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Redshirt leaders released after brief 'talks' with military

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aaaahhhh, the good ol' tried and true vote-buying BS.

15 mill times 500 Bhat = 7.5 billion Bhat.

get real... besides all the other evidence of a valid 2011 election...

As for no education and democracy, well, that is straight from the little yellow book of propaganda written by the very souls who failed to take care of their fellow citizens for the last 50++ years.


B7.5 billion is about 1% of the vote-buying rice scam, paid with other people's money.


I can imagine 2 reasons for the big grin. Neither his being on bail for terrorism, or his rice-moving trucking company were mentioned.

But hopefully both will come up soon, and wipe the grin right off his corrupt dial.

  • Like 1

The million dollar question: Did Nattawut and Chertchai succeed in changing the military's bad attitude towards human rights and freedom? If not the "attitude re-adjustment session was a waste of time and resources.

No comments needed.

  • Like 2


Nattawut Saikua, former Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperative, leaving the 1st Region Army headquarters in Bangkok on 30 Jan 2015.

Check out that grin!

Baby, he has been 'adjusted' !!

Clearly, the generals are very good at bringing Happiness to the Thai people. biggrin.png

Check out the faces of the press, how happy they are to be in the great man's presence. Perhaps he stepped in dogshit.


You can remove the leader, disband the party, "talk" to the hierarchy but you will never remove the sentiment of the 15 million Thai's that voted for the principles that they stood for.

Do you really believe that the 15 million that voted for them in 2011 are still all loyal followers, or even were for that matter.

How many of them now realize how badly they have been let down by the people they trusted, the farmers who are now deeper in debt than ever, those who saw their friends commit suicide because of the hopelessness of that debt after being lied to time and time again.

Once these people are free of the threats and intimidation by the reds and can vote how they wish without fear of reprisals.Once they are allowed to hear what every party has to say and are not restricted to the one sided hate speech they were bombarded with last time, their vote would very likely go other ways.

Do you really believe that all 15 million are still conned that a party owned by a multi billionaire who is No6 on the Thai rich list is the party of the poor ?

Tell us what PT did for the poor in their time in office, did they improve education ?

Well they gave every child a tablet didn't they, or did they, 1.4 million at last count, but do the work and where are they now, how much did that debacle set the education budget back ?

And what about health, oh yes they reinstated the 30b health care that the Dems had made free because it was costing more to collect than it was bringing in.

What else, infrastructure; are their roads ant better ? Oh yes rail, well they talked about high speed but nothing was actually done.

Corruption, now that was a big election promise wasn't it, they were going to eliminate that so what did they do about it ? Well they cut the budgets of the NACC, OAG and others to make it more difficult for them to go after corruption.

Then came the crowning glory the move that would have eliminated corruption, they introduced an amnesty bill that would have forgiven all corruption.

Brilliant indeed, forgive corruption so it no longer exists and the corrupt can keep their ill gotten. Election promise kept.

Then there was the 15,000B an month for Uni Grads wasn't there, which turned out to be for Govt jobs only, how many were let down by that and are now working for wages ?

Oh dear, just maybe they wont be so in love with the party that lied to them after all.

Unpaid rice farmers allege intimidation as protest ends. A protest by farmers that lasted for days at the Indochina intersection in Phitsanulok has ended in tears.


Thailand Color Politics: Thaksin Regime Turns on its Own Supporters.


One has to be very naive to think that Thaksin, Yingluck, UDD have the support they once had.

  • Like 1

You can remove the leader, disband the party, "talk" to the hierarchy but you will never remove the sentiment of the 15 million Thai's that voted for the principles that they stood for.

How many of that 15 million really had a clue of the principles PTP stood for? Do you think PTP have any principles other than get rich quick by whatever means?

How many voted for them because that's who they were instructed/intimated/coerced/bribed to vote for?

The same can be said for all parties here mind. And that's something that ain't going to change without serious reform, real reform.

nonsense reply not based on facts even my 12 year old Thai niece has a better grasp than you do

they were instructed/intimated/coerced/bribed to vote for

when, where? I know many, many Thais who voted PTP and not a hint of what you suggest and you are insulting 15 million Thais

I can give facts. I know from my sister in law of an election rally in Sisaket where everybody that attended got paid. That's the only reason she went.

My brother in law is a hired thug for the UDD. He told the whole village that if they voted for PTP they would be paid. There's facts for you!

Actually that is not fact but hearsay.


unverified, unofficial information gained or acquired from another and not part of one's direct knowledge.

For it to become fact it will have to be confirmed by the people you are refering to.

You can remove the leader, disband the party, "talk" to the hierarchy but you will never remove the sentiment of the 15 million Thai's that voted for the principles that they stood for.

How many of that 15 million really had a clue of the principles PTP stood for? Do you think PTP have any principles other than get rich quick by whatever means?
How many voted for them because that's who they were instructed/intimated/coerced/bribed to vote for?

The same can be said for all parties here mind. And that's something that ain't going to change without serious reform, real reform.

nonsense reply not based on facts even my 12 year old Thai niece has a better grasp than you do

they were instructed/intimated/coerced/bribed to vote for

when, where? I know many, many Thais who voted PTP and not a hint of what you suggest and you are insulting 15 million Thais

I can give facts. I know from my sister in law of an election rally in Sisaket where everybody that attended got paid. That's the only reason she went.
My brother in law is a hired thug for the UDD. He told the whole village that if they voted for PTP they would be paid. There's facts for you!

Actually that is not fact but hearsay.


unverified, unofficial information gained or acquired from another and not part of one's direct knowledge.

For it to become fact it will have to be confirmed by the people you are refering to.

Reality is the conjectured state of things as they actually exist, rather than as they may appear or might be imagined.[1] In a wider definition, reality includes everything that is and has been, whether or not it is observable or comprehensible. A still more broad definition includes everything that has existed, exists, or will exist.

Something you have to wake up to!
You can remove the leader, disband the party, "talk" to the hierarchy but you will never remove the sentiment of the 15 million Thai's that voted for the principles that they stood for.

How many of that 15 million really had a clue of the principles PTP stood for? Do you think PTP have any principles other than get rich quick by whatever means?

How many voted for them because that's who they were instructed/intimated/coerced/bribed to vote for?

The same can be said for all parties here mind. And that's something that ain't going to change without serious reform, real reform.

nonsense reply not based on facts even my 12 year old Thai niece has a better grasp than you do

they were instructed/intimated/coerced/bribed to vote for

when, where? I know many, many Thais who voted PTP and not a hint of what you suggest and you are insulting 15 million Thais

I can give facts. I know from my sister in law of an election rally in Sisaket where everybody that attended got paid. That's the only reason she went.

My brother in law is a hired thug for the UDD. He told the whole village that if they voted for PTP they would be paid. There's facts for you!

Actually that is not fact but hearsay.


unverified, unofficial information gained or acquired from another and not part of one's direct knowledge.

For it to become fact it will have to be confirmed by the people you are refering to.

Reality is the conjectured state of things as they actually exist, rather than as they may appear or might be imagined.[1] In a wider definition, reality includes everything that is and has been, whether or not it is observable or comprehensible. A still more broad definition includes everything that has existed, exists, or will exist.

Something you have to wake up to!

I still don't believe in ghosts


Always amazing that any sane falang support any of the PT crooks , Too much time with the airheads upcountry!

I don't support the PT and I definitely don't support coups or the Junta and its collection of.....


Wait couple of weeks and we will have millions red shirts in the streets....

The country has been threatened with that for years, but has NEVER come anywhere near meeting its repeated, empty, hollow claim.

  • Like 2

Wait couple of weeks and we will have millions red shirts in the streets....

The country has been threatened with that for years, but has NEVER come anywhere near meeting its repeated, empty, hollow claim.

It will be Chinese...anyone? I think the empty hollow is somewhere between ...anyone?


The million dollar question: Did Nattawut and Chertchai succeed in changing the military's bad attitude towards human rights and freedom? If not the "attitude re-adjustment session was a waste of time and resources.

No comments needed.

The sort of madman that Yingluck AKA Thaksin thought suitable for a Cabinet minister post.

  • Like 1


Nattawut Saikua, former Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperative, leaving the 1st Region Army headquarters in Bangkok on 30 Jan 2015.

Check out that grin!

Baby, he has been 'adjusted' !!

You haven't had much experience with Thai people if you think that every grin or smile displays happiness.

Suggest you come here to Thailand and interact more with Thai people.

  • Like 1

Really begs the question as to why the need to get rid of the Shins if they are fast becoming unpopular. 2 coups and constitutions re-written to lessen their election chance. And why oh dwhy the Dem boycott election twice. So clearly you know nothing and need education yourself.

You PT supporters will never get it through your heads that it is the corrupt that are being brought to answer.

That the majority belong to the previous administration is only because they are the most corrupt.

But its all a conspiracy, kangaroo courts, elite you cant talk about want control.

How can anyone let themselves be conned that badly ? And supporting corruption, yes that's what you are doing with your completely one sided refusal to see the truth.

Has any senior ministers of the previous government been convicted of corruption? Or it's just your rant without facts again.

You are going to have to give it time for these things to get to court Eric but you can be assured there have been charges laid and it will happen :

The anti-graft agency will investigate caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatras role in the rice pledging scheme after bringing formal charges of corruption against two of her cabinet ministers.[/size]

Former commerce minister Boonsong Teriyapirom and ex-deputy commerce minister Poom Sarapol were charged by the agency, together with 13 other persons including former director-general of the External Trade Department Manas Sroypol who was involved in negotiations to sell rice to two Chinese state enterprises on government-to-government contracts.[/size]

And of course the ministers secretary [/size]


DSI probes graft allegations in govt's rice-pledging scheme[/size]

BANGKOK: -- The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) has decided to lodge malfeasance and other criminal charges against former secretary of ex-commerce minister Boonsong Teriyapirom for alleged involvement in fake government-to-government rice deals with two Chinese state enterprises.[/size][/size]

Then there is the "Close aid" of your hero the convicted criminal on the run who has been convicted :


Thaksin aide jailed for rice fraud

The Nation

Posted 2014-06-24 17:21:57

BANGKOK: -- The Samut Prakarn provincial court Tuesday sentenced a close aide to ex-pm Thaksin Shinawatra to six years in jail and fined him Bt12,000 after finding him guilty of embezzlement and fraud for his failure to deliver a Bt200-million rice shipment to Iran.

Still in denial Eric ? if you are I can look up more for you.

No need. These Red Shirt Advocates are in denial.

  • Like 1

You can remove the leader, disband the party, "talk" to the hierarchy but you will never remove the sentiment of the 15 million Thai's that voted for the principles that they stood for.

Do you mean the 15 million who sold their votes to the highest bidder... they will do exactly the same next time round... there NEVER has been democracy in this country, there probabaly never will be while the masses have no education... It's the reson why so many of us Farang live in Thailand.. Do you know just how many girls are selling their bodies every night to snd that money home to those same vote-seller families.. it's called poverty.. and we all know prostitution is illegal in Thailand..Right... And I don't see anybody , Generals or politicians trying to stop prostitution.. Rock on Thailand... Long live the King... giggle.gif

aaaahhhh, the good ol' tried and true vote-buying BS.

15 mill times 500 Bhat = 7.5 billion Bhat.

get real... besides all the other evidence of a valid 2011 election...

As for no education and democracy, well, that is straight from the little yellow book of propaganda written by the very souls who failed to take care of their fellow citizens for the last 50++ years.


Absolutely! A very valid election with one political party run by a criminal fugitive as in all true democracies.

Also all 'vote buying' was in promises, all those goodies to be delivered later, like the 'self-financing' RPPS which left a 700 billion Baht gap and which requires repayment.

Well, at least the UDD leaders are happy rolleyes.gif

  • Like 1

You can remove the leader, disband the party, "talk" to the hierarchy but you will never remove the sentiment of the 15 million Thai's that voted for the principles that they stood for.

Do you mean the 15 million who sold their votes to the highest bidder... they will do exactly the same next time round... there NEVER has been democracy in this country, there probabaly never will be while the masses have no education... It's the reson why so many of us Farang live in Thailand.. Do you know just how many girls are selling their bodies every night to snd that money home to those same vote-seller families.. it's called poverty.. and we all know prostitution is illegal in Thailand..Right... And I don't see anybody , Generals or politicians trying to stop prostitution.. Rock on Thailand... Long live the King... giggle.gif

aaaahhhh, the good ol' tried and true vote-buying BS.

15 mill times 500 Bhat = 7.5 billion Bhat.

get real... besides all the other evidence of a valid 2011 election...

As for no education and democracy, well, that is straight from the little yellow book of propaganda written by the very souls who failed to take care of their fellow citizens for the last 50++ years.


Absolutely! A very valid election with one political party run by a criminal fugitive as in all true democracies.

Also all 'vote buying' was in promises, all those goodies to be delivered later, like the 'self-financing' RPPS which left a 700 billion Baht gap and which requires repayment.

Well, at least the UDD leaders are happy rolleyes.gif

You make a good point rubl. If the PTP were charged with bribing voters for their vote their solid defense would be - "Well, actually, we did not give them the 500baht, we promised it to them (like the rice payments) but had no intention of handing the cash over, so we are not guilty of vote buying, just bullshitting.

The judge would throw it out of court. cheesy.gif

  • Like 1

You can remove the leader, disband the party, "talk" to the hierarchy but you will never remove the sentiment of the 15 million Thai's that voted for the principles that they stood for.

How many of that 15 million really had a clue of the principles PTP stood for? Do you think PTP have any principles other than get rich quick by whatever means?

How many voted for them because that's who they were instructed/intimated/coerced/bribed to vote for?

The same can be said for all parties here mind. And that's something that ain't going to change without serious reform, real reform.

nonsense reply not based on facts even my 12 year old Thai niece has a better grasp than you do

they were instructed/intimated/coerced/bribed to vote for

when, where? I know many, many Thais who voted PTP and not a hint of what you suggest and you are insulting 15 million Thais

I can give facts. I know from my sister in law of an election rally in Sisaket where everybody that attended got paid. That's the only reason she went.

My brother in law is a hired thug for the UDD. He told the whole village that if they voted for PTP they would be paid. There's facts for you!

Same deal with my wife's family in Surin. The only reason they bother to vote is because they were paid to do so by a "certain" party.

But after the last harvest and the low prices they received for their crop they now realize it was not worth it. They lost more than their vote was worth.

Ignore the trolls who deny vote buying. It has been going on for a long time and should be put on the top of the list of illegal practices to be outlawed.

  • Like 1

Really begs the question as to why the need to get rid of the Shins if they are fast becoming unpopular. 2 coups and constitutions re-written to lessen their election chance. And why oh dwhy the Dem boycott election twice. So clearly you know nothing and need education yourself.

You PT supporters will never get it through your heads that it is the corrupt that are being brought to answer.

That the majority belong to the previous administration is only because they are the most corrupt.

But its all a conspiracy, kangaroo courts, elite you cant talk about want control.

How can anyone let themselves be conned that badly ? And supporting corruption, yes that's what you are doing with your completely one sided refusal to see the truth.

Has any senior ministers of the previous government been convicted of corruption? Or it's just your rant without facts again.

You are going to have to give it time for these things to get to court Eric but you can be assured there have been charges laid and it will happen :

The anti-graft agency will investigate caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatras role in the rice pledging scheme after bringing formal charges of corruption against two of her cabinet ministers.[/size]

Former commerce minister Boonsong Teriyapirom and ex-deputy commerce minister Poom Sarapol were charged by the agency, together with 13 other persons including former director-general of the External Trade Department Manas Sroypol who was involved in negotiations to sell rice to two Chinese state enterprises on government-to-government contracts.[/size]

And of course the ministers secretary [/size]


DSI probes graft allegations in govt's rice-pledging scheme[/size]

BANGKOK: -- The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) has decided to lodge malfeasance and other criminal charges against former secretary of ex-commerce minister Boonsong Teriyapirom for alleged involvement in fake government-to-government rice deals with two Chinese state enterprises.[/size][/size]

Then there is the "Close aid" of your hero the convicted criminal on the run who has been convicted :


Thaksin aide jailed for rice fraud

The Nation

Posted 2014-06-24 17:21:57

BANGKOK: -- The Samut Prakarn provincial court Tuesday sentenced a close aide to ex-pm Thaksin Shinawatra to six years in jail and fined him Bt12,000 after finding him guilty of embezzlement and fraud for his failure to deliver a Bt200-million rice shipment to Iran.

Still in denial Eric ? if you are I can look up more for you.

No need. These Red Shirt Advocates are in denial.

I rest my case. So no convictions yet. Close aide not even ministerial level and certainly not a senior or cabinet minister. Just another greedy businessman who deserved jail time. When Yingluk is finally charged sentenced for corruption, you can revive the topic.


The red shirt movement is a dead duck.

So is the UDD and so will be the PTP.

While these exist, they will remain a conduit for Thaksin to control this country.

Do not expect elections until this lot have been disbanded.

You would appear to have the attitude of the self appointed leader. Sure dismiss the colour but only a fool believes that by disbanding the movement you remove the opposition. All the current anti red shirt sentiment , from those in power , will just make them morph into something more dangerous. From the ashes will rise, not a phoenix but a monster

Just as a thought why doesn't the UDD reform itself as a political party without Thaksin, Yingluck et al and actually go out canvassing for votes when the next election comes along. There is NO reason why they can't do that and perhaps have proper party elections with proper rules and regulations the same as all the other political parties.

Then they can put up their own candidates and I am sure that all the UDD supporters here would encourage their wives and families to vote for the UDD. Who knows, they may even win an election and of course they would truly represent ALL the poor and downtrodden people in Thailand.

  • Like 1

Really begs the question as to why the need to get rid of the Shins if they are fast becoming unpopular. 2 coups and constitutions re-written to lessen their election chance. And why oh dwhy the Dem boycott election twice. So clearly you know nothing and need education yourself.

You PT supporters will never get it through your heads that it is the corrupt that are being brought to answer.

That the majority belong to the previous administration is only because they are the most corrupt.

But its all a conspiracy, kangaroo courts, elite you cant talk about want control.

How can anyone let themselves be conned that badly ? And supporting corruption, yes that's what you are doing with your completely one sided refusal to see the truth.

Has any senior ministers of the previous government been convicted of corruption? Or it's just your rant without facts again.

You are going to have to give it time for these things to get to court Eric but you can be assured there have been charges laid and it will happen :

The anti-graft agency will investigate caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatras role in the rice pledging scheme after bringing formal charges of corruption against two of her cabinet ministers.[/size]

Former commerce minister Boonsong Teriyapirom and ex-deputy commerce minister Poom Sarapol were charged by the agency, together with 13 other persons including former director-general of the External Trade Department Manas Sroypol who was involved in negotiations to sell rice to two Chinese state enterprises on government-to-government contracts.[/size]

And of course the ministers secretary [/size]


DSI probes graft allegations in govt's rice-pledging scheme[/size]

BANGKOK: -- The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) has decided to lodge malfeasance and other criminal charges against former secretary of ex-commerce minister Boonsong Teriyapirom for alleged involvement in fake government-to-government rice deals with two Chinese state enterprises.[/size][/size]

Then there is the "Close aid" of your hero the convicted criminal on the run who has been convicted :


Thaksin aide jailed for rice fraud

The Nation

Posted 2014-06-24 17:21:57

BANGKOK: -- The Samut Prakarn provincial court Tuesday sentenced a close aide to ex-pm Thaksin Shinawatra to six years in jail and fined him Bt12,000 after finding him guilty of embezzlement and fraud for his failure to deliver a Bt200-million rice shipment to Iran.

Still in denial Eric ? if you are I can look up more for you.

No need. These Red Shirt Advocates are in denial.

I rest my case. So no convictions yet. Close aide not even ministerial level and certainly not a senior or cabinet minister. Just another greedy businessman who deserved jail time. When Yingluk is finally charged sentenced for corruption, you can revive the topic.

Worst darn case of denial I ever did see ................... cheesy.gif

  • Like 1

The red shirt movement is a dead duck.

So is the UDD and so will be the PTP.

While these exist, they will remain a conduit for Thaksin to control this country.

Do not expect elections until this lot have been disbanded.

You would appear to have the attitude of the self appointed leader. Sure dismiss the colour but only a fool believes that by disbanding the movement you remove the opposition. All the current anti red shirt sentiment , from those in power , will just make them morph into something more dangerous. From the ashes will rise, not a phoenix but a monster

Just as a thought why doesn't the UDD reform itself as a political party without Thaksin, Yingluck et al and actually go out canvassing for votes when the next election comes along. There is NO reason why they can't do that and perhaps have proper party elections with proper rules and regulations the same as all the other political parties.

Then they can put up their own candidates and I am sure that all the UDD supporters here would encourage their wives and families to vote for the UDD. Who knows, they may even win an election and of course they would truly represent ALL the poor and downtrodden people in Thailand.

Just as a thought why doesn't the UDD reform itself as a political party without Thaksin

This is why.

"Thaksin Thinks PT Acts"


  • Like 1


Nattawut Saikua, former Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperative, leaving the 1st Region Army headquarters in Bangkok on 30 Jan 2015.

Check out that grin!

Baby, he has been 'adjusted' !!

Clearly, the generals are very good at bringing Happiness to the Thai people. biggrin.png

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif This comment made my day, lad. what an excellent post....

There IS NO such thing as JAIL for the rich, influential and their spolied brats,.... I told ya soo.... clap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Talked to Nattawut at a hotel in Loei last year. Only briefly and he does not appear to be the ogre many paint him to be. Thailands next PM. That will adjust some attitudes



Nattawut Saikua, former Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperative, leaving the 1st Region Army headquarters in Bangkok on 30 Jan 2015.

Check out that grin!

Baby, he has been 'adjusted' !!

Clearly, the generals are very good at bringing Happiness to the Thai people. biggrin.png

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif This comment made my day, lad. what an excellent post....

There IS NO such thing as JAIL for the rich, influential and their spolied brats,.... I told ya soo.... clap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Talked to Nattawut at a hotel in Loei last year. Only briefly and he does not appear to be the ogre many paint him to be. Thailands next PM. That will adjust some attitudes

If he is convicted of a crime then I am sorry to say he cannot become an MP nor be a PM. He is already out on bail with a jail sentence already racked against him.

  • Like 1


Nattawut Saikua, former Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperative, leaving the 1st Region Army headquarters in Bangkok on 30 Jan 2015.

Check out that grin!

Baby, he has been 'adjusted' !!

Clearly, the generals are very good at bringing Happiness to the Thai people. biggrin.png

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif This comment made my day, lad. what an excellent post....

There IS NO such thing as JAIL for the rich, influential and their spolied brats,.... I told ya soo.... clap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Talked to Nattawut at a hotel in Loei last year. Only briefly and he does not appear to be the ogre many paint him to be. Thailands next PM. That will adjust some attitudes

Sigh!!! Do you mean a normal person stand on a stage and tell people to burn the whol qountry? He is a nutcase.

  • Like 1

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