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Thai opinion: Teaching a kid to love the Americans


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This is crap a fantasy, but to think that Americans are honest and dont have ulterior motives is crap too.

America is not that trustworthy plenty of proof for that. They look out for themselves and bully and push others around.

They are better as Russia and China but certainly not angels without ulterior motives in what they do.

Here's my problem. As an American, I am constantly treated as if I am the American government; over which I have zero control. The anti-Americanism is really bad in Europe and I am treated more fairly by Thais than Europeans in Thailand (who don't bother to get to know me as soon as they realize I'm from the US). I am not Geo. Bush and I did not invade Iraq (nor did GB ask my opinion before he took us to war). I am also not Barack Obama and have little say so about Mr. Russel's comments in Thailand. Most Americans I know would be horrified if they found out the true extent of what meddling the US GOVERNMENT is doing in countries around the world and in our name. Most Americans I know mind their own business and try not to infringe on what other people want to do with their lives/countries. The media will take examples of some Americans and blow them up to become representative of all Americans. Come and live here a while and you will see that most of us bear little resemblance to either our government or to media stereotypes. I would very much appreciate if you would substitute American government in place of Americans. I don't look at British people and think they are Tony Blair or David Cameron. I don't think Russian people are just like Putin. Please differentiate between the citizens of a country and their (usually corrupt and unrepresentative) governments. Thank you.

BTW, I agree that the US government, under any president, is evil but that is because it is actually run by banksters, corportions, the the military/intelligence agencies and not by elected 'representatives of the people'.

I have no problems with Americans as person. I am talking about America as a country. I could not care less where someone is from as long as we have similar hobbies or whatever. I might not have been clear on that point.

I just have a problem with America as a country bullying other countries and acting like it is perfect. Way back the Dutch had many problems with the Americans because of our drug laws. That was an internal thing but we kept getting pressure and flack from the US.

I have always meant the American government / America as a country though I might have substituted those 2 in postings. Anyone who has ever followed my postings knows that I don't care much about where someone is from and I don't defend foreigners because of that they are foreigner. I don't even cut my own countryman slack and judge them for their actions. So I would have absolutely no problems with Americans who have similar views on things or like working out or fishing whatever.

Total different story then having problems with a country. That being said I still prefer the US above China and Russia.

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This is crap a fantasy, but to think that Americans are honest and dont have ulterior motives is crap too.

America is not that trustworthy plenty of proof for that. They look out for themselves and bully and push others around.

They are better as Russia and China but certainly not angels without ulterior motives in what they do.

You could be a little more careful in choosing your words. I am an American and consider myself honest and without ulterior motives. Did you really wish to insult all Americans? Or did you mean to just insult the Government of America?

Your government my apologies. First sentence was wrong the rest was about the country.

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If my Texas/southern accent weren't so strong, I'd tell farangs I was Canadian. Nobody hates Canadians. As for the US government giving me something, I don't want it. It always comes with too many 'strings' attached.

As long as you leave your six shooter at home I could even do a beer with you. Not even needed to pretend your Canadian. biggrin.png

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This is crap a fantasy, but to think that Americans are honest and dont have ulterior motives is crap too.

America is not that trustworthy plenty of proof for that. They look out for themselves and bully and push others around.

They are better as Russia and China but certainly not angels without ulterior motives in what they do.

Here's my problem. As an American, I am constantly treated as if I am the American government; over which I have zero control. The anti-Americanism is really bad in Europe and I am treated more fairly by Thais than Europeans in Thailand (who don't bother to get to know me as soon as they realize I'm from the US). I am not Geo. Bush and I did not invade Iraq (nor did GB ask my opinion before he took us to war). I am also not Barack Obama and have little say so about Mr. Russel's comments in Thailand. Most Americans I know would be horrified if they found out the true extent of what meddling the US GOVERNMENT is doing in countries around the world and in our name. Most Americans I know mind their own business and try not to infringe on what other people want to do with their lives/countries. The media will take examples of some Americans and blow them up to become representative of all Americans. Come and live here a while and you will see that most of us bear little resemblance to either our government or to media stereotypes. I would very much appreciate if you would substitute American government in place of Americans. I don't look at British people and think they are Tony Blair or David Cameron. I don't think Russian people are just like Putin. Please differentiate between the citizens of a country and their (usually corrupt and unrepresentative) governments. Thank you.

BTW, I agree that the US government, under any president, is evil but that is because it is actually run by banksters, corportions, the the military/intelligence agencies and not by elected 'representatives of the people'.

I have no problems with Americans as person. I am talking about America as a country. I could not care less where someone is from as long as we have similar hobbies or whatever. I might not have been clear on that point.

I just have a problem with America as a country bullying other countries and acting like it is perfect. Way back the Dutch had many problems with the Americans because of our drug laws. That was an internal thing but we kept getting pressure and flack from the US.

I have always meant the American government / America as a country though I might have substituted those 2 in postings. Anyone who has ever followed my postings knows that I don't care much about where someone is from and I don't defend foreigners because of that they are foreigner. I don't even cut my own countryman slack and judge them for their actions. So I would have absolutely no problems with Americans who have similar views on things or like working out or fishing whatever.

Total different story then having problems with a country. That being said I still prefer the US above China and Russia.

I usually 'Like' your postings and almost never Dislike them. Some people might get the wrong impression and think Americans are similar to their government, i.e. devious, dishonest, ulterior motives, etc. Thanks for the clarification.

Edited by rametindallas
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Perhaps one day we will be treated to an honest editorial that informs Thais of all the benefits the USA has brought to Thailand and that the Thais have wasted or squandered. Every modern convenience in Thailand, including wireless technology, computers automobiles, airplanes, medical advances and even the basic light bulb owes its origins and development to someone who was not a Thai. Many of the people responsible for the products and innovations from which Thais benefit and prosper are courtesy of the USA and other countries.

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If my Texas/southern accent weren't so strong, I'd tell farangs I was Canadian. Nobody hates Canadians. As for the US government giving me something, I don't want it. It always comes with too many 'strings' attached.

As long as you leave your six shooter at home I could even do a beer with you. Not even needed to pretend your Canadian. biggrin.png

The Dutch are almost unique in Europe for their tolerance. Italy and the Netherlands are my favorite holiday spots in Europe. I get so much hate/disdain in France that I don't go there any more. BTW, I carry a five-shooter in Texas as it is more concealable. (I have a permit). I promise to never bring it to Thailand or the Netherlands.

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This is crap a fantasy, but to think that Americans are honest and dont have ulterior motives is crap too.

America is not that trustworthy plenty of proof for that. They look out for themselves and bully and push others around.

They are better as Russia and China but certainly not angels without ulterior motives in what they do.

Here's my problem. As an American, I am constantly treated as if I am the American government; over which I have zero control. The anti-Americanism is really bad in Europe and I am treated more fairly by Thais than Europeans in Thailand (who don't bother to get to know me as soon as they realize I'm from the US). I am not Geo. Bush and I did not invade Iraq (nor did GB ask my opinion before he took us to war). I am also not Barack Obama and have little say so about Mr. Russel's comments in Thailand. Most Americans I know would be horrified if they found out the true extent of what meddling the US GOVERNMENT is doing in countries around the world and in our name. Most Americans I know mind their own business and try not to infringe on what other people want to do with their lives/countries. The media will take examples of some Americans and blow them up to become representative of all Americans. Come and live here a while and you will see that most of us bear little resemblance to either our government or to media stereotypes. I would very much appreciate if you would substitute American government in place of Americans. I don't look at British people and think they are Tony Blair or David Cameron. I don't think Russian people are just like Putin. Please differentiate between the citizens of a country and their (usually corrupt and unrepresentative) governments. Thank you.

BTW, I agree that the US government, under any president, is evil but that is because it is actually run by banksters, corportions, the the military/intelligence agencies and not by elected 'representatives of the people'.

I have no problems with Americans as person. I am talking about America as a country. I could not care less where someone is from as long as we have similar hobbies or whatever. I might not have been clear on that point.

I just have a problem with America as a country bullying other countries and acting like it is perfect. Way back the Dutch had many problems with the Americans because of our drug laws. That was an internal thing but we kept getting pressure and flack from the US.

I have always meant the American government / America as a country though I might have substituted those 2 in postings. Anyone who has ever followed my postings knows that I don't care much about where someone is from and I don't defend foreigners because of that they are foreigner. I don't even cut my own countryman slack and judge them for their actions. So I would have absolutely no problems with Americans who have similar views on things or like working out or fishing whatever.

Total different story then having problems with a country. That being said I still prefer the US above China and Russia.

I usually 'Like' your postings and almost never Dislike them. Some people might get the wrong impression and think Americans are similar to their government, devious, dishonest, ulterior motives, etc. Thanks for the clarification.

I think the US government for their cooperation and big business. That is what I mean with ulterior motives, like using an incident to come down on a country while its about something else behind the scenes usually business (that is what i mean with ulterior motives)

From the Chinese you know they don't help you without making sure they get paid back one way or the other. At first I always thought the US were different but slowly my perception of that changed.

I am the first to accept that my country did some bad things in Indonesia for instance but its not often that I see that kind of self reflection in others accepting that their country is not the best and that we all have our faults.

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I have said it before, and I will say it again. When China becomes the

super power of the world, and America fades away in a pool of debt,

those will be called the good old days.......So bash away !! :-)

And for the bitter Brits and Aussies, please be advised the American

government does not consult with me on foreign policy decisions,

so no need to spew vile comments towards me when my American

accent is discovered......

For the Thais, their knowledge of world history is so weak I am not

sure that they can form an intelligent opinion about America. At this

point I think they simply believe whatever the media/government tells them.

I wonder what percent of Thais even know His Majesty was born in


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I expect 9 out 10 Thai kids couldn't find America on a world map...if they even knew a world map existed vs just a map of Thailand which is their whole world.

Pib turn that around & tell me how many American kids could find Thailand on the map.......


Because........ according to National Geographic ----over 50% of young Americans can not find New York on a map.


  • Only 37% of young Americans can find Iraq on a map—though U.S. troops have been there since 2003.
  • 20% of young Americans think Sudan is in Asia. (It's the largest country in Africa.)
  • 48% of young Americans believe the majority population in India is Muslim. (It's Hindu—by a landslide.)
  • Half of young Americans can't find New York on a map
  • http://www.nationalgeographic.com/roper2006/findings.html

I worked in a school in the UK last year teaching History. Most of my students couldn't find Paris or Belgium on a map, never mind anywhere outside Europe. Most people, including adults and their kids only go abroad for holidays for two weeks. How many parents show their kids exactly where they are going on a map before they go??? I had an 18 year old student travel to Egypt last year. She had no idea about the political violence there.( I didn't expect her too)...

Most people are quite narrow minded. I probably was too. That was until I lived and worked abroad. Actually I know people who have worked abroad for many years and they are still narrow minded. I just heard a foreigner who has lived in Thailand for five years refer to her own country's currency as 'real money'!! I asked her is the Thai Baht not real too?? I received no answer.(I can tell she thinks I'm odd)!!

My point is that we live in a global world but the vast majority of people are narrow minded and view everything from their own country's perspective and fail to grasp that other countries also exist and they have a valid perspective too, that is often very different. Many Western people can also be quite arrogant and feel superior to other races. They won't admit this and often don't see it themselves. Its a sort of subliminal attitude that is probably imbued upon them through their education and cultural upbringing. I've often showed other Westerners a map of the world from China. In Chinese maps China is the center of the world with Europe on the left and America on the right. They usually laugh and say that the map is wrong!! But it's not wrong.It's just a map from a different perspective. I also recently read an article about the scale of Africa on World Maps. It turns out that Africa is represented as 3 times smaller than it actually is. It's huge but maps fail to show this as it would challenge peoples perspective...

Back to this article!! I only read half of it because it was so crassly written and condescending. However, the Thai media are trying to challenge people's perspectives about their view of the world. They have their own political agenda but anything that makes people look around them can only be a good thing, surely???

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I just have a problem with America as a country bullying other countries and acting like it is perfect. Way back the Dutch had many problems with the Americans because of our drug laws. That was an internal thing but we kept getting pressure and flack from the US.

I have always meant the American government / America as a country though I might have substituted those 2 in postings. Anyone who has ever followed my postings knows that I don't care much about where someone is from and I don't defend foreigners because of that they are foreigner. I don't even cut my own countryman slack and judge them for their actions. So I would have absolutely no problems with Americans who have similar views on things or like working out or fishing whatever.

Total different story then having problems with a country. That being said I still prefer the US above China and Russia.

I usually 'Like' your postings and almost never Dislike them. Some people might get the wrong impression and think Americans are similar to their government, devious, dishonest, ulterior motives, etc. Thanks for the clarification.

I think the US government for their cooperation and big business. That is what I mean with ulterior motives, like using an incident to come down on a country while its about something else behind the scenes usually business (that is what i mean with ulterior motives)

From the Chinese you know they don't help you without making sure they get paid back one way or the other. At first I always thought the US were different but slowly my perception of that changed.

I am the first to accept that my country did some bad things in Indonesia for instance but its not often that I see that kind of self reflection in others accepting that their country is not the best and that we all have our faults.

Did some bad things ?? I have traveled in Indonesia, and the hatred towards your country

regarding their colonial behavior is high to say the least....... But you make a valid point.

There is hardly a country of note that has not done some things that their citizens in the

future regret. That is certainly true for me as an American. But the right approach is to move

on. I am no longer mad at the British for burning down our capital in 1812. :-)

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I expect 9 out 10 Thai kids couldn't find America on a world map...if they even knew a world map existed vs just a map of Thailand which is their whole world.

Pib turn that around & tell me how many American kids could find Thailand on the map.......


Because........ according to National Geographic ----over 50% of young Americans can not find New York on a map.


  • Only 37% of young Americans can find Iraq on a map—though U.S. troops have been there since 2003.
  • 20% of young Americans think Sudan is in Asia. (It's the largest country in Africa.)
  • 48% of young Americans believe the majority population in India is Muslim. (It's Hindu—by a landslide.)
  • Half of young Americans can't find New York on a map
  • http://www.nationalgeographic.com/roper2006/findings.html

Heck, those are some pretty good percentages. I expect Thai's wouldn't come anywhere close to scoring as high. They would probably think Sudan is a province in Isaan.

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"And who made America the world's policeman anyway?"

Perhaps it was all those people and countries that ask for our help when they need it.
How often have we heard, "Why aren't the Americans doing something about such and such" when there's some sort of atrocity or disaster in the world.

I don't think I've ever heard:

- Why aren't the French doing something? (ha ha ha...right)

- Why aren't the Canadians doing something? (cause they'll just let the Americans do it)

- Why aren't the Mexicans doing something? (God help us if that question ever arises.)

For a lot of countries/people the only people they can turn to for help is America or Great Britain. Hopefully Thailand won't need to make that call; at least while I'm still living here.

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"And who made America the world's policeman anyway?"

Perhaps it was all those people and countries that ask for our help when they need it.

How often have we heard, "Why aren't the Americans doing something about such and such" when there's some sort of atrocity or disaster in the world.

I don't think I've ever heard:

- Why aren't the French doing something? (ha ha ha...right)

- Why aren't the Canadians doing something? (cause they'll just let the Americans do it)

- Why aren't the Mexicans doing something? (God help us if that question ever arises.)

For a lot of countries/people the only people they can turn to for help is America or Great Britain. Hopefully Thailand won't need to make that call; at least while I'm still living here.

Did Libya ask for your help? Did Iraq ask for your help? Did Afghanistan ask for your help? etc..etc...etc...

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"And who made America the world's policeman anyway?"

Perhaps it was all those people and countries that ask for our help when they need it.

How often have we heard, "Why aren't the Americans doing something about such and such" when there's some sort of atrocity or disaster in the world.

I don't think I've ever heard:

- Why aren't the French doing something? (ha ha ha...right)

- Why aren't the Canadians doing something? (cause they'll just let the Americans do it)

- Why aren't the Mexicans doing something? (God help us if that question ever arises.)

For a lot of countries/people the only people they can turn to for help is America or Great Britain. Hopefully Thailand won't need to make that call; at least while I'm still living here.

Did Libya ask for your help? Did Iraq ask for your help? Did Afghanistan ask for your help? etc..etc...etc...

For the second time we fought Iraq, I thought that was a mistake. Bush should be held accountable for that action.

The first time we fought them (Desert Storm), they weren't asking for our help, but Kuwait and Saudi Arabia did ask for our help.

For Afghanistan, we weren't fighting the country, we were fighting those that had taken up residence there and were training in the country.

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This sounds like the product of the propaganda department trying to incite anti American feelings in retaliation of Mr Russell opinion. Is there some sort of anti farang campaign being rolled out? You have this sort of rubbish and calls to increase dual pricing 10 fold.

Well, yes... of course.

The Nation, esp this guy, are just the elites' lap dog.

Like anyone who's paid to do a job... He's just doing his job. coffee1.gif

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In another Thai home another boy comes home from the same class:

Boy: Dad, they talked about America today in the class, then I fell asleep because it was too boring. Then I woke up and the Teacher spanked my on the hand with a ruler. Dad, what is America?

Dad: I dunno boy, are you trying to make me loose face ehhhh? come here I will beat the @#$@ out of you! And after I beat you you will go out in the shop and sell stuff while your mother takes a rest. where is my whisky?

Edited by AlQaholic
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"And who made America the world's policeman anyway?"

Perhaps it was all those people and countries that ask for our help when they need it.

How often have we heard, "Why aren't the Americans doing something about such and such" when there's some sort of atrocity or disaster in the world.

I don't think I've ever heard:

- Why aren't the French doing something? (ha ha ha...right)

- Why aren't the Canadians doing something? (cause they'll just let the Americans do it)

- Why aren't the Mexicans doing something? (God help us if that question ever arises.)

For a lot of countries/people the only people they can turn to for help is America or Great Britain. Hopefully Thailand won't need to make that call; at least while I'm still living here.

Did Libya ask for your help? Did Iraq ask for your help? Did Afghanistan ask for your help? etc..etc...etc...

Guess Tibet should have asked for help......

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Really not easy to teach kids about America blink.png


That is brilliant , except for the statement " Arbitrary scale at which water freezes"

on the left side of the screen......

Hopefully you are aware that 0 on the Celsius scale is the point at which water

freezes ?? cheesy.gifcheesy.gif But yeah , have to agree the metric system is far better.

Curses upon the Brits for saddling us with such a bizarre system. :-)

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"Don't get too stressed over diplomacy, son."

They just fly drones and kill mostly innocent people, including children and babies...while the others get in responds total crazy radicals who kill everyone with a different religion....but don't let that stress you mai pen rai.....It only drags half the planet into war including the south of Thailand....no stress....

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"Don't get too stressed over diplomacy, son."

They just fly drones and kill mostly innocent people, including children and babies...while the others get in responds total crazy radicals who kill everyone with a different religion....but don't let that stress you mai pen rai.....It only drags half the planet into war including the south of Thailand....no stress....

Did you write the op too? cheesy.gif

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