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Prayut says drawing foreign interference in Thai internal affairs is an embarrassing act

Lite Beer

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He could not possibly be suggesting certain groups R---- initiated that last meeting which upset so many Thais from a certain --- politician for political favor from that country to use their influence against the current gov to stop a certain case against an unnamed ex leader. Say it isn't so?

The Foreign interference is drive by Freedom House, The Carlyle Group and the National Endowment for Democracy - all rght-wing think tanks to with whom Robert Amsterdam and Thaksin are closely associated. My advice to the General is to concentrate his firepower on these organisations and by implication the Shinawatras.Other villains who sit on the boards o thse orgnanisations and are close buddies of the Shins are Rumsfeld, Adelman, Carlucci, Fukuyama, Weber, and Khalilzad. Dabgerous men, all of them,

Is this joker for real? I suppose whatever transpires in Thailand there will always be morons suggesting US policy is driven by Thaksin,the Carlyle Group and Robert Amsterdam.

US policy is driven by what the administration at the time deem to be in the best interests of America. The incumbent administrations will be swayed by the powerful lobby groups and political allegiances that exist within America.

Just the same as every country in the world. All try to push their interests by exerting whatever influence they can by whatever means they can.

If America decides a Shin autocracy is better for American interests than a military backed Junta, or a return of the old Amart elite autocracy then it will support the Shins. If that view changes, they will back an alternative. They have done this before, just as Britain, France and the other old colonial powers did in their day.

Anyone who suggest that US policy is driven by a love for true democracy, freedom and justice, is a real joker.

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He could not possibly be suggesting certain groups R---- initiated that last meeting which upset so many Thais from a certain --- politician for political favor from that country to use their influence against the current gov to stop a certain case against an unnamed ex leader. Say it isn't so?

The Foreign interference is drive by Freedom House, The Carlyle Group and the National Endowment for Democracy - all rght-wing think tanks to with whom Robert Amsterdam and Thaksin are closely associated. My advice to the General is to concentrate his firepower on these organisations and by implication the Shinawatras.Other villains who sit on the boards o thse orgnanisations and are close buddies of the Shins are Rumsfeld, Adelman, Carlucci, Fukuyama, Weber, and Khalilzad. Dabgerous men, all of them,

Is this joker for real? I suppose whatever transpires in Thailand there will always be morons suggesting US policy is driven by Thaksin,the Carlyle Group and Robert Amsterdam.

US policy is driven by what the administration at the time deem to be in the best interests of America. The incumbent administrations will be swayed by the powerful lobby groups and political allegiances that exist within America.

Just the same as every country in the world. All try to push their interests by exerting whatever influence they can by whatever means they can.

If America decides a Shin autocracy is better for American interests than a military backed Junta, or a return of the old Amart elite autocracy then it will support the Shins. If that view changes, they will back an alternative. They have done this before, just as Britain, France and the other old colonial powers did in their day.

Anyone who suggest that US policy is driven by a love for true democracy, freedom and justice, is a real joker.

I don't think anyone is suggesting that.As you say all countries tend to be driven by their own self interests.Charles de Gaulle said that the state is a cold monster, meaning that countries act in calculating and sometimes chilling way to advance their cause or to preserve their interests.To this extent you are correct.Nevertheless it's important to understand that what are sometimes called western values are in fact universal values - life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.Of course the US has not always lived up to the values of the Founding Fathers but the American model of freedom is still an attractive and compelling one.America also has an extraordinary capacity to reform and regenerate.It is particularly important to draw a distinction between the activities of lobbyists and the belief in universal values.This is a complicated concept for those who think in cartoon like terms but valid none the less.America has backed and does back regimes (Saudi Arabia etc) that have no truck with these universal values and this is undeniable: while offering no excuses this is a result of the heartless pragmatism that Charles de Gaullle had in mind.But it is not the full story.In the case of Thailand US is an old and trusted ally.Democracy has struggled here but has existed nonetheless - sometimes faltering sometimes strengthening.The US has performed a similar journey with Japan and South Korea and has every right to warn, advise and even rebuke - the reaction of an old and reliable friend.This has little to do with the influence of lobbyists or the US's commercial advantage.

The Cartalucci school of conspiracy theorists which I referred to in an earlier post thoroughly deserves the almost universal derision it inspires except in the woolly headed.The sheer stupidity of those who see a linked anti Thailand network in the Carlyle Group,Freedom House, Thaksin, Robert Amsterdam, The Economist, Lady Gaga etc is hardly to be exaggerated.It's just internet crap to which no educated person attaches meaning.

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Oh??? Can't you just shrug off these 'foreign interferences'? Finally getting to you, is it? As for asking all the Thai people what they really want, I guess it's ok as long as what they want aligns with what you want, right? Else it's off to some 'attitude re-adjustment' .

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This guy is the patsy, brainwashed and gullible, faithful to his masters but in the end if he doesn't pull this off he'll be toast,

The old money families will find another one to take his place.

The bottom line is that the gravy train must continue.

When western money began arriving in Thailand,back in the day, they got the first concessions.

That was the way it was always done, those families closest to the big Cahuna got the money.

Nothing has really changed, only now, with education, the internet and facebook the people are waking up.

It's a lot more difficult to keep the status quo intact.

So, the military, has to keep order, keep the status quo intact.

Meanwhile, the spoiled brats, rich beyond imagination enjoy a life most Thais don't even know exists.

Check out the private jets parked at Bangkok airport.

Check out the names of the biggest shareholders of Thai companies.

There are two societies here in Thailand, and the old money has no intention of those two ever becoming one.

Highly inaccurate interpretation of the current situation.

Prayuth is no patsy.

He has been around for some time and has risen through the ranks like a rocket. (you can find out why).

He will NOT be tossed aside and there is a purpose behind his policies and of course he is backed - but there are currently about 5 or 6 extremely powerful factions in Thai politics and it looks as if his faction has got by far the strongest (upper) hand.

i implore people to look at the history leading up to this event and not just the last few months/years it is FAR more complex than just saying "same ol' same ol'."

it wopuld also help if some posters thought about the role and composition of the army in Thailand - it is quite unlike most countries

If that is accurate, I I doubt it, then he is a real life meglomaniac with delusions of grandeur and a wholly unrealistic agenda to somehow change Thai society, but mainly change the "bad" people.

His original line was "I'm here to heal the divisions between the warring factions", but of course we know which side he is on and which side is backing him.

It certainly isn't a grass roots, rural based, workers and trade unions support base.

Of course not, it's one of the elite factions who have been sniping at each other since time immemorial.

His fatuous speeches every night only go to show how far removed he is from reality.

A life spent in closed circles, mixing with his ilk.

The minute he slips up and he loses his support, he'll disappear.

The best thing he could do is go now.

I think you've missed my point - it looks as if you are not familiar with his past, his writings or who he is in league with. Prayuth is a REAL hardliner, make no mistake.

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Yesterday before the bomb attacks I posted this

Martial law for nearly 9 months? Where are the rebels, gorrilla army, insurgents, gangs, protesters, old ladies with handbags? No wonder Daniel Russel was dissapointed with Prayut.

Were the small bombs a false flag or inside job to give a good reason to continue martial law, supressing the freedom of ppl and giving extra powers to the attitude adjustment army.

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"He suggested asking all the Thai people what they really want, and not just asking certain groups, and jumping into conclusion."

These nasty interfering foreigners have a word for asking all their people what they really want The word is 'ELECTIONS' The nasty interfering foreigners have pointed out that an overthrow of the democratically elected government at the end of a gun barrel because it suited 'certain groups' is morally and ethically wrong. But then Gen. Prayuth thinks that 'Ethics' is a county to the north east of London or if you prefer a county in New York state.

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A poster suggested the current PM is a hardliner, another a puppet of the old elitists, another the death of democracy.

He's just a man, remember all the suffering, all the outcomes good or bad and all the face he represents is on his shoulders. The more this year unfolds the more he'll look like a Panda. The more burden he will bear. The more responsibility he will take. The day is coming, the clock is ticking. Poor man, rich man, beggar man, we're watching you.

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A poster suggested the current PM is a hardliner, another a puppet of the old elitists, another the death of democracy.

He's just a man, remember all the suffering, all the outcomes good or bad and all the face he represents is on his shoulders. The more this year unfolds the more he'll look like a Panda. The more burden he will bear. The more responsibility he will take. The day is coming, the clock is ticking. Poor man, rich man, beggar man, we're watching you.

For heaven's sake, before writing try reading this guy's CV at least and then make at least a partially educated assessment of him and the current govt.

One thing that never happens in Thailand is anyone in the military is EVER called upon to account for their actions. He has a past you know - see if he has ever been held to account....

Even if there is a constitution, even if there is an election even if Thaksin gets in there are still institutions embedded in the country's constitution and other institutions that guarantee the military a huge slice of power....start by checking out the ISOC.

Edited by cumgranosalum
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Whatever the references, can it be said that despite what may be viewed as a negative in principle, in terms of a seemingful attempt to bring about a platform for a genuine democratic platform for Thailand is something to object to? To date the process has at very least given Thailand the chance of a more balanced future. Prior to that the balance was being progressively tipped against the vulnerable. None of the change can be done simply stating an objective. Slowly demonstrating it,even by means of compulsion, if it is correct it will be accepted and adopted. This coup is the first I have witnessed or heard about that has clearly stated long term objectives instead of short term justifications.

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