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How to make Thaivisa's non-stop loading and sucking internet?


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Anyone here who can epxlain how I can block the nonstop loading of this forum? No idea what software is causing this, probably it's being used for autoupdates (which i don't need) but it's annoying and needless sucking my internet package. Any setting to stop this endless page loading? Thanks! :)

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I think he's talking about some measure of auto-refresh. For instance, without even touching the site, more news will load. More "likes" will appear as the red icon.

I haven't really checked into it because my internet package is very fast and not limited per month. My computer is fast with plenty of ram. I'm not hurt by it.

But there really must be a reload script which I'm not interest in hunting for with the Find feature. It could be html in the head tag or javascript or even server side.

I just think it's there.

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Im not a programmer and can not speak the language,

but my security browser informed me that the website attempts screen shots of the desktop on a blank canvas, similar to porn sites, and seeks to identify each computer, so, I dont use the standard browser anymore

TV is owned an operated out of San Francisco, the hacker ( I mean programming) capital of the US, so, they aren't backwards by any means

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Expected this to be a solution, but unfortunately not.

Firefox only (Win/Mac/Linux): Have you ever noticed how some web sites automatically reload the page every minute or two? It's frustrating, unnecessary, and thankfully can be easily disabled in Firefox. While there could be some valid reasons for reloading the page, most of the time it's just a way to artificially increase pageviews—at the cost of your bandwidth and CPU cycles. http://lifehacker.com/5321420/disable-automatic-web-page-refreshing

Edited by Mcffee
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I don't think it actually reloads the whole page or we'd see it, same as if we hit ctrl+R or on some systems, ctrl+alt+R.

I think it refreshes parts of the page such as news and ads. Still, in some way I think it's an active page that is taking resources, otherwise new News, likes, etc. wouldn't appear without a manual refresh.

It's been so long since I did web sites that I don't know what it's doing but it's doing something. The answer of course if it's a problem is to log out and close the browser.

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there is substantial reloading of ads, and data mining, for more ad sales.

its a marketing site, plain and simple, operated out of San Francisco.

lord knows how many vice lists the users are added too,

no different than porn sites

Which porn sites in particular?

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I don't think this is malware. This appears to be site design. Something is causing parts of the page to refresh so that new news items appear, different ads appear, etc. It isn't hurting anything and in some ways such as news, it's helpful or at least handy.

For instance in the news sidebar I'll see a balloon that says "two new tweets" and when it goes away there they will be. That's just one example.

It really would only be a problem for a machine with limited RAM or other issue, and as I said the answer for that would be to log off and close the browser when not using the site.

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There is nothing in the forum software that reloads the pages.

Check your device for virus/malware.

George, it does do something. For instance without refreshing the page a balloon will appear saying "new tweets" and when that goes away there will be new items in the news sidebar on the right. They were added without refreshing the page.

It appears to be a legit function of the site and not malware. I don't know if the page periodically checks for that, or if it is all pushed from the server, but it's there.


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