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When the euro down to 30 thb is it time to go home?

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Or perhaps another perspective ...

From those of us working and saving here in Thailand....

Woo hoo !!! Hope the THB keeps letting stronger and stronger...

Maybe when it hits 25 THB to the USD... Will retire back in the USA with all of the money I made in Thailand...

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I don't see any reason for Thailand to devalue its' currency, as trade will more than make up for any deficit from tourists. So, if you aren't getting any more than a government pension, yeah, you might be in trouble.

Trade drops off when the baht is strong. A couple years ago when the baht rallied and there was a exodus of expats, exporters were worried to as sales were dropping off. People import goods from Thailand not because of the quality but because they are cheap. China was such a strong exporter because they artificially kept the yuan low making their goods attractive at the low cost.

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"...one euro hits 30€, is it then time to go home for most expats?"

"most expats"

You do realize that not all expats in Thailand are Euro dependent?? And even among them, not all were unable to read the writing on the wall and build up a reserve in baht to weather the inevitable cycles in exchange rates??

I seem to recall when the Euro was on a tear and other currencies were suffering there was some gloating & pontificating on the part of Europeans.

And of course whenever some newbie has asked whether it was safe to keep a reserve of cash in Thailand, the collective wisdom seemed to be that the Thai currency and Thai banks were too risky and that one should keep all but the bare minimum back in farangland where you could earn 1% or 2% more and your savings would be safe as houses. Some people even seemed to think living here from ATM visit to ATM visit was wise.

In the financial world the expression "this time it's different" is seldom true. The Euro isn't going to zero and the dollar won't head up forever. Rather than selling out and packing up, it's almost certainly better to try to weather the storm. For most expats who have settled here, repatriating would be as expensive and inconvenient as tightening the belt and hanging on.

Sorry for those who are taking a hit, but anyone who intends to settle here for the long term really needs to do a little planning. Like any essential commodity, you need to stock up when prices are good so that you can weather the times when prices are high. Even squirrels know when food is abundant they need to hide some away for the winter.

Now that the US$ is reasonably high, it would probably be prudent for those who live off dollar income to buy more baht than one needs and store it away or even buy some gold in baht terms. Things will almost certainly change direction for the dollar or the Euro, maybe even the ruble, eventually.

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The general consensus is that the Euro is going to parity (or lower) with the USD over the next few months, so if you can live at 32-33 baht to the Euro, then you're golden... Just consider what life would be like back in Yurrup once the Euro is devalued...

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Soon you will not worry about 30, you will worry about 10.......Do not worry my friends, our doors are open to anyone.....

It was a few years ago the media said America was doomed!!! Wait until they give up on the Euro.....then buy, buy, buy!!!!!!

clearly the trend is down.......but when it stops, nobody knows.......soon houses will be only pennies!!!!!! where is my gold????


Strange how Amerika keeps on forgetting that it lost the Vietnam War. From this massive loss of face has come most of the Amerikan-imposed misery on the rest of the world, 1975-2015.

And that misery includes the trillions of printed money of these last few years, making the 1% richer than all the other 99% combined.

Shh, you'll make the Merkan's heads explode...

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You should have bought Swiss Francs. 1 CHF = 37 Baht.

Just like all those clever Forex professionals did............................... whoops most got it wrong though, and they're pros.

Hindsight - worth nothing per tonne.

As a Swiss I do not need Forex trade. The Swiss Franc went up 20% against € and 15% against US$, now 1 € = 1 CHF, 2 weeks ago 1 € = 1.20 CHF. Now 1 CHF = 37 Baht, 2 weeks ago 1 CHF = 32.50 Baht.

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The drop will stop somewhere, low euro doesnt benefit Thailand as it relies on Tourism income.

yea but dont forget the extra 1 trillion euro's that will be printed will be spent in thailand


I'd like to volunteer to help spend that 1 trillion Euros.....

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The drop will stop somewhere, low euro doesnt benefit Thailand as it relies on Tourism income.

Seems like the long term plan is to rid TH of it's addiction to tourists, expats, and English teachers.

What exactly does Thailand have in its arsenal to control the value of the euro? Draghi is about to print 100,000,000,000 of them.

I suggest the action is his not Thailand's.

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wow, Europ value dropped to low, a record?

Few years back it used to be 50 bht per euro

why did this happen?

and 1,16 usd per eur, crazy

Because the Euro economy is in the toilet and is only going to get worse...

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I have absolutely no plans to return to Thailand. The AUD is falling like mad, it was so bloody expensive in Phuket sick of it 50 baht just for Jok Moo and Kannom Jin and as for (special) massage forget it - They seem to all have turned into investment bankers. Planning my next holiday in my own beautiful country.

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I have absolutely no plans to return to Thailand. The AUD is falling like mad, it was so bloody expensive in Phuket sick of it 50 baht just for Jok Moo and Kannom Jin and as for (special) massage forget it - They seem to all have turned into investment bankers. Planning my next holiday in my own beautiful country.

You are comparing Phuket to the rest of Thailand. Tourist towns are expensive. Try a regional city like Khon Kaen and it's very cheap.

50 baht for kow Tom is nothing I can't believe you find that expensive

Edited by krisb
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