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Pheu Thai Party accuses NACC of having unqualified member

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Pheu Thai Party accuses NACC of having unqualified member
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BANGKOK, Jan 20 -- Ruengkrai Leekitwattana, proxy for five Pheu Thai party members including former deputy prime minister/foreign minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul, filed a lawsuit with the Criminal Court today accusing Pakdee Pothisiri, a member of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), of lacking the qualification to sit in the anti-graft panel.

The party also accused other NACC members Panthep Klanarongran, Vicha Mahakun and Vichai Vivitsevi of allowing Mr Pakdee to work as an NACC member.

Mr Ruengkrai said Mr Pakdee was not qualified to sit in the NACC as he had failed to resign from Government Pharmaceutical Organization-Merieux Biological Products Co within 15 days after assuming his office at the NACC.

The NACC ignored a complaint about Mr Pakdee's qualifications claiming it had no power to question an NACC member's qualifications and that regardless the Senate had already considered his case.

Mr Ruengkrai said that the Senate had never done so. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2015-01-20


The NACC ignored a complaint about Mr Pakdee's qualifications claiming it had no power to question an NACC member's qualifications and that regardless the Senate had already considered his case.

just wondering if there is no power to question the NACC because as a so-called 'independent' organization it is simply unaccountable?


What an indictment! Considering your whole party, together with the cabinet your boss ran are full of unqualified people. bah.gif

well, in that regard, you can be sure that the NACC is also full of unqualified people. But that isn't unique to the organization nor is it unique to Thailand.

But in this case, they are talking about unqualified due to a verifiable status ... essentially saying that the NACC didn't follow the rules... how ironic. wink.png

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Former Pheu Thai ministers sue NACC of malfeasance

BANGKOK: -- Five former ministers of the Pheu Thai party today filed a lawsuit with the Criminal Court accusing chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Commission and four other members of the commission of malfeasance in office.

The five ex-ministers are former deputy prime minister and foreign minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul, former science minister Plodprasob Surasvadi, former defence minister Sukumphol Suwannathat, former deputy transport minister Gen Pruen Suwannathat and former information and communications technology minister Anudit Nakhonthap. The five were charged by the NACC for the unfair transfer of Mr Thawil Pliensri, secretary-general of National Security Council, and in connection with the two trillion baht water resources development mega projects.

The lawsuit was filed with the court by Ruangkrai Leekitwattana, a legal advisor of Pheu Thai party. Named in the suit are Mr Pakdee Pothisiri, the NACC chairman and the other four commissioners namely Prasart Pongsivapai, Vicha Mahakhun and Vichai Wivitsevi.

The five ex-ministers claimed that Mr Pakdee was not qualified to be a member of the NACC because he did not quit the board of a pharmaceutical company in 15 days since his appointment as required by the NACC law.

The court accepted the case for preliminary hearings.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/former-pheu-thai-ministers-sue-nacc-malfeasance

-- Thai PBS 2015-01-20


That is rich coming from Surapong.

Surapong Towijakchaikul edged out former career diplomats for the role as foreign minister. Mr Surapong himself admitted that he was not interested in foreign affairs and had absolutely no background in foreign affairs either, but was given the job because of his loyalty to the unelectable thaksin.

Chalerm was Minister for Labour. Absolutely no qualifications in this field, but was given the job to keep him quite after losing the deputy PM job and threatening the PTP. A pitt bull if you will kept in the basement because the owner won't "put him down" because of the dogs loyalty to him, but refused to bring him out because it gives the owner a bad name due to his violent temperament.

yingluck, a PM that had no political background what so ever who was also the defense minister with no understanding of defense and spent more time impersonating a foreign minister with her overseas trips.

Then there was Nattawut who was only given a ministers job with the commerce ministry because he was loyal to thaksin as well and was owed a favor.

​Of course who could forget my favorite when yingluck told the health minister his job was to nurse Chalerm back to health after Chalerms surgery. No qualified nurse mind you. The health minister himself.

So we have a party that employ drunks as labour ministers, sisters of convicted criminals as PM's that went to a university but could not speak the language the degree was taught in and a guy who was placed into a position because we would give a passport back to thaksin, an accused terrorist that was owed a favor and a health minister that was not a qualified nurse having to look after Chalerm accusing Professor Pothisiri who received his B.Sc in Pharmacology from Chulalongkorn University, a B.A. in Law from Ramkamhaeng University, who was awarded an M.Sc. in Pharmacology and a Ph.D in Physical Chemistry from the of Wisconsin, USA and a D.P.H. in Public Health Administration from Mahidol University and holds an honorary Ph.D from Chulalongkorn University in Pharmacology of not being qualified! And guess what he can speak the languages the degrees where taught in!!

It is akin to Big Bird from Sesame Street telling Albert Einstein he got the Theory of Relativity wrong!!!

The PTP don't even try to look intelligent anymore and these hollow accusations and reports show how desperate they are to remain relevant because they know all too well from all the polls and all the tangibly quantifiable indicators that they are drifting off into obscurity.

​Good luck PTP, but please try harder next time…All this does is make you look terribly desperate.

Could you please outline the outstanding qualifications of the present administration that make them so suitable for running the country?

Their bank accounts certainly let us know that adherence to the law is not one of them..

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I can understand what makes PTP MPs and cabinet members tick, it's just sufficient venality to sell out your country and those who put their trust in you, and instead of acting in their interest, take orders from a megalomanic criminal.

It's harder those understand those who support those actions, and call it democracy.


exactly what qualifications are required to sit in on a anti graft committee , almost every citizen in this country knows how corruption works if not been involved in . vote buying is rife and is a major part of corruption in Thailand .


Sorry PTP, I'm not very well informed, so please let me know, for me to understand what was done wrong here: is this a little bit like lying about your personal assets to become PM (TS) or is it rather like perjury in front of Court while being a PM (YS), that bad, is it? And still they were both 'excused', weren't they, but, even when you'd be right (???) about this minuscule procedure detail, Khun Pakdee should be dismissed is it?

For sure, being the party of the honest politicians, who have never done anything wrong or known about such a thing, this action is not at all related with the present actions of the NACC against, of course innocent, PTP members, and the timing of this has nothing to do with impeachment and other procedures the same NACC is involved in against, of course innocent, PTP members, no doubt about it, right...?

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ptp are getting desperate now the writing is on the wall, they are sh*tting themselves as they know that all their corrupt practices are going to come back to haunt them so they are trying desperately to stir sh*t and try to find a way out, wonder how long before they call on their red terrorists to try to bail out by starting the violence once again

The threats-which-may-not-be-considered-as-threats have already been made by the PTP in the media in the last days, in a 'veiled' but unmistakable way, not to compromit the 'reconciliation process' of course...


Waa waa that nasty NACC. They won't do what I say. They want me to face up to my alleged crimes but I don't want to.

Waa waa waa I'm going to try to deflect the whole process with distractions.

Waa waa waa.

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And on page three of todays Thailand Live we have more threats :

Impeachment will make reconciliation impossible: Korkaew

BANGKOK: -- Former Pheu Thai MP and red-shirt leader Korkaew Pikulthong said Tuesday that the word "reconciliation" would be locked up in a chest and put away if former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra, former Parliament president Somsak Kiartsuranon and former Senate speaker Nikhom Wairatphanic are impeached by the National Legislative Assembly.

In that scenario, the reconciliation would be possible only in the next life.

Source: http://www.nationmul...o-30252283.html

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One must admit the good logic of the PTP here: to be able to make 'a honest mistake', one has to be a honest person with a spotless reputation in the first place, like the Shinawatras for instance: Thaksin, Yingluck, Yaowapa, little Oak, etc.. And what do we know about that Professor Pakdee, he's not a member of the Shinawatra clan, he's not even a friend of the family, how could we believe he's a honest person and has a spotless reputation in the first place, when he's even participating to attacks against our, erm, profitable activities? Not possible!

All very logical from the PTP, except...

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And on page three of todays Thailand Live we have more threats :

Impeachment will make reconciliation impossible: Korkaew

BANGKOK: -- Former Pheu Thai MP and red-shirt leader Korkaew Pikulthong said Tuesday that the word "reconciliation" would be locked up in a chest and put away if former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra, former Parliament president Somsak Kiartsuranon and former Senate speaker Nikhom Wairatphanic are impeached by the National Legislative Assembly.

In that scenario, the reconciliation would be possible only in the next life.

Source: http://www.nationmul...o-30252283.html

One of Korkaew and of his infamous Thida's main 'traît' is they both are in love with the red colour, may it be on communist manifests, on flags, on shirts, from the glow of arsoned buildings, from spilled blood, animal ...or human, red it must be.

Another one is they are cowards, insidiously spreading poisoned destructive theories, but always at a safe distance from the real action, not to get hurt, like their ancient communist followers they betrayed were, like Thaksin's red insurgents were following their incendiary propaganda, after they left the podium at the eleventh hour, to reappear much later, when the show(-off) had ended...

I don't say this easily, but for them I have a wish: may they both burn in hell, soon, because they are pure evil!

N.B.: the red colour of the shirts was their idea, and a conditio-si-nequa-non towards Thaksin for them to join the movement mob he was organising...

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That is rich coming from Surapong.

Surapong Towijakchaikul edged out former career diplomats for the role as foreign minister. Mr Surapong himself admitted that he was not interested in foreign affairs and had absolutely no background in foreign affairs either, but was given the job because of his loyalty to the unelectable thaksin.

Chalerm was Minister for Labour. Absolutely no qualifications in this field, but was given the job to keep him quite after losing the deputy PM job and threatening the PTP. A pitt bull if you will kept in the basement because the owner won't "put him down" because of the dogs loyalty to him, but refused to bring him out because it gives the owner a bad name due to his violent temperament.

yingluck, a PM that had no political background what so ever who was also the defense minister with no understanding of defense and spent more time impersonating a foreign minister with her overseas trips.

Then there was Nattawut who was only given a ministers job with the commerce ministry because he was loyal to thaksin as well and was owed a favor.

​Of course who could forget my favorite when yingluck told the health minister his job was to nurse Chalerm back to health after Chalerms surgery. No qualified nurse mind you. The health minister himself.

So we have a party that employ drunks as labour ministers, sisters of convicted criminals as PM's that went to a university but could not speak the language the degree was taught in and a guy who was placed into a position because we would give a passport back to thaksin, an accused terrorist that was owed a favor and a health minister that was not a qualified nurse having to look after Chalerm accusing Professor Pothisiri who received his B.Sc in Pharmacology from Chulalongkorn University, a B.A. in Law from Ramkamhaeng University, who was awarded an M.Sc. in Pharmacology and a Ph.D in Physical Chemistry from the of Wisconsin, USA and a D.P.H. in Public Health Administration from Mahidol University and holds an honorary Ph.D from Chulalongkorn University in Pharmacology of not being qualified! And guess what he can speak the languages the degrees where taught in!!

It is akin to Big Bird from Sesame Street telling Albert Einstein he got the Theory of Relativity wrong!!!

The PTP don't even try to look intelligent anymore and these hollow accusations and reports show how desperate they are to remain relevant because they know all too well from all the polls and all the tangibly quantifiable indicators that they are drifting off into obscurity.

​Good luck PTP, but please try harder next time…All this does is make you look terribly desperate.

Could you please outline the outstanding qualifications of the present administration that make them so suitable for running the country?

Their bank accounts certainly let us know that adherence to the law is not one of them..

"Could you please outline the outstanding qualifications of the present administration that make them so suitable for running the country?

Their bank accounts certainly let us know that adherence to the law is not one of them.."

standard reds strategy: don't give reasonable answers to facts they don't like, just change the subject

Like children quarreling

I didn't do this - you did


And btw it's not difficult to have mountainhigh qualifications compared to a ptp government - which the present government has


That is rich coming from Surapong.

Surapong Towijakchaikul edged out former career diplomats for the role as foreign minister. Mr Surapong himself admitted that he was not interested in foreign affairs and had absolutely no background in foreign affairs either, but was given the job because of his loyalty to the unelectable thaksin.

Chalerm was Minister for Labour. Absolutely no qualifications in this field, but was given the job to keep him quite after losing the deputy PM job and threatening the PTP. A pitt bull if you will kept in the basement because the owner won't "put him down" because of the dogs loyalty to him, but refused to bring him out because it gives the owner a bad name due to his violent temperament.

yingluck, a PM that had no political background what so ever who was also the defense minister with no understanding of defense and spent more time impersonating a foreign minister with her overseas trips.

Then there was Nattawut who was only given a ministers job with the commerce ministry because he was loyal to thaksin as well and was owed a favor.

​Of course who could forget my favorite when yingluck told the health minister his job was to nurse Chalerm back to health after Chalerms surgery. No qualified nurse mind you. The health minister himself.

So we have a party that employ drunks as labour ministers, sisters of convicted criminals as PM's that went to a university but could not speak the language the degree was taught in and a guy who was placed into a position because we would give a passport back to thaksin, an accused terrorist that was owed a favor and a health minister that was not a qualified nurse having to look after Chalerm accusing Professor Pothisiri who received his B.Sc in Pharmacology from Chulalongkorn University, a B.A. in Law from Ramkamhaeng University, who was awarded an M.Sc. in Pharmacology and a Ph.D in Physical Chemistry from the of Wisconsin, USA and a D.P.H. in Public Health Administration from Mahidol University and holds an honorary Ph.D from Chulalongkorn University in Pharmacology of not being qualified! And guess what he can speak the languages the degrees where taught in!!

It is akin to Big Bird from Sesame Street telling Albert Einstein he got the Theory of Relativity wrong!!!

The PTP don't even try to look intelligent anymore and these hollow accusations and reports show how desperate they are to remain relevant because they know all too well from all the polls and all the tangibly quantifiable indicators that they are drifting off into obscurity.

​Good luck PTP, but please try harder next time…All this does is make you look terribly desperate.

Could you please outline the outstanding qualifications of the present administration that make them so suitable for running the country?

Their bank accounts certainly let us know that adherence to the law is not one of them..

Just to get clarity. Did you just accuse the current government officials of being corrupt and having obtained wealth through unlawful means?


The NACC ignored a complaint about Mr Pakdee's qualifications claiming it had no power to question an NACC member's qualifications and that regardless the Senate had already considered his case.

just wondering if there is no power to question the NACC because as a so-called 'independent' organization it is simply unaccountable?

Reminds me of Pheu Thai spokesperson Prompong who liked to accuse and demand to be proven wrong.

Of course the Pheu Thai party will have handed over documentation when they filed the charge. That probably means the court will decide to accept or reject. If the latter they give justification, if the first the case will start later this year.

In the mean time it has all aspects of frantic last minute mud slinging to avoid harm to Ms. Yingluck.


Could you please outline the outstanding qualifications of the present administration that make them so suitable for running the country?

Their bank accounts certainly let us know that adherence to the law is not one of them..

Now you are defaming the present administration as you not so subtly suggest their bank accounts may be well stuffed due to illegal practises.


That is rich coming from Surapong.

Surapong Towijakchaikul edged out former career diplomats for the role as foreign minister. Mr Surapong himself admitted that he was not interested in foreign affairs and had absolutely no background in foreign affairs either, but was given the job because of his loyalty to the unelectable thaksin.

Chalerm was Minister for Labour. Absolutely no qualifications in this field, but was given the job to keep him quite after losing the deputy PM job and threatening the PTP. A pitt bull if you will kept in the basement because the owner won't "put him down" because of the dogs loyalty to him, but refused to bring him out because it gives the owner a bad name due to his violent temperament.

yingluck, a PM that had no political background what so ever who was also the defense minister with no understanding of defense and spent more time impersonating a foreign minister with her overseas trips.

Then there was Nattawut who was only given a ministers job with the commerce ministry because he was loyal to thaksin as well and was owed a favor.

​Of course who could forget my favorite when yingluck told the health minister his job was to nurse Chalerm back to health after Chalerms surgery. No qualified nurse mind you. The health minister himself.

So we have a party that employ drunks as labour ministers, sisters of convicted criminals as PM's that went to a university but could not speak the language the degree was taught in and a guy who was placed into a position because we would give a passport back to thaksin, an accused terrorist that was owed a favor and a health minister that was not a qualified nurse having to look after Chalerm accusing Professor Pothisiri who received his B.Sc in Pharmacology from Chulalongkorn University, a B.A. in Law from Ramkamhaeng University, who was awarded an M.Sc. in Pharmacology and a Ph.D in Physical Chemistry from the of Wisconsin, USA and a D.P.H. in Public Health Administration from Mahidol University and holds an honorary Ph.D from Chulalongkorn University in Pharmacology of not being qualified! And guess what he can speak the languages the degrees where taught in!!

It is akin to Big Bird from Sesame Street telling Albert Einstein he got the Theory of Relativity wrong!!!

The PTP don't even try to look intelligent anymore and these hollow accusations and reports show how desperate they are to remain relevant because they know all too well from all the polls and all the tangibly quantifiable indicators that they are drifting off into obscurity.

​Good luck PTP, but please try harder next time…All this does is make you look terribly desperate.

Could you please outline the outstanding qualifications of the present administration that make them so suitable for running the country?

Their bank accounts certainly let us know that adherence to the law is not one of them..

Apart from trying to divert attention from the lack of suitably qualified PTP ministers, despite several reshuffles in a short period which seemed more like sharing the trough than actually improving things, you are on very dangerous ground. You are insinuating all the present government ministers have profited financially from illegal actions.

Do you have proof, undeniable proof? Even in the unlikely event you have, you are still open to defamation charges.


And on page three of todays Thailand Live we have more threats :

Impeachment will make reconciliation impossible: Korkaew

BANGKOK: -- Former Pheu Thai MP and red-shirt leader Korkaew Pikulthong said Tuesday that the word "reconciliation" would be locked up in a chest and put away if former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra, former Parliament president Somsak Kiartsuranon and former Senate speaker Nikhom Wairatphanic are impeached by the National Legislative Assembly.

In that scenario, the reconciliation would be possible only in the next life.

Source: http://www.nationmul...o-30252283.html

From a member of the party that brought you the eagerly awaited and much amended blanket amnesty bill. The only way to truth and reconciliation as dictated by Thaksin.

Nothing else will do for them.

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Sadly, this accusation is not a BIG DEAL.

Conflict of interest is a common element in the conduct of the Prayuth administration and I don't see why the NACC should be any different. None of the military officers appointed to the NLA (52% of the NLA ministers) resigned their commissions. General Prayuth didn't resign his commission when he became PM - even as PM he wore his general's uniform.


they are ALL 'unqualified' as they are UNELECTED

Thaksin was not elected either, and he was dictating government policy. I don't recall you complaining about that.

Mind you, understanding red-shirt hypocrisy as I do, I wouldn't expect you to.

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