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Is sound pollution something that everybody ignores here?


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Sound pollution is something that Thais ignore, which is why they can sleep through anything.

Discovered this week that most our soi is woken up multiple times every night by the hound from hell (which wakes us all up 5 or 6 times every night), they are too scared to say anything. 3 abandoned houses just this short soi alone and 2 more that want to move, but can't sell all because of the dog and it's owners.

Thought the neighbours thought I was mad for having a go at the dogs and owners and would be all Thais together, turns out it's quite the opposite.

You have to get serious about it, no good just complaining. Contact a lawyer to sort out your options, he could write two or three warning letters first and then contact the police and demand a prosecution if it doesn't stop.

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Bangkapi Mall in BKK is an example of noise pollution with many different vendors competing with loudspeakers. I once said to a friend "I don't understand how the Thai tolerate this continuous racket" He replied "They don't tolerate it Peter, it doesn't bother them"

Only then did I realise that I had failed to identify this truth in over 40 years of marriage to a Thai and nearly 50 years of association with the LOS!

yes and they have no problem sleeping in such environment.

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Most Thai people do not seem to hear noise, nor do they seem to mind it. The expectation of quiet does not seem to exist, in their world. Quiet is an incredibly difficult and elusive thing to find in this country. Whether it is allowing their dogs to bark for hours, allowing their kids to talk loudly and carry on in a movie theatre, or just the TV always playing in the background, it all adds up to a very low premium put on quietude.

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another disgruntled expat...whistling.gif bet you youLondon to a brick never noticed any of it for at least the first few years you were here. Like most of your ilk familiarity breeds contempt. So many come here and love it for a while then spend the rest of the time bashing the joint endlessly about everything at every opportunity. Your doing the right thing stop whining and boot off FIFO is the answer.... fit in or .XXX

Edited by Rooo
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Most Thai people do not seem to hear noise, nor do they seem to mind it.

Which is why those trucks that drive around all day advertising something or other have to have the volume on its highest setting in order to startle the Thai public into maybe hearing them.

Same goes for the special offer ladies in shopping malls, Tesco, Big C etc. volume on highest if they want to sell anything.

And don't get me started on Harley Davidsons, mostly driven by farang........

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another disgruntled expat...whistling.gif bet you youLondon to a brick never noticed any of it for at least the first few years you were here. Like most of your ilk familiarity breeds contempt. So many come here and love it for a while then spend the rest of the time bashing the joint endlessly about everything at every opportunity. Your doing the right thing stop whining and boot off FIFO is the answer.... fit in or .XXX

Your aggression is matched only by your eloquence.

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another disgruntled expat...whistling.gif bet you youLondon to a brick never noticed any of it for at least the first few years you were here. Like most of your ilk familiarity breeds contempt. So many come here and love it for a while then spend the rest of the time bashing the joint endlessly about everything at every opportunity. Your doing the right thing stop whining and boot off FIFO is the answer.... fit in or .XXX

Another total misunderstanding of this forum, and especially my post. I am not disgruntled. I love it here. I am simply stating the obvious, when it comes to noise. Thais simply have a different relationship with noise, than most of us have. Nothing wrong with that. I envy them on that level. Wish noise meant as little to me, as it does to them. Not same same at all.

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another disgruntled expat...whistling.gif bet you youLondon to a brick never noticed any of it for at least the first few years you were here. Like most of your ilk familiarity breeds contempt. So many come here and love it for a while then spend the rest of the time bashing the joint endlessly about everything at every opportunity. Your doing the right thing stop whining and boot off FIFO is the answer.... fit in or .XXX

Ah,so i take it you are in the 'pack yer bags ' brigade ,Starky,one must say your avatar flatters you.

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Doesn't anybody ever complain here. NO !

Of course not, why ? What good would it do, who to complain to ? How much would it cost to get the bib to react ?,

I hate the noise , but hey I either live with it or leave, I choose to live with it, though must admit I have just bought a new house in a new town and ensured no temples near by, no markets near by , no bars, no dog pounds, bus stations, screw it I will and am prepared to drive for what I need to live and sleep ,

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First, it depends a lot on where you choose to live.

I live on the extreme outer edge of a good sized town and it is very quiet here.

When there are large celebrations in town, I can hear it off in the distance, but not very loud.

I have been told by Thai people that the location of my house is too quiet, and they could not live there.

Thai people are loud people and they like it that way.

The way they talk ( shout ), the way they listen to music, they even like their vehicles to be loud.

They are very social and get comfort from knowing others are in close proximity.

Have you ever noticed how people in rural areas live in villages clustered together and that it is rare to see a farm house isolated from others like you would see in many countries?

Most Thais are Animist and believe strongly in spirits and/ or ghosts.

They feel living in clustered villages provides protection from these spirits.

The only complaints I have ever heard about the noise level in Thailand is from non native people.

Years ago, a group of expats tried to get tuktuks banned in bangkok because they were so noisy.

There are still a lot of tuktuks in Bangkok.

Like you, I do not care for loud noises.

My solution was to consider this when deciding where to live.

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Aha, was in Khon Kaen a few weeks ago.

At the city pillar shrine they had this set-up with 4 (four) movie screens one next to the other.

When we walked back via the city pillar shrine to our hotel after visiting a nearby restaurant 4 simultaneous movies were playing all with FULL SOUND. Unbelievable but TIT.

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Aha, was in Khon Kaen a few weeks ago.

At the city pillar shrine they had this set-up with 4 (four) movie screens one next to the other.

When we walked back via the city pillar shrine to our hotel after visiting a nearby restaurant 4 simultaneous movies were playing all with FULL SOUND. Unbelievable but TIT.

multi - tasking. you can't get them to do that at work but watching 4 films at once, easy.

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I am currently separated from my wife (geographically, not relationship-wise). She is in the States while I am here in Thailand. One of our big points of conversation concerns noisy dogs. She has a chihuahua in the house in back of ours that is left outside day and night and barks incessantly, the little yipping cutting into the bedroom like a knife. I have a much louder dog in the front yard of the house across the street from me who likes to express his displeasure of life by hour long barking jags that tend to start at midnight, repeat and 2:00 AM, and so on.

It happens everywhere. The difference in that in the States, we can call the cops who can issue a citation, but it can take six months to get to court. Here, people don't seem to complain as much, but if the cops respond, they seem to be able to get more immediate compliance.

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Sound pollution is something that Thais ignore, which is why they can sleep through anything.

Discovered this week that most our soi is woken up multiple times every night by the hound from hell (which wakes us all up 5 or 6 times every night), they are too scared to say anything. 3 abandoned houses just this short soi alone and 2 more that want to move, but can't sell all because of the dog and it's owners.

Thought the neighbours thought I was mad for having a go at the dogs and owners and would be all Thais together, turns out it's quite the opposite.

Thais do hear the noise and get woken up but they just do not do anything about it.

We have 6 dogs barking off and on all night. Wife and neighbors just will not say anything to the two dog owners about trying to get the dogs to stop or get rid of them.

The dog owners have bought the dogs as guard dogs so that is their reason for having them and their attitude is that the neighbors can just put up with the noise.

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Sound pollution is something that Thais ignore, which is why they can sleep through anything.

Obviously it is not "pollution" or "noise" to people who aren't bothered by the sounds, unless it causes physical damage to the ears, which I don't believe is the case with the OP.

The more one focuses on sounds which bother you, the more they will bother you. It's usually a condition created in the minds of mentally stressed out foreigners who cannot or will not adapt to their environments.

You have 3 choices:

1. Get used to the sounds.

2. Keep moving away to quieter locations and be prepared to continually move as the sounds follow you.

3. Go live on a farm miles away from the nearest neighbour and hope no one ever builds a house nearby.

I choose option 1.

Thais love what you call "noise" and "pollution".

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weddings ,funerals ect,why do they start the music full volume at 5am,it drives me nuts.

Ah the joys of the backwater upcountry hillbillies from Issan, thats why some of us choose to lived in gated communities in Bkk, none of this nonsense where I live.

PS, the music is loud to scare the ghosts away. LOL.

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