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Racist Bangkok taxi driver doesn't accept Japanese passengers

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Unfortunately, I believe the headline might have said "Xenophobic taxi driver doesn't accept Japanese passengers"

Aren't Japanese the same race as Chinese and Thais and others of Asiatic origin?

Yes, but don't expect a news agency rolleyes.gif called Coconuts to understand the basics.


Mongoloid /ˈmɒŋ.ɡə.lɔɪd/ is the general physical type of some or all of the populations of East Asia, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Eastern Russia, the Arctic, the Americas, parts of the Pacific Islands, and some northeastern parts of South Asia.


Correct me if I am wrong but is there not or was there a Japanese only Soi next to PatPong? caters to thai ladies for Japanese only. If anyone else goes there they will not serve you.

Haha, true that. But its apples and oranges I think. Soi Thaniya is not exactly a "public service" sector, although it may seem like it!

Sorry I don't understand apples and oranges. If it is not a public service sector what is it?


I guess the Japanesse will be the first to "discover Thainess" upon landing in Thailand

Stupid, racist and ignorant

The Japanese can easily see their own "Japaneseness" in their own backyard before ever landing in Thailand.

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The message is signed "From the Thai Taxi Driver Community for Suvarnabhumi Airport."

Lovely bunch of babies. wai2.gifwai.gif

Still no clue about Social Media.

cheesy.gif cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Don't forget to vote for this one.


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Repeat after me, "I respectfully reserve the right to refuse service to anyone"...

And since when did Japanese become a race unto itself? Japanese are an ethnic subgroup of the Asian race...

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Prayuth Thainese does not mean that Thais should be looked down by Farang like Japanese.

There are pride in every Thais.

If Japs make Thai loose their jobs, they have tthe right to stand up and fight for his/her freedom.

Viva le Siam.


Correct me if I am wrong but is there not or was there a Japanese only Soi next to PatPong? caters to thai ladies for Japanese only. If anyone else goes there they will not serve you.

Haha, true that. But its apples and oranges I think. Soi Thaniya is not exactly a "public service" sector, although it may seem like it!

Sorry I don't understand apples and oranges. If it is not a public service sector what is it?

Soi Thaniya is a private service sector of Patpong catering to rich Japanese who wish to spend time (and money) in private clubs with Thai girls. If farangs or Indians or Africans are not allowed in, so be it.

The taxi driver OTOH is in the public sector, offering his vehicle for hire. Big difference.

Respectfully disagree.

The clubs in Chonburi that only allow Japanese customers (no other foreigners nor Thai) are discriminating based on nationality.

These are public businesses, not private enterprises. The same discrimination is being employed by the taxi driver.

Both are wrong and both would result in multi-million dollar lawsuits in western countries.

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Repeat after me, "I respectfully reserve the right to refuse service to anyone"...

And since when did Japanese become a race unto itself? Japanese are an ethnic subgroup of the Asian race...

Feel free to educate them. They need help on just about every news article :rolleyes: I've read from them.

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Repeat after me, "I respectfully reserve the right to refuse service to anyone"...

And since when did Japanese become a race unto itself? Japanese are an ethnic subgroup of the Asian race...

Discrimination based on nationality or ethnicity actually IS racism, dude.

Like when Americans discriminate against Mexicans, they are being racist.


If there was one thing that every exhibit visitor should take away, what would that be?

That race is not inherent in our genetics, but rather a social construct developed over time, which continues to be a strong and ever present force in our country and in our lives.

Read more: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/is-race-a-social-construct-the-natural-history-museum-investigates-30957654/#cFbuVJ7RO4TIGWtX.99

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Talk about thin skinned! What an inferiority complex, to drive a man to react like this. My guess is, absolute impotence. That can drive a man to do crazy things, one would guess. You have to feel pretty inferior to have skin this thin. What about the expression "water off a ducks back". I guess this very tiny man never heard that. What a goon. What a fool. What a hooligan dummy. To be so offended because one man, from one nation said one thing. The height of foolishness, and stupidity. Shame on the idiot.

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Repeat after me, "I respectfully reserve the right to refuse service to anyone"...

And since when did Japanese become a race unto itself? Japanese are an ethnic subgroup of the Asian race...

Discrimination based on nationality or ethnicity actually IS racism, dude.

Like when Americans discriminate against Mexicans, they are being racist.


If there was one thing that every exhibit visitor should take away, what would that be?

That race is not inherent in our genetics, but rather a social construct developed over time, which continues to be a strong and ever present force in our country and in our lives.

Read more: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/is-race-a-social-construct-the-natural-history-museum-investigates-30957654/#cFbuVJ7RO4TIGWtX.99

You forget where you are... You're not in Kansas anymore Dorothy...

And this from the guy that is a self-professed zionist... You don't even know the implications of what you say or profess, so how can anyone take you seriously...

I know exactly what I say.

Please take your Jew baiting somewhere else, OK?

As far as racism, yes, racism of Asian ethnicities towards OTHER Asian ethnicities (race and ethnicity/nationality are not the same thing) that is real and very strong and as old as the hills. Of course it would be more common historically for Japanese to be racist towards Thais than vice versa, but that's another story.

I know it's a weird concept for people who aren't familiar with it, but racism is something expressed socially, and does not need any biological/anthropological basis to actually be real to be real in a SOCIETAL sense.


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But they all drive Japanese cars.

Hope the Japs stop sending them parts alt=tongue.png> .

They probably think that the cars are Thai because they are made in Thailand


Correct me if I am wrong but is there not or was there a Japanese only Soi next to PatPong? caters to thai ladies for Japanese only. If anyone else goes there they will not serve you.

This taxi driver is a complete arse. Acting like a baby because these corrupt extortionate drivers are getting caught for ripping people off. They need to be dealt with in a very harsh way.

That being said, you are right here. The Japanese are some of the most racist people on the planet. Even in Bkk there are bars that are Japanese only, they will not let you in if you are not Japanese as the fragile ego of the Japanese men can't handle a woman that might compare them to a better male specimen (i don't think you will even find a Arab bar in Bkk that wouldn't let in a non Arab). There are Japanese only condominiums. I have been walking around Sukhumvit looking for new rooms and have been told sorry Japanese only.

This is a case of sum num na. Although I am sure the driver would still take a Japanese passenger if he would pay the 700 baht.

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Correct me if I am wrong but is there not or was there a Japanese only Soi next to PatPong? caters to thai ladies for Japanese only. If anyone else goes there they will not serve you.

Yes same thing in reverse.....


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Unfortunately, I believe the headline might have said "Xenophobic taxi driver doesn't accept Japanese passengers"

Aren't Japanese the same race as Chinese and Thais and others of Asiatic origin?

Racism is a social construct. As an anthropological construct, race doesn't even really exist. So yes Thais can be racist against Japanese, and more commonly Burmese and Cambodians.

race most certainly DOES exist in an anthropological context, there are differences in skull shape in size amongst caucasians, Blacks and Asians..just because we acknowledge its existence doesn't mean it needs to be a vehicle for discrimination

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They should expand more......

No British, No Americans, no other Europeans allowed.........except Greeks.

So they could all go back to Issan and live a happy life thereafter, eating and drinking all day.

And the traffic on the streets of BKK, will be much betterthumbsup.gif

If they won't pick up Japanese fares they certainly won't allow Greeks !

One look at that big, chunky gold chain necklace amid that big ol' hairy chest jungle and you will be hoofing it mate. biggrin.png


Get a horse!


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A not surprising reaction on an entire race because of the opinion of one individual. What a big baby. Thainess in full glory.




Thai Rak Thai. Welcome to information technology Thailand. Does it hurt?

''It is not a difficult thing to do, acting responsible and treating another person how you would expect to be treated yourself''.


Correct me if I am wrong but is there not or was there a Japanese only Soi next to PatPong? caters to thai ladies for Japanese only. If anyone else goes there they will not serve you.

This taxi driver is a complete arse. Acting like a baby because these corrupt extortionate drivers are getting caught for ripping people off. They need to be dealt with in a very harsh way.

That being said, you are right here. The Japanese are some of the most racist people on the planet. Even in Bkk there are bars that are Japanese only, they will not let you in if you are not Japanese as the fragile ego of the Japanese men can't handle a woman that might compare them to a better male specimen (i don't think you will even find a Arab bar in Bkk that wouldn't let in a non Arab). There are Japanese only condominiums. I have been walking around Sukhumvit looking for new rooms and have been told sorry Japanese only.

This is a case of sum num na. Although I am sure the driver would still take a Japanese passenger if he would pay the 700 baht.

There are a lot Japanese racist. But the taxi driver doesn't refuse to transport racists, he refused ALL Japanese and I am sure most of them aren't racist at all.

I could understand it a little bit if the taxi driver wouldn't transport them because he was a victim of Japanese racism or if he want to protest Japanese racism. But in fact he is angry that he (or a other taxi driver) got on camera cheating a Japanese (Japanese is the victim).

They cheated my old parents the same.....if they would had a camera it would read that he doesn't accept Austrian passengers. And there is no Austrians only bar in Bkk.

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