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Boycott Fox News And News Corp Products


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I realize I have come late to the thread on Bill O'Lielly's comments on child-sex-tourism.


O'Lielly took a situation in which an alleged child murder who was found in Thailand to drag out a 16 year old hatchet piece and insert additional half truths, malicious barbs and alowed his pastor guest to call the nation of Thailand -evil.

Bill O'Reilly has a past history of besmirching Thailand and Cambodia. I have written many letters of correction, all have gone unanswered.

Fox "News" is a lazy info-tainment station that is nothing more than a salacious propaganda wing for the GOP and the nation of Isreal.

I call of all of you to contact the US embassy, Bangkok Post and the Embassy of Thailand and its consulates in the USA. I did this yesterday and urge you all to follow suit. Lies and distortion are not free speech.

Call for removal of all News Corp products (Fox News and movies) from Thailand.

O'Lielly Factor


If you live in the USA - write to Fox and inform them you are boycotting all advertised products.

We need more than an apology from Mr. Bill - He must come here and do a full honest piece that can be approved by outside source as honest and valid AND apologize to the people and to the monarchy. IMO.

I'm no particular defender of Thailand or its people. I am a defender of the truth and...I despise Fox and all of its ilk. Liars ALL.

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Date: Aug 18, 2006 5:02 PM

Subject: O'Reilly Factor Slanders Thailand Yet Again

To: [email protected], [email protected]

Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

I would like to alert you to a scandalous bit of 'reporting' on Fox News' O'Reilly Factor which aired April 18 in Thailand. I urge you to watch the program.

As you are well aware American John Mark Karr was arrested at the insistence of the American government for the alleged murder of the Ramsey child. No thank you to Thai Authorities.

Fox/O'Reilly initially reported that he was already under arrest for unnamed sex crimes and was being held (17th). This was totally false. No 'sex crimes' were committed. Nevertheless, O'Reilly took the opportunity yet again to slander the Kingdom. He even offered his religious nut-job guest the opportunity to take a stab at the kingdom. He vilified the nation, its people, the king as - "evil".

In fact, Mr. O'Reilly never misses an opportunity to spew salacious half truths and outright lies about the nation of Thailand. I have heard him do this repeatedly and appears to take pleasure in it. I have written to him many times requesting he retract and/or correct his statements. He routinely besmirches Cambodia as well.

Mr. O'Reilly took the opporatunity in which an AMERICAN with no real link to Thailand and who is alleged to be guilty of child sex and murder to take an underhanded stab at the nation of Thailand. The fact that the man was found in Thailand has nothing whatsoever to do with Thailand, the man in question is reported to be widely traveled. Bill wasted no time in making the connection to child-sex-Thailand triangle.

In the August 18th airing, O'Reilly dug out a piece of video he did sixteen years ago. In it, he toured the Patpong bar scene (1991); spewing half truths, snide barbs and cynical insinuations and was anything but upfront and honest about the sex industry, child sex issues (in Thailand/Asia) or even about the bar scene. It is/was a sordid, cynical piece of sophmoric journalism for which he is well known: url=http://mediamatters.org/issues_topics/people/billoreilly]Who is Bill O'Rielly?[/url]

Thailand has thoroughly cleaned up its act in this regard - the child sex trade is for all intents and purposes non existent. HIV rates until recently were dropping and Thailand is hailed as one of the few countries making HIV awareness work. Your USA web site shows two major pieces of legislation for children currently. That is of no interest to this individual who makes a living ruining lives.

I would urge you to view the program in question and determine if it has violated Thai law (aired in Thailand). This is not an issue of free speech, Bill O'Reilly habitually slanders the Kingdom of Thailand, The Thai people and the very monarchy itself. This, in the year of his Royal Highness' 60th anniversary no less. This is only one of many times that he has used the Kingdom for his own pathetic purposes.

I find it ironic, bottomless and even topless dancing as you well know is prohibited by law in Thailand which would make Mr. O'Reilly's hometown strip club more deviant than what is legally permitted in Thailand.

I would urge you to not seek an apology, but pursue legal remedy as the loutish man will only continue his boorish antics. News Corp deserves to have charges brought against it. It is a bad even evil news service at best providing nothing more than current event based info-mation. News Corp (Fox News and its movies) should be banished from the Kingdom. The Thai people surely do not need Fox News.

I wonder how much Mr. O'Reilly's actions have damaged Thai Tourism and the reputations of Thai's world wide. He is a liar and your nation would be well served by dealing with this menace.



I would like to alert you to a scandalous bit of tripe on the O'Lielly Factor airing April 18 here in Thailand. the issue is dual in nature: First, Mr.O'Reilly uses poor news sources and then blames those same sources if/when he is caught using erroneous information. Second, for salacious reasons I can only imagine Mr. Bush perpetually trumpets to the world that Thailand is the (child) sex capital of the world. I recall he saying something to the effect some weeks back 'you can do/get away with anything there".

As you are well aware AMERICAN John Mark Karr was arrested at the insistence of the American government for the alleged murder of the Ramsey child. I believe Fox/O'Reilly reported that he was already under arrest for unnamed sex crimes and was being held (17th). This was totally false. On the 18th O'Reilly took the opportunity to chide/blame his own sources for providing him with information that was not in effect - true/factual. Mr. O'Reilly is usually much the braggart about his staff, the 'quality' of the tripe he peddles and its accuracy. Ironically, the discussion of this followed the piece about Thailand.

Mr. O'Reilly never misses an opportunity to slander the nation of Thailand. I have heard him do this repeatedly. In the August 18th airing O'Reilly dug out a piece he did that was sixteen years old in which he spewed half truths, snide barbs and was anything but upfront and honest about the sex industry, child sex issues (in Thailand/Asia) or even about the bar scene. To make the matter worse, Thailand has thoroughly cleaned up its act - the child sex trade is for all intents and purposes now non existent. Bottomless and even topless dancing is prohibited by law which would make Mr. O'Reilly's hometown strip club more deviant than what is at least legally permitted here.

The sixteen year old video was salacious, lazy, yellow journalism then and now, but coupled with his slanderous comments he an Sean Hannity are working toward moving US/world relations to new lows.

I am emailing the Thai government, anything you can do to move this to the fore will may be a real victory for those simply searching for truth in reporting.

Thank you,



I am curious if you were aware of the slanderous piece of tripe Bill O'Reilly presented against the Kingdom of Thailand 18 April?

O'Reilly bashed the Kingdom a number of times and replayed a hackneyed sideshow 'performed' by himself in 1991. This from the scandalmongering 'Inside Edition'. These unsubstantiated lies and half truths were to somehow substantiate then and now sixteen years later that Thailand is the (child) sex capital of the world. He chided an invited religious guest to chime in, calling the Kingdom 'evil'. O'Reilly hurled other insults as well -and not the first time.

I have written to the program on a number occasions pointing out clear factual historical errors and purposeful omissions he made without response.

I would urge you to view the content yourself and examine if the program has broken any existing Thai law (being shown in Thailand). Mr. O'Reilly perpetually takes every liberty to paint the nations of South East Asia as venal and prurient, in particular Thailand.

The event which led to the news piece was of the alleged pedophile John Mark Karr; ironically, an American.

Please join me in calling for a nationwide boycott of News Corp products. Please consider an editorial and/or possibly a news story on how Fox News programs habitually damage the nations image. Thailand does not need this sort of cheap current event based infotainment. This is a clear issue of slander, not free speech which I am certain we both support.

Thank You,

Edited by h5n1
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I really like the idea of Thailand banning Fox! Did that guest really trash the King? If so, that would be excellent grounds. I wish the USA could ban Fox too; they are nothing more than a propoganda arm for the Bush administration, reminds me of the old days of Pravda.

Unfortunately, CNN wasn't much better on this story.

Edited by Thaiquila
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I really like the idea of Thailand banning Fox! Did that guest really trash the King? If so, that would be excellent grounds. I wish the USA could ban Fox too. Unfortunately, CNN wasn't much better on this story.

no, in fact the monarchy was not mentioned. im insinuating - hey, if he can do it why cant i???

but hey - it is the KINGDOM of thailand and by inference the king is allowing whatever o'lielly claims to be occuring here happen no??


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yawn , yawwwwwwwn.

if you dont like it , dont watch it.

there are more important causes in the world to rally against than that supposed minor besmirchment of thailand by one of the many american egomaniacal motormouth newscasters that are inflicted on the long suffering english speaking world by lowbrow usa media factories.

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yawn , yawwwwwwwn.

if you dont like it , dont watch it.

there are more important causes in the world to rally against than that supposed minor besmirchment of thailand by one of the many american egomaniacal motormouth newscasters that are inflicted on the long suffering english speaking world by lowbrow usa media factories.

Quite right! Shit happens.

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I really like the idea of Thailand banning Fox! Did that guest really trash the King? If so, that would be excellent grounds. I wish the USA could ban Fox too. Unfortunately, CNN wasn't much better on this story.

no, in fact the monarchy was not mentioned. im insinuating - hey, if he can do it why cant i???

but hey - it is the KINGDOM of thailand and by inference the king is allowing whatever o'lielly claims to be occuring here happen no??


Dude, get down to your shrink asap. He needs to increase your meds megafold. Long live Bill O'Reilly. Long live Fox News.

Oh and stop making fun of how Thais talk with the O'Leilly crap. You are slandering the monarchy (using your logic)

Edited by Beavis and Butthead
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I really like the idea of Thailand banning Fox! Did that guest really trash the King? If so, that would be excellent grounds. I wish the USA could ban Fox too. Unfortunately, CNN wasn't much better on this story.

no, in fact the monarchy was not mentioned. im insinuating - hey, if he can do it why cant i???

but hey - it is the KINGDOM of thailand and by inference the king is allowing whatever o'lielly claims to be occuring here happen no??


Dude, get down to your shrink asap. He needs to increase your meds megafold. Long live Bill O'Reilly. Long live Fox News.

Oh and stop making fun of how Thais talk with the O'Leilly crap. You are slandering the monarchy (using your logic)

O - LIE - lly ...... as in Lies ... Liar ... twists everything ... horrendously inaccurate.... panders to the uneducated masses of right-wing Xians ... etc

and Brit ..... :o

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I wouldn't mind if CNN went away. Haven't heard any comments about BBCs coverage of this thing. I'm sure they would never sensationalize it

Think again - saw a BBC piece few min ago - about thailand and its sex trafficing scene. I expect this will go on for weeks until some other news story takes its place.

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I'm no particular defender of Thailand or its people. I am a defender of the truth and...I despise Fox and all of its ilk. Liars ALL.

Sorry, but given a choice of FOX or the BBC, I'd go for FOX any time.

FOX gives coverage to both sides of a story with spokesman on both sides trying to make their case.

The BBC presents only the trendy, politically correct point of view and doesn't bother with anything else.

During the conflict in Lebanon a few weeks ago, FOX kept repeating explanations, accusations and responces from both Israel and Hezbollah while the BBC mostly ignored the Israeli explanations for what they were doing. When they did bother to repeat one of the Israeli Government statements, the commentator would sneer and shake his head before going on to the next news item.

I'm sure that this thrills all the Jew/Israeli haters out there, but they didn't start the conflict and the BBC shouldn't be operating as a terrorist propoganda machine. :o

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You can't ban media outlets for promoting their agenda and general misinformation. If so, there soon wouldn't be any left to ban. Fox's app-roach is not ostensibly different from CNN....or BBC...or anyone else. Generally, people believe whatever source most closely mirrors their own attitudes whether it is accurate or not. But....this is the computer age and you can go online and read from any news source you wish. As far as the news media being a conduit for objective reporting....forget it. It's up to you to parse out the bullshit and figure out what is real.

Judging from the posts I've read in this forum, I am under the impression that stereotyping an entire country...especially one as mysterious as Thailand.... due to ignorance and laziness is the norm rather than the exception in most western countries. The media simply reinforces it because it's easier to be stupid than objective.

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I'm no particular defender of Thailand or its people. I am a defender of the truth and...I despise Fox and all of its ilk. Liars ALL.

Sorry, but given a choice of FOX or the BBC, I'd go for FOX any time.

FOX gives coverage to both sides of a story with spokesman on both sides trying to make their case.

The BBC presents only the trendy, politically correct point of view and doesn't bother with anything else.

During the conflict in Lebanon a few weeks ago, FOX kept repeating explanations, accusations and responces from both Israel and Hezbollah while the BBC mostly ignored the Israeli explanations for what they were doing. When they did bother to repeat one of the Israeli Government statements, the commentator would sneer and shake his head before going on to the next news item.

I'm sure that this thrills all the Jew/Israeli haters out there, but they didn't start the conflict and the BBC shouldn't be operating as a terrorist propoganda machine. :o

Saw most of the BBC coverage and noted that they always gave equal time to Iraeli spokespersons, including military. Granted I think there was a little more emphasis on the deaths in Lebanon, but they were outnumbering Iraeli deaths by 10 to 1.

If you watch Fox for any length of time, you could not reasonably make the statement in bold above (IMHO).

edit for typo

Edited by Charma
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I like to watch several news channels that are English speaking and Fox news was one of them

I found there alterative views reasonably balance in certain areas.

I went right off them when the started slagging BBC U.K. just because they voiced concern about what was happening.

I don,t want to go into it to much but not supporting the bombing of innocents in the latest M.East conflict and the humanitarian abuse is just one reason.

I also observed B.O.R falling into line and sniping anything he could take a negative view on

( BBC ) showing himself for what he really is and that,s a puppet of the present government and it,s policies and controlled by the sponsors.

After claiming he was independant and not influenced by anything other than the truth.

Bullshit O,reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, never again. ( Yes i know, Riley )

He,s really gone off the rails and yes i have stopped watching the channel anymore.

Fox news only has praise for the republicans and doesn,t know what unbiased reporting is all about anymore.

I also got angry with one of the presenters who had a right go at our policing policies and how gun happy British forces where after the underground incident.

This coming from the USA takes the biscuit in my humble opinion the brass necked *%$#@&*^

There is never a week goes by without another tragedy over there due to there gun laws and lack of enforcement of disarming and controlling the issue of these weapons.

Fighting terrorism is o.k and all methods acceptable so long it,s part of the U.S. agenda, but should certain incidents occur overseas in the prevention of, then apparently not.

Mistakes will and do happen occasionally.

I do not support terrorism and believe we must stop it, let,s not use the fight as an excuse to attack innocents.

Again dare i say in the name of politics and fund raising agendas gun laws will never change state side and that,s another story, eh Fox news.

Hollier than thou comes to mind in my humble opinion.

marshbags :o:D:D

I note now that Charma has given more detail on one such incident that i refer to.

Nice one Charma, again it highlights bias to fox.

BBC is respected the world over for fair reporting and many renowned U.S. reporters will tell you the same.

How sad that neither the U.S. or the Israeli governments offered any remorse to the innocent victims and there families during there speaches after the ceasation.

Edited by marshbags
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I'm no particular defender of Thailand or its people. I am a defender of the truth and...I despise Fox and all of its ilk. Liars ALL.

Sorry, but given a choice of FOX or the BBC, I'd go for FOX any time.

FOX gives coverage to both sides of a story with spokesman on both sides trying to make their case.

The BBC presents only the trendy, politically correct point of view and doesn't bother with anything else.

During the conflict in Lebanon a few weeks ago, FOX kept repeating explanations, accusations and responces from both Israel and Hezbollah while the BBC mostly ignored the Israeli explanations for what they were doing. When they did bother to repeat one of the Israeli Government statements, the commentator would sneer and shake his head before going on to the next news item.

I'm sure that this thrills all the Jew/Israeli haters out there, but they didn't start the conflict and the BBC shouldn't be operating as a terrorist propoganda machine. :o

Saw most of the BBC coverage and noted that they always gave equal time to Iraeli spokespersons, including military. Granted I think there was a little more emphasis on the deaths in Lebanon, but they were outnumbering Iraeli deaths by 10 to 1.

If you watch Fox for any length of time, you could not reasonably make the statement in bold above (IMHO).

edit for typo

I was stuck with the BBC for the first few days of the conflict and kept waiting for them to at least pretend to explain the Israeli side of the conflict. Then I changed hotels and the new one happened to have FOX.

Every question that I had been asking myself about Israel's motives was answered, but they also included all the negative coverage of Israel that made up the brunt of the BBC's newscasts.

Sorry, but the BBC is completely one sided and that is not what I expect from an International News organization. :D

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I really like the idea of Thailand banning Fox! Did that guest really trash the King? If so, that would be excellent grounds. I wish the USA could ban Fox too; they are nothing more than a propoganda arm for the Bush administration, reminds me of the old days of Pravda.

Unfortunately, CNN wasn't much better on this story.

I fully second the idea of banning them.If you will better infos;try BBC or TV5 if you speak french

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Fox is a poor excuse of a news channel. Extremely right wing and pro Bush. Quite popular in the US.

Unfortunatly, but who says you have to watch it? I go to the news from better sources than FOX, Fox is as stated above and I'm not a Bush lover, or right wing for that matter. But these High-profile cases allways gets more glimmer and fireworks, than a low profile case, since it sells, all about money and greed! Now you right-wingers can begin your bashing.......

Edited by SamuiJens
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Yes fox is crap, i remember watching it when they were invading iraq for the first time, acting like its a movie or something.

Showing off all the americas military might like its going to be some sort of great show. there is plenty other stories they totally blow out and go one sided.

If terrorists bombed it (no casualties ofcourse) i would throw a party, Ulysses G 's shout

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I was stuck with the BBC for the first few days of the conflict and kept waiting for them to at least pretend to explain the Israeli side of the conflict. Then I changed hotels and the new one happened to have FOX.

Every question that I had been asking myself about Israel's motives was answered, but they also included all the negative coverage of Israel that made up the brunt of the BBC's newscasts.

Sorry, but the BBC is completely one sided and that is not what I expect from an International News organization. :o

I think you have highlighted the difference between the two channels. Good journalism is based on factual reporting and should rely heavily on outside sources and interviews. Fox reporters and presenters give much more commentary to their stories and would be more than happy to "explain" the Israeli side to the story. I have seen Fox reporters shout down an interviewee and give clear opinion on an issue with which he (the anchorman) disagreed.

Fox is well known for this in the US. It is lampooned by it's own cartoon series, the Simpsons and it is regularly a feature of the excellent "Daily Show" with John Stewart.

Ultimately I guess we all watch the coverage we are happy with. If Fox's views of the world suit your own view, then that is fine. I prefer something different.

For SamuiJens - when travelling, you don't always get the choice about which channel is available.

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Personally I think if you put the Communist News Network, British Bullshit Corporation and Fox in a bag then dropped them out one by one you would NEVER know which one came out first. :o

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I think you have highlighted the difference between the two channels. Good journalism is based on factual reporting and should rely heavily on outside sources and interviews.

Yes, both sides of a conflict.

The BBC only presents the side that they agree with while FOX actually allows that there might be another side to a story and lets the viewer make up their own mind. :o

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