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HGH (Human Growth Hormone)

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It's available. You will have to go to some place like Watsons (that's where I bought it) and look at the products in the weight loss supplements section. It has a catchy brand name that I can't recall now. HGH is the main ingredient. It was recommended by my Doctor but I gave up on it as it was expensive and I didn't feel any different after taking it for many weeks. Watsons had a 2 box for the price of one sale but that was a year ago.


It's available. You will have to go to some place like Watsons (that's where I bought it) and look at the products in the weight loss supplements section. It has a catchy brand name that I can't recall now. HGH is the main ingredient. It was recommended by my Doctor but I gave up on it as it was expensive and I didn't feel any different after taking it for many weeks. Watsons had a 2 box for the price of one sale but that was a year ago.

I think that's something different as the OP has in mind, since HGH in Thailand and most other countries is a prescription drug.


Not sure what you guys are talking about. In the UK I took HGH capsules and they are not linked to steroids IN ANY WAY. Can we stick to my thread please and not insert your own bias? I simply asked in their were any stockists in Chiang Mai. Thanks


Perhaps someone with a medical background can confirm or refute this--I am under the impression that hormones and steroids are complex molecules that are broken down by the digestive system, so the only effective way to take them is by injection or creams.

I'm not interested in taking these things (unless prescribed for a valid reason by a qualified doctor), I just like to challenge questionable supplement claims.

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Androgel caps are designed to be eaten.. But I think they are designed to stay in tact past the stomach ??

The post above that HGH is a prescription drug.. I know many roids can legally be sold OTC and HGH is openly sold by many pharmacies in the same way.. Unsure of HGH specifically is prescription only but many of the anabolics are legal to be purchased.


Not sure what you guys are talking about. In the UK I took HGH capsules and they are not linked to steroids IN ANY WAY. Can we stick to my thread please and not insert your own bias? I simply asked in their were any stockists in Chiang Mai. Thanks

HGH is a prescription drug and like others said its often found where steroids are found. There are also quite many fakes around as its expensive.

It does not give much bang for your $

HGH capsules have never been proven to work.

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Too bad they are not more specific here.. what he has.. why he got it ect. Now they just blame steroids it and it looks like propaganda.

Would be nice to know what he abused and how long and at what levels.

This is kinda like showing a korsakov patient and saying alcohol is dangerous without telling how much he used and that lower doses are safe.

I have seen only a few of these stories though there are millions and millions of bodybuilders and steroid users. Still interesting stuff but I guess everyone knows that if you use stuff like that at high doses there are risks.

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Not sure what you guys are talking about. In the UK I took HGH capsules and they are not linked to steroids IN ANY WAY. Can we stick to my thread please and not insert your own bias? I simply asked in their were any stockists in Chiang Mai. Thanks

HGH is a prescription drug and like others said its often found where steroids are found. There are also quite many fakes around as its expensive.

It does not give much bang for your $

HGH capsules have never been proven to work.

Nor have the HGH sprays or creams or whatever other fancy they found out to fool the people out of money, but injections work if you have the real stuff, which only know after a few months and maybe 50k Baht.

I have used Jintropin maybe 10 years ago, at 17K for a box which if I recall correctly would last you about a month, and my body fat loss was remarkable. I think it took about 3 months to see the results and i took it 7 months all together.


Try 'Ma Mui' (Mucuna Pruriens) it is a herb which boosts your natural production of HGH rather than causing shutdown through replacement = organ atrophy if you use injectible HGH permanantly .

100 Baht 50 caps in Chinatown Thai herbalist.

It is main ingredient in USPLABS PowerFULL 90 caps minus the hype and ($32 price tag)....google it to compare what it does...

I personally would only use it 3x a week max on exercise days and cycle off. I would not use it daily/monthly/yearly in any circumstances. It messes with dopamine balance....buyer beware and look at warning on PowerFULL label which can be read online....google images etc.

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Perhaps someone with a medical background can confirm or refute this--I am under the impression that hormones and steroids are complex molecules that are broken down by the digestive system, so the only effective way to take them is by injection or creams.

I'm not interested in taking these things (unless prescribed for a valid reason by a qualified doctor), I just like to challenge questionable supplement claims.

Your understanding and mine are the same on this topic... Oral HGH is useless...

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Perhaps someone with a medical background can confirm or refute this--I am under the impression that hormones and steroids are complex molecules that are broken down by the digestive system, so the only effective way to take them is by injection or creams.

I'm not interested in taking these things (unless prescribed for a valid reason by a qualified doctor), I just like to challenge questionable supplement claims.

Your understanding and mine are the same on this topic... Oral HGH is useless...

Like I said, I took capsules for about 4 months on the advice of my Doctor and it did nothing for me (and I was out quite a few Baht as well).


Not sure about CM, but it is available in Pattaya. A few different options. Not sure if it is the real deal or a cheap copy, but if I remember correctly it all came from China.


Heavy deep squats (The King) will stimulate HGH release, as will bench press and deadlift. (The Two Princes)

Some say deadlifts are king and squat and bench press prices.. I do all 3 of those exercises as they are without a doubt the best exercises for building muscle. When doing them you really feel it if you go heavy.

As for muscles used.. id say deadlift is best.. then squat then bench press. Though ever since I was young I did bench press the most (not anymore) But it is still relatively speaking my strongest exercise.


Why do want to take HGH anyway?

Some say it works miracles.. and it might work those in some people. I have used the genuine article for a few months to see if it was true and I did feel better, nicer skin deeper sleep ect however the fat burning stuff and muscle building are minimal (or at least in my case)

However I read stories on gym boards about the stuff from people who responded real good to it. Stalone uses it for instance and so do many other athletes and people who want to slow aging.

After my supply ran out I never bought it again, it was something I wanted to test and see what the hype was about. I checked the risks and found them acceptable. (that is a personal choice). But it was one of the most expensive tests I ever did for the least results. I have tried other stuff with far better results.

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Why do want to take HGH anyway?

it stimulates the growth hormone and I took it in the UK (capsules) and thought I noticed a difference (which may have been placebo i guess) I cant remember the brand but blue bottle with big HGH label.



Why do want to take HGH anyway?

it stimulates the growth hormone and I took it in the UK (capsules) and thought I noticed a difference (which may have been placebo i guess) I cant remember the brand but blue bottle with big HGH label.

Some guys have 'normal' testosterone, but have *high estrogen. If that is the case, then low dose *Arimidex will lower the E2. (estrogen)

* https://www.google.co.th/search?num=100&newwindow=1&q=high+estrogen+symptoms+men&btnG=

* https://www.google.co.th/search?q=Arimidex&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=dTvQVP6KO5D58QWvjIG4CQ

Good knowledge to those who never heard of it. I do wonder how bad Arimidex is.. some use anastazol for the same effect. But when taking anything there will always be risks.

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Some guys have 'normal' testosterone, but have *high estrogen. If that is the case, then low dose *Arimidex will lower the E2. (estrogen)

* https://www.google.co.th/search?num=100&newwindow=1&q=high+estrogen+symptoms+men&btnG=

* https://www.google.co.th/search?q=Arimidex&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=dTvQVP6KO5D58QWvjIG4CQ

Good knowledge to those who never heard of it. I do wonder how bad Arimidex is.. some use anastazol for the same effect. But when taking anything there will always be risks.

Agreed. Fortunately, there is an abundance of research material available online.smile.png

Agreed, however you do need to read a lot to make an informed decision about what you think is best. It your body and your choice I have always done my own research. Only time I did not I was young and listened to a trainer.. nothing bad happened but in hindsight it was not the smartest thing to do.

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Why do want to take HGH anyway?

Some say it works miracles.. and it might work those in some people. I have used the genuine article for a few months to see if it was true and I did feel better, nicer skin deeper sleep ect however the fat burning stuff and muscle building are minimal (or at least in my case)

However I read stories on gym boards about the stuff from people who responded real good to it. Stalone uses it for instance and so do many other athletes and people who want to slow aging.

After my supply ran out I never bought it again, it was something I wanted to test and see what the hype was about. I checked the risks and found them acceptable. (that is a personal choice). But it was one of the most expensive tests I ever did for the least results. I have tried other stuff with far better results.

I also tried it a few years ago. I was using 4iu a day in the morning. I also tried splitting am and pm. I was on for 3 months. My results were similar to yours. I was injecting in the stomach region, and later tried IM. No difference. I was using it in combination with other stuff, so it was hard to say really how worthwhile it was at that dose. I did not want to go higher for health reasons and cost. I was doing under Doctors guidance.

I have had much better results from other compounds. I no longer do oral compounds except Anavar, just for fat loss and vascularity. Age.

The reason I asked why he wanted it, was that oral HGH is really only shown to be beneficial for those with low natural HGH. It does nothing in oral form to really increase HGH for muscle building.


Try the bodybuilding shop on Ratchawithi Road ... I think they have what you're looking for...

Right, exactly. So, anyways back to the OP, you could probably get the capsules at the place above as recommend, or at Watsons where I was buying them. But they are not cheap and as myself and others have posted, do little, if anything.


HGH is injected. There is one pill that works wonders. It is the scat of a soi dog that is only fed durian prepared by virgins in the moonlight. The wonder you ask? You will wonder. " how can I have born dum enough to pay good money for this s**t ".


Why do want to take HGH anyway?

Some say it works miracles.. and it might work those in some people. I have used the genuine article for a few months to see if it was true and I did feel better, nicer skin deeper sleep ect however the fat burning stuff and muscle building are minimal (or at least in my case)

However I read stories on gym boards about the stuff from people who responded real good to it. Stalone uses it for instance and so do many other athletes and people who want to slow aging.

After my supply ran out I never bought it again, it was something I wanted to test and see what the hype was about. I checked the risks and found them acceptable. (that is a personal choice). But it was one of the most expensive tests I ever did for the least results. I have tried other stuff with far better results.

I also tried it a few years ago. I was using 4iu a day in the morning. I also tried splitting am and pm. I was on for 3 months. My results were similar to yours. I was injecting in the stomach region, and later tried IM. No difference. I was using it in combination with other stuff, so it was hard to say really how worthwhile it was at that dose. I did not want to go higher for health reasons and cost. I was doing under Doctors guidance.

I have had much better results from other compounds. I no longer do oral compounds except Anavar, just for fat loss and vascularity. Age.

The reason I asked why he wanted it, was that oral HGH is really only shown to be beneficial for those with low natural HGH. It does nothing in oral form to really increase HGH for muscle building.

Yes real HGH is injected in the stomach region using an insulin needle. Orals, are generally not a good idea unless you don't drink and handle with care. But then still there is a risk. Not the smartest thing to do.

As for anavar and fat loss.. that is widely debated as any steroid is a building agent by its nature. But it might work to hold on to muscles on a caloric restrictive diet. But not the scope of this forum to discuss that.

For me in the end HGH was not worth its money, cost about 2$ per IU and if you inject 2 to 4 a day it gets expensive after a few months.

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