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British man in hospital after fight in Phuket bar

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... if a person has any convictions for violence in England they should be barred from coming to Thailand that will keep the vermin out !

Totally agree, but this should be taken further to really clean out the scum/vermin you know so well.:-

Minimum guaranteed income requirement raised to £50,000 a year. (that clears out 98% already!)

No shaved heads

No tattoos

No vests/singlets/wifebeaters

Being seen in public with a local girl half/third your age is a deportable offence.

Now you will have a more civilised Thailand, right?


Note there is no mention of why he refused to pay the bill perhaps it had more padding than the seat cushion.

And, perhaps he drank more than he could remember. And, perhaps he had been diddling Ms. Dian and the bill was for baby formula. We could go on speculating; sure we could.


Hopefully the injured Brit will reflect and learn from this mistake.

Maybe quit the drink.

Could have ended up in the morgue.

One side of the story is all you need to pass judgment? You should run for office in LOS.


So without having any clue about what happened we have now deduced the bar staff/owner added to the bill which is why he refused to pay.

The only reasonable post here so far is number 5, better wait with any judgement till we have the full story.

Agreed. The irony is that he will now have a hefty hospital bill if he is to remain there for 7 days.

Exactly he will now have a hefty hospital bill so what is the point in argueing about a few baht your on a loser in thailand doing that as you know which side the police are going to believe also who is to say the bill was overinflated this sub human species stark must have thought he was ironman ! sorry for the pun ! but he had been drinking where as the restraunt worker was not, so the odds are the sub human species got it wrong, who do you think the police are going to believe , the inebriated sub species or a restraunt worker who has nothing to gain from this exept losing his job for not asking the sub species to pay?

drunk posting should not be allowed


... if a person has any convictions for violence in England they should be barred from coming to Thailand that will keep the vermin out !

Totally agree, but this should be taken further to really clean out the scum/vermin you know so well.:-

Minimum guaranteed income requirement raised to £50,000 a year. (that clears out 98% already!)

No shaved heads

No tattoos

No vests/singlets/wifebeaters

Being seen in public with a local girl half/third your age is a deportable offence.

Now you will have a more civilised Thailand, right?

i would go along with some of that but not the girls been half age i am 40 and love going about with a 20 year old girl over here , rather than back home going about with a 40 year old with tattoos and 3 kids in tow and also you get some rough scum back in the cold dark expensive country whos every second word is f,,k off so i definately dont miss that over here with a nice gentle 20 year old girl


I'm just amazed it was only one Thai (albeit with a chunk of wood) versus one farang. Happy Holidays.

That's got to be a first hasn't it?

Thought Thai tradition was to get all your mates over and beat the guy into an unconscious bloody pulp.

Really not very Thai of him at all.

Shhh, better not let the Thais know it doesn't take many of them to whip-up on some farangs.


So he will have a bill for 7 days in Hospital.

I see another bill fight for drinks he didn't order while in hospital.


The cynic in me says the wife is helping as she knows her husband should be in jail right now for assault and other charges..........................

Its not the cynic, its the experience


Hopefully the injured Brit will reflect and learn from this mistake.

Maybe quit the drink.

Could have ended up in the morgue.

One side of the story is all you need to pass judgment? You should run for office in LOS.

He punched first. He got what was owed. Lucky not to be dead.

It's astonishing how many expats I have met in Phuket, who feel the need to openly express how tough they are - not to be trifled with.

Any ideas why so many tough guys end up in Thailand ? They seem to be in far greater numbers than in their country of origin, be it England, Australia, etc..Moreover, why do most of them sport a veritable plethora of tattoos?thumbsup.gif

It appears to me to be more of a case of home country cowards who come to Asia, and fortified with drink, think they can be tough because they are so much bigger than the locals.


There is certainly a lot more to this story. 1,He refused to pay his bill 2, He threw the first punch. I think he was very lucky only to receive a lump of wood on his head. The Thai bloke must have been in a good mood, or didn't have a knife on him and no mates nearby. But why is the bar owner looking after the English bloke? Definitely only half a story here,


The cynic in me says the wife is helping as she knows her husband should be in jail right now for assault and other charges..........................

Whoa now, since the Brit laid the first blow, the Thai was defending himself and his property. If anyone should be in jail for assault, it's the Brit.


Once again half a story has been revealed..

Better to get the whole story before laying judgement..

Judge not, and ye shall not be judged, except when your on TV of course.


It's astonishing how many expats I have met in Phuket, who feel the need to openly express how tough they are - not to be trifled with.

Any ideas why so many tough guys end up in Thailand ? They seem to be in far greater numbers than in their country of origin, be it England, Australia, etc..Moreover, why do most of them sport a veritable plethora of tattoos?thumbsup.gif

Not just Phuket mate. Even met one in the Thai business class lounge at Swampy. He just came and sat down and started talking at us whilst swigging down the JD and coke. Same as you say, "hard as nails" according to himself and proudly displaying all the tatts on arms.

Usually find many around the Nana / Cowboy areas and bars there. All usually claim to be ex- Military and some must still do some training or have good steroids. All say they are "connected" with the right guys back home wink.png

I guess many come here and get embroiled in the bar girl scene and either marry or shack up with one. For some reason, those type of people seem to think having lots of tats, boozing and smoking makes them "extra rock hard".

Walter Mitty's living the dream.


I'm just amazed it was only one Thai (albeit with a chunk of wood) versus one farang. Happy Holidays.

you spout as if Brits never get involved in beatings where many kick the bejasus out of one!

its being going on for years.

mods vs rockers, skinheads, 'Paki' gay, bashing etc etc. the British excel at this

sort of violence/cowardice, yet you come out with thaiphobic bilge that implies it is peculiar to Thai men.

notwithstanding the British guy got all he deserved for being a boorish idiot. it was one on one, he was asked to meet his obligations.

hope he's learned a long painful unforgettable and expensive (medical) lesson. maybe people like you deserve similar to remove the xenophobic lies you now seem to regard as truth.


Is it me or does it seem beyond stupid to accept one half of a story as though they are true facts?
Especially when the one half-a-story is being told by the perpetrator's spouse.

Last week there was an incident in a bar in Naklua that was widely reported in the press, and discussed on TV. That situation has 2 completely different stories attached to it. Neither of which is entirely accurate or truthful

I think some of you posters must be incredibly naive or just trolling.

And, just to be clear, no one deserves to have their brains knocked out over a bar tab, or any other reason you can give me. GTFU..
There are much better ways of dealing with things.


So many suppositions here, particularly around the man being a drunken British thug.

Out of curiosity, I've just been into Facebook, and the first Chris Stark profile I looked at appears to be him (or at least, an English guy, with photos of Rawai and quite a few Facebook 'Friends' in the Phuket area). Seems to be a reasonable kind of guy (I know, another supposition based on a few photos and his University education and apparently minus tattoos).

Hopefully he'll be released from hospital within the next few days, and maybe the other side of the story will be revealed.


Is it me or does it seem beyond stupid to accept one half of a story as though they are true facts?

Especially when the one half-a-story is being told by the perpetrator's spouse.

Last week there was an incident in a bar in Naklua that was widely reported in the press, and discussed on TV. That situation has 2 completely different stories attached to it. Neither of which is entirely accurate or truthful

I think some of you posters must be incredibly naive or just trolling.

And, just to be clear, no one deserves to have the brains knocked out over a bar tab, or any other reason you can give me. GTFU..

There are much better ways of dealing with things.

Well, I was with you until you said, " . . . no one deserves to have the brains knocked out over a bar tab . . . " Since I do agree we need to hear the entire story before passing judgement; the story as told, where the Brit refused to pay a bar tab and hit first, has the potential for warranting a beating.


Is it me or does it seem beyond stupid to accept one half of a story as though they are true facts?

Especially when the one half-a-story is being told by the perpetrator's spouse.

Last week there was an incident in a bar in Naklua that was widely reported in the press, and discussed on TV. That situation has 2 completely different stories attached to it. Neither of which is entirely accurate or truthful

I think some of you posters must be incredibly naive or just trolling.

And, just to be clear, no one deserves to have the brains knocked out over a bar tab, or any other reason you can give me. GTFU..

There are much better ways of dealing with things.

Well, I was with you until you said, " . . . no one deserves to have the brains knocked out over a bar tab . . . " Since I do agree we need to hear the entire story before passing judgement; the story as told, where the Brit refused to pay a bar tab and hit first, has the potential for warranting a beating.

So, are you saying that its ok to bash someone's brain out over what $50?

- life is cheap huh


I'm just amazed it was only one Thai (albeit with a chunk of wood) versus one farang. Happy Holidays.

you spout as if Brits never get involved in beatings where many kick the bejasus out of one!

its being going on for years.

mods vs rockers, skinheads, 'Paki' gay, bashing etc etc. the British excel at this

sort of violence/cowardice, yet you come out with thaiphobic bilge that implies it is peculiar to Thai men.

notwithstanding the British guy got all he deserved for being a boorish idiot. it was one on one, he was asked to meet his obligations.

hope he's learned a long painful unforgettable and expensive (medical) lesson. maybe people like you deserve similar to remove the xenophobic lies you now seem to regard as truth.

Yes gangs have attacked other gangs, and individuals, for many years in many countries. And so, your point is?

Thais have a reported and recorded propensity for joining in on beatings for no apparent reason - other than someone's getting a kicking so let's join in. Two Thai women got soundly beat up, one being pregnant, in a shopping mall. Many coming up and joining in and many happily and excitedly filming on their iPhones and waving friends over to do the same. It was on Youtube until it got taken down. Not the only example. Even monks get set on.

How do you know the guy was being boorish and/or an idiot? Was the bill accurate or outrageous, as in the Chiang Mai scams? The only version of events is from the wife of the man who used a piece of wood to put him in hospital for several days. Even the police haven't commented yet.

Xenophobia - as opposed to your racist undertones you mean?


The cynic in me says the wife is helping as she knows her husband should be in jail right now for assault and other charges..........................

Whoa now, since the Brit laid the first blow, the Thai was defending himself and his property. If anyone should be in jail for assault, it's the Brit.

Of course you can believe the only version of events so far reported. The one provided by the wife of the armed Thai who was defending himself after being viciously attacked for merely presenting a bill and requesting payment. Of course, she's so concerned she's visiting the injured man in hospital every day, even though he started this by refusing to pay his bill and assaulting her husband.

More of this story to emerge me thinks when the man put in hospital gives his version.


I know this man personally, he's from my home town.

He has no tattoos, doesn't shave his head and is always mild mannered.

So to all you self righteous pontificators, (the usual saddos) I suggest you wait to get the other side of the story before rushing to condemn him.


Is it me or does it seem beyond stupid to accept one half of a story as though they are true facts?

Especially when the one half-a-story is being told by the perpetrator's spouse.

Last week there was an incident in a bar in Naklua that was widely reported in the press, and discussed on TV. That situation has 2 completely different stories attached to it. Neither of which is entirely accurate or truthful

I think some of you posters must be incredibly naive or just trolling.

And, just to be clear, no one deserves to have the brains knocked out over a bar tab, or any other reason you can give me. GTFU..

There are much better ways of dealing with things.

Well, I was with you until you said, " . . . no one deserves to have the brains knocked out over a bar tab . . . " Since I do agree we need to hear the entire story before passing judgement; the story as told, where the Brit refused to pay a bar tab and hit first, has the potential for warranting a beating.

So, are you saying that its ok to bash someone's brain out over what $50?

- life is cheap huh

There, you see, you are doing the same thing about which you complain. We do not know the amount of the tab, and we do not know if the Brit was about to continue his beating of the Thai. While the amount of the tab may be argued to be inconsequential, the continued physical abuse of the Thai by the Brit has the POTENTIAL for warranting a beating. Of course, all of this depends upon whether or not the story is true as reported. It may have been a slow news day and the reporter made up the whole thing.


Is it me or does it seem beyond stupid to accept one half of a story as though they are true facts?

Especially when the one half-a-story is being told by the perpetrator's spouse.

Last week there was an incident in a bar in Naklua that was widely reported in the press, and discussed on TV. That situation has 2 completely different stories attached to it. Neither of which is entirely accurate or truthful

I think some of you posters must be incredibly naive or just trolling.

And, just to be clear, no one deserves to have the brains knocked out over a bar tab, or any other reason you can give me. GTFU..

There are much better ways of dealing with things.

Well, I was with you until you said, " . . . no one deserves to have the brains knocked out over a bar tab . . . " Since I do agree we need to hear the entire story before passing judgement; the story as told, where the Brit refused to pay a bar tab and hit first, has the potential for warranting a beating.

So, are you saying that its ok to bash someone's brain out over what $50?

- life is cheap huh

There, you see, you are doing the same thing about which you complain. We do not know the amount of the tab, and we do not know if the Brit was about to continue his beating of the Thai. While the amount of the tab may be argued to be inconsequential, the continued physical abuse of the Thai by the Brit has the POTENTIAL for warranting a beating. Of course, all of this depends upon whether or not the story is true as reported. It may have been a slow news day and the reporter made up the whole thing.

No, sorry I don't see.

I asked a simple question.. you've read something else into that - thats ok, you feel the need to say things - I'll read them without being offending. Mai Pen Rai Khrap

My premise is simple enough. Life is worth much more than a bar tab.

I haven't commented once on who threw the first punch - I have commented to say I don't believe the half-a-story that is being presented.


I'm just amazed it was only one Thai (albeit with a chunk of wood) versus one farang. Happy Holidays.

That's got to be a first hasn't it?

Thought Thai tradition was to get all your mates over and beat the guy into an unconscious bloody pulp.

Really not very Thai of him at all.

Human beings thoughts tend to stray, more often than not.

Also, they tend to be biased most of the time.

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