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His Majesty The King assists homeless acid attack victim residing in Pattaya

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How terrible is that, no one deserves that, and the Poor Kids..

Heart goes out to them..

Glad there was a silver lining to there horrible experience..

If a relationship is not working, walk away, or talk... simple as that..

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Longest serving monarch in the world and now you know why.

A wonderful man.

I just read Queen of England is the longest serving monarch.


Long live the king.

Pathetic story. Hope the Thai government gies all out to get this bastard husband and bring him back in thailand and hang him.

  • Like 2

Would be interesting to know the nationality of the man involved. I am going

to go out on a limb, and guess he was not European... The three countries

with the highest rate of acid attacks are Bangladesh, India and Cambodia.

Don't go judging any country like that. Speak to the city hall authority in banglamung and they will tell you where this guy is from? He is a westerner.......


Longest serving monarch in the world and now you know why.

A wonderful man.

I just read Queen of England is the longest serving monarch.

You mean the worlds oldest living Monarch at present, following the passing of King Abdullah in Saudi.


What terrible luck this lady has had in her life, up to this.

Words can't describe the low life who left her and their children like this.

Good on His Majesty.


Would be interesting to know the nationality of the man involved. I am going

to go out on a limb, and guess he was not European... The three countries

with the highest rate of acid attacks are Bangladesh, India and Cambodia.

Don't go judging any country like that. Speak to the city hall authority in banglamung and they will tell you where this guy is from? He is a westerner.......

If you actually know, please tell . City hall is too far to go to satisfy

my curiosity..... whistling.gif And if he was a " westerner" , then odds are he

was an immigrant. Coming from the west myself, I never ever heard

the words acid attack until I moved to Asia.

The punishment for attacks like this is really simple. For justice,

just have the victim pour acid on the face of her convicted attacker.

Then these attacks would stop overnight.....


"One British expert says she believes many of the cases involving acid are linked to communities of immigrants from Asia, with women attacked by their husbands or punished for refusing forced marriages"


Bhumibol Adulyadej (Rama IX)

king of thailand, oldest and longest serving monarch in the world.

alth'her majesty Queen Elisabeth is the oldest and longest serving QUEEN, she is NOT the oldest nor longest serving monarch

Wrong. A monarch is head of state, not defined as king or queen.

Back to English school for you... :-)


"A monarch is the sovereign head of state......"


Please stay on topic which was the generosity of H.M. The King not speculation on the nationality of the husband of the family in question or worldwide statistics on acid attacks nor relative length of reign of anyone.

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While we can only praise the admirable actions and empathy that the King displayed - full respect for that... I can't help but wonder if there are some readers here feeling a little disgruntled that they too donated a house and 200Kbaht and not get a TVF thread about them.

  • Like 2

While we can only praise the admirable actions and empathy that the King displayed - full respect for that... I can't help but wonder if there are some readers here feeling a little disgruntled that they too donated a house and 200Kbaht and not get a TVF thread about them.

haha ... you too, eh ? :)

  • Like 1

Luckily not I, though I can't claim it was from wisdom or foresight, it's just that I was skint at the time that anything like that might have been on the table, so I feel blessed that I had no money at that time (thankfully now recovered from that position to a reasonable degree), which gave me space to learn from the misfortunes around me to avoid duplicating the experience.

As for the topic of the thread, I just can't imagine what position someone would have to be in to decide to throw acid on another person. Cui Bono?


Guess we should all take an example from H.M.

Many of us have the ability to help people in need but seldom use it .

With a little effort and compassion we can make big changes for those less Lucky in life .


"Practice Random Acts of Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty"

You get shafted sometimes doing that, and can feel like the world is against you, but if you can back up a little and take another look, there's invariably a great lesson being offered there for those that have eyes to see.


While we can only praise the admirable actions and empathy that the King displayed - full respect for that... I can't help but wonder if there are some readers here feeling a little disgruntled that they too donated a house and 200Kbaht and not get a TVF thread about them.

I am confused. Why is the nationality of the husband a secret in this case? Normally the Thai press will publish the name, full address, ID card number and vehicle number plate of anyone (adult) in the news. In this case they are simply stressing the fact that he is a foreigner.


While we can only praise the admirable actions and empathy that the King displayed - full respect for that... I can't help but wonder if there are some readers here feeling a little disgruntled that they too donated a house and 200Kbaht and not get a TVF thread about them.

I am confused. Why is the nationality of the husband a secret in this case? Normally the Thai press will publish the name, full address, ID card number and vehicle number plate of anyone (adult) in the news. In this case they are simply stressing the fact that he is a foreigner.

only if he is a westener


While we can only praise the admirable actions and empathy that the King displayed - full respect for that... I can't help but wonder if there are some readers here feeling a little disgruntled that they too donated a house and 200Kbaht and not get a TVF thread about them.

I am confused. Why is the nationality of the husband a secret in this case? Normally the Thai press will publish the name, full address, ID card number and vehicle number plate of anyone (adult) in the news. In this case they are simply stressing the fact that he is a foreigner.

only if he is a westener

It does raise an interesting point. What country could the guy be from such that the Thai

media would be afraid to say it ?? As Bangon stated, normally the Thai media can hardly

wait to say who it is in a crime, right down to publishing passport photos...

  • Like 1

I only found one reference to the story in Siamrath from 23/01/15 with scant details.
The couple ran a Chinese restaurant in America and had 4 children together: 2 boys and 2 girls.
The husband turned out to be a wife beater so she returned home with the kids to Thailand's Udon Thani province.
However, her husband followed her back and on 12th July 2012 threw acid over her leaving her permanently disabled.
The wife's name is given as Sirirat Bunwiset, 30 years old and the husband's name is given as Prakop Kanjanilok which sounds Thai to me. Just asked a native Thai speaker and they said it's a Thai name. So either the information in the OP that he's foreign is incorrect or maybe he took up US citizenship? Certainly crimes of passion in Thailand involving acid attacks are not unknown and appear in the news from time to time. There was a story only a couple of weeks ago in Surat Thani where a husband did it to his former wife.

  • Like 1

I only found one reference to the story in Siamrath from 23/01/15 with scant details.

The couple ran a Chinese restaurant in America and had 4 children together: 2 boys and 2 girls.

The husband turned out to be a wife beater so she returned home with the kids to Thailand's Udon Thani province.

However, her husband followed her back and on 12th July 2012 threw acid over her leaving her permanently disabled.

The wife's name is given as Sirirat Bunwiset, 30 years old and the husband's name is given as Prakop Kanjanilok which sounds Thai to me. Just asked a native Thai speaker and they said it's a Thai name. So either the information in the OP that he's foreign is incorrect or maybe he took up US citizenship? Certainly crimes of passion in Thailand involving acid attacks are not unknown and appear in the news from time to time. There was a story only a couple of weeks ago in Surat Thani where a husband did it to his former wife.

can you determine if they called him a foreigner in thairath?

ah didnt realise there was a http://www.siamrath.co.th/web/ as well

post the link so we dont have to search


Do you have a link to the Thairath article?

Links to Thai language news articles aren't allowed here hence I didn't post it.


I only found one reference to the story in Siamrath from 23/01/15 with scant details.

The couple ran a Chinese restaurant in America and had 4 children together: 2 boys and 2 girls.

The husband turned out to be a wife beater so she returned home with the kids to Thailand's Udon Thani province.

However, her husband followed her back and on 12th July 2012 threw acid over her leaving her permanently disabled.

The wife's name is given as Sirirat Bunwiset, 30 years old and the husband's name is given as Prakop Kanjanilok which sounds Thai to me. Just asked a native Thai speaker and they said it's a Thai name. So either the information in the OP that he's foreign is incorrect or maybe he took up US citizenship? Certainly crimes of passion in Thailand involving acid attacks are not unknown and appear in the news from time to time. There was a story only a couple of weeks ago in Surat Thani where a husband did it to his former wife.

Ah, then that would make perfect sense why the media did not identify his nationality.

Even if he held an American passport, he is in fact still a Thai.

And certainly no Thai man would throw acid in the face of his wife. Or would he ? :-)


deleted post

His children are in fact Thai citizens as their mother is a Thai. The

parents simply never bothered to get them a Thai passport to

formalize that fact. Thailand allows dual citizenship. So this lunatic

husband is still a Thai, who the US government mistakenly gave

a US passport to...


A post suggesting that any news articles are altered in any way by Thai Visa for "propaganda" reasons was removed along with a quote in a reply.

ThaiVisa does not and and cannot alter any sourced news articles.


I only found one reference to the story in Siamrath from 23/01/15 with scant details.

The couple ran a Chinese restaurant in America and had 4 children together: 2 boys and 2 girls.

The husband turned out to be a wife beater so she returned home with the kids to Thailand's Udon Thani province.

However, her husband followed her back and on 12th July 2012 threw acid over her leaving her permanently disabled.

The wife's name is given as Sirirat Bunwiset, 30 years old and the husband's name is given as Prakop Kanjanilok which sounds Thai to me. Just asked a native Thai speaker and they said it's a Thai name. So either the information in the OP that he's foreign is incorrect or maybe he took up US citizenship? Certainly crimes of passion in Thailand involving acid attacks are not unknown and appear in the news from time to time. There was a story only a couple of weeks ago in Surat Thani where a husband did it to his former wife.

can you determine if they called him a foreigner in thairath?

ah didnt realise there was a http://www.siamrath.co.th/web/ as well

No, they didn't call him a foreigner in Siamrath, only in the Pattayone article in the OP.

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