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Wildlife on the Darkside


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No, not a report on the latest bar opening but a sighting of a wild boar (the animal, not TV members who could also be so described!) on the darkside!

I stay near the top of Khao Noi with two sides to the house undeveloped. Mainly scrub with a few trees. The other day our two dogs were a bit more animated than usual and we found that there was a wild boar chomping away at something just a few yards from our wall.

Not sure how big these things get but, doing a google search for pictures, it appeared to be a full sized adult. I subsequently heard that a couple of little ones have also been spotted nearby so there must be at least one more adult in the area.

Now, with the amount of building going on in the area, with the connected workers camps, it surprises me that they haven't been caught and sliced up for a few tasty meals!

Anyone else spotted them, or indeed any other 'wild' creatures that merit a mention?

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I pulled out of a friends house in Ban Ampur one day last week and immediately had to stop to let a family group of wild boars cross the road, Mom and three babies. cant remember if dad was there or not.

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Not just on the Dark Side...I have seen families of these Boar on Soi Norway top of Thapraya Road and also on Soi 54 off Sukhamvit.

The most central place was when I saw a family of them just down from Tony's Gym on 3rd road at a piece of scrub land that is on the right side heading towards the flyover. They were tearing up rubbish from some bins to eat.

They are a big enough animal to scare the soi dogs away from them and also they always seem pretty laid bag around humans passing close by them even when the young piglets were wandering about.

When I saw them on Soi Norway there were 2 adults and 2 very young stripey piglets walking single file up the hill, youngsters at the front and adults at the back.

I think if every one just left them to there own business no harm will come to either party, shame I can't say the same for the way most humans behave when they see a snake/rat/mouse/spider....There is only one planet and it's getting crowded.

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