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Yet Another Reason I Love My Wife ...

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A heartbreaking story, filled with love and passion. I feel with you. On the other hand I believe that old Dooley must have had a wonderful life with you and your wife. I and my wife lost one of our dogs 2 years ago. It was very hard for my wife in particular because the small Shitzu was her first dog. She really loved that little rascal. Rest in peace, Dooley.

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I accidentally reversed over our "special boy" today. Thankfully, he is uninjured and in good spirit.

I may have even ran over him twice in my confusion. I can't really remember. Kinda hazy.

My wife looked very upset when i told her, until i said that he is fine.

I am not joking.

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Goodness! I just woke up, and found three pages of kindness.

Like some other posters observed, I started this thread as a cathartic, thinking there would be one or two replies before it disappeared into electron oblivion. I never imagined so many would say so much,and so kindly.

The story is very much Thai related, but when posting, I am not going to point that out. It's up to readers to discover that. Most did, one or two were challenged.

On the other hand, no, Dooley was not Thai. He was an expat dog. I brought him, and his mom and sister, to Thailand in 2009. His mom died two years later; his sister, who is half the size of Dooley, is still going strong.

Thanks for all the kind words. So many, in fact, that it will take a few days of returning to the thread to have enough likes (daily rationed, you know) to "like" all the great insight and well-wishing. Please be patient.

Since so many of you were moved by the post, how about a Dooley story?

When he was a young stud (the second photo, about a year old), he was kidnapped. Taken out of our fenced yard by a young couple, as witnessed by a neighbor. My mom was living with me, Dooley was her favorite, and she was heartbroken. The very next morning, she's looking out the window and sees a young guy running madly, away from the side of the garage. He leaps over the fence, jumps in a car, and screeches off down the street.

Mom calls the cops.

Cop comes out, figures no big deal, the bad guy ran. Then he and my mom hear a noise from the garage. Banging and things hitting the floor.

Cop draws his 9mm Beretta, and throws open the garage door. FREEZE! A massive black shadow jumps out and knocks the cop down. Dooley stands on the hollering cop's chest, wagging his tail. Kibbles and bits fall on the cop's face.

My mom said the cop was as white as a sheet. Which is pretty white, 'cause he was Mexican.

We figured Dooley had been "borrowed" for stud service. However, he was a bit of a pistol back then (and like I said, part goat), so maybe they found him handsome and decided to keep him, but when they got him home, he ate their couch.

He was a gentle dog.

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We love your wife and your dog...the jury is still out about you though...smile.png

Lost my dog at 15 years a couple of years ago...just received another the same breed...but different color...helps some...

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Wonderful post. The Thais take a lot of slagging in these forums, but you have given a fine example of how some of them can be special in a way that we don't often see in our home countries. About a year ago, my girlfriend took in a dog that was hit an paralyzed by a car outside her shop. She cared for him day after day (feeding him and cleaning him as he couldn't move), while I was telling her he should be put to sleep. Now he's a happy and normal dog (other than for the fact he cannot walk), and my girlfriend has proven me wrong with the compassion and persistence she showed in nursing him back to health. That just wouldn't have been done back in my country (Canada). I will some day have the same experience with Chokdee as you had with Dooley, but only because my girlfriend didn't listen to me and gave him a chance to live out his life in full. Condolences and respect to you and your wife.

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Im at a true loss for words. Im sitting here looking at the best friend i have ever had...13 years old ...breaking the scales at ten pounds......knows what im thinking before I do. ....im the sidekick..... Hug yourself and your wife for me......D....well he will be wagging when u see him at the Rainbow Bridge.....

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I know your pain bud, I went through the same with my dog in Pattaya, just remember your dog loved you and me knew that you lived him, it takes time to heal, took me a few years but it will always be there for me to remember the good times and I realized memories are the best, I was in BKK pattaya hospital on a Iron Lung when I had Dingu fever and I could not talk due to a huge tube down my throat into my lungs and the only thing i could think of besides my daughter who was at my side, wad all the good times I had with my dog and all the funny stuff he did and we did together, you will get through it and you also have a beautiful dog, reminds me of my old dog "Indian" pure bread Rottweiler, damn good dog, bit a few Thai blokes who decided to jump our wall and try to steal our shit but as soon as the second guy came over the wall I unleashed hell by popping my dogs collar off, he almost killed one, I got in trouble for letting my fog hospitalize some price of shit junkie Thai scum bag, <deleted> deserved it.

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Im at a true loss for words. Im sitting here looking at the best friend i have ever had...13 years old ...breaking the scales at ten pounds......knows what im thinking before I do. ....im the sidekick..... Hug yourself and your wife for me......D....well he will be wagging when u see him at the Rainbow Bridge.....

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