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Thailand is your paradise?


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If one took out the free availability of young ladies in Thailand one really wonders how much of a paradise Thailand would be for a lot of farangs

Is Thailand my paradise ? Not by as long shot

Agreed, but it 's where a number of us live at present. I'm happy enough here but it's not paradise.

Still i could be scrapping ice of the windscreen of my car and being taxed to death

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If one took out the free availability of young ladies in Thailand one really wonders how much of a paradise Thailand would be for a lot of farangs

Is Thailand my paradise ? Not by as long shot

Agreed, but it 's where a number of us live at present. I'm happy enough here but it's not paradise.

Still i could be scrapping ice of the windscreen of my car and being taxed to death

I find tax here to be pretty brutal compared to other major centers in Asia. Considering I don't really get anything for it either it's a touch annoying.


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If one took out the free availability of young ladies in Thailand one really wonders how much of a paradise Thailand would be for a lot of farangs

Is Thailand my paradise ? Not by as long shot

Agreed, but it 's where a number of us live at present. I'm happy enough here but it's not paradise.

Still i could be scrapping ice of the windscreen of my car and being taxed to death

I find tax here to be pretty brutal compared to other major centers in Asia. Considering I don't really get anything for it either it's a touch annoying.


Compared to UK its not a lot, agreed though that compared to some other places its high

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. I do live in bangkok though so I'm sure my outlook is different to someone who is retired and lives at the beach.

It's my case, retired and living at the beach ( one km from my nice and not expensive rented house ) ; many beautiful girls from Bangkok who come on week end or holidays to look at ; not paradise, but very nice !!

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Great weather??? Ever been to San Diego? Thailand is like living on the sun! That said I enjoy visiting but definitely not my vision of paradise. The beautiful green mountains of Central PA and 4 beautiful seasons spent with my beautiful wife and large family is my paradise.

I'm going to stick up for you here. Thailand is a great place to vacation but after a while it gets old for me. It is, at its roots, third world. I also think perhaps some members don't know how much cheaper it is to live in rural USA than it is in Europe or Australia. I said rural; not San Diego. smile.png

Someone who hasn't been to Central Pennsylvania or many other more rural parts of the US may not know how beautiful it is or the costs, added to the benefits of a first world environment. Living in the rural US is a lot cheaper than W. Europe or Australia.

The UK is very cold and I can see their point. It's also very expensive giving another good reason. In the US you can choose your climate and your housing costs by where you live. Consumer goods are cheaper than even Thailand.

To me the best of both worlds is to live in the US and make an annual trip to Thailand for a couple of months.

You're better off raising your family in the US also because the culture and schools are so much better for the children.


Well I was pretty much with you until you mentioned the culture. I see nothing good about being raised in a culture where so much money is spent on the military more than the next 5 countries put together and people start unwinnable wars and then cheer the poor soldiers they are sending in to them. The kids are raised to believe they don't have to take care of themselves. The law will take care of every thing. Here in Thailand I enjoy the fact that I can take responsibility for a lot of my actions. I am no longer living in a Nanny country. Ifg I cross the street I am responsible to make sure their is no vehicle thast can hit me. In the states you have to stand at the red light until it turns green even if there is not a car insight for 2 miles either way. If you don't you will get a ticket because------------------- all of course being irrelevant. They are telling you that you are to stupid to make up your own mind about what is safe and what is not.

If I wanted a nanny country I would have stayed in North America. That is a lot of the reason I stay here. It is not paradise but then where is paradise? Every place has it's good and bad points.

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I think if you move anywhere expecting it to be paradise, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Nowhere on earth is perfect.

I think this is a good approach. If you build anything up too much in your mind, it will always disapoint. It's best to just experience it for what it is. If you can do that in the right place, you'll be happy. For some people, that place is Thailand.

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Thanks for the responses.....seems the most happy are those that have families and/or jobs, and of course for many of us, cost of living is a major factor, although I do believe, if you live an "equivalent" lifestyle, you can get pretty close to the same cost of living here in some other countries. Weather without a doubt for many is also a motivator, although those 38 degree days with 90% humidity are not pleasant, lol. I think as many indicated, if you are happy with yourself, your friends (family if you have one), your environment, and enjoy your activities within your economic means, then just about anywhere is a good place to be.

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I call bull shit..on anyone saying nice beaches or nice weathur. You can get that in many other places.. What really makes it better then the other places? Oh the fluff on your arm.

Sent from my c64

Edited by wow64
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I call bull shit..on anyone saying nice beaches or nice weathur. You can get that in many other places.. What really makes it better then the other places? Oh the fluff on your arm.

Sent from my c64

+ 1 mate there are thousands of nice beaches in the world and none of them are in Thailand. Being an Aussie and a surfer though I could be bias and the weather? yeah if you love hot, hotter and hot and wet. I guess for Europeans it might be paradise but again there are thousands of places with more temperate and enjoyable climes than here. I love Thailand but not for the beaches or the weather

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Hey Original Poster, im curious why you are curious. you have to explain yourself a bit more, like how old are you and what your into etc, then the forum can help answer you better instead of generalising. Personally, as I sit here 12 hours after returning from Thailand, I love the " Awaking of the senses" . They are all amplified in Thailand. In fact i'm curious to see if the Thailand Tourism Dudes have done a " awaken the senses" campaign. Its nice to have this buzz, but its also nice to have the quiet surrounds and familiar settings and people of your home town also. As I approach 55, I would like to spend more than a month there each year. To indulge in this sense feast. But, you will get nowhere fast if you wish to go off the beaten track without at least trying to speak Thai to the Thai citizens. Then you get the crappy feeling of going to a park with your family and they charge you 5 times OH WAIT 10 times now, the entrance fee, when all along your paying for the whole tribe to get in anyways. ( resist getting off topic BK ) . . . mate, simply, look around if you wish to live in a cheap country with groovy things. There are many places who would love to have your retirement dollar and wont make you feel like shit like the Thais do well with the " Flananganag " scenario. all said and done, if you like good steak and red wine, Thailand is not for you. But if you can get some good Thai speaking skills, a whole new world will open up for you.

Edited by BAKABAS
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To many I would say Thailand is certainly paradise compared to where you came from, for me my paradise is my home country, and spending my winter in Thailand, enables me have the best of both worlds. But like everything in life,one person's idea of paradise is another's he'll.

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To many I would say Thailand is certainly paradise compared to where you came from, for me my paradise is my home country, and spending my winter in Thailand, enables me have the best of both worlds. But like everything in life,one person's idea of paradise is another's he'll.

Totally agree with this, I just spent winter there and if it was like that all year round, it would be more of a paradise to me. I don't like the idea of spending other months in aircon, coming from a temperate climate, I don't think I could ever get uses to the April heat. And yes, it comes down to what you like. some of my closet friends here in Australia would cringe at things in Thailand, to me I love most of it. Here are my personal favs.

1. Food - Except I miss a good steak

2. Drink - Same as most places though. Next time im going to track down some coronas, apparently they sell them there. Coconuts with brekkie, love it.

3. Driving - Most would disagree, but I actually like driving in Thailand. A common respect for other motorists, and no road rage. I don't like stumbling on the fatal road accidents though. I just don't drive after 4 pm.

4. Housing - Affordable, like the Bidet and no toilet paper, its heaps cleaner. Shit appliances and stainless steel kitchen fixtures, id like to know where to get some good stuff, if not ill import those.

5. Visas - not too sure about these, as I want to spend more and more time there as I get older, I heard if you deposit money into a bank account and leave it there you can get a " better" visa which avoids the visa runs - have to wait and see on that point.

6. Business - mmm . Have a few proposals, but very sceptical. Only with close family I guess.

7. Navigation - too easy now with google maps - however, hard to find stores to buy stuff, its not like there is a shop directory and what they sell. Got to take ages to work this out, even my family don't know most, as frankly they never had the money to buy stuff apart from very basics.

8. LAND - no real estate agents! this is the next thing I want to buy with my wife. I was told the best thing is to go to the bank each days and see what has been foreclosed. i'd actually like some advice in this area and I will search this forum on the best way to find land for sale. do you just ride around, see something you like and ask the neighbours who owns it and make an offer ? wow ill investigate further, any help appreciated. like 5 - 10 Rai would be great. 9. People - well just love them all to bits. just learn Thai and your their best buddy.

10. Governance - To be decided.

11. Security - Great. Make you feel welcome and never in 25 years have seen an act of crime. But then again, I don't go out at night when the pisspots are out.

12. Getting there - costs a lot with a family, but that's par for the course. like to do business class one day if I can afford it. <deleted> its squashy in Economy. im not small either.

13. Lucky 13. the day I married the love of my life- The women really know how to look after their man- love you so much hunny bunny x x

Cheers to all, hope you find what your looking for, life goes too fast not too.

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