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No walks in the park in this league, ask Man Ure smile.png

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I think the other Manchester team will disagree. wink.png

The one that's lost to Cardiff, Villa and Sunderland this season you mean?


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No walks in the park in this league, ask Man Ure smile.png

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I think the other Manchester team will disagree. wink.png

The one that's lost to Cardiff, Villa and Sunderland this season you mean?


Minor hiccup, there have been walks in the park against other teams. wink.png

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Sorry to say, from my viewpoint we only had 10 men on the park. I might be wrong, waiting for the player stats tomorrow.

You've been watching football a long time ian, you don't need stats to tell you who the non performers were.

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Sorry to say, from my viewpoint we only had 10 men on the park. I might be wrong, waiting for the player stats tomorrow.

My thoughts exactly Ian, no need to look at any stats.

I don't know why Defoe wasn't on the bench today but we could have

done with him coming on as a sub cos Soldado was absolutely awful today.

Even bringing on Kane for him in the last 15mins would have been worthwhile.

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Soldado was absolutely awful today.

Nothing unusual there then.

No, i'm beginning to think he's come from the same school of football as

Nicolas Bendtner laugh.png

I'll give you that, he's about worth what we paid for Bendtner as well.


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Sorry to say, from my viewpoint we only had 10 men on the park. I might be wrong, waiting for the player stats tomorrow.

This was the analysis that I was waiting for. Just as I suspected, not a good read - dismal in fact. Not a single positive.

A big ask for Harry Kane to step up. A returning Townsend might create something different. Lamela could be the big surprise. Big big game on Sunday v Everton.


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Sorry to say, from my viewpoint we only had 10 men on the park. I might be wrong, waiting for the player stats tomorrow.

This was the analysis that I was waiting for. Just as I suspected, not a good read - dismal in fact. Not a single positive.

A big ask for Harry Kane to step up. A returning Townsend might create something different. Lamela could be the big surprise. Big big game on Sunday v Everton.


You have to wonder if its confidence....or he just a journeyman now....but hopefully things will change.

My personal opinion is Harry Kane ain't ever gonna be good enough....and yeah I hope I am proved a fool on this.

But I doubt it.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Sorry to say, from my viewpoint we only had 10 men on the park. I might be wrong, waiting for the player stats tomorrow.

This was the analysis that I was waiting for. Just as I suspected, not a good read - dismal in fact. Not a single positive.

A big ask for Harry Kane to step up. A returning Townsend might create something different. Lamela could be the big surprise. Big big game on Sunday v Everton.


I don't think you really needed an analysis ian. You've been watching football long enough to know if throughout the game a player does anything or not. The 4/10 I gave him was most generous and I didn't allow for bias. There were many Spurs fans giving him exactly the same, but if we were honest 2 or 3 top would have been more justified.

These pieces from your article make sense.

Confidence is draining as the weeks go by and Premier League defenders appear to have Soldado’s number. The forward needs time, he has not settled smoothly, but he is unlikely to be afforded it.

"Unless he musters a scoring streak in the second half of the season, several of Tottenham’s summer signings could be moved on. With Soldado only just on the right side of 30 Daniel Levy could opt to recoup some of the fee paid for the Spaniard while they can"...........(and that's taking an optimistic view!) Who wants to take up these non performing loans?

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Sorry to say, from my viewpoint we only had 10 men on the park. I might be wrong, waiting for the player stats tomorrow.

This was the analysis that I was waiting for. Just as I suspected, not a good read - dismal in fact. Not a single positive.

A big ask for Harry Kane to step up. A returning Townsend might create something different. Lamela could be the big surprise. Big big game on Sunday v Everton.


I don't think you really needed an analysis ian. You've been watching football long enough to know if throughout the game a player does anything or not. The 4/10 I gave him was most generous and I didn't allow for bias. There were many Spurs fans giving him exactly the same, but if we were honest 2 or 3 top would have been more justified.

These pieces from your article make sense.

Confidence is draining as the weeks go by and Premier League defenders appear to have Soldados number. The forward needs time, he has not settled smoothly, but he is unlikely to be afforded it.

"Unless he musters a scoring streak in the second half of the season, several of Tottenhams summer signings could be moved on. With Soldado only just on the right side of 30 Daniel Levy could opt to recoup some of the fee paid for the Spaniard while they can"...........(and that's taking an optimistic view!) Who wants to take up these non performing loans?

I agree. I actually thought more like 2/10 for doing zilch, but on TV you don't get the full view of the game. You cannot see runs off the ball etc etc. So I wanted to see the more in depth analysis. One stat that did not come out yet was how many km did he run compared to the other 3 up front. This would no doubt demonstrate what a lazy SOB he is. I don't even want to see him on the bench on Sunday, honestly he should be sent on holiday with a private trainer and family to try and get his head straight.

Dust off Jermaine and give him a final run out after 60 mins if needed on Sunday. Kane to start with Adebayor. Oh lord!

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Sorry to say, from my viewpoint we only had 10 men on the park. I might be wrong, waiting for the player stats tomorrow.

This was the analysis that I was waiting for. Just as I suspected, not a good read - dismal in fact. Not a single positive.

A big ask for Harry Kane to step up. A returning Townsend might create something different. Lamela could be the big surprise. Big big game on Sunday v Everton.


I don't think you really needed an analysis ian. You've been watching football long enough to know if throughout the game a player does anything or not. The 4/10 I gave him was most generous and I didn't allow for bias. There were many Spurs fans giving him exactly the same, but if we were honest 2 or 3 top would have been more justified.

These pieces from your article make sense.

Confidence is draining as the weeks go by and Premier League defenders appear to have Soldados number. The forward needs time, he has not settled smoothly, but he is unlikely to be afforded it.

"Unless he musters a scoring streak in the second half of the season, several of Tottenhams summer signings could be moved on. With Soldado only just on the right side of 30 Daniel Levy could opt to recoup some of the fee paid for the Spaniard while they can"...........(and that's taking an optimistic view!) Who wants to take up these non performing loans?

I agree. I actually thought more like 2/10 for doing zilch, but on TV you don't get the full view of the game. You cannot see runs off the ball etc etc. So I wanted to see the more in depth analysis. One stat that did not come out yet was how many km did he run compared to the other 3 up front. This would no doubt demonstrate what a lazy SOB he is. I don't even want to see him on the bench on Sunday, honestly he should be sent on holiday with a private trainer and family to try and get his head straight.

Dust off Jermaine and give him a final run out after 60 mins if needed on Sunday. Kane to start with Adebayor. Oh lord!

Understood Ian, it's very fair to examine all aspects before drawing a conclusion beyond a reasonable doubt and also let's not forget this was against Hull, not the most formidable of opponents.

Why has it all gone wrong for this/these highly regarded players? At Valencia there's no doubt he was a prolific goalscorer but he's looked a total goon since joining Spurs. Maybe his confidence was shot under AVB and it hasn't returned,maybe it won't. Spurs plethora of play making talent at the time was simply not finding him on a regular basis. The whole team was being too cautious and not incisive enough, the legacy now being a dismal goal difference.

Then AVB went and in from the cold came Adebayor playing like a man possessed, almost a bit of a hero initially. It must have taken Soldado by surprise and he didn't know how to play alongside him after being drilled into whatever role AVB was drilling him in to.

Looking at a player like Negredo who Spurs fancied at one point, what a contrast in his first season in both confidence and effort compared to Soldado, I don't know much about Kane or his ability, but I would bet he could at least equal Soldado's effort at Hull and then no doubt surpass it by some. Give the lad a chance, let's be perfectly honest he can't be any worse can he? Defoe could link up a bit with Adebayor, he's done it before, but what about when he leaves the situation remains the same, unless of course Soldado recovers his form somehow or Kane becomes a super talent out of the blue.

They'e in a good PL spot and there's enough talent at WHL to go after that CL spot, but players need to be in the team on merit and at this stage there's no room for any lazy SOB's, it has to be effort all the way if they want it.

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Agreed 100% effort needed. Seems Townsend is back. No mention of Lamela. So here is my 11.


Walker. Dawson. Vertonghen. Rose

Townsend Paulinho. Benteleb. Ericksen

Kane. Adebayor.

I should add Kane needs playing time if he has any chance of getting up to speed. He cannot be any worse than the display at Hull, and, he has at least a physical presence which will need attention and respect (by the Everton defence) which might well free up a little space for the rest of our attack.

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Why has it all gone wrong for this/these highly regarded players? At Valencia there's no doubt he was a prolific goalscorer but he's looked a total goon since joining Spurs.

He was a prolific tap in merchant. He can't cut it in the Premiership. The tiny totts should just cut their losses and ship him back to Spain.

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Agreed 100% effort needed. Seems Townsend is back. No mention of Lamela. So here is my 11.


Walker. Dawson. Vertonghen. Rose

Townsend Paulinho. Benteleb. Ericksen

Kane. Adebayor.

I should add Kane needs playing time if he has any chance of getting up to speed. He cannot be any worse than the display at Hull, and, he has at least a physical presence which will need attention and respect (by the Everton defence) which might well free up a little space for the rest of our attack.

The hope is that Vertonghen and Paulinho stay fit, without them the side looks quite 'ordinary' and they have been the Spurs best players this season, by far. Townsend's return should help somewhat, let's hope a bigger percentage of those shots go somewhere near to the goal. Will this be another transfer window of regret? I'm beginning to think that a Berbatov for Holtby deal could/should have been considered (and might have). Up front doesn't look too good right now. And as you happened to mention Lamela, what is the actual story on him, is he badly injured, resumed training, what?

It's all gone strangely quiet.

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Thank the heavens for Adebayor....I just hope he is gonna keep this up.

Second half we were a bit better....certainly defensively....but bringing on Defoe....<deleted>...?

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Well the main thing at this stage of the season is to get the 3 points.

I thought both are full backs played well today not forgetting that

Everton's Baines & Coleman are usually a big threat when they can get forward.

The young Bentaleb also had a solid game and i think he's got great potential and

Adebayor is still putting in a good shift and proving his critics wrong that he'll fade away

as the season continues.


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A tremendous response to a poor first half, though poor probably not a fair reflection, more like Everton were very good!

Dug in well in the second half and a superbly taken goal with an incredibly opportunist assist. Lloris saved us, and we managed to hang on for the points.

Probably the most important and pleasing aspect is all the lads gave 100%. Paulinho didn't have the best of games. Seems as if he had some instructions to hold back? Any other views on this. Perhaps Everton just had him Sussed - need to watch the re-run. A full on afternoon BBQ impaired my vision just a tad.... All that smoke!

COYS. Mouthwatering prospect of The gooners wheels dropping off - only 8 points ahead. Liverpool going to be difficult to peg back if they can maintain current momentum.

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Good win, although Everton probably deserved a point. Spurs were very poor again in the first half. Why? Why do we not seem up for it in the first 45 and need a blocking at half time? Liked Sherwoods thoughtful team set up. The guy has lots to learn but seems to be learning fast.

Paulinho and Eriksen poor, Adebayor and Dembele very good. Lennon utter pants again. More confirmation Lloris is a very good keeper.

Should be looking for three points at the Barcdes on wednesday and hang in there hoping for Liverpool to bottle it or their form drop.

FOOTNOTE FOR UPS....Lamela still injured, thigh and back injury.

Can't believe a player that cost 30m gets injured.whistling.gif

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