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Jordanian pilot burned alive by IS


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Not just jailed but exiled to somewhere such as South Georgia in the Falklands and hard labour.

They should be buried alive in bloody pig skins.....the kind dripping with freshly killed pork meat, while we sit around and eat pork chops and pork ribs and toss the bones on their graves.

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Let us not forget where these terrorists learnt their trade.

This from the Independent.

The notorious Finsbury Park mosque became a breeding ground for terrorism during the six years that Abu Hamza held a "controlling influence" there.

Dozens of anti-terrorism investigations led detectives back to the north London building, which became known as a first port of call, a meeting place and a haven for terror suspects arriving and operating in the UK.

The list of those linked to the mosque features the names of some of the most dangerous terrorists to have been captured by the authorities in recent years.

The shoebomber Richard Reid and Zacarias Moussaoui, the alleged "20th" 9/11 hijacker, were among the angry young Muslims who went there.


Edited by Jay Sata
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This is why the West doesn't win wars. This is what went wrong in Korea and Vietnam and later the ME. It isn't that we can't win, it is that we refuse to win.

In WWII the allies bombed Berlin mercilessly 24/7 without regard for civilians. The war was with the Germans including the people. The goal was to get the people to want need the war to end. The goal was to get the people to turn against the leaders and want surrender.

None of the allies would do that today. It wouldn't be PC.

Now we know how to kill these people, but to get the ants out of your cupboards you have to kill the nest.

Describe the nest.

The nest is extreme Islamic indoctrination.

Kill that and you've won.

To do that you need to infiltrate the Mosques.

Mosques are one division of their propaganda and recruitment machine.

So you have to infiltrate other divisions or do you just write strongly worded letters?"

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Have Muslims around the world showed their disgust, I have dealt with many people from the ME but you never really know where you stand their word always changes.

This is the mentality the World faces with Islam . . .


That will be London, Paris and Berlin in 30 years if they don't wake up, and they have enthusiastically let their governments disarm them!!!

Edited by NeverSure
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^^ I don't think the general populous of these European countries is yet aware we are at war and it's unclear who the enemy is on the ground and it would be very easy to turn modern Europe back 75 years.

Thank you MI5 and MI6 for the exceedingly effective job you are doing.

Tricky times.

Modern Europe has already been "turned back 75 years." I don't recognize it.

Its PC beliefs could be the end of it. It is almost Islamic already. If leaders aren't Islamic, they appear to be supportive.

Unless there is an awakening, they will be defeated before they know they are already at war. This is part of their big disagreement with the US. The US knows it's a war and is responding. Europe is drowning as it criticizes.

Most of W. Europe will be Muslim within 30 years due to immigration and differing birth rates.

I don't disagree and the greater threat to the civilized World is weak leadership in the face of this horror. Leftism and political correctness will ultimately be our undoing.

We need an effective strategy.

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Yes, I have had enough of these people. All of them.

Time we cleared them out of our countries.

No mosques, no burkhas, no medieval religious clap trap

I don't care what they do in middle east. Spray the entire area with agent orange.

Je suis Mr Angry

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Well, well. Up until today I've been told that attacking and killing them makes them worse and helps with their recruiting. I've been told that allied actions in the ME caused this jihadist behavior. I've been told that they are really peaceful and that pointing at them is "Islamophobic." I've been told I must be "inclusive." I've been called a bigot.

I'm a bigot. Where are those carpet bombs?

Is the present strategy working? I would say not.

I've no problem carpet bombing insurgent positions, but having only this tool in the box doesn't seem to be doing the job.

What strategy would you suggest?

My strategy would be hated here on this forum. Let me just say this. Let those bastards try their stuff in my neighborhood in the US. End of.

Still won't work, it needs fire and water.

Now, Jordan vows to avenge pilot's death, as IS 'execution' video emerges . . .


There should have been an "earth shattering" response to ISIS from day one. Where's the planning? Where's the strategy? Is there a strategy?

The strategy seems to be for liberal hand-wringing Western leaders to wring their hands and worry, whilst mainly worrying about their own next election.

Here's the way a liberal, socialist thinks:

We should pass a law and call it gun control.

I am a Libertarian, Right Wing, Gun-Carrying prior infantry Redneck.

Give me the cost of a couple F-16's and I'd get 500 guys together & wipe them up....Maybe not that simple, but it makes one think about the logistics ISIS needs.

Where are they getting their supplies?

Did the Ho Chi Minh trail migrate?

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Note that not one muslim has raised his head above the parapet!

I tell you, they're all the same.....


Ship them all to the middle East

Who cares which country? Saudi? Iran? Pakistan? All the same.....



Late on Tuesday, supporters of the pilot expressed their anger at a rally in Amman


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I am a Serb and I was ashamed of the crimes Serbs committed. I immigrated to Canada because i did not want to live in a criminal state, although I think Americans made a big mistake with the Belgrade bombings. I never call myself a Serb and will always be a Yugoslav for that reason alone. I never see any Muslims being ashamed. Why is that? I am scared about the future of Thailand. Thais don't seem to take the threat seriously. It will not go away.

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Let us not forget where these terrorists learnt their trade.

This from the Independent.

The notorious Finsbury Park mosque became a breeding ground for terrorism during the six years that Abu Hamza held a "controlling influence" there.

Dozens of anti-terrorism investigations led detectives back to the north London building, which became known as a first port of call, a meeting place and a haven for terror suspects arriving and operating in the UK.

The list of those linked to the mosque features the names of some of the most dangerous terrorists to have been captured by the authorities in recent years.

The shoebomber Richard Reid and Zacarias Moussaoui, the alleged "20th" 9/11 hijacker, were among the angry young Muslims who went there.


Amazing how liberalism & socialism have made words like Rag-Head, Wobbly, , Kaffir & the "N" word so WRONG to say.

Meanwhile the rag-heads scream "Kill all the white people!" for decades & we just allow more and more to come into our countries.

I'm not racist at all, but they are, so I dislike them, which makes people say I'm racist.......GRRR!

I'm a white-boy Redneck Baptist Christian MARRIED to an ASIAN Buddhist you MORONS!


Sad hear about that pilot.

I spent a few weeks in Jordan and really liked the place.

Edited by jaywalker
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Note that not one muslim has raised his head above the parapet!

I tell you, they're all the same.....


Ship them all to the middle East

Who cares which country? Saudi? Iran? Pakistan? All the same.....



Late on Tuesday, supporters of the pilot expressed their anger at a rally in Amman


This is nationalist and not anti-Muslim. Muslims have been at war with Muslims for a long time. Yes, Jordanians are angry, but these people will go only against the ones who are their enemy. It really means little in the overall worldwide problem.

95% of Jordanians follow Sunni Islam. LINK

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What possible difference has such knee jerk counter-reciprocity made?

Jordan executes convicted jihadists after pilot's death


All this does is justify the barbarous act in the minds of IS sympathizers, feeds the flames of recruitment.

Again! Where's the strategy? If there was a strategy to conquer IS and what it stands for there would not be such knee jerk reactions.

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What possible difference has such knee jerk counter-reciprocity made?

Jordan executes convicted jihadists after pilot's death


All this does is justify the barbarous act in the minds of IS sympathizers, feeds the flames of recruitment.

Again! Where's the strategy? If there was a strategy to conquer IS and what it stands for there would not be such knee jerk reactions.

No knee jerk they deserved to be killed, it's just a shame they waited so long.

Bullet between the eye on capture is the way to go.

Would you sooner she spends time behind bar crocheting?

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What possible difference has such knee jerk counter-reciprocity made?

Jordan executes convicted jihadists after pilot's death


All this does is justify the barbarous act in the minds of IS sympathizers, feeds the flames of recruitment.

Again! Where's the strategy? If there was a strategy to conquer IS and what it stands for there would not be such knee jerk reactions.

You are such a nice guy, MJP. If only the whole world was as logical as you are. Unfortunately Islamists aren't logical.

The strategy has to be to kill it. It is growing and invading and it is deadly.

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What possible difference has such knee jerk counter-reciprocity made?

Jordan executes convicted jihadists after pilot's death


All this does is justify the barbarous act in the minds of IS sympathizers, feeds the flames of recruitment.

Again! Where's the strategy? If there was a strategy to conquer IS and what it stands for there would not be such knee jerk reactions.

You are such a nice guy, MJP. If only the whole world was as logical as you are. Unfortunately Islamists aren't logical.

The strategy has to be to kill it. It is growing and invading and it is deadly.

Agree too nice to be a m.

I do agree with Never Sure, cancer has to be ripped out by whatever means

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^^ Jaywalker, I agree, but it's not that simple.

Simply running bombing sorties and nothing else it'll just end up being one endless game of whack-a-mole.

Sounds almost as fun as an endless game of whacking my monkey.

I never said bombing sorties BTW.

I agree boots of red-blooded folks like you and I that are sick of these sickos, on the ground are what is needed.

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What possible difference has such knee jerk counter-reciprocity made?

Jordan executes convicted jihadists after pilot's death


All this does is justify the barbarous act in the minds of IS sympathizers, feeds the flames of recruitment.

Again! Where's the strategy? If there was a strategy to conquer IS and what it stands for there would not be such knee jerk reactions.

No knee jerk they deserved to be killed, it's just a shame they waited so long.

Bullet between the eye on capture is the way to go.

Would you sooner she spends time behind bar crocheting?

Too simplistic.

Whether these particular individuals already in captivity are alive or dead makes no odds. But in publicly killing them in response to the murder of the pilot simply fans the flames of IS recruitment and further escalation.

IS will not care that these individuals are now dead, in fact it plays into their hands once again. They do kill their own with total disregard in any case.

It's becoming worryingly obvious there is no strategy or global co-operation on strategy with regard to the IS threat.

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Ironically, I think ISIS will herald the end of Islamic extremism.


"Today we stand shoulder to shoulder with the family of the martyr hero Moaz, with our people and our armed forces in this tragedy," he added. "At these difficult times it is every Jordanian's duty to stand together in the face of crises and ordeals, which will only make us stronger." - King Abdullah of Jordan.

MJP, you are right... but you are wrong.

Kind words cost nothing but they are worth nothing as well.

Unfortunately it is the end of the Western civilization that is heralded not Islamic extremism.

There is no Islamic extremism as such. There is Islam. And it is on the move. And it is in our midst.

West cannot fight Islam in its midst. West cannot fight Islam's ruthlessness armed with its pissweak ideology. West cannot get rid of its ideology.

This will be its undoing. There is no inevitability in the West succumbing to Islam but it will. Because it is weak. I am truly sorry.

It's actually long been my fear that this is the case. However, I suspect ISIS will cause Islam to reconsider the way it values human life, the rights of women and children.

Other than that we always have nuclear weapons.

No, my friend. No nukes will help the West.

Paris, London, Berlin, New-York, Moscow, Jerusalem can not nuke Muslims in their midst.

This is the main point! Is it so difficult to understand?

Besides, where did you get the idea that Islam values human life?

As long as their faith is advanced - they do not care how many lives it will cost on both sides.

The West is doomed! You have just confirmed my point!

You are mentioning nukes, without hesitation - but the idea of simply sending them back is more abhorrent to you and your Leaders!

The West is doomed. It doomed itself by its own ideology. Have a quick and easy trip to Hell.

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^^ Jaywalker, I agree, but it's not that simple.

Simply running bombing sorties and nothing else it'll just end up being one endless game of whack-a-mole.

Sounds almost as fun as an endless game of whacking my monkey.

I never said bombing sorties BTW.

I agree boots of red-blooded folks like you and I that are sick of these sickos, on the ground are what is needed.

Bombing sorties is their only tool right now.

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What possible difference has such knee jerk counter-reciprocity made?

Jordan executes convicted jihadists after pilot's death


All this does is justify the barbarous act in the minds of IS sympathizers, feeds the flames of recruitment.

Again! Where's the strategy? If there was a strategy to conquer IS and what it stands for there would not be such knee jerk reactions.

No knee jerk they deserved to be killed, it's just a shame they waited so long.

Bullet between the eye on capture is the way to go.

Would you sooner she spends time behind bar crocheting?

Too simplistic.

Whether these particular individuals already in captivity are alive or dead makes no odds. But in publicly killing them in response to the murder of the pilot simply fans the flames of IS recruitment and further escalation.

IS will not care that these individuals are now dead, in fact it plays into their hands once again. They do kill their own with total disregard in any case.

It's becoming worryingly obvious there is no strategy or global co-operation on strategy with regard to the IS threat.

If you had to put a plan forward, what would it be?

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Note that not one muslim has raised his head above the parapet!

I tell you, they're all the same.....


Ship them all to the middle East

Who cares which country? Saudi? Iran? Pakistan? All the same.....



Late on Tuesday, supporters of the pilot expressed their anger at a rally in Amman


This is nationalist and not anti-Muslim. Muslims have been at war with Muslims for a long time. Yes, Jordanians are angry, but these people will go only against the ones who are their enemy. It really means little in the overall worldwide problem.

95% of Jordanians follow Sunni Islam. LINK

As I say, they're all the same....

To quote Constance Beasley from a letter recently published :- "raghead <deleted>"

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There;s nothing left to say, the pussy footing has to stop and radical actions call for radical solutions.

It's time for an all out assault on ISIS from every possible angle in whatever form it takes.

Any Brit or other nationality flying the ISIS flag, or going to fight with them or any other jihadist group should receive at the very minimum a mandatory 25 year prison sentence! The same applies with hate speech from the Muslim clerics.......25 years minimum with no parol.


The moment you take the gloves off, the 'humanitarians' get into a hyper-active state.

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