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Plastic Surgery And Lasik


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Hi there,

im a flt attendent who is interested in LASIK- corrective eye surgery and eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty). The truth is Im scared to death :o Im afraid i will regret my decision. :D I need advice on whether its really the best to do both operations in bangkok? Any recomended surgeons in both fields? Can i do both operations together? My company can only give me 2 weeks leave max. Is it sufficient? Due to my job requirement, I have to apply heavy eye make up. Will it affect my recovery? Signz...sometimes i wish i wasnt so vain..pls advice me!

thanxs a zillion :D

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Do a search, there have many previous postings regarding LASIK, I remember simon43? saying he had good experiences, and a couple of people saying 'you need stay clear of blah blah'. I've been considering it for a few years, like you say, scary!


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I had lasik last june-pretty uneventful in/out in less than 30minutes Now have better than 20/20. Best 1500 quid I have spent.

Not sure in LOS-might be more hesitant and have it done in western country. Course I'm sure the cost is much less in Bangkok so probbaly worth checking out.

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Yes, I had LASIK surgery one year ago (I was VERY short-sighted in both eyes, about -12). Now both eyes are perfect and zilch side-effects. Great!!

But note that I did not have this operation performed in Thailand. I decided that, since I only had 2 eyes which I rather relied upon, I wanted the absolute best treatment and surgeon. Cost does not always mean best, but I opted to have LASIK surgery in London at a very respected company with good recommendations.

Treatment in Thailand (or any other country) may well be fine. You do need to really ask searching questions of whatever company you choose. (Success rates, surgeon experience etc etc)

cheers and good luck


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being nearsighted, i had lasik surgery about 4 years ago in the US...it does work, first they make a small cut and peel back the outer layer of the eye, then the laser smooths everything out to fix your vision.

it is a freaky experience with the smell of your own burnt flesh from the laser, but it's over in about 20 minutes and worth it

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Thanks for ur replies!! :D Think moz prob I will do LASIK in singapore after consideration. I've researched tat their machines r the latest and the best...but the price range is bout $4K-5k. I heard frm a colleague tat they will sell their old machines to places like bangkok, malaysia. wonder how true is it? :o

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Gee, still don't know why people want to come to thailand for surgery ???

If you consider they don't know shit about almost everything we take for granted in the west. You think hospitals are better then ??

I jus saw on a thai talk show a Katoey who had a breast implant.....

His "Doctor" had opened his chest and put 4 condoms in there with water.....

Charged him 150.000 bath for it...

I had an old girlfriend have a breast enlargment before done in thailand.

After 6 months the silicone padding which is normally round turned out to be square. A tip started pusching away under the breast making it a square one .... nice sight. Became bloody hard also.

Sure have surgery in thailand , I don't even go to the hairdresser....

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Gee, still don't know why people want to come to thailand for surgery ???

If you consider they don't know shit about almost everything we take for granted in the west. You think hospitals are better then ??

I jus saw on a thai talk show a Katoey who had a breast implant.....

His "Doctor" had opened his chest and put 4 condoms in there with water.....

Charged him 150.000 bath for it...

I had an old girlfriend have a breast enlargment before done in thailand.

After 6 months the silicone padding which is normally round turned out to be square. A tip started pusching away under the breast making it a square one .... nice sight. Became bloody hard also. 

Sure have surgery in thailand , I don't even go to the hairdresser....

Why stay here with the anti Thai feelings you have ? Increase the average IQ here by running home to Belgium asap. Then you can get your hair cut, and maybe take a bath as well.

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I had LASIK done in Thailand not because it was cheap but because there is a LASIK center here with technology more advanced than Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Japan, or even the US. With my contact lenses I was 20/20 because they didn't correct my astigmatism. Now after LASIK I am 20/12. Thailand does not buy used equipment from Singapore. In fact, TRSC International LASIK Center had the Zyoptix laser first in Asia. Now they have the MEL80 laser before Singapore. You can read about this at www.lasikthai.com.

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In fact, TRSC International LASIK Center had the Zyoptix laser first in Asia. Now they have the MEL80 laser before Singapore. You can read about this at www.lasikthai.com.

A couple of employees in my office had Lasik done at TRSC- it's relatively expensive, but as you said they have all the latest equipment there. It's where all the rich and famous in Thailand get their eyes done.

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Anyone considering Lasik anywhere should take a long hard look at the forum at www.surgicaleyes.com I sure wish I had before I had the surgery. This site is full of the stories of clearly intelligent people, most of whom chose the best doctor they could find using the latest technology, who had their eyes and lives ruined by Lasik. It is virtually impossible to understand the risk you are taking prior to the surgery. It is certainly true that MOST people do not have serious side effects. I gambled and lost and I hate to see it happen to anyone else. www.surgicaleyes.com!

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LASIK is certainly not a procedure to take lightly. An inexperienced surgeon or out-dated technology can easily mean the difference between excellent vision and superb results to an unsatisfying experience. Money should not be the deciding factor when you decide which doctor and which clinic to go to. Be certain that they can explain the procedure very well to you and that you understand the risks. It also doesn't hurt to visit more than one LASIK clinic. The price of a pre-lasik exam are a fraction of the total cost (between 500-1200baht). 99 out of 100 people are very satisfied with their results of LASIK. Most of my friends who have had it say the best thing they ever did in Thailand was to have LASIK surgery. I am glad I had LASIK but I knew the risks. Not sure if it is the best thing I have done in Thailand but it sure is nice not to worry about glasses or contact lenses.

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I sent my girlfriend to have LASIK at TRSC. Not sure if I will have it though. She keeps trying to talk me into it as well but I think I look good in glasses. She keeps telling me how good it is though. I was never comfortable with contacts but glasses work pretty well. They say that with new LASIK technology you can see better than people with glasses. Is that true?

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After talking to several of my Thai doctor friends these are my suggestions,

Eyelid surgery - Dr. Preecha at BNH Hospital, website is www.pai.co.th

LASIK - TRSC International LASIK Center, website is www.lasikthai.com

Skill is more important than saving a few hundred baht. These are not the cheapest places but surprisingly enough they are also not the most expensive in town. They have the most experience in their field and from the opinions of the doctors that I have spoken to they have the best results. Most doctors consider them to be the best of the best and patients fly in from other countries in order to be treated by these doctors. I know many Singaporeans who fly in from Singapore to take advantage of this excellent care.

An earlier person suggested Yanhee hospital. I wouldn't go there unless you are short on cash and desperate for surgery. It is more of a training ground for doctors not a private clinic with experienced surgeons. It is always possible to get a skilled doctor with very little experience but it would be a gamble.

There is a website called www.healthaesthetics.com. They are doctors who specialize in sending patients to the best clinics in Thailand and Singapore. They can often get good rates as well.

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go by word of mouth

make a chart

find out from people who had done it

and rate the fellow from one to ten

check who have the highest score

and go for it

if you are still scare

believe me

your heart know best

heed the warning

and forget it...

if you have the even abit of doubt about something

and not sure if you can bear whatever the good/bad results


and think again if you can't bear the risk of it...

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I have one singular purpose in posting once again on this topic and that is to try to save someone out there who is thinking about Lasik surgery from the deep discomfort I have suffered over the last four months. The best doctor and the latest equipment may reduce your risk of complications, however, until you actually read a few of the thousands of posts at the forum of www.surgicaleyes.com you simply can't understand what you are risking or properly determine the risk! I am not going to tell my story or make the case against Lasik. All it would take is for you to spend a half an hour at www.surgicaleyes.com. In my opinion anyone who decides to have Lasik after reading this post and without first exploring www.surgicaleyes.com must, for some reason, not want to fully understand the extremely serious decision they are in the process of making.

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here's one more

make the choice to go ahead and risk it

otherwise stay put

better choices may come along

if it's me

i will never do it

in another five / ten years

you are likely to need more of it

imagine having good eyes with bad nose

nice nose with lousy mouth

sweet face with lumpy boobs

etc... etc... etc...

it never ends....

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Sorry if I'm late here, I just kinda stumbled over an old thread.

I have to agree with the two previous posters at this forum. My girlfriend had lasik surgery done in Bangkok around x-mas, and the results were great. We also went to TRSC, which turned out to be a great place! We checked out a couple of other places before, but chose TRSC since that's the place we got the most confident in. Better than any clinic/hospital I've ever seen back home in Norway!

They have a pretty informative website too (That's how we found them), and it's: http://www.lasikthai.com/home.asp

Good luck if you decide to go through with it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

www.surgicaleyes.com is a good website to let you know that surgery should not be taken lightly. It can also provide a biased view though. 99.9% of patients enjoy LASIK, are glad that they did it, and would do it again. If there was a website that told of the horrors of contact lens disasters, people might quit wearing contact lenses. Contact lenses have caused far more cases of blindness than LASIK. I know of several people who had severe eye infections caused by contact lenses and may never see as well as they could before. Glasses are, of course, still the safest way to correct your vision.

By the way, I personally know 6 eye doctors who had LASIK. Statistics show that eye doctors are more likely to have LASIK than anyone else. The argument that LASIK surgeons wear glasses is not a very good one. I have never met a LASIK surgeon wearing glasses or contact lenses.

If you are not unhappy with glasses, stick to them. If you wear contact lenses, at least consider LASIK (at least have a pre-exam with a skilled surgeon). I would hate for you to get some acanthamoeba infection and lose your vision permanently.

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"www.surgicaleyes.com is a good website to let you know that surgery should not be taken lightly. It can also provide a biased view though. 99.9% of patients enjoy LASIK, are glad that they did it, and would do it again."

This person simply made up the above statistic. I wonder why? I have found that sometimes people who have had successful Lasik surgery have a strong need to validate their decision.

If you are considering Lasik, spend a little time on the internet to find studies which acurately reveal the percentage of satisfied Lasik patients and use the real statistics from real studies to help you make your decision. Think about what it might mean to be unhappy with your eyesight for the rest of your life.

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"This person simply made up the above statistic. I wonder why? I have found that sometimes people who have had successful Lasik surgery have a strong need to validate their decision.".

Here are some statistics from actual studies.


This is a study was performed from 1997 to 1998 and questioned 200 people regarding their satisfaction with LASIK. The patients all had LASIK performed with a NIDEK laser, an older laser known for causing glare and halos and fairly inaccurate. Glare and light sensitivity were a significant problem. According to FDA data less than 50% of eyes see 20/20 after LASIK with the NIDEK laser. Yet 99% of patients said they would have LASIK again despite these difficulties.


FDA Study completed in October 2003. 191 Patients had LASIK with the Bausch and Lomb Zyoptix system. 91% of patients were found to have 20/20 vision. Glare and light sensitivity were much improved. Fewer patients complained of glare and light sensitivity after LASIK than did before LASIK. Only 1 patient stated that they would not have LASIK again. This patient saw better than 20/20. The reason given was that the patient anticipated needing corrective lenses in the future.

There is a reason millions of people choose LASIK every year. Most people have LASIK because they have a friend who had it and are very happy with it. I don't think I am validating my decision to have LASIK. I am just relieved not to have to worry about glasses and contact lenses all the time.

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