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Bali Nine Aussies face execution next

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Personally, I'm glad my life doesn't depend on decisions made here on TV ...

You and me both, but the Bali Nine didnt log into TV and start a thread asking board members if it would be OK if they smuggled heroin to Australia from Bali. I wonder what the reaction of some of the 'all human life is sacred' brigade would have been if that had been the case - my suspicion is that they wouldn't have been quite so forgiving.

@ukrules, I find your attitude odd to say the least - China can execute anyone they see fit as long as they arent from Europe ? Vietnam is about to hang a Vietnamese-Australian for said crime but, hey, he's not an Arab from the Paris ghetto - interesting criteria, that one.


I pay special attention to countries who execute Europeans as I'm from Europe, I really don't care that much about the rest of the world

I'm thinking mainly of me, don't confuse me with some sort of political activist. I don't really care what the Chinese do so long as they don't do it to me.


We're they concerned for the victims of their trafficking attempt ? besides the families of same. If they were my sons I'd say the same.

Get Rid of them, they've enjoyed living long enough !!!!!!!!


Any country that executes someone from the place I come from (Europe) will be automatically added to my shitlist of places to never travel to.

So you have never been to Thailand and never plan to?

I don't remember anyone from Europe ever being executed in Thailand.

Oh, so execution is fine, just as long as they don't execute people from 'where you are from'? Seems rather hypocritical.


Why don't the Balinese want them executed on Bali?

There was a claim in the Australian news that it had something to do with spoiling the serenity of the island and was bad for tourism.

It's only a few days to February, orders could technically come any day now.

Probably a ghost thing.


Why don't the Balinese want them executed on Bali?

There was a claim in the Australian news that it had something to do with spoiling the serenity of the island and was bad for tourism.

It's only a few days to February, orders could technically come any day now.

Probably a ghost thing.

The Bali governor (doesn't want the execution on Bali) is an ex head of the Indo drug enforcement agency & is pro death penalty. Could be he's concerned, though unlikely, on possible short term negative implication on tourist revenue in Bali.

Not so sure about 'ghosts' as the Balinese massacred approx 80,000 people on the island during the communist suppression in '65 that ceased early '66.


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I am not going int the merits or otherwise of capital punishment...

The Indonesian Presidents states that is policy on executions is to protect the Indonesian people from drugs.

Yet the drugs is this case were coming from Indonesia detined for use in Australia, so hardly likely to affect the Indonesian people in general.

Has there been any attempt to locate the source of the drugs.

What does the source of the drugs have to do with it? Sorry, you sound too much pro drugs.


Any country that executes someone from the place I come from (Europe) will be automatically added to my shitlist of places to never travel to.

Why, are you a drug smuggler as well? It's well publicised that Indonesia has the death penalty for drug smugglers and dealers, so anyone caught breaking those laws deserve whatever punishment is given by the courts, even execution!

Really? So do you think women should be stoned to death in certain countries for adultery? Or what about amputation of a hand for stealing? By your logic, it is perfectly legitimate since they broke the law and they know the punishment.

This is 2015, it is not acceptable to execute people for drug crimes.


It's not a victimless crime, as the consequences speak for themselves, and it doesn't matter where the drugs are coming from or going to the perpetrators know the score, so my opinion is get rid of them even though I'm also an Aussie without sympathy.


I was working in various countries like Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Indonesia etc.. and my biggest fear was always that a competitor or anybody who didn't like me could toss a package with drugs over my garden wall or hide it on my car or slip it in my bag and get me arrested. In other words a clean set-up. A lot of the TV members would support my death penalty. I don't want to live in a country where there are such expats.....


I was working in various countries like Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Indonesia etc.. and my biggest fear was always that a competitor or anybody who didn't like me could toss a package with drugs over my garden wall or hide it on my car or slip it in my bag and get me arrested. In other words a clean set-up. A lot of the TV members would support my death penalty. I don't want to live in a country where there are such expats.....

I'm curious as to your preferred retirement destination if that's your chief criteria.


I was working in various countries like Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Indonesia etc.. and my biggest fear was always that a competitor or anybody who didn't like me could toss a package with drugs over my garden wall or hide it on my car or slip it in my bag and get me arrested. In other words a clean set-up. A lot of the TV members would support my death penalty. I don't want to live in a country where there are such expats.....

I'm curious as to your preferred retirement destination if that's your chief criteria.

not relevant, just wanted to express my worry that one day I (anybody) could be a victim of such practices...

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