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Mental Health Department: More Thais are suffering from mental disorder


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More Most Thais are suffering from mental disorder.

More Most ThaiVisa posters are suffering from mental disorder.

Really? Where's your PROOF!?!?

Some TV members have nothing better to do than be keyboard warriors.

Until you can produce irrefutable PROOF here, you are NOT allowed to express your opinion!

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More Thais are suffering from mental disorder

You'll get no argument from me. In fact, I will talk calmly and make no sudden moves.

But this is not just in Thailand.

Nearly 40 percent of Europeans suffer mental illness


An estimated 26.2 percent of Americans ages 18 and older or about one in four adults suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. (once they get universal health care, that number will surely rise)


Edited by rametindallas
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  • 4 months later...

It might have something to do with after they have raised their children they have to turn around and raise their grandchildren.

you are an idiot!

And what brings you to that conclusion? What he said was fairly accurate.

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I am not saying that mental health is not an issue but it is big business. Pharmacutical companies make a fortune peddling drugs to people for so called disorders. There are plenty of people out there with serious issues who's lifes are bareable due to medicine. There is equally plenty of folks who just feel a bit down and rush to the doctor for some magic cure. Guess what? Life has its ups and downs. Deal with it.

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More Most Thais are suffering from mental disorder.

I think it's a combination of two things. First, Oriental thought patterns and Western thought patterns are so very different that it leads to misunderstanding and misunderstanding of underlying reasoning that cause people to have conflict or to write the Thai off as 'crazy'. The Thais are often quick to say, amongst themselves, "Farang, ba" which means European types are crazy. I don't think other ASEAN countries think of Thailand the same way Farangs do. As Willie Nelson wrote in the song, 'Mamas don't let your sons grow up to be cowboys': "he ain't wrong, he's just different but his pride won't let him, do things to make you think he's right". Second, Thailand also has a long tradition of passing on their strict and strictly Thai way of doing things. Thais even have situations where society says it's OK to 'lose it'; Westerners are never given society's permission to 'lose it'.

The best advise I got here was: TiT, This is Thailand and they don't do things the way people do them where I come from and, since the whole country isn't going to change for me, I'd better learn acceptance. It works. I take every opportunity allowed in this life and I'm very happy I can spend time in the Kingdom. No government, or their policies, have affected my life-style in any measurable way. Like-wise the Junta though I have to say I fell safer since they took charge.


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The hopelessness of being poor in Thailand is depressing. I wonder if there have been any updates on giving beggars a trade. At this point, almost anything will improve mood, what with all the family debt I'm not surprised at so many being depressed.

Just looking at nature can help your brain work better, study finds http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2015/05/26/viewing-nature-can-help-your-brain-work-better-study-finds/

Free concerts in the parks to encourage people to get out of the human ant-hill will lift everyone's spirit. More enticing parks that are clean, safe, and attractive will improve quality of life.


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I am not surprised , with the amount of B/S being bandied about by the Junta it's a wonder more Thai's ain't drowning , however seriously they all want to live like those lucky people in Nth America and haven't a hope in hades.coffee1.gif

Any links to quotes "of B/S being bandied about by the Junta"? You know, just so I know what you are even referring to.

however seriously they all want to live like those lucky people in Nth America

Not Dr. Thaksin, apparently.


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More Most Thais are suffering from mental disorder.

More Most ThaiVisa posters are suffering from mental disorder.

Really? Where's your PROOF!?!?

Some TV members have nothing better to do than be keyboard warriors.

Until you can produce irrefutable PROOF here, you are NOT allowed to express your opinion!

Until you can produce irrefutable PROOF here, you are NOT allowed to express your opinion!

Yes, people are allowed to express their opinions here; how could they be stopped? What some people on this forum are doing is trying to pass off propaganda 'facts' as personal opinion. Blanket statements of, so-called, "facts", are never opinion and are not even facts. Without backup links, it is just hearsay with no validation. Presupposing provably incorrect facts before an offered opinion is another dishonesty. I see a lot of these type postings and so should you. You should learn to distinguish between opinion and propaganda.

Really? Where's your PROOF!?!?

I know, that's sarcasm. 555. One thing Thaksin trolls have in common is that there are very few instances of supporting links to where you got the insights you are sharing. That's why people are asking for something more than "kao bak wa" (he, she, or they, said...) because then, it's just gossip. Unless you are a special kind of psychic, you get your information outside of yourself. Tell us your source(s).


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It's Thaksin's fault.

It's Thaksin's fault.

No, the mental illness is not Thaksin's fault. It's Thaksin's fault we even know how pervasive the problem is. If Dr. Thaksin hadn't made national health care a reality, and the nation-wide record keeping that went with it, we would only be guessing. No, Thai people are not crazier, per capita, but because of population growth there are more mentally ill than when the population was smaller. More to share.


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