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Koh Tao mayor blasts UK media's 'negative reporting'

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"Mayor Chaiyan Turasakul said he is angered by unspecified "British media agencies" - in fact all that he is doing is having a tantrum in front of the media about the messenger rather than the message....he doesn't even seem to know who the messenger is either!

What he should be doing is looking into WHY Koh Tao has now got such a tarnished image.

He might also consider the possibility that HE is part of the problem

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This fine fellow might like to try to understand the nature of relatively unbiased reporting, which cannot be 'bought off' to provide good reports.

If he feels that Kho Tao gets a bad press it might just be for damned good reason.

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Mayor , necks a couple of Valium , chills out flying his Kite for the afternoon .... Rtp deny DNA stained trousers found planted in his office has anything to do with his promise to erect more street lights to protect the Tourist scum that he and his like have to suffer week in week out ........

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Racist slur post removed. Next one gets a ThaiVisa holiday (aka posting suspension).

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Another one bites the dust!

All I know is that I wanted to go there for a dive trip in February and my Thai Wife who is pestering me for a holiday will not step foot on the island.
As a test, I said, "That is the only place I want to go."

She said "OK, then no holiday this year."

Period. Full stop. End of story for that island.

(Found a better island so we are on the way)


The mayor is worried if fewer people come, fewer dodgy divemaster courses will be sold, fewer rooms will be booked, less drugs will be sold, less overpriced beers will be sold.

This is a direct attack on his rice bowl from the British press. Anything which affects his income is clearly wrong even if it happens to be true.

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Wait till he actually meets some of the British press at a press conference, he will learn what the real world is like, or he will run away with his tail between his legs.

yes you strike me as an expert on the real world.

The British media should know that reporting the truth in or about Thailand is unfair on Thai's.

When will the Western media learn?

yes the western media is brim full of the truth.

OK Ok, lets give this island where so many foreigners die the most positive spin we can. Clearly there is a person or group on the island (or is a frequent visitor) who is untouchable but who has a thing about killing foreigners. Instead of raking over the coals in the British tabloids, this condition should be seen as a difficult-to-satisfy-need.

But instead of hiding this fact, why not advertise the island for those who, for whatever reason (illness, depression, gone broke etc) want to be killed. It would be a simple matter of going there and wearing a certain type of teeshirt (an appropriate design could be found, say with a target on it!) so that the wrong person does not stop the bullet. Obviously, there would be a sign at the port warning those not wishing to be offed not to wear such a teeshirt!

This might appeal to those who are too scared to do it themselves and just do not want to know when they are going to be offed. A separate method could be offered for those who want to go while they are doing their favourite activity (and this being Thailand there could be a certain kind of bar-girl who could supply the favourite activity side of the bargain) Any method of killing beyond a bullet in the head would cost more - you could choose a variety of ways of departure and they might even put torture on the menu as a special, depending on client's wishes.

The person or group could both make money for the island and do a public service as well as bringing in much needed income to the island, now that the divers and others have moved on somewhere else. Just a thought . . . . . . .


Mayor Chaiyan Turasakul said he is angered by unspecified "British media agencies" who have suggested that the death of the tourist, Christina Annesley, is connected to an alleged "mafia" syndicate on Koh Tao island.

Butthurt much, or been taking lessons from DL?


What a bad sense of country representation. The mayor should focus his frustration on the corrupt officials that use the system for personal gain. Thai people general are kind but the powers to be. Pilege the community turning there citizens into wolves.

The system is severly floored. The police corruption is a disease. I just the other day stopped on bike with my revered Thai GF

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Shortly after paying bribe money they asked her for her number in Thai and she told me far away. As being a former boxer I would not accept this behaviour. These police are to serve the public but in fact serve themselves. My country they be warned or dismissed


What a bad sense of country representation. The mayor should focus his frustration on the corrupt officials that use the system for personal gain. Thai people general are kind but the powers to be. Pilege the community turning there citizens into wolves.

The system is severly floored. The police corruption is a disease. I just the other day stopped on bike with my revered Thai GF


So I take it, from the avalanche of people attacking the Mayor, that they are perfectly OK with the press resorting to rumor mongering then?

"Mayor Chaiyan Turasakul said he is angered by unspecified "British media agencies" who have suggested that the death of the tourist, Christina Annesley, is connected to an alleged "mafia" syndicate on Koh Tao island."

There is no indication whatsoever that the death of that woman was in any way connected with a mafia syndicate, none, zero.

Is it too much to ask of the press not to peddle sensationalist speculation?

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This so called Mayor needs to <deleted>, and blend into the background.

BTW isnt the mayor related to a couple of the once prime suspects, in the previous murders?

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