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PM Prayut insists democracy in Thailand will never die

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I understand that some of the things that are said and some of the ways the government of the day conducts things seem crazy to many educated people who have seen governments in others countries.

Just personally, as a guest in Thailand, I really view it as an outsider and do not care much. I am selfish. My job is fine, my family is well cared for, i am having a good time. Probably more so than before. Thailand is fine by me - as an outsider.

I have worked in a few other places like Singapore, not really a democracy and run by the Lees, Hong Kong, clear there, right? A few family run middle east countries. Yeah, it's been a while since I lived in a democratic nation and all's good.


Hold on- it's a constitutional monarchy.

Well, at least it was until they binned the constitution.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

“I trust that every animal here appreciates the sacrifice that Comrade Napoleon has made in taking this extra labour upon himself. Do not imagine, comrades, that leadership is a pleasure! On the contrary, it is a deep and heavy responsibility. No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?”
George Orwell, Animal Farm

Outstanding Quote. You are to be saluted. post-171049-0-91240800-1422422549_thumb.

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What Army government doing to protect farang from mafia running by many different people in pattaya

Many uneducated women who belong from another cities , blackmail farang in which some securities company involves and asking huge money ..

How to protect ?

How many agree with this ?


Say what you like about Democracy in Thailand.

The country has been a lot safer since the general took over.

Ok, I may agree with you if you can answer me a question. Why didn't the army stage a coup back in 2010 when the situation was much more dire than 2014. Why did they instead sent in troops fully armed with full armored personal carriers. Couldn't they do the same in 2014? Waiting for your answer.

I take your point and I really cannot provide a definitive answer.

My take is that in 2010 we had a government that was functioning [to some extent] despite the turmoil.

In 2014 the government resigned and was not functioning in anyway.

The country needed stability and so the army stepped in.

If they hadn't you can answer me with logic: Where would we be now?

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Say what you like about Democracy in Thailand.

The country has been a lot safer since the general took over.

Ok, I may agree with you if you can answer me a question. Why didn't the army stage a coup back in 2010 when the situation was much more dire than 2014. Why did they instead sent in troops fully armed with full armored personal carriers. Couldn't they do the same in 2014? Waiting for your answer.

I take your point and I really cannot provide a definitive answer.

My take is that in 2010 we had a government that was functioning [to some extent] despite the turmoil.

In 2014 the government resigned and was not functioning in anyway.

The country needed stability and so the army stepped in.

If they hadn't you can answer me with logic: Where would we be now?

"The country needed stability and so the army stepped in." - why should an army EVER consider doing this?

Government in turmoil??? ask yourself WHY???

I think you need to get a grip on what is REALLY happening -

  • Like 2

Say what you like about Democracy in Thailand.

The country has been a lot safer since the general took over.

Ok, I may agree with you if you can answer me a question. Why didn't the army stage a coup back in 2010 when the situation was much more dire than 2014. Why did they instead sent in troops fully armed with full armored personal carriers. Couldn't they do the same in 2014? Waiting for your answer.

I take your point and I really cannot provide a definitive answer.

My take is that in 2010 we had a government that was functioning [to some extent] despite the turmoil.

In 2014 the government resigned and was not functioning in anyway.

The country needed stability and so the army stepped in.

If they hadn't you can answer me with logic: Where would we be now?

Haha sooooo the military coup was the answer? Someone should have taken Suthep out back and....


Say what you like about Democracy in Thailand.

The country has been a lot safer since the general took over.

Ok, I may agree with you if you can answer me a question. Why didn't the army stage a coup back in 2010 when the situation was much more dire than 2014. Why did they instead sent in troops fully armed with full armored personal carriers. Couldn't they do the same in 2014? Waiting for your answer.

I take your point and I really cannot provide a definitive answer.

My take is that in 2010 we had a government that was functioning [to some extent] despite the turmoil.

In 2014 the government resigned and was not functioning in anyway.

The country needed stability and so the army stepped in.

If they hadn't you can answer me with logic: Where would we be now?

At least you are honest to admit you don't know and must say neither do I. However saying that the government had resigned and therefore necessitate a coup is a poor excuse. The resignation is a better reason for the army not to step in and help in the re-election process by providing security.That didn't happen. That should be the logical thing for the army to do to bring back stability and maintained democracy.

That's right but 'if' the Army had secured the polling stations maybe all this would not have happened but, of course, this was the outcome the Dark Side wanted. Problem really is that the Army does not answer or feel it has any obligations to, the elected PM.

I just wish 'he' had been a real Mandela, ASSK or Gandhi but, alas, he is not.


Whilst I'm generally happy with him, Prayuth's understanding of democracy is a little flawed. It doesn't have anything to do with income brackets, true democracy is more about majority rule whilst not being unacceptable to the minority (which is why Thailand's never had one).

I beg you people to understand the meaning of democracy more thoroughly. Good democracy is a system that takes all people alike whether they are rich or poor or in the middle income bracket.

But then after saying that, he then goes on to say he doesn't "take all people alike". Sorry, General, that was a blooper!

Whatever the people may say, I think about the poor first,” said General Prayut.


Yes sir General Prayut your brand of democracy will never die, unless the people learn to rule themselves. The longer generals rule any country the harder it becomes for people to rule themselves in a truly democratic way. Egypt had this problem and after the military handed over to the people it was ruled by and ex general which added to the problem, one they still have to this day.


He's completely lost the plot and once again shows he hasn't got a clue what he's doing.

Democracy doesn't exist under the rule of a military junta who took power illegally. It doesn't exist when you threaten people to remain silent and it doesn't exist when you threaten them not to protest.

His actions have effectively killed democracy and he's in denial.


He's completely lost the plot and once again shows he hasn't got a clue what he's doing.

Democracy doesn't exist under the rule of a military junta who took power illegally. It doesn't exist when you threaten people to remain silent and it doesn't exist when you threaten them not to protest.

His actions have effectively killed democracy and he's in denial.

The Prime Minister of Thailand General Prayuth has not lost the plot at all. H has got all the clues and know exactly want is happening. he has it all under control.

Democracy doest exist under the rule of every military junta who took power legally. To maintanin unity and stop Thai from killing Thai, and abolish corruption, all Thai people will have to remain silent and not to protest the good work the current legal government have done (including high speed rail connecting Bangkok to Beijing and Singapore).

His actions have effectively created a perfect and pure Thai style democracy with the 12 Prayuth Thainess as a new core value. Everyone should carry the words of Prayuth handy in a small yellow book, in their left pocket, close to their heart.

Only when all Thai people unit as one under a common teaching shall the evil family (you know who) be completely removed (to Dubai), and all Thai re-born as a pure honest and corruption free breed.


Sorry but a democracy only can die while a democracy was created and lively existing and running well. But that sure was not Thailand!


"I beg you people to understand the meaning of democracy more thoroughly"..........................you really couldn't make this stuff up if you tried!


Say what you like about Democracy in Thailand.

The country has been a lot safer since the general took over.

Puts in mind what they allegedly said about Mussolini?

"at least he made the trains run on time"


He's completely lost the plot and once again shows he hasn't got a clue what he's doing.

Democracy doesn't exist under the rule of a military junta who took power illegally. It doesn't exist when you threaten people to remain silent and it doesn't exist when you threaten them not to protest.

His actions have effectively killed democracy and he's in denial.

The Prime Minister of Thailand General Prayuth has not lost the plot at all. H has got all the clues and know exactly want is happening. he has it all under control.

Democracy doest exist under the rule of every military junta who took power legally. To maintanin unity and stop Thai from killing Thai, and abolish corruption, all Thai people will have to remain silent and not to protest the good work the current legal government have done (including high speed rail connecting Bangkok to Beijing and Singapore).

His actions have effectively created a perfect and pure Thai style democracy with the 12 Prayuth Thainess as a new core value. Everyone should carry the words of Prayuth handy in a small yellow book, in their left pocket, close to their heart.

Only when all Thai people unit as one under a common teaching shall the evil family (you know who) be completely removed (to Dubai), and all Thai re-born as a pure honest and corruption free breed.

If that is what you truly believe, then you have seriously got to stop doing whatever drugs you've been ingesting or shooting into your system, and perhaps seek some professional counseling for periods of delusional thinking.

His actions have effectively created a perfect and pure Thai style democracy with the 12 Prayuth Thainess as a new core value

I haven't read anything that funny since an Archie & Jughead comic book when I was 12 (about 54 years ago). The man has Zero credibility outside of Thailand, and is himself living in a "Fools Paradise". He says 21 countries understand Thailand's situation. He's right, they do. They understand that it's totally f**ked up! He wouldn't know real democracy if it kicked him in the testicles and slapped him in the face. Martial Law, "Attitude Adjustments", invasion of privacy, denial of free speech. Every day it seems he and his mates want to take even more freedoms and rights from people. And can he please explain how it is that every frigging General in the military just happens to be a millionaire? Oh, I know, they ALL married rich women. Yeah, right, and the moon is made of green cheese.

Give me a break.

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Having the army in charge until that certain event we can't discuss happens, and then afterwards in the period of dust settling and inevitable squabbling & jockeying does actually seem like the best bet & is the best way to avoid what would be almost inevitable anarchy.

Prayuth is evidently not the white knight and likely is from a similar stock as some of the other antiques at the top of the political tree here,yet with things as is it might be best in the long run for another farce election not to take place to appease only those aggrieved by the coup & the taking to account of YS. Prertty much nothing of the PTP tenure was democratic by my recollection, just a shoddily disguised version. And now it is very clear what the current administration is about


Having the army in charge until that certain event we can't discuss happens, and then afterwards in the period of dust settling and inevitable squabbling & jockeying does actually seem like the best bet & is the best way to avoid what would be almost inevitable anarchy.

Prayuth is evidently not the white knight and likely is from a similar stock as some of the other antiques at the top of the political tree here,yet with things as is it might be best in the long run for another farce election not to take place to appease only those aggrieved by the coup & the taking to account of YS. Prertty much nothing of the PTP tenure was democratic by my recollection, just a shoddily disguised version. And now it is very clear what the current administration is about

Prertty much nothing of the PTP tenure was democratic by my recollection, just a shoddily disguised version. And now it is very clear what the.........

I am interested to know what did you observed during the PTP tenure that is not democratic. Was it the majority in Parliment, the sneaky amnesty bill, the appointments, failed rice scheme etc etc. What was shoddily disguised democracy version? There are some cases that the court interpreted differently but nowhere was it undemocratic.


Mr PM democracy is rule by the people for the people where all are held to account for the laws of the land. I understand a coupe was required to rid some of the corrupt But corruption still remains it is ingrained in Thai culture and will take teaching the young to be honest So the next generation can bring forward a New corruption free Thailand. Just get the facts correct before speaking of democracy. But this tiny step is going in the right direction for now or at least I hope it is.

If corruption is ingrained in the culture as you wrote, how are you going to teach the young Thais to be honest? What's your plan? I don't see any.

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