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Tottenham Thread


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I hope you don't mind an old timer reminsiscing. :D

The sight of a Spurs thread warmed the cockles of my worn out, ill used heart.

I first went to see my beloved Spurs play in 1954, at the rripe old age of 8. I used to live in East London - Ilford actually, and me and my mates would jump on a 144 bus ( I think it was 144?) from Gants Hill which took us round the N. Circular and thence to White heart Lane.

Use to go quite regularly up to the age of about 16, and then my visists slowed as work took precedence. Still made the big matches however, right up to the time I went overseas in 1968.

Back in the Uk in 1983, I was no longer in London, but still made the odd match from my home in Essex, but the last mnatch I attended was with my then Thai father-in-Law - can't remember the year, but we played Middlesborough - Gazza was playing for Boro -but got a good reception from the Tottenham faithfull. Spurs were rubbish, lost the match and the ground was half full. I was ashamed for Dad - his one and only Premiership game - ever.

Spurs used to be very popular with Thais - as the only live games that were shown here were the FA Cup Finals, and as they had such a good record, they had a lot of fans. There still are a number of Spurs fans dotted around amongst the older generation - but alas most have deserted them in favour of Manu, Liverpool, Chelsea etc.

So I have stuck with them for well over 50 years. Can anyone beat that record?

We had a good season last year, but I'm damned if I understand what's gone wrong this year. I thought we might be in for shout for 2nd or 3rd spot, butn ow I'm not sure. Seems like we're back amongst the also runs.

Anyone got any ideas on this? :o

Keep this thread going guys - its existence has really cheered me up. :D

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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I'm expecting a top 6 , we have the quality now to do even better than that, but these things take time.

Welcome to the Football forum mate !

ps I deleted a post after yours from some knob called Big Blue.

The Berk doesn't realise that this forum is moderated by a Spurs fan..... :D

Typical Chelski fan , no brains and a big gob...... :o

Edited by chonabot
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Back in the Uk in 1983, I was no longer in London, but still made the odd match from my home in Essex

Where abouts in Essex Mobi..?? I'm a Brentwood boy originally!

Congratulations on 50+ years as a loyal Spurs supporter. After all that time and punishment following the boys you still sound fairly sane...!!! :o

I don't get near to 50 years but me, my Dad, Grandad all have White & Blue blood. My grandad on my Mum's side of the family played for Spurs from 1936 till the end of the war. Signed the same day as a certain Billy Nicholson who was a 16 year old junior...!!!

Albert's Story

PS: Sorry to post this link again Chon, but I'm dead proud of this story!!

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Back in the Uk in 1983, I was no longer in London, but still made the odd match from my home in Essex

Where abouts in Essex Mobi..?? I'm a Brentwood boy originally!

Congratulations on 50+ years as a loyal Spurs supporter. After all that time and punishment following the boys you still sound fairly sane...!!! :o

I don't get near to 50 years but me, my Dad, Grandad all have White & Blue blood. My grandad on my Mum's side of the family played for Spurs from 1936 till the end of the war. Signed the same day as a certain Billy Nicholson who was a 16 year old junior...!!!

Albert's Story

PS: Sorry to post this link again Chon, but I'm dead proud of this story!!

Hi Backpack - that's a great story!

I lived in Basildon for about 15 years. Quite easy to drive round the M25 to Tottenham. Strangely enough, when I lived in Ilford, most of the kids supported West Ham, so I was in the minority. But those days were so different - I used to go with friends to watch Hammers when Spurs were playing away, and watched th greats Like Bobby Moore, Hurst etc. We even made the odd trip to Arsenal - but the games were so boooring...

Well, we may be long suffering supporters, but we had some great teams and great players, from the "double era" right through to Linekaer, Gazza, Ginola etc. A magic team - always have been, always will be..... except when George Graham and that Swiss idiot were in charge :D .....

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Agree, the less said about George "Mr Arsenal" Graham the better!!

My first game was Spurs v Hull City in the FA Cup in 1981. I was 10 years old, watching the likes of Crooks, Archibald and Mr Spurs Steve Perryman (how we could do with another one like him!).

We played shockingly against ull until 10 mins from time when Gary Brook came on (remember him, the original "super sub") and we won 2-0.

Incidentally, my favourite Spurs legend of all time is Gary Mabbutt (except for Albert Page of course!). I even have the no.6 on my sons Spurs shirt!!!

Go Lillies!

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Back in the Uk in 1983, I was no longer in London, but still made the odd match from my home in Essex

Where abouts in Essex Mobi..?? I'm a Brentwood boy originally!

Congratulations on 50+ years as a loyal Spurs supporter. After all that time and punishment following the boys you still sound fairly sane...!!! :o

I don't get near to 50 years but me, my Dad, Grandad all have White & Blue blood. My grandad on my Mum's side of the family played for Spurs from 1936 till the end of the war. Signed the same day as a certain Billy Nicholson who was a 16 year old junior...!!!

Albert's Story

PS: Sorry to post this link again Chon, but I'm dead proud of this story!!

Hi Backpack - that's a great story!

I lived in Basildon for about 15 years. Quite easy to drive round the M25 to Tottenham. Strangely enough, when I lived in Ilford, most of the kids supported West Ham, so I was in the minority. But those days were so different - I used to go with friends to watch Hammers when Spurs were playing away, and watched th greats Like Bobby Moore, Hurst etc. We even made the odd trip to Arsenal - but the games were so boooring...

Well, we may be long suffering supporters, but we had some great teams and great players, from the "double era" right through to Linekaer, Gazza, Ginola etc. A magic team - always have been, always will be..... except when George Graham and that Swiss idiot were in charge :D .....

At least George Graham won you a trophy

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At least George Graham won you a trophy

He can keep it too :D

I'd rather we won trophies our way - not his :o

Couldn't agree more , I was at the 99 league cup final and iit was a dreadful game, masterminded by the evil Gooner. Even after we won the atmosphere was totally flat and nothing like the previous cup wins. This season I think we'll gell eventually and finish about sixth.

We do seem to be missing Michael carrick though ..


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Head to Head: (League Only)

At Anfield: Liverpool 40 wins, 18 draws, Tottenham 5 wins.

Overall: Liverpool 58 wins, 33 draws, Tottenham 35 wins.

At Anfield Liverpool are unbeaten in the last dozen league meetings with Spurs.

Liverpool's next goal will be their 200th in League games against Tottenham

Spurs last win here came on 25th August 1993 when Teddy Sheringham scored twice in a 2-1 win.

Liverpool's last hat-trick against Spurs was scored by Phil Boersma at Anfield in 1974.

They are unbeaten in the last 18 league games at Anfield winning 16 and drawing two

Tottenham's heaviest defeat at Anfield came in September 1978 when they lost 7-0. It is still the club's biggest ever League defeat. Meanwhile all five of Liverpool's defeats by Tottenham here have been by the odd goal.

Good luck boys, you'll need it :o

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Head to Head: (League Only)

At Anfield: Liverpool 40 wins, 18 draws, Tottenham 5 wins.

Overall: Liverpool 58 wins, 33 draws, Tottenham 35 wins.

At Anfield Liverpool are unbeaten in the last dozen league meetings with Spurs.

Liverpool's next goal will be their 200th in League games against Tottenham

Spurs last win here came on 25th August 1993 when Teddy Sheringham scored twice in a 2-1 win.

Liverpool's last hat-trick against Spurs was scored by Phil Boersma at Anfield in 1974.

They are unbeaten in the last 18 league games at Anfield winning 16 and drawing two

Tottenham's heaviest defeat at Anfield came in September 1978 when they lost 7-0. It is still the club's biggest ever League defeat. Meanwhile all five of Liverpool's defeats by Tottenham here have been by the odd goal.

Good luck boys, you'll need it :D

Thank's for all that interesting info - as if we didn't know already :o

With the greatest of respect, why don't you post on the Liverpool thread- or isn't there one? :D

May the best team win :D

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Gutted belfast spurs man.Hope Lennon recovers soon because we where poor today.And very light weight.

Bringing Davids on again to do nothing CANT wait to see the back of him him final ball is shocking.

Come on You SPURS Let's get this season going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RAB Belfast Spurs

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I hope you don't mind an old timer reminsiscing. :D

The sight of a Spurs thread warmed the cockles of my worn out, ill used heart.

I first went to see my beloved Spurs play in 1954, at the rripe old age of 8. I used to live in East London - Ilford actually, and me and my mates would jump on a 144 bus ( I think it was 144?) from Gants Hill which took us round the N. Circular and thence to White heart Lane.

Use to go quite regularly up to the age of about 16, and then my visists slowed as work took precedence. Still made the big matches however, right up to the time I went overseas in 1968.

Back in the Uk in 1983, I was no longer in London, but still made the odd match from my home in Essex, but the last mnatch I attended was with my then Thai father-in-Law - can't remember the year, but we played Middlesborough - Gazza was playing for Boro -but got a good reception from the Tottenham faithfull. Spurs were rubbish, lost the match and the ground was half full. I was ashamed for Dad - his one and only Premiership game - ever.

Spurs used to be very popular with Thais - as the only live games that were shown here were the FA Cup Finals, and as they had such a good record, they had a lot of fans. There still are a number of Spurs fans dotted around amongst the older generation - but alas most have deserted them in favour of Manu, Liverpool, Chelsea etc.

So I have stuck with them for well over 50 years. Can anyone beat that record?

We had a good season last year, but I'm damned if I understand what's gone wrong this year. I thought we might be in for shout for 2nd or 3rd spot, butn ow I'm not sure. Seems like we're back amongst the also runs.

Anyone got any ideas on this? :o

Keep this thread going guys - its existence has really cheered me up. :D

When I was young I used to play for a Park Team in London, my stiking partner was a guy called Keith Osgood.

He used to score for fun, and with me alongside him, he used to make so many easy goals for me to score it was wonderful.

Someone spotted him and off he went to Spurs, and ended up as a midfielder in the early-mid 70's

I think he spent about 10 years there in total, mostly under Terry Neil I think,we even had Girlfreinds that were best freinds so we used to go out together a lot, he even came to my first wedding, then when I moved out of London we lost touch.

I know that he was transferred to Derby and tragically lost his Wife in childbirth, was on the front pageof the papers, he never recovered and despite Colin Addison the then manager of Derby saying he would give him every support, he let him go, to where I don't know, but he's out of football now.

I'd love to know what happened to him.

Do you remember him Mobi?

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Gutted, great match for the first 63 minutes , Jenas cocked up some decent chances ,and one sitter,

then Liverpool destroyed us for the last half hour. They were pure class... :D

Still , early doors, only 11 off the lead... :o

We need to get 9 points from the next 4 games.

Pompey away

Villa home

West Ham home

Watfor home.

No easy games these days.

Can't we just concentrate on Europe ?


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Gutted belfast spurs man.Hope Lennon recovers soon because we where poor today.And very light weight.

Bringing Davids on again to do nothing CANT wait to see the back of him him final ball is shocking.

Sorry Kerrs, can't agree with you on that at all. For the first hour we were excellent, restricting Liverpool to very little. It was only after JJ somehow turned a certain goal into the miss-of-the-season that we crumbled. Note: Great break and pass from Davids...!!!

The way our luck has been going the team all got their heads down and from then it was game over. It's a confidence thing. We should have gone 1-0 up and then 30 seconds later we're 1 down. It was a "here we go again" situation from the lads.

I'm not Davids biggest fan by any stretch, however I feel now that his experience will be vital in the coming weeks as we try to kick start the season. He can put his foot on the ball and dictate the pace of games.

We also need happy campers and therefore I would play Mido or Berby with Daffy up top and put Keano on the left for his trickery. I am genuinely concerned that we could lose Daffy in January if he doesn't get a decent run of games. Villa have sniffed and now they have the money. If we had to choose I'd rather see Keano go but better to keep both (obviously!).

Missing Aaron Lennon badly...

.."All we are saying is - - - - give pace a chance!"

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We had the Prague game here on Channel 7 last night, English commentary as well - Result!!

I thought we were excellent, dominated the game from start to finish but we are STILL lacking confidence in front of goal. How exactly did Mido miss that header at the end...???

Keano missed a couple of sitters as well but at least we're creating a bit. If we weren't creating then we really should be worried. Hopefully now we are safely into the group stages of the UEFA Cup we can get going in the Prem League.

Absolutely MASSIVE game against Portsmouth this weekend (live on Super Sunday). I know they had a decent start but if we are serious this term we should be winning these kind of games...!!!

King Ledley will be back as well.

Good Luck Boys!


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Agreed , as a fellow Spurs fan , I can't wait to see the group stages. If Lennon,King,Berbatov,Defoe and Davids are fit , well........

Zokora looks better and better as well , also Chimbonda getting more runs in.

Now for Pompey........ :o

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Played fairly well , jammy penalty decision... :o But things are looking up.

Berbatov stayed on for 74 minutes , him and Murphy were our star players. Lennon should be back soon. Things are looking up!


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Played fairly well , jammy penalty decision... :o But things are looking up.

Berbatov stayed on for 74 minutes , him and Murphy were our star players. Lennon should be back soon. Things are looking up!


A dodgy win can often be the start of a run. Well - here's hoping....

At least we are guarenteed a European run this season!

Keep the faith in the lillywhites!!!!!!!! :D

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Gutted belfast spurs man.Hope Lennon recovers soon because we where poor today.And very light weight.

Bringing Davids on again to do nothing CANT wait to see the back of him him final ball is shocking.

Sorry Kerrs, can't agree with you on that at all. For the first hour we were excellent, restricting Liverpool to very little. It was only after JJ somehow turned a certain goal into the miss-of-the-season that we crumbled. Note: Great break and pass from Davids...!!!

The way our luck has been going the team all got their heads down and from then it was game over. It's a confidence thing. We should have gone 1-0 up and then 30 seconds later we're 1 down. It was a "here we go again" situation from the lads.

I'm not Davids biggest fan by any stretch, however I feel now that his experience will be vital in the coming weeks as we try to kick start the season. He can put his foot on the ball and dictate the pace of games.

We also need happy campers and therefore I would play Mido or Berby with Daffy up top and put Keano on the left for his trickery. I am genuinely concerned that we could lose Daffy in January if he doesn't get a decent run of games. Villa have sniffed and now they have the money. If we had to choose I'd rather see Keano go but better to keep both (obviously!).

Missing Aaron Lennon badly...

.."All we are saying is - - - - give pace a chance!"

Nice PASS from DAVIDS nearly took jj's foot off As usual he cannot weight a pass glad to see he wasnt playing against pompy And very glad we won.Come on the wee spurs!!!!!!!!!

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