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Is sound pollution something that everybody ignores here?


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I live in Rayong which is a fairly modern town on the eastern seaboard and this Spring I shall be leaving. To be honest I can't stand the noise anymore. There are pick up's with special exhausts pumping out noise 24 hrs a day racing on Sukhumvit , plus motor bikes and scooters, there are the publicity vans playin out inaudible advertising rubbish to the pedestrains (There aren't any - no one walks in Thailand anymore except the very very poor!) and then there are the several karaoke bars and clubs that pound away all night ( literally till 5 or 6 am - so much for the new govt !) In fact there is never a time of silence except maybe just after six am if your'e lucky for ten minutes that's if the monks don't start on their loudspeakers. I just don't know how the locals handle it after all the whole population is not mafia yaba

addicts or japanese business men out at night ! What about all those families whose kids are at school (No wonder there all asleep on the songtaews!) Doesn't anybody ever complain here or has the culture got so corrupt that no one dares anymore - it's a real shame.

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WOW....I live in Rayong and have for the last 7 years...and yes...there is noise pollution BUT not to the extent you seem to think it is whistling.gif. Then again, maybe my tolerance is higher than yours (old man and probably getting deaf from going to so many concerts in the 70's and 80's).

I dealt with the noise pollution by building a house with double walls, double paned windows and a concrete ceiling with a roof on top of that. .....so when I don't want to hear the outside noise I just close the doors.

When there is a problem in life I feel its better to deal with it than run from it like you are w00t.gif .....oh well....each to the own solutions.

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Like so many things, depends where you are, you chose to live there so get used to it or move out.

I rarely hear loud music unless someone has died or is getting married, even then its not too bad and soon passes.

Find somewhere more peaceful, not that difficult really.

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I bring foam earplugs so I can sleep at night ,

my room is not that bad but the AC fan makes some noise that I would rather not hear

But you do not see Thais with ear protection when they are using cutting saws etc and noise is something they have always lived with....

Move to the country and you will hear the Roosters in the morning so you cannot win :)

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I would never live near a school, there is a small private school about 1/2 km away, trust me, that's as close as would care to come, blasting speakers!

There is a market down the road, far enough to be out of earshot more or less, so they pump the guy on the mic on loudspeakers throughout the neighborhood.

I am lucky, there are no speakers close to my house, but then again i can hear just fine.

I would never live near a temple. yes there are many all around me, but just far enough to where I can hear them well enough but it's not loud enough

to affect overriding anything in the house, but yes, music and movies sometimes until 3am or more. I could not imagine being any closer.

Motorbike racing with straight pipes is huge around here, cars or trucks blasting music. The buses have speakers on the outside of them blasting music.

It's a weird place, i like the abundance of fresh food. :) Being considerate is still in the works, they'll get there maybe.

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The noise pollution this evening North Chiang Mai is brought to you courtesy of the cowboys country and western event at the DISTRICT OFFICE OF SANSAI yes just where the Police station is located . I am sure all those guys I have just seen drinking will not be driving home .. I am 4 miles away and the bass is enormous .. The children leave for school at 6 am .. they will not get their 8 hours for sure tonight .. .

It is not pollution it is a health hazard to your body - the US and other government use noise as a weapon .. Thailand should be world experts on this subject .. ! No foam ear plugs do not stop the sensation of Bass .. I use Top of the range Peltor designed for guys guiding aircraft at airports .. trouble is I cannot sleep on my side in those and I look silly , ... ( and no I am not going home if I do not like it etc.etc .....rant off )

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Im in the shadow of the fang mountains right now and im listening to some 'thud dathud thud' from somewhere....really bad kareoke from somewhere and dogs howling. Around 23.30 the brothers cockerel will start squawking and does so all night winding up the other 6 he keeps till the loudspeakers start up at 7am then the school cranks up the sing a song mic to max (they sing all day?) And then around 4 ish its quiet for 10 mins till the night market kicks off with 1 million watt sound systems. The g/f sleeps right through the lot.

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I know exactly what you are talking about, did you mention the barking dogs ?

Imagine my scenario, in Europe, home broken into 3 times (upgrade the alarm)

again, 85 year old mother found in the home lying on the floor in a pool of blood,

(upgrade the alarm) again, i now cannot go to sleep without sleeping tablets and

i can hear a pin drop in the other room.

Laugh all you want but it's not funny,, when i go see my family in Sydney some

times i usually stay in the center of the city, the first thing that strikes me is how

everyone is speaking English, second is how clean the place is and lastly, HOW

QUIET THE CITY IS, then when i go home, again inner city, not far from the center

it's the same, i sort of miss this lifestyle but then there are no barking dogs, that's

it i have to leave, i miss my ping gai.

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WOW....I live in Rayong and have for the last 7 years...and yes...there is noise pollution BUT not to the extent you seem to think it is whistling.gif. Then again, maybe my tolerance is higher than yours (old man and probably getting deaf from going to so many concerts in the 70's and 80's).

I dealt with the noise pollution by building a house with double walls, double paned windows and a concrete ceiling with a roof on top of that. .....so when I don't want to hear the outside noise I just close the doors.

When there is a problem in life I feel its better to deal with it than run from it like you are w00t.gif .....oh well....each to the own solutions.

I live in the buildings around a bus station, so VERY noisy 24/7.

Like you I attended many concerts in the 60's and 70's and am getting old.

I take my hearing aids out before going to sleep and get my 7 - 8 hours without any problem.

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Im in the shadow of the fang mountains right now and im listening to some 'thud dathud thud' from somewhere....really bad kareoke from somewhere and dogs howling. Around 23.30 the brothers cockerel will start squawking and does so all night winding up the other 6 he keeps till the loudspeakers start up at 7am then the school cranks up the sing a song mic to max (they sing all day?) And then around 4 ish its quiet for 10 mins till the night market kicks off with 1 million watt sound systems. The g/f sleeps right through the lot.

You're lucky. In my wife's village there is a talking petrol pump near the house, so that's early in the morning, and the monks start chanting about 5 am, amplified by speakers of course. However, as they don't have cable tv, there is nothing I can understand, so no reason not to go to bed early.

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Im in the shadow of the fang mountains right now and im listening to some 'thud dathud thud' from somewhere....really bad kareoke from somewhere and dogs howling. Around 23.30 the brothers cockerel will start squawking and does so all night winding up the other 6 he keeps till the loudspeakers start up at 7am then the school cranks up the sing a song mic to max (they sing all day?) And then around 4 ish its quiet for 10 mins till the night market kicks off with 1 million watt sound systems. The g/f sleeps right through the lot.

You're lucky. In my wife's village there is a talking petrol pump near the house, so that's early in the morning, and the monks start chanting about 5 am, amplified by speakers of course. However, as they don't have cable tv, there is nothing I can understand, so no reason not to go to bed early.
. Your not counting the pickup trucks with microphone blabbing about fruit specials or furniture sales, starting at 5 am, I could murder them...
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Most Thais are too wrapped up in the moment to notice much else...until the next thing overtakes all other impulses, physical and mental.. it's the blinder mentality..the symptoms are endless, like changing lanes without checking the mirror first..


Catastrophic roadway collisions

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60 plus million Thais sad.png ..on the far side of the tracks..ignore sound pollution..

The other 8 million try to ignore it , unsuccessfully..

And a few thousand monks, in the more obscure Temples, are out of the loop altogether..and would have no say on the matter..coffee1.gif

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Mate I have lived and worked in 4 asian countries. I am currently in South America and I can't wait to get home to Thailand. The xxxx noise here at night is truly ridiculous and un necessary. Food andxxx here is mega cheap but the people don't give a rats ass about each other's personal space. Give me LOS anytime

Edited by Rooo
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Went to a festival recently and they had two bands playing on stages about 40 feet apart. Pure distortion and both bands were turning up their volume to be heard. Can't see how anyone could enjoy it. Still though, I think sound trucks are the worst causing all the noise and a traffic hazard at the same time. Quiet is not a commodity in Thailand!

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your place of choice... i will use the words of Villagefarang: i live in a house in a field...same applies to me.zero noise pollution except our dogs are barking...

oh so thats your bloody dogs waking me up then!tongue.png

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your place of choice... i will use the words of Villagefarang: i live in a house in a field...same applies to me.zero noise pollution except our dogs are barking...

oh so thats your bloody dogs waking me up then!tongue.png

though they just did their job-good boy and girl,well done...thumbsup.gif

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Sound pollution is something that Thais ignore, which is why they can sleep through anything.

Discovered this week that most our soi is woken up multiple times every night by the hound from hell (which wakes us all up 5 or 6 times every night), they are too scared to say anything. 3 abandoned houses just this short soi alone and 2 more that want to move, but can't sell all because of the dog and it's owners.

Thought the neighbours thought I was mad for having a go at the dogs and owners and would be all Thais together, turns out it's quite the opposite.

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