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US statement 'wounded' Thailand, Deputy Foreign Minister says

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And if Thais start being against the USA, Americans will be very surprised..........

What have we done to them to be against us?blink.png

Costas, <deleted>.....

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As an American with the love for Thailand this is embarrassing and insulting to Thai's and/or any foreign Govt.

Usually speeches at Intl forums are reviewed for "political appropriate comments" and shared with EMBASSY for their review for political correctness and comments.

US Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Russel should be consoled on his inappropriate comments and restricted to prevent similar actions, regardless of country.

The reported quotes from Russel were very diplomatic. What do you consider inappropriate about them?


just wait to the head uknow what 'kuen sawan'' goes to heaven, the amount of old powerful money just waiting for this to happen must be far and wide and in great anticipation for the moment to capitalize on, essentially in between now and then all musical chairs and half steps or trips the beaurocrats make are just shooting the gun to early.


Self opinionated Americans once again thinking they know everything there is to know about everything. They should confine their comments to there own domestic situation.

NO, they came to listen to the people involved , in order to learn about the situation... I would say , you think to know everything there is to know about everything...

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Strange that when the totally un-democratic actions of Yinglaks government were taking place the US's silence was deafening.

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I think that inasmuch as American diplomats cause such concern and disruption plus "tarnishing" Thailand's image, they should stay out of Thailand forever ! Ooh, and that includes the American taxpayer's CHECKBOOK as well. No one, Thai, complained when the EU and several other nations said the same things, months ago but, it appears Thailand takes offense only when " called on the carpet " by the US.

Unless a change has taken place I don't believe there is an American ambassador in Thailand so now, would be an excellent time to close the Embassy, leaving a " Don't call us we will call you " note on the gate !


the chineese thai run thailand, soon the thais the laotions that is will realize how much thailand future is gonna be china owned, thats just my opinon.

soon most of the relstate bubble is gonna burst , whos gonna buy, the same folks that just bought the waldorf historian hotel in new york usa= the chinesse.

once that land rail train gets put in and asean gets rolling thailand will see were the socialist in charge behind the scenes have divided up the peices leased out what they dont own back to you wonderful red n brown shirters.

thailand should start a new campaign in its country= free speech, leave the happiness crap to its own devise.

one can only hope that next 3 day tour from april 14th to the 17th of all them chinese coming for new years thai style saves the day america ruined wai2.gif

Sorry, could you say that again? Didn't quite understand...


My country, The United States, is a Republic that spends a huge amount of money and lives "bringing Democracy" to countries all over the world ( if they want it or not ).

The can not be seen supporting any country, including Thailand, who has strayed from the democratic process.

Thailand will have elections or keep getting closer to China and North Korea. It is their choice.

They can not have it both ways.

The USA has done a lot for the Thai military and infrastructure since Vietnam.

Maybe the new government thinks it is time to snuggle up to some different buddies?

Your country, the United States spends a huge amount of money and lives bringing coups to countries all over the world. They have been involved in over 35 seizers of power since the 1940's. If they supported democracy they would not have achieved the following;

1. Iran. 1953. Mohammad Pahlavi takes power in a coup planned and supported by the USA and UK secret services (Operation Ajax). He topples the flourishing and popular democracy of Mohammed Mossadeq.

2. Ecuador. 1963. The CIA back a military coup that overthrows President Arosemana, because of his independent policies. A military junta assumes command, cancels the 1964 elections, and begins abusing human rights. (Human Rights abuses???You bet ya!)

3. El Salvador. 1963. Jose Duarte wins the elect but is immediately removed and exiled by the USA backed military. Just 14 families run most of the country's businesses, mainly coffee growing.

4. South Korea. 1979. General Chun Doo-Hwan takes power in a coup. His regime is armed and supported by the USA. One year later, the general orders the killing of hundreds of civilians in Kwangju. (Human Rights abuses???You bet ya!)

5. Chad. 1981. In 1981. The CIA set up, financed and trained a Chadian military force in Sudan. Led by Hissen Habré, this force overthrows the government of Chad, ruling for 8 years with American support. Habré's regime would kill tens of thousands of people and torture over 200,000. Many dissidents would simply disappear. In 2000, Habré would be tried for his crimes in Senegal. (Human Rights abuses???You bet ya!)

Do you even know where Obama is at the moment sunshine? In Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia strayed from Democracy….

$$$ my friend. $$$$$ is the drive.

​When thaksin bypassed democracy in parliament to push a US free trade agreement your country did not say "You are straying from democracy so we will not support you" You know what they did? They ignored the undemocratic process because they smelt money? BIG money….

Saudi Arabia…Oil….

My oh my, your comments show a naïvety that could excuse some for thinking you are my age, except not as smart!!


Thaksin is an advisory member of the Carlisle Investment Group of which Georges Bush is a member. It is apparent that he has been doing some phone calls to friends in the US in support of his dangerous sister and the murderous PTP Thai regime. I wish that Mr. Russell was shown a few video of the red shirt invasion and burning of Bangkok in 2010, The martial law is there to see that no innocents are murdered again from both side, reconciliation and peace can proceed.

All of us in Thailand know very well what will happen if Martial Law is withdrawn, Are you missing the red villages, the killing with war weapons and the red bullying anyone? This was democracy at his worst under Yingluck regime. We all know that the country was going towards a civil war under Thaksin command from Dubai. If the US really wants to save democracy, to allied itself with the Shinawatra family and ask for abolition of the Martial Law will bring the opposite.

Speak for yourself, The killing with war weapons happens daily even shock horror ,criminals use "war weapons" what exactly is a war weapon anyway?

Never experienced any bullying from any political party or group either, and neither did any of my wife's family..

We all don't know the country was going towards a civil war, as it was already engaged in one for the past 10 years, but lets not get political bias get in the way of some home truths eh? ;)

Another Farang who hasn't a clue about the bigger picture, or what it takes to escalate things towards a country wide civil war.

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reckon we should start a slag the US page where we can all start bitching about all the crap in the US, I am sure they would be so happy to have people tell them how pathetic they are. This jerk off has slagged Thailand with this totally unqualified crap, obviously he has taken everything yl said to him as gospel, has not bothered to check the facts and has put his foot squarely in his mouth. The facts are enough alone to back up the decision to impeach her but this moron has ignored them, if the US govt fails to rake him over the coals over this then it will send a pretty bad message out to other nations, what a pack of buffoons to allow an outclassed idiot to represent them


Thaksin is an advisory member of the Carlisle Investment Group of which Georges Bush is a member. It is apparent that he has been doing some phone calls to friends in the US in support of his dangerous sister and the murderous PTP Thai regime. I wish that Mr. Russell was shown a few video of the red shirt invasion and burning of Bangkok in 2010, The martial law is there to see that no innocents are murdered again from both side, reconciliation and peace can proceed.

All of us in Thailand know very well what will happen if Martial Law is withdrawn, Are you missing the red villages, the killing with war weapons and the red bullying anyone? This was democracy at his worst under Yingluck regime. We all know that the country was going towards a civil war under Thaksin command from Dubai. If the US really wants to save democracy, to allied itself with the Shinawatra family and ask for abolition of the Martial Law will bring the opposite.

Speak for yourself, The killing with war weapons happens daily even shock horror ,criminals use "war weapons" what exactly is a war weapon anyway?

Never experienced any bullying from any political party or group either, and neither did any of my wife's family..

We all don't know the country was going towards a civil war, as it was already engaged in one for the past 10 years, but lets not get political bias get in the way of some home truths eh? ;)

Another Farang who hasn't a clue about the bigger picture, or what it takes to escalate things towards a country wide civil war.

  • Like 2

My country, The United States, is a Republic that spends a huge amount of money and lives "bringing Democracy" to countries all over the world ( if they want it or not ).

The can not be seen supporting any country, including Thailand, who has strayed from the democratic process.

Thailand will have elections or keep getting closer to China and North Korea. It is their choice.

They can not have it both ways.

The USA has done a lot for the Thai military and infrastructure since Vietnam.

Maybe the new government thinks it is time to snuggle up to some different buddies?

Your country, the United States spends a huge amount of money and lives bringing coups to countries all over the world. They have been involved in over 35 seizers of power since the 1940's. If they supported democracy they would not have achieved the following;

1. Iran. 1953. Mohammad Pahlavi takes power in a coup planned and supported by the USA and UK secret services (Operation Ajax). He topples the flourishing and popular democracy of Mohammed Mossadeq.

2. Ecuador. 1963. The CIA back a military coup that overthrows President Arosemana, because of his independent policies. A military junta assumes command, cancels the 1964 elections, and begins abusing human rights. (Human Rights abuses???You bet ya!)

3. El Salvador. 1963. Jose Duarte wins the elect but is immediately removed and exiled by the USA backed military. Just 14 families run most of the country's businesses, mainly coffee growing.

4. South Korea. 1979. General Chun Doo-Hwan takes power in a coup. His regime is armed and supported by the USA. One year later, the general orders the killing of hundreds of civilians in Kwangju. (Human Rights abuses???You bet ya!)

5. Chad. 1981. In 1981. The CIA set up, financed and trained a Chadian military force in Sudan. Led by Hissen Habré, this force overthrows the government of Chad, ruling for 8 years with American support. Habré's regime would kill tens of thousands of people and torture over 200,000. Many dissidents would simply disappear. In 2000, Habré would be tried for his crimes in Senegal. (Human Rights abuses???You bet ya!)

Do you even know where Obama is at the moment sunshine? In Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia strayed from Democracy….

$$$ my friend. $$$$$ is the drive.

​When thaksin bypassed democracy in parliament to push a US free trade agreement your country did not say "You are straying from democracy so we will not support you" You know what they did? They ignored the undemocratic process because they smelt money? BIG money….

Saudi Arabia…Oil….

My oh my, your comments show a naïvety that could excuse some for thinking you are my age, except not as smart!!

Yeah, we've had our share of black eyes over the years--many self inflicted, to boot. But as far as superpowers/world empires go, the U.S. is relatively benevolent considering how much has been done to improve countless lives over the years. Like it or not, creating new capitalist markets the world over has given people options outside of subsistence farming.

It's so easy, and not just a little bit of fun either, to point fingers, though, isn't it?

Human nature will always see the strong imposing their influence on the weaker. The world's always been this way and always will be. That's why it cracks me up when people try to put it all on a 200 year old country, as if things were so much more peaceful in the past. facepalm.gif

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Djamie the US warned Thailand not to stage a coup but sort out the political chaos and protests through democratic means. Your travel through history is meaningless.

tukk - That is not what I replied to.

Read willy's posts and then read my reply..

Had I replied to your post the same way it would be meaningless. BUT I didn't…I replied to tuck…I addressed willy's post. Not yours…Willy's. Get it?

Please don't prove to me we are at that point in the night were every single thing has to be explained, and spelt out…so as to divert the attention away from me being right….


My country, The United States, is a Republic that spends a huge amount of money and lives "bringing Democracy" to countries all over the world ( if they want it or not ).

The can not be seen supporting any country, including Thailand, who has strayed from the democratic process.

Thailand will have elections or keep getting closer to China and North Korea. It is their choice.

They can not have it both ways.

The USA has done a lot for the Thai military and infrastructure since Vietnam.

Maybe the new government thinks it is time to snuggle up to some different buddies?

Your country, the United States spends a huge amount of money and lives bringing coups to countries all over the world. They have been involved in over 35 seizers of power since the 1940's. If they supported democracy they would not have achieved the following;

1. Iran. 1953. Mohammad Pahlavi takes power in a coup planned and supported by the USA and UK secret services (Operation Ajax). He topples the flourishing and popular democracy of Mohammed Mossadeq.

2. Ecuador. 1963. The CIA back a military coup that overthrows President Arosemana, because of his independent policies. A military junta assumes command, cancels the 1964 elections, and begins abusing human rights. (Human Rights abuses???You bet ya!)

3. El Salvador. 1963. Jose Duarte wins the elect but is immediately removed and exiled by the USA backed military. Just 14 families run most of the country's businesses, mainly coffee growing.

4. South Korea. 1979. General Chun Doo-Hwan takes power in a coup. His regime is armed and supported by the USA. One year later, the general orders the killing of hundreds of civilians in Kwangju. (Human Rights abuses???You bet ya!)

5. Chad. 1981. In 1981. The CIA set up, financed and trained a Chadian military force in Sudan. Led by Hissen Habré, this force overthrows the government of Chad, ruling for 8 years with American support. Habré's regime would kill tens of thousands of people and torture over 200,000. Many dissidents would simply disappear. In 2000, Habré would be tried for his crimes in Senegal. (Human Rights abuses???You bet ya!)

Do you even know where Obama is at the moment sunshine? In Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia strayed from Democracy….

$$$ my friend. $$$$$ is the drive.

​When thaksin bypassed democracy in parliament to push a US free trade agreement your country did not say "You are straying from democracy so we will not support you" You know what they did? They ignored the undemocratic process because they smelt money? BIG money….

Saudi Arabia…Oil….

My oh my, your comments show a naïvety that could excuse some for thinking you are my age, except not as smart!!

Yeah, we've had our share of black eyes over the years--many self inflicted, to boot. But as far as superpowers/world empires go, the U.S. is relatively benevolent considering how much has been done to improve countless lives over the years. Like it or not, creating new capitalist markets the world over has given people options outside of subsistence farming.

It's so easy, and not just a little bit of fun either, to point fingers, though, isn't it?

Human nature will always see the strong imposing their influence on the weaker. The world's always been this way and always will be. That's why it cracks me up when people try to put it all on a 200 year old country, as if things were so much more peaceful in the past. facepalm.gif

see tukky…The above is an appropriate reply to my post. Addresses the issue directly and does not move the goal posts.

Well done atomlife...

But yet again it is transference.

My post addressing willy is correct and proved willy's argument baseless.


Djamie the US warned Thailand not to stage a coup but sort out the political chaos and protests through democratic means. Your travel through history is meaningless.

tukk - That is not what I replied to.

Read willy's posts and then read my reply..

Had I replied to your post the same way it would be meaningless. BUT I didn'tI replied to tuckI addressed willy's post. Not yoursWilly's. Get it?

Please don't prove to me we are at that point in the night were every single thing has to be explained, and spelt outso as to divert the attention away from me being right.

Your right all the time, sorry, you remind me of someone, hmm PRA, Pray, hmm it was on the tip of my tongue.


As a long term expat living the relatively quiet life here must agree with the Deputy ministers comments

and feel wounded ? yes for all Thai national and also for the hundreds of thousands of other foreign nationals who for now fault on their own found this wonderful country been torn apart with the terrible bad feeling, being handed out by bad press, slanging matches by many people where fanatical thugs run riot on the streets many unnecessary deaths,

now these recent comments passes by an American diplomat who was in essence making what was reported as a protest with reference to a political person being removed from office was termed as "politically motivated"

lets now be honest the present leaders of this nation are really in the forefront of the movement to bring Thailand back from the brink of a terrible "abyss" and they need and should have our 100% full support we trust that they are aware of this as a fact and lets hope with our support they manage to keep Thailand rising fore ever up wards and away from such a serious confrontational 'Abyss " seen in so many countries around the world even now

let us tell all these people to deal with all the negative problems in their own countries and leave our sovereign nation to Deal squarely with what is a internal problem and to be blunt and tell them "mind your own Business "


Do you have a vested interest? Are you a Thai citizen? Do you even have permanent resident status? Okay then what's your point? You.we.us can do nothing but watch the script being written edited and just wait for the movie premier.

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Djamie the US warned Thailand not to stage a coup but sort out the political chaos and protests through democratic means. Your travel through history is meaningless.

tukk - That is not what I replied to.

Read willy's posts and then read my reply..

Had I replied to your post the same way it would be meaningless. BUT I didn'tI replied to tuckI addressed willy's post. Not yoursWilly's. Get it?

Please don't prove to me we are at that point in the night were every single thing has to be explained, and spelt outso as to divert the attention away from me being right.

Your right all the time, sorry, you remind me of someone, hmm PRA, Pray, hmm it was on the tip of my tongue.

Being a 1 principle supporter I understand you never admit fault so this is the closest I will ever get to acceptance of you being incorrect.

Thank you.

If you are being sarcastic however prey tell where I was wrong in my reply to you?

I addressed willy's post with a direct and truthful rebuttal stating facts to show his comments were baseless.

You then ignored his post and my reply completely and then stated that the US warned Thailand not to stage a coup which in fact cannot be linked to anywhere.

BUT please don't change the subject again to your linkless comment. That will be changing the subject and again by not addressing the original issue.

So with your inability to address my valid points or articulate a response now which I can only assume is out of frustration, you then follow the UDD path most travelled. Which is sarcasm and comparing me to someone in a derogatory way. Condescension in other words.

I smile when that happens. It proves beyond a shadow of a doubt I am right...

So can you articulate a response to show that I did not address willy's post constructively and effectively then by all means I look forward to it my dear friend…Or are you too tired!?


"And here we were, innocently eradicating the right to free speech, ending free elections, and declaring that martial law will never end."

Don't worry, now that we can read everyone's emails without any laws to get in the way, all these problems will go away very soon.

Nope the problems will exist till they find 2 or 3 people who can speak Thai and English without having to rely on Google translate to write a press release, or make new laws etc...Till then we'll have to keep hearing stuff like, "there is no way would could ask for a bribe as we are not proficient in English" as I read on another article on Thai Visa today regarding police corruption...Bunch of mental Pygmies...


Its there countrylet them run it how they see fit .I wish my government would quit trying to change the world . It cant even fix itself .

Hmmm, need to ask, which country is your government from, because if you're trying to pretend to be an American it would help if you had basic grade 2 English skills, pretty sure you are pretending to be from there...Where are you from really, be honest now...


My country, The United States, is a Republic that spends a huge amount of money and lives "bringing Democracy" to countries all over the world ( if they want it or not ).

The can not be seen supporting any country, including Thailand, who has strayed from the democratic process.

Thailand will have elections or keep getting closer to China and North Korea. It is their choice.

They can not have it both ways.

The USA has done a lot for the Thai military and infrastructure since Vietnam.

Maybe the new government thinks it is time to snuggle up to some different buddies?

Your country, the United States spends a huge amount of money and lives bringing coups to countries all over the world. They have been involved in over 35 seizers of power since the 1940's. If they supported democracy they would not have achieved the following;

1. Iran. 1953. Mohammad Pahlavi takes power in a coup planned and supported by the USA and UK secret services (Operation Ajax). He topples the flourishing and popular democracy of Mohammed Mossadeq.

2. Ecuador. 1963. The CIA back a military coup that overthrows President Arosemana, because of his independent policies. A military junta assumes command, cancels the 1964 elections, and begins abusing human rights. (Human Rights abuses???You bet ya!)

3. El Salvador. 1963. Jose Duarte wins the elect but is immediately removed and exiled by the USA backed military. Just 14 families run most of the country's businesses, mainly coffee growing.

4. South Korea. 1979. General Chun Doo-Hwan takes power in a coup. His regime is armed and supported by the USA. One year later, the general orders the killing of hundreds of civilians in Kwangju. (Human Rights abuses???You bet ya!)

5. Chad. 1981. In 1981. The CIA set up, financed and trained a Chadian military force in Sudan. Led by Hissen Habré, this force overthrows the government of Chad, ruling for 8 years with American support. Habré's regime would kill tens of thousands of people and torture over 200,000. Many dissidents would simply disappear. In 2000, Habré would be tried for his crimes in Senegal. (Human Rights abuses???You bet ya!)

Do you even know where Obama is at the moment sunshine? In Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia strayed from Democracy….

$$$ my friend. $$$$$ is the drive.

​When thaksin bypassed democracy in parliament to push a US free trade agreement your country did not say "You are straying from democracy so we will not support you" You know what they did? They ignored the undemocratic process because they smelt money? BIG money….

Saudi Arabia…Oil….

My oh my, your comments show a naïvety that could excuse some for thinking you are my age, except not as smart!!

From what I gather, you don’t even live here.

Your boots aren’t even on the ground and you sit from afar with your pontificating, dogmatic, patronizing, condescending posts.

You’re like a mathematician trying to explain away your position with numbers.

No human nature to be involved.

These guys are more corrupt than those guys.

Splitting hairs.

And you think, perversely, your avenging angel the autocratic, xenophobic, un-elected PM, is going to ride in and save the day.

What a dreamer.

Maybe a girlfriend would be a good start.

But, it’s a safe bet she won’t put up with you glued to a computer screen babbling on endlessly about a country you don’t even live in.


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Over and out, bedtime


Well that is the other way to escape the inconvenient truth.

" Hello Pot, this is Kettle, say all again after escaping the truth over"

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Over and out, bedtime


Well that is the other way to escape the inconvenient truth.

" Hello Pot, this is Kettle, say all again after escaping the truth over"

Ahhhh, my dear friend that spent more time calling me terrible rude names 2 nights ago that actually rebutting me...

I nearly blushed my friend.

The guy that says "terrorists aint so bad when they are red shirts because car accidents cause more deaths"

Have nice evening my friend. I wish you no ill will and in fact pity you.

I would love to buy you a beer one day and hug the hate out of you!!!

<EDIT> And I really take the time to say I am going to bed now as well...

Goodness me my friend…

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