis look bad what an ass

All Kiwis are asses :D

only one step up the ladder from an Aussie :o:D

and two steps up from an american!!

And three steps up from a pommie :D

Mr Miroslav Homola (good Kiwi name btw :D ) should be made to give his passport back.


Perhaps you are all being a little hard on this guy,

walked away without paying his bill of more than 3,500 baht.
Even in Pattaya a bar tab of 3,500 baht = Mao Mak Mak. :o

shame on him makes other kiwis look bad what an ass

All Kiwis are asses :D

only one step up the ladder from an Aussie :D:D

and two steps up from an american!!

Hey...... :o

Farang steals cash and mobile phone


Police later were able to arrest Mr Miroslav Homola, aged 32, who tried to explain he did not understand Thai law. He said he was now more than happy to return the mobile phone and pay the bill after coming to the conclusion that he had made a serious mistake.

-Pattaya Today

15 Aug 2006

So stealing a mobile phone and running off without paying your bill are not crimes in New Zealand...? :o

So stealing a mobile phone and running off without paying your bill are not crimes in New Zealand...? :D

I think more like the norm :o


However, he was told he must face prosecution as his sin was in the act of trying to steal which could not be wiped out by a willingness to make amends following public exposure.


That is the usual way for a Thai to get out of trouble................ :o


After a 3,500Bt bar guzzle, I probably wouldn't recognise my own phone or whether I'd paid the bill either.

Still, inebriation has never been an acceptable legal defence....


A Maori fisherman, the legends say,

Dredged up New Zealand in a single day.

I've seen the catch, and here's my parting crack-

It's undersized; for God's sake throw it back!


So stealing a mobile phone and running off without paying your bill are not crimes in New Zealand...? :D

I think more like the norm :o


I thought we sent all the criminals to New South Wales not New Zealand :D


Is it just me? or ......

Farang steals cash and mobile phone

or did he NOT steal cash? he stole drinks!

Is it just me? or ......
Farang steals cash and mobile phone

or did he NOT steal cash? he stole drinks!

A better charge would have been obtaining pecuniary advantage by deception......because by allowing the check bins to be put in his `pot` he intimated through this that he would pay the bill, and when he didn`t he committed the deception.

I thought we sent all the criminals to New South Wales not New Zealand :o

I think if you look closely at the history books, you will find that not all the criminals were sent to New South Wales. Apart from the other colonies, the English managed to keep a few at home. Where did chavs come from? Certainly not the same place Mr Miroslav Homola did. :D

Maybe Mr Miroslav Homola thought the phone could be used to summons sheep. :D


However, he was told he must face prosecution as his sin was in the act of trying to steal which could not be wiped out by a willingness to make amends following public exposure.


That is the usual way for a Thai to get out of trouble................ :D

So you don't think he should be prosecuted? :o

I think, Miss Pradep Tongtai, aged 34 was just annoyed that, even though he was totally legless, he still preffered to take the phone home, rather than take her :o:D


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