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Suvarnabhumi taxi drivers suggest baggage charges

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These people have had the shitty end of the stick for years, good for them!!!!!!;)

You clearly don't know anything about workers in Thailand! Most,if not all, taxi drivers bring in well over the minimum wage every day! Good working taxi drivers earn good money and you do not hear them complain!
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Price is price. Overcharging is cheating. How simple can it be. Whether things are considered cheap or the taxi driver comes from the poorer areas in Thailand doesn't matter. Price is price and if that is not enough then resign and find another job or go out and lobby for a higher price! A lot of Thai taxi drivers are scumbags that make me feel uncomfortable, drive like idiots and are trying to cheat you anyway they can.

I would prefer paying a higher price with a lot better service. But the same price for everyone. Singapore is an example of how it could be regulated. But then again: law enforcement is non existent here.


Thai Taxi driver are the worst. Always complain, refuse a trip, cheating, don't take the fastest or shortest way, even don't know the way.

They should have some lessons about there Bangkok map, proper behavior etc.

Or the government should at least take some licenses from the bad drivers.


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It may be time to start finding alternatives to the taxis at the airport. They are really acting up, and behaving like spoiled brats, and the discipline is not forthcoming. As to be expected with an impotent government.

Maybe a rail link could be built as an alternative........


I recently returned from the US with 3 bags totalling 85 kg( could have taken 98 kg total complements of JAL business class). I hadn't been back in 3 years and had many things to bring plus gifts. I took the larger Toyota wagon. I was planning to tip the guy as my bags were heavy...but as he picked them up he was on the phone talking to someone and kept repeating farang...hiaa and more about my heavy suitcases. I told him in Thai where to take me and the route to take. I asked if he understood he said yes but he had a shortcut. This was at 3:30am and I had to be to work at 9 am. His shortcut cost me an extra toll fee and took about 20 minutes longer. He got off on Ram Intra and backtracked to Chatuchak area. I decided then I would pay a rounded up fare but really no tip. He made up for it with his extra ride. He continued to cuss as he got back in the car after taking my bags out.

I read elsewhere that a leader of a Taxi association was comparing Taxi charges in Japan and saying Thailand should pattern themselves after the fee schedules in Japan. But they didn't mention what you get in Japan for those rates.I did a 6 day stopover in Japan(Tokyo and Kyoto) on my way to the US. As it was about 5 C I took many taxis. The taxis I had were late model, very clean, drivers wore white gloves, many had lace coverings on headrest and top of seats. One even had a lamb shearling throw rug on the back seat. The drivers were polite. One even missed the turn off and had to go up several blocks to make a u-turn. He apologized as I had given him a card with a map of the location. When I paid him the full fare he deducted 10% for his mistake. I tried to get him to keep it as a tip but he said,"no my error." Has a Thai taxi driver ever offered to deduct increased charges due to their "mistakes" intentional or mistakenly? I have never had this done. I used to pay the total fare when this happened but after learning some Thai many times I discount what I pay if they have taken me INTENTIONALLY way out of my way and the increase is 100 baht or more, telling them why. This is when I have given them explicit instructions where to go and they tell me some excuse for taking another route--not traffic related.

It's interestng you forgot to mention the extortionist price of taking a taxi in Japan. You are comparing their prices to Thailand? Insane. They START at over 210 baht and increase quickly in large amounts. They SHOULD do more. A lot more. I have had a few less baht several times and the Thai taxi driver just said Mai pen rai. No problem


London Taxis charge for baggage, I don't think it would be so bad for BKK taxis to do likewise. What I do foresee being a problem though is where to put said baggage. My experience of BKK taxis is that a rather large LPG or NGV tank in the boot space taking most of the usable space. Anyway paying 100 or so for bags is far less than the +100% fares quoted without the meter running.

Just a side comment; in the op it mentions the fuel price increase ... Strange how so many taxis want to continue then. If I were not making money from my business, the simple solution would be to give it up. We regularly hear of drivers refusing fares and only taking customers "off meter". I think the taxis can make good money here, the only issue is who gets the money. The fat cats that own the cars and taxi plates, the drivers that rent them or the mini mafia that control the lucrative pitches.


These people have had the shitty end of the stick for years, good for them!!!!!!wink.png

They are suppose to be a public transport service as in any civilized country.

Except in Bangkok there do not transport passengers if they know they won't be able to rip the person off for more than the legal meter rate.

They will use every excuse to not pick a passenger up .. no fuel , no gas , finish shift ......

Now they are trying to pull another fast one on the passengers ....

wonder how they would react if every stopped using them and started using the airport link, grab a cab and UBER ....

Maybe that's the only way to make them clean up there act .....whistling.gif


These people have had the shitty end of the stick for years, good for them!!!!!!;)

You clearly don't know anything about workers in Thailand! Most,if not all, taxi drivers bring in well over the minimum wage every day! Good working taxi drivers earn good money and you do not hear them complain!

Power to the taxi drivers!!!!!!


Use limosine service. No arguing. Nice clean cars. No problem.


Or buy your own car...or better: a helicopter!

You understand what a Taxi-service is and what it is there for, don't you?!

If the taxis get their own way and a luggage tax (?) is introduced, the price of airport limos WILL go up, no doubt about it. They wont what to miss out on the extra pickings.

And DM07, don't be so quick to defecate on those who use the limo service. There are very legitimate reasons why some people do. I for instance use them if I'm travelling to and from Thailand (yes, my home), with my wife who has had a spinal cord operation. She prefers the comfort of a new car, and we avoid the pot-luck of getting a bone cruncher taxi.

For all I care, everybody should use the service they wish.

But just telling people to take a limo, does not really address the issue here, don't you agree?

"Let them eat cake" comes to mind!


Wouldn't it be simpler just to say "Large taxi at airport stand B100 booking fee rather than B50"? If your bags won't fit in the normal car then it's B50 extra for the larger vehicle. No weighing of bags, arguing about them, etc Just "Look, your bags don't fit, off you go to that car and pay B50 more".

I'd go for that.

Too much logic. Does not compute.


Now farang is really going to complain.

No other land transport charge extra for baggage.

Not train, not bus, not car rental; why on earth Thai taxi going to charge for baggage is beyond my logic.

Perhaps the happy Thai people's logic is a world different from mine.

I was charged for baggage by a taxi in Marseille once, can't argue with them as they really are mafia :)

Don't tell them that, they'll just put guns to everyone's head,

But their little charging by bag and weight formula will be too complex


DLT should update their tests for taxi licenses, too many of the taxi drivers don't have the proper knowleadge nor manner of what we pay for, mainly speaking of the airport taxi drivers.


Going from Ratchyothin to Suvarnabhumi cost 280Bt and coming back 350Bt. without Tolls. Let's say 400 Bt. Thats 10 € for almost 30km

Can one of you tell me where in the world can you use a Taxi for a 30km ride with Aircon for this money?

I bought a car Battery the other day for 3900 bt. One cheap Tire for a Corolla is over 2000 Bt. The list can go on.....For the ones who own a car in Thailand will understand Taxi owners and drivers when they ask for more.

Almost all in this Forum have steady incomes over 50 thousand / monthly.Do you know that an average Taxi driver takes not more than 15 to 17 thousand home? I am not defending the Taxi owners plea, but .showing how arrogant and selfish some of the comments here are.

Thais are kind, friendly, and helpful people if you know to respect them.

total rubbish, my friend is kind and respectful and friendly, taxi driver still tried to cheat him by doubling the charge from swampy.

Don't be naive

What is your argument? You got to see it from the drivers point of view. He is cheating your friend for a reason. He is one who knows no other way out to feed his family back home. Have you visited a Taxi drivers family? I have. I am 62 and have traveled the world more than most of you here. If you want to be respected in Thailand, you got to earn it like in your home country.Like in all societies, there are a few black sheep in Thailand too.

If the tone is right when you ask the driver to use the meter, you will never have a problem. It's the arrogance that gets you into trouble. In 19 months of living in Thailand, I have used Suvarnabhumi Taxis at least 25 times without one single problem. How come? Rethink before you write rubbish!

19 months? Then you dont know alot. Closeted life if you think by just being polite a taxi driver will behave legally!

" However passengers carrying two to four bags would be THB30 per bag, their fifth and sixth bags would be THB50 each, and every one after that would be charged THB80."

​ Is it a Taxi or a Boeing 707?


Now farang is really going to complain.

No other land transport charge extra for baggage.

Not train, not bus, not car rental; why on earth Thai taxi going to charge for baggage is beyond my logic.

Perhaps the happy Thai people's logic is a world different from mine.

I was charged for baggage by a taxi in Marseille once, can't argue with them as they really are mafia :)

Don't tell them that, they'll just put guns to everyone's head,

But their little charging by bag and weight formula will be too complex


I'll happily pay 30b for my suitcase if it means they'll charge the meter rate for the journey.

I mean come on. It's 30b. Who gets upset over an amount like that?

You'd be surprised just how many would get upset! There are a lot of real low budget tourists out there and to them, every baht counts! Of course there are also lots of regular tight a$$ cheap charlies!


It's easy to avoid the mafia taxi cabs, just go to the top floor and exit there, the taxis arriving here are the ones dropping people off, just say "meter" to the driver, they will almost always say yes and away you go. The reason why the taxis at the official taxi pickup points will not go on the meter is they have to pay the bribe to the Gvt official who works there, the bribe can be as high as 200baht. If he put his meter on he'd lose money. Please don't blame the drivers for this, it's the system that has been set up and even if they do charge you 700 baht for a journey that'd cost 200 on the meter, realize that they had to pay a bribe already to pick you up. These taxi drivers are just trying to make a living, they are not rolling in dough and outside of the airport their rates are amazing. They'll let you hire them all day, taking you everywhere in Bangkok and waiting for you and protecting you from any rip off merchants for only 2 to 3 thousand baht for the whole day. That's cheaper than any tour guide. Also the drivers 'off meter' are better at speaking English.

To put it into perspective. In London I paid £70 for a taxi to Heathrow, it took 30 minutes. This was on the government set meter price. Yet we whine because we pay £12 for a journey that takes over an hour.


you know were this is headed

Next not only will they not use the meter but will refuse to pick people up that only have one bag

This is nothing short of ridiculous, can the idiot suggesting this idea calculate how much extra fuel is used with a 10kg case, I will save him the trouble - it is so insignificant it's not worth a mention on a 6km journey not to mention if it's all downhill should the passenger get a refund

These drivers earn decent money - the problem in Bangkok and a number of other locations is there are simply too many of them clambering for a fare, they spend a lot of their time sitting around

The solution is to regulate the numbers so that the people that are doing a shift are actually earning most of the time they are working and not sitting around twiddling their thumbs thinking up new ways to stiff a tourist


How can they defend their prices, when you compare the fares:

Mo Chit to Suvarnabhumi I usually pay 250-300Baht with highway tolls and using the meter.

Suvarnabhumi to Mo Chit I usually have to pay 500Baht (+50Baht airport fee and tolls sometimes) as many refuse the fares if you insist that they use the meter!

Many of Bangkok's taxi drivers don't think that they are there to provide a service for the people. They think it's better to refuse a short (or long) fare and just keep cruising around waiting for that perfect fair. So lets start using the buses, BTS and MRT when we are in Bangkok and see how fun it's then for the drivers... remember that there is about 175,000 Taxis in Bangkok!

I get refused occasionally in Bangkok - usually they refuse rather than offer to go but without the meter. I can only think of 2 occasions when they offered without the meter - both relatively short journeys, both waited until we were on the way and then were pissed when we refused and got out, but both were asking 2.5 times the normal meter price.

It ain't a good job here by any means, but I still find 80% of drivers are o k, 10% reasonably o k and then 10% who are bad and spoil it for all the others.


I use the bus service from Suvanabhumi Airport to Hua Hin and back fairly regularly and they charge extra for more than 1 bag, I think it was 20 baht for more than 1 bag. So 325 baht to get to Hua Hin with 2 checked bags and a backpack carry on is pretty good, and it's in good condition and the drivers sofar have been pretty good. I stopped using Thai taxi's long ago for fear of my life because of theirs and most other road users dangerous driving not the cost of the ride.

Now farang is really going to complain.

No other land transport charge extra for baggage.

Not train, not bus, not car rental; why on earth Thai taxi going to charge for baggage is beyond my logic.

Perhaps the happy Thai people's logic is a world different from mine.


"One bag under 15 kilograms would be free. However passengers carrying two to four bags would be THB30 per bag, their fifth and sixth bags would be THB50 each, and every one after that would be charged THB80."

Then square root x distance in nautical miles, divide by weight in kiloponds, exponential power, find where lines intersect and add driver's date of birth. That's it.

Having said that, they do deserve a fare increase.


I have just ordered a taxi to take me to CM airport. He is to come and get me at 5.45 a.m. No meter, normal flat rate 150 baht. I don't mind paying it when I arrive, because I'm fed up and tired. To take me that early in the morning it's 300 baht. When I protested, the answer was "he has to get up early to come".

As for the luggage charge. There is some place in the world where I had to pay for that and I think it was London.


These people have had the shitty end of the stick for years, good for them!!!!!!wink.png

Many of these drivers are unlicensed, many cheat their passengers when they can. If they enjoy a fare hike they won't stop these practices. Adding a further complication to calculating fares gives them more leeway to cheat their passengers.

Bad luck if the licensed or unlicensed thieves are too stupid to get a real job and are forced to earn a living in this menial job.

I have no sympathy for them. Get another job, get 2 jobs if you want to earn more money.

Cheating a farang out of 800bht to get to KS. road represents about 800bht an hour, then cheating KS road farang out of 300bht to get to Wat Po (10 mins walk away) that's another easy con., that's just 2hrs out of your 12 hr day. times that by 20 and you get 20k a month.

If this was a properly controlled licensed profession with honest employees I would have no problem with their structuring higher fees.


The service, fares dictated (cheating), vehicle conditions, attitudes and quality of drivers is well below reasonable service standards. How many of you have had to sit in a taxi with no aircon, a driver who complains they don't know the way, who drives too fast ortoo slow. Who purposely chooses the slow lanes over the moving lanes, who misses their turns, doesn't turn on the meter. a driver who doesn't understand personal hygiene, uses mobile phones to chat or text whilst driving, picks their nose. etc etc etc.

How are these morons even capable of dictating policy?

You employ monkeys, you are paid in peanuts.

Hey smart guy/ math genius. I have lived and worked in several countries in the West. When ever there was cash, there would be thiefs. Of course we are such holly people and make sure that the poor do not steal 5 Bt. Get a live

Sure there are thieves, and a functioning police force and consumer watchdog to protect against thieves. In Thailand these don't exist. We aren't talking about 5bht, were talking about doubling trebling and quadrupling fares from naive tourists.

Learn English before you start telling people what to do cowboy.

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