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Siam Paragon explosion: Thai police see political overtone in pipe bombs


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Police see political overtone in pipe bombs



Find similarities in three bombing incidents in recent years; ex-ranger from Lop Buri tied to suspects

BANGKOK: -- THE TWIN PIPE bombings near Siam Paragon shopping mall in Bangkok last Sunday night were "very similar" to two other bombing incidents - the explosion at Samarn Metta Mansion in Nonthaburi in 2010, and an accidental bombing that killed two bomb carriers in Bangkok's Min Buri district last year - deputy Royal Thai Police commander General Jakthip Chaijinda said yesterday.

"According to the police intelligence service, the bombs probably came from the same source - the containers for the bombs and the materiel used. There are connections between all of these," he said.

Jakthip said police had now ruled out a theory that the pipe bombs were planted by rival vocational students. "I have said all along that 80-90 per cent of bomb attacks [are found to be] politically motivated. These people will carry out attacks again when they have the chance," he said.

Jakthip quoted the driver of a taxi who drove the two suspects to the scene as saying they spoke Thai, and "one was good looking and the other so-so-looking."

Police have acquired arrest warrants issued yesterday for the two suspects based on police sketches relying on footage from a surveillance camera. The two have been charged with premeditated murder, causing explosion deemed dangerous to others, and carrying around explosives without a good reason.

Spokesman Lt-General Prawut Thawornsiri said police believed there were more individuals behind the bomb attacks than the two suspects seen in the footage. He said reports about the two suspects now fleeing to the far South could not be confirmed. Unlike Jakthip, Prawut offered no solid evidence linking the two men with any other groups.

A police source said the suspects were connected to a former Army paramilitary ranger, with expertise in explosives as an instructor, who was in custody after being arrested late last year in Lop Buri.

The source said the two suspects travelled to Bangkok by a commuter van and got off at a shopping complex, before hailing a taxi to Siam Paragon.

A joint military-police manhunt for the two men is underway while the probe is being extended to other individuals believed to be behind the bombings and their activities.

The source said the former ranger was allegedly involved in most recent incidents of political violence and his men were ready to operate when ordered.

The former ranger was also connected to groups of people in possession of war weapons in large caches hidden in Lop Buri and Samut Sakhon that were seized in military-led raids after the seizure of power in last May. These people were found to have had links with a woman living abroad who is a leader of an anti-Prayut movement, the source said.

Metropolitan Police Bureau commissioner Lt-General Sriwara Ransibrahmanakul said the pipe bombs used in the attacks near Siam Paragon had physical conditions similar to those used in a bomb that exploded accidentally and killed two people who were carrying it on a motorcycle. Police would still need to rely on evidence and other details about pipe-bomb attacks in other incidents, along with profiles and photos of bombers in more than 20 incidents since 2010 when political violence began.

He said seven teams of investigators were working on the case, seeking out the two suspects whose whereabouts were not known. As for the footage not showing the suspects' faces clearly, he said police were also relying on a lead about their possible identity, while awaiting more tip-offs.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Police-see-political-overtone-in-pipe-bombs-30253446.html

-- The Nation 2015-02-05

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I have no idea what the motive is and initially the authorities were cagey which is unusual and we were spared the usual multiple possibilities much favoured by the BIB when they don;t have a clue but feel the need to say something.

I can't say there isn't a political motive involved but i wonder if the situation has been discussed at length behind the scenes and politics decided as the motive best fit for purpose ?

Yes, bomb incidents do have similarities as bombs tend to explode.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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A lot of info on the army ranger but no name or arrest warrant which seems strange.

"A police source said the suspects were connected to a former Army paramilitary ranger, with expertise in explosives as an instructor, who was in custody after being arrested late last year in Lop Buri."

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Seems to be a rather scrappy rag bag set of conclusions regarding the matter as well as who may be behind the blasts also what the motive may be.

Political ideals spring to mind certainly, but of course there may be a business conflict involved as another reason for the matter.

Personally I am of the frame of mind that there is no involvement by the Red Shirts main group, however there may be a more motivated rabid minority wing involved if there is a political angle.

Nowadays with the mix of politics, business and the activities of the corrupt who wish to protect their own interests in Thailand the avenues that may lead to the real reason(s) and the people(s) or cause(s) behind the blast will indeed be a maze a labyrinth of intrigue and deceit to reach the end conclusion if that end is ever actually reached.

.... " The former ranger was also connected to groups of people in possession of war weapons in large caches hidden in Lop Buri and Samut Sakhon that were seized in military-led raids after the seizure of power in last May. These people were found to have had links with a woman living abroad who is a leader of an anti-Prayut movement, the source said."

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A lot of info on the army ranger but no name or arrest warrant which seems strange.

"A police source said the suspects were connected to a former Army paramilitary ranger, with expertise in explosives as an instructor, who was in custody after being arrested late last year in Lop Buri."

Wish I could blame that miss on a senior moment :-)

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Seems to be a rather scrappy rag bag set of conclusions regarding the matter as well as who may be behind the blasts also what the motive may be.

Political ideals spring to mind certainly, but of course there may be a business conflict involved as another reason for the matter.

Personally I am of the frame of mind that there is no involvement by the Red Shirts main group, however there may be a more motivated rabid minority wing involved if there is a political angle.

Nowadays with the mix of politics, business and the activities of the corrupt who wish to protect their own interests in Thailand the avenues that may lead to the real reason(s) and the people(s) or cause(s) behind the blast will indeed be a maze a labyrinth of intrigue and deceit to reach the end conclusion if that end is ever actually reached.

.... " The former ranger was also connected to groups of people in possession of war weapons in large caches hidden in Lop Buri and Samut Sakhon that were seized in military-led raids after the seizure of power in last May. These people were found to have had links with a woman living abroad who is a leader of an anti-Prayut movement, the source said."

If they can prove it it would yet again prove how violent red shirts are and makes me wonder why foreigners still support them. The PTP just has an armed terrorist wing just like the guy with the funny mustache in the 30ies had. I would not be surprised if they are behind it but its not as violent as the Trad incident where they gunned down young children, and have that action celebrated at their meeting. So perhaps its not them.. not enough carnage done.

Still not sure here myself as the damage is not that much, could be that they are a bit more careful now as they lost their protection (PTP no longer in power) and know that if people died they would face real punishment. Before they could murder all they want and have the likes of Charlem to protect them.

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I equate this incident to all the "weapons caches" that were mysteriously found after the illegal junta takeover. Dozens of them are found in a very short period of time, most in the north. Then miraculously they all stopped and not a single one since.

Now out of the blue in the midst of grumblings from the US about military law, other nations about human rights violations and records, and the "impeachment" of Ying a bombing occurs.

Come on if a person cant see through this BS?

when you consider that while the ptp were in charge nothing was being done to even try to find weapons and the killers there is no confusion. The reds were being protected by the ptp/police and as soon as that disappeared they were caught red handed, nothing mysterious at all except for the red/ptp aligned apologists in here. Trying to deny it by stating fantasies doesnt cut it, the reds were found to be deeply involved in all the bombings, shootings and violence but you lot refuse to accept the truth because it shows how guilty they really are, they are simply paid terrorists for thaksin and the ptp, nothing more, nothing less and until they are either disbanded/removed they will continue their violent ways. You lot in here trying to offer up bullsh*t fantasies to protect them are allowing yourselves to be used as accessories to the violence and murder they commit, hope you sleep well at night knowing you are condoning whatever they do.

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I equate this incident to all the "weapons caches" that were mysteriously found after the illegal junta takeover. Dozens of them are found in a very short period of time, most in the north. Then miraculously they all stopped and not a single one since.

Now out of the blue in the midst of grumblings from the US about military law, other nations about human rights violations and records, and the "impeachment" of Ying a bombing occurs.

Come on if a person cant see through this BS?

I think most can see through the BS that the Shins are all innocent and peace loving. They have an armed band of paid thugs who do their bidding. They break laws and lie. They have proven they have little conscience about what is done to their benefit.

Maybe they are as clever as you - the double double cross: send a message to the government that they can and are willing to get naughty again if necessary, and try and make everyone think it was a false flag op. Always some simple and gullible people around to believe the crap and lies trotted out by the Shin machine.

But most can see through PTP's caddy inspired BS.

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If they can prove it it would yet again prove how violent red shirts are and makes me wonder why foreigners still support them. The PTP just has an armed terrorist wing just like the guy with the funny mustache in the 30ies had. I would not be surprised if they are behind it but its not as violent as the Trad incident where they gunned down young children, and have that action celebrated at their meeting. So perhaps its not them.. not enough carnage done.

Still not sure here myself as the damage is not that much, could be that they are a bit more careful now as they lost their protection (PTP no longer in power) and know that if people died they would face real punishment. Before they could murder all they want and have the likes of Charlem to protect them.

outstanding analysis, when you have a spare minute pop along to Police HQ and inform them, especially the bit about PTP's armed terror wing. They may not have worked that one out.

Thought we had been spared drivel like this after the glorious 22nd.

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If they can prove it it would yet again prove how violent red shirts are and makes me wonder why foreigners still support them. The PTP just has an armed terrorist wing just like the guy with the funny mustache in the 30ies had. I would not be surprised if they are behind it but its not as violent as the Trad incident where they gunned down young children, and have that action celebrated at their meeting. So perhaps its not them.. not enough carnage done.

Still not sure here myself as the damage is not that much, could be that they are a bit more careful now as they lost their protection (PTP no longer in power) and know that if people died they would face real punishment. Before they could murder all they want and have the likes of Charlem to protect them.

outstanding analysis, when you have a spare minute pop along to Police HQ and inform them, especially the bit about PTP's armed terror wing. They may not have worked that one out.

Thought we had been spared drivel like this after the glorious 22nd.

It hurts doesn't it.. being confronted with the deeds of your PTP.. God I can't believe how stupid they were for cheering on video about the deaths in Trad. That really showed the world what monsters the Redshirts and the PTP are. I will keep bringing it up always as it proves my point about their violent nature. It also proves that the government was harboring an armed wing.. and so the coup was legal. Who knows where we could have ended if there was no coup.

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The Road to Insurrection

It is very well understood, it goes like this:

1 The Grievance (in this case the usurping of an elected government by the army and the now stated objective of destroying democracy, or as “The General” describes it the “democracy trap”)

2 Protest (now outlawed)

3 Groups form (in this case they have to be covert)

4 Legal action (in this case that avenue doesn’t exist because it is interpreted as LM)

5 Parliamentary action (555)

6 Direct action

7 Targeted attacks

8 Generalized attacks

9 Armed uprising

Is it possible that the coup itself may have created “The Grievance” amongst many people who previously felt no strong political affiliation? It doesn’t matter who was in power before, the majority of Thais now know that they are to be written out of the political process.

There is already one war going on in Thailand, in the south. “The Grievance” there goes beyond religion (although many simplistic people refuse to acknowledge the fact) into the areas of nationalism, race, ethnicity, tradition, custom and culture.

The coupmakers are so full of contempt for the majority of the population that they think it should/will be taken lying down as do so many westerners in Thailand. The same westerners who are only here because of the benefits they accrued from their democratic states of origin. It is plain to see that many westerners in Thailand consider themselves to be “Honorary hi-so” and will carry on banging the drum on behalf of the “The General”. They, and the coupmakers, consider this as “just another coup” and look forward to the return of “normality” as its consequence. That may be the consequence.

The truth is that each time a coup occurs it happens within a different social context and within a population whose expectations and outlook have been modified by their recent experience and increased understanding, even though they may only have been modified by their viewing of television adverts and their access to the reviled Facebook. Why do you think “The General” is so keen to control the social networks?

Does anyone remember the look of surprise and confusion on the face of the dictator Ceausescu when he came out onto his balcony expecting adulation and instead found the crowd howling for his blood? (and they got it). How many times has it been said how quickly a Thai will flip from apparent quiet, unconcerned, passivity into extreme violence? If the national character in any way reflects individual personality traits that should give cause for thought.

Every coup has been a spin of the chamber in a game of Russian roulette. The changing attitudes of the general population (however incremental) represent the addition of bullets to the chamber. How many were added this time?

Edited by Enoon
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Seems to be a rather scrappy rag bag set of conclusions regarding the matter as well as who may be behind the blasts also what the motive may be.

Political ideals spring to mind certainly, but of course there may be a business conflict involved as another reason for the matter.

Personally I am of the frame of mind that there is no involvement by the Red Shirts main group, however there may be a more motivated rabid minority wing involved if there is a political angle.

Nowadays with the mix of politics, business and the activities of the corrupt who wish to protect their own interests in Thailand the avenues that may lead to the real reason(s) and the people(s) or cause(s) behind the blast will indeed be a maze a labyrinth of intrigue and deceit to reach the end conclusion if that end is ever actually reached.

.... " The former ranger was also connected to groups of people in possession of war weapons in large caches hidden in Lop Buri and Samut Sakhon that were seized in military-led raids after the seizure of power in last May. These people were found to have had links with a woman living abroad who is a leader of an anti-Prayut movement, the source said."

That fits the martial law narrative. Has anybody looked to see if there is any high-ranking military officials from Lop Buri who want martial law extended?

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There has been some conspiracy theory suggestions that this bombing was actually executed by the junta as an excuse to keep martial law in place since there has been pressure to lift martial law by international community and many Thai business people. Does not make sense that bombs were set off with minor damage and no fatalities, only 2 slight injuries. If a terrorist sets off a bomb they would plan for maximum damage and probably not at a shopping mall but rather a military or government facility, such as the Parliment which voted for impeachment. Why a tourist mall?

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There has been some conspiracy theory suggestions that this bombing was actually executed by the junta as an excuse to keep martial law in place since there has been pressure to lift martial law by international community and many Thai business people. Does not make sense that bombs were set off with minor damage and no fatalities, only 2 slight injuries. If a terrorist sets off a bomb they would plan for maximum damage and probably not at a shopping mall but rather a military or government facility, such as the Parliment which voted for impeachment. Why a tourist mall?

True in general the attacks by the reds have been far more violent killing kids and such. This is one reason why I still have my doubts about this attack. But remember before they had protection.. that protection is gone now. Maybe they are more careful.

But lets wait and see if they can arrest anyone.

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Political ... wow ... sherlock holmes at work. What form of political dissent? You have the Reds, Yellows and the insurgents in the South. Frankly the entire country is divided, violent and on top of that you have an oppressive Junta to deal with. Yeah great country .. NOT.

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It is about time they crushed this dangerous red shirt movement.... They know who most of them are.

Also outlaw the UDD and ban all leaders from meeting with any other leader in the future and every known member on pain of death.

first, they have to be properly framed... coffee1.gif

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