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Yingluck's rural supporters 'not happy'

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I think all these posters who believe the "Reds" have lost support for Yingluck or the PTP are delusional. Go back and read the TVF topics after Thaksin was convicted and then fled, you will see the same conclusion from what I call the "vocal minority" who said the "TRT were finished as well as any support for Thaksin". Fast forward to today and I am reading the same things again.

Now they say they will not support them because of all the rice farmers lost money because of the scheme. The same people said before only 20% qualified to take part in it and the majority of the money went to large commercial farms and people importing rice from Cambodia. Seems a bit like they are trying to have it both ways whilst contradicting themselves.

Many Thai's I spoke to yesterday were angered by the verdict and were far from indifferent about it.

Seems like Yingluck in adamant about fighting this and will not just go away quietly. I would predict she will file a case with the supreme court to fight the ruling instead of waiting out the 5 year ban. I don't see her fleeing and I don't think the Junta is stupid enough to put in jail over this.


In my Thai wife Village

6 Families have now lost homes and farms

2 families have relatives who died because of Bank Pressures for payments

Try living in their shows

Or is it they not matter in your thoughts

It sure that rice scheme scandal was affect a lot of poor farmer family in Issan.

Last year when these families come to Bangkok to reclaim their money from former government, PT and they click do nothing. After the coup, Army help them and give them back the money cheating by PT......

PT and red leaders don't care poor farmer and Issan people, they only use them like a tool for achieve their goal......

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They should now pursue this wicked woman for criminal charges over the acquisition of the planeless aircraft carrier and the GT200


I think all these posters who believe the "Reds" have lost support for Yingluck or the PTP are delusional. Go back and read the TVF topics after Thaksin was convicted and then fled, you will see the same conclusion from what I call the "vocal minority" who said the "TRT were finished as well as any support for Thaksin". Fast forward to today and I am reading the same things again.

Now they say they will not support them because of all the rice farmers lost money because of the scheme. The same people said before only 20% qualified to take part in it and the majority of the money went to large commercial farms and people importing rice from Cambodia. Seems a bit like they are trying to have it both ways whilst contradicting themselves.

Many Thai's I spoke to yesterday were angered by the verdict and were far from indifferent about it.

Seems like Yingluck in adamant about fighting this and will not just go away quietly. I would predict she will file a case with the supreme court to fight the ruling instead of waiting out the 5 year ban. I don't see her fleeing and I don't think the Junta is stupid enough to put in jail over this.

Many Thai's I spoke to yesterday were angered by the verdict and were far from indifferent about it.


The "all the Thai's I know" defense.

that one nearly got past me. First time in 3 days for that defense…It is slowing down a bit.

It must be hard when there are no facts to show the PTP are still popular or relevant.

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The truth is that the Red Shirts in general will not act unless financially motivated , free transport to demo site plus food or 500 B a day.

There are very few actually Red Shirt supporters, many of those supporters were the victims of the great rice pledging scam scheme, they do have long memories and they do hold grudges.

They are very aware of how a number of there fellow members were ignored while in prison where some still are and they are still being ignored.

They are well aware of how a select few made themselves very rich as a result of their positions in the Red Shirt hierarchy by amassing property and airline operations to name but a couple of the bonuses awarded for the leading of the Red Shirt pawns.

The truth is that the Red Shirts in general will not act unless financially motivated

what a bunch of BS - but it is a useful position to take if you want to not recognize that Thai people have a right to democracy and self-rule.

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They should now pursue this wicked woman for criminal charges over the acquisition of the planeless aircraft carrier and the GT200

I think she must pursue for her brother's extrajudicial murders !


They should now pursue this wicked woman for criminal charges over the acquisition of the planeless aircraft carrier and the GT200


The planeless aircraft carrier and the GT200 did not inflict the misery on the rural Isarn farmers that the rice pledge scheme did (not to mention the fury that the amnesty bill caused) and this social sector is supposed to be the core support for the UDD and the Shin lifeforms. Are they still as commited to the cause of increasing the wealth of Thaksin dynasty? Mmmm Personally I think not.

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"Many red shirts who disagree with the current government are now political undercurrents. They are waiting to rise to the surface," Panupong warned.

Threatening with violence again?

I doubts it will work this time.

Red supporters have wake up, not all but increasing.

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bthaland post #36.

The truth is that the Red Shirts in general will not act unless financially motivated

what a bunch of BS - but it is a useful position to take if you want to not recognize that Thai people have a right to democracy and self-rule.

It might be a worthwhile move for you to look back at the history of the past P.T.P. puppet government and their impassioned attacks on what passes for democracy here in their attempts to destroy it to allow one family to obtain ultimate power and establish a new political dynasty on the backs of those who they financially and politically manipulated and exploited.

Never in my 24 years here had I seen so much blatant corruption as I saw under the Shinwatra puppet administrations in all of their assorted guises and names.

Never in my 24 years here had I seen so much blatant corruption

24 years? Then you haven't been watching what has gone on around you very closely, ...

And your blanket comment about red shirts is still BS. It's typical of people who want to marginalize other people and marginalize the beliefs of other people.

Good job - congratulations.


The truth is that the Red Shirts in general will not act unless financially motivated , free transport to demo site plus food or 500 B a day.

There are very few actually Red Shirt supporters, many of those supporters were the victims of the great rice pledging scam scheme, they do have long memories and they do hold grudges.

They are very aware of how a number of there fellow members were ignored while in prison where some still are and they are still being ignored.

They are well aware of how a select few made themselves very rich as a result of their positions in the Red Shirt hierarchy by amassing property and airline operations to name but a couple of the bonuses awarded for the leading of the Red Shirt pawns.

Well said.

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They should now pursue this wicked woman for criminal charges over the acquisition of the planeless aircraft carrier and the GT200

That something else is not prosecuted (and I feel it should just like you and I also know it not YL for those other cases) is no reason not go after an other crime.

Its the oldest excuse in the book.. they did it too why pick on me. You should wonder how many times a copper hears what you just typed.


"A security source in the northeastern province of Khon Kaen said security agencies had been monitoring the situation, but to date no group had made any clear move to rise against the impeachment motion."

Watch what happens if they try to send her to jail.

Another empty threat. Even the NE farmer's Association one of the major beneficiaries of the scam, can only manage a wimpy 'totally disagree'. What's he going to do if she's jailed, stamp his foot?

...................."Watch what happens if they try to send her to jail."............................

Deja Vu anyone ?..................

I seem to remember reading lots of comical yet threatening comments along the lines of "Watch what happens if they try to throw her out, and watch what happens if they try to charge her etc etc etc blah blah blah.

The way things are panning out if I watch what happens if they try to send her to prison I will probably watch her being sent to prison.

I doubt if the gutless redshirts will play up, unless their boss offers them more cash than he did for the last spiteful red uprising.

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Impeachment is a formal process in which an OFFICIAL is accused of unlawful activity, the outcome of which, depending on the country, may include the removal of that official from office as well as criminal or civil punishment.


I think all these posters who believe the "Reds" have lost support for Yingluck or the PTP are delusional. Go back and read the TVF topics after Thaksin was convicted and then fled, you will see the same conclusion from what I call the "vocal minority" who said the "TRT were finished as well as any support for Thaksin". Fast forward to today and I am reading the same things again.

Now they say they will not support them because of all the rice farmers lost money because of the scheme. The same people said before only 20% qualified to take part in it and the majority of the money went to large commercial farms and people importing rice from Cambodia. Seems a bit like they are trying to have it both ways whilst contradicting themselves.

Many Thai's I spoke to yesterday were angered by the verdict and were far from indifferent about it.

Seems like Yingluck in adamant about fighting this and will not just go away quietly. I would predict she will file a case with the supreme court to fight the ruling instead of waiting out the 5 year ban. I don't see her fleeing and I don't think the Junta is stupid enough to put in jail over this.


In my Thai wife Village

6 Families have now lost homes and farms

2 families have relatives who died because of Bank Pressures for payments

Try living in their shows

Or is it they not matter in your thoughts

It sure that rice scheme scandal was affect a lot of poor farmer family in Issan.

Last year when these families come to Bangkok to reclaim their money from former government, PT and they click do nothing. After the coup, Army help them and give them back the money cheating by PT......

PT and red leaders don't care poor farmer and Issan people, they only use them like a tool for achieve their goal......


the truth hurts Yingluck supporters

I don't think it is the Yingluck supporters that you need to worry about but the voting block from Issian and the north. If you think they will only vote for people who pay them you must be on Mars. The thai's who have actually admitted to me that they have taken money to vote say they try to get it from both sides and then vote for who they want. Seems the jist I get from them recently is they would rather support someone more like Jatuporn than another elite by the time the elections are allowed. The Democrats or a Junta member would have to perform a miracle to get thier vote by that time. The "Happyness" press releases aren't making them happy but does make them laugh.


So, nothing on how correct or incorrect the impeachment was based on all evidence ?

and nothing on the 100+ seats occupied by the military? I mean the panel REALLY reflects Thai society doesn't it lol


So, nothing on how correct or incorrect the impeachment was based on all evidence ?

and nothing on the 100+ seats occupied by the military? I mean the panel REALLY reflects Thai society doesn't it lol

So nothing about the evidence?

Even Jonathan Head only mentioned before going off into politics again

""That there was corruption is undeniable; there is plenty of evidence. The generous subsidy was also financially unsustainable."



So, nothing on how correct or incorrect the impeachment was based on all evidence ?

and nothing on the 100+ seats occupied by the military? I mean the panel REALLY reflects Thai society doesn't it lol

if the organization making the judgement is illegitimate, then debating the decision is irrelevant.


So, nothing on how correct or incorrect the impeachment was based on all evidence ?

and nothing on the 100+ seats occupied by the military? I mean the panel REALLY reflects Thai society doesn't it lol

if the organization making the judgement is illegitimate, then debating the decision is irrelevant.

When the organisation making the judgement is legitimate, the decision is legitimate and relevant.


So, nothing on how correct or incorrect the impeachment was based on all evidence ?

and nothing on the 100+ seats occupied by the military? I mean the panel REALLY reflects Thai society doesn't it lol

if the organization making the judgement is illegitimate, then debating the decision is irrelevant.

I don't know....................the PTP are the ones who don't look too "legit" right now ! clap2.gif

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They should now pursue this wicked woman for criminal charges over the acquisition of the planeless aircraft carrier and the GT200

Ill bet the submarines will be her fault when they turn up !

They should now pursue this wicked woman for criminal charges over the acquisition of the planeless aircraft carrier and the GT200

Ill bet the submarines will be her fault when they turn up !


Can we also blame her for getting Bangkokians stuck with the current governor since she favored a police general rather than the telephone pole her brother favored ? She should have known how Bangkokians think about the police force.

And while we're at it, how about Bangkok's traffic jam her brother promised to solve but didn't. As clone does she bear legal responsibility?

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Lol. "Supporters not happy..." Of course they're not happy. That's how 'populism' gets its name; 'doesn't mean it's not the socially destructive, unsustainable, pandering political widget that it is!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The truth is that the Red Shirts in general will not act unless financially motivated , free transport to demo site plus food or 500 B a day.

There are very few actually Red Shirt supporters, many of those supporters were the victims of the great rice pledging scam scheme, they do have long memories and they do hold grudges.

They are very aware of how a number of there fellow members were ignored while in prison where some still are and they are still being ignored.

They are well aware of how a select few made themselves very rich as a result of their positions in the Red Shirt hierarchy by amassing property and airline operations to name but a couple of the bonuses awarded for the leading of the Red Shirt pawns.

"There are very few actually Red Shirt supporters," Don't know where you are mate but I see a hell of a lot of supporters, tens of thousands actually.

The thing is she doesn't hold the office of PM for the last 8 months so impeaching her isn't really correct now is it?

they did it to keep her from running again, as the charging her for corruption, well find the money she supposedly took, good luck with that but hey, pay the right people and documents can be created, anything is possible yeah, now that's corruption.

Their will be another rise of the people and the elites will deal with them as they have the last few times get their mates with the guns and steal the government yet again, Why? Because they are sick of the elites attitude just stupid dirty buffalo's should not have a vote and shut up and not ask questions.

And a common attitude of the people of the south think they are far superior then all the rest of the people.

Arrrr! Aussie in Thailand

Forget about colours for a minute Do you remember when a very large and Non colour affiliated march from Isarn and other provinces by farmers and other rural folk TRIED to enter Bangkok to protest against this rice scheme around the beginning of last year? Who stopped them? The UDD. Because the UDD, Thaksin and PTP cared so much about these people's interests and livelihoods didn't they? NOT


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