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Indonesian investigators: Crashed AirAsia flown by co-pilot

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Obviously the only training for "stall and spin" would in a flight simulator.

You can't spin a simulator.

Most pilots of my era did it for real in a light aircraft such as the PA38 which drops a wing very quickly during the stall and then goes in to quite an alarming spin.

I believe these days pilots no longer undertake spin training.


Obviously the only training for "stall and spin" would in a flight simulator.

You can't spin a simulator.

Most pilots of my era did it for real in a light aircraft such as the PA38 which drops a wing very quickly during the stall and then goes in to quite an alarming spin.

I believe these days pilots no longer undertake spin training.

Exercise 10 & 11...

I did it too in a C152

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The 152 is a lot more docile than the PA38 Basil.

However trying to regain straight and level in an airliner out of control inside a thunder cell must be nigh on impossible.

None of us ever did stalling and spinning inside cloud.


Perhaps as a result of this tragic accident some of the recovered data could be used in a program and added to the flight simulator programs.

That would be a fitting epitaph to the 2 brave pilots.


The mechanics of a flight sim would have to be re engineered to simulate a stall spin accident.

This would be extremely complicated and given the nature of modern commercial aircraft they are not designed to cope with serious aerobatic manoeuvres let alone a spin and recovery.

The best way of demonstrating spinning and loss of control is in the real thing.

When I learnt to fly 35 years ago we all had to pass the spinning part of the syllabus to gain a licence.

Modern pilots no longer do this due to the frequent fatalities involved in stall spin training.


He was apparently trying to disconect the protections that stop the plane following pilots commands if they are outside an envelope. This is the fix given by airbus for the 777 after the Air France crash.

I dunno. Lets see if leak was true. If plane out if control, unstrapping, getting out if seat and pulling FAC CBs might be last thing in mind or ability to do. Who knows what's up it what's the real sequence of events with all if these so called leaks.

Investigators say no evidence AirAsia captain left his seat

. . .

Although more is becoming known about the chain of events, people familiar with the investigation warned against making assumptions on the accident's cause, which needed more analysis.


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