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Thai NACC to soon decide on impeaching 269 ex-MPs


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NACC to soon decide on impeaching 269 ex-MPs
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) will soon make a decision on the impeachment of 269 former MPs for amending the charter to change the make up of the Senate as well as over allegations that some of them used their colleagues' ID cards to vote on the amendment.

NACC chairman Panthep Klanarongran said yesterday that the NACC panel in charge of the case would make a decision around the middle of this month and submit its recommendations for the commission to make a final decision.

There will also be three different charges in connection with the controversial amendment, one of which is a criminal charge that will be filed against certain former MPs.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/NACC-to-soon-decide-on-impeaching-269-ex-MPs-30253439.html

-- The Nation 2015-02-05

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It didn't worry anybody with Yingluck so possibly wont here either , however impeachment is only carried out with persons actually sitting in parliament if they are no longer members of Parliament this is a case for the courts, so charges should have been laid , it looks to be a long haul with the amount of Senators not understanding the rules of the house and some offences are criminal, so impeach away. coffee1.gif

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It didn't worry anybody with Yingluck so possibly wont here either , however impeachment is only carried out with persons actually sitting in parliament if they are no longer members of Parliament this is a case for the courts, so charges should have been laid , it looks to be a long haul with the amount of Senators not understanding the rules of the house and some offences are criminal, so impeach away. coffee1.gif

If that is the case then perhaps they should all be charged with theft and fraud, then serve a term in prison. Does that sound better?

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The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) will soon make a decision on the impeachment of 269 former MPs

This is most likely not true. Most likely it was decided to do this months ago. Stay tuned. Much more to come in the plans to keep Thaksin from EVER coming back to power or even coming back. Yingluck would still be PM and Thaksin and company still profiting from the rice scheme scam if he hadn't hurried his own pardon.

My, oh, my. Where is Thaksin going to find enough controllable, electable, willing, stooges to fill his next political party once PT is dissolved and most of it members banned? What will be his new populist give-away to entice the low-information voters that support him?

Thai politics; more interesting and more turns than any television soap opera. I'm going to make some more popcorn. I still believe we are still in the early stages of the anti-Thaksin efforts of the Junta.

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It didn't worry anybody with Yingluck so possibly wont here either , however impeachment is only carried out with persons actually sitting in parliament if they are no longer members of Parliament this is a case for the courts, so charges should have been laid , it looks to be a long haul with the amount of Senators not understanding the rules of the house and some offences are criminal, so impeach away. coffee1.gif

You certainly can impeach an ex-MP.

They can still be banned and they can also go to prison.

no they can't go to prison, because rich people don't go to prison in Thailand.

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Go ahead and trounce on all the Bangkok elite opposition and that will most assuredly put the nail in the coffin of any possible reconciliation for this country.

Seems you don't know much about Thai people or Thai history. There are Thais, alive today, who were born under an absolute Monarchy. Thais experience with elected government is very limited. Most of Thailand's post absolute Monarchy history shows rule by dictators or appointed 'strong man'. Most polls say Thais like to be led by a strong leader with a firm hand. That was one of the attractions of Thaksin. Thai people will follow power because that is the way the traditional patronage system works. Take away Thaksin's ability to supply goodies and he has no power. The only loyalty in Thailand is to family, personal friends, and money. The Junta has already proven it can display power and supply goodies. Martial law moves the balance even farther in the Junta's favor as no opposition can make fiery speeches to stir up anger on any large scale. The Thais are more acquiescent than Europeans and Americans. They will reconcile because they will not get any benefit from not reconciling.

It's an interesting theory backed up by no references. Maybe you will be proven right...in a year or two we will see.

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It didn't worry anybody with Yingluck so possibly wont here either , however impeachment is only carried out with persons actually sitting in parliament if they are no longer members of Parliament this is a case for the courts, so charges should have been laid , it looks to be a long haul with the amount of Senators not understanding the rules of the house and some offences are criminal, so impeach away. coffee1.gif

You certainly can impeach an ex-MP.

They can still be banned and they can also go to prison.

no they can't go to prison, because rich people don't go to prison in Thailand.

Try telling that to this man.....................rolleyes.gif


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And the purging committee continues with the juntas main task, ridding the country of elements of the old government. TIT

Akin to refuse collectors getting rid of the waste - everyone should want a cleaner Thailand!!

As long as the sanitary engineers performing the task are meticulously clean themselves.

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Too bad generals and judges can't be impeached.

However judges can be and have been dismissed :


Posted 2014-08-09 08:21:31

BANGKOK: -- Four senior judges have been dismissed for gross disciplinary violations by the juridical committee.

As can generals.

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Too bad generals and judges can't be impeached.

Because impeachment is used for politicians, not the military or judiciary.

Too many people try to use the literal meaning of an English word contextualized to a Thai situation to claim the process must be illegal because Yinggy was already out of office having been removed by a court for abuse of power.

Thai law allows for politicians to be "impeached" or charged is perhaps a better word in this context after they have left office. This is about a future ban rather than removal.

But the Thaksin PR and boiler room boys here insist it must be the Western law and word interpretation. Any port in a storm as the saying goes, clutch any straws etc.

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Too bad generals and judges can't be impeached.

Because impeachment is used for politicians, not the military or judiciary.

Too many people try to use the literal meaning of an English word contextualized to a Thai situation to claim the process must be illegal because Yinggy was already out of office having been removed by a court for abuse of power.

Thai law allows for politicians to be "impeached" or charged is perhaps a better word in this context after they have left office. This is about a future ban rather than removal.

But the Thaksin PR and boiler room boys here insist it must be the Western law and word interpretation. Any port in a storm as the saying goes, clutch any straws etc.

Yawn... Speaking of straw, you yellows sure love a strawman argument. Truth is, I see very few "reds" on this forum, just a lot of people who see a naked power grab by a selfish elite who fundamentally don't believe in equality. People who believe Thaksin is corrupt but would prefer him to have been contained through legal means until his party imploded on himself (as was starting to happen), so the system can start to clean itself out. If you can't tell the difference between that and being a Thaksin lover, you're too stupid to be posting on forums.

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Too bad generals and judges can't be impeached.

Because impeachment is used for politicians, not the military or judiciary.

Too many people try to use the literal meaning of an English word contextualized to a Thai situation to claim the process must be illegal because Yinggy was already out of office having been removed by a court for abuse of power.

Thai law allows for politicians to be "impeached" or charged is perhaps a better word in this context after they have left office. This is about a future ban rather than removal.

But the Thaksin PR and boiler room boys here insist it must be the Western law and word interpretation. Any port in a storm as the saying goes, clutch any straws etc.

Yawn... Speaking of straw, you yellows sure love a strawman argument. Truth is, I see very few "reds" on this forum, just a lot of people who see a naked power grab by a selfish elite who fundamentally don't believe in equality. People who believe Thaksin is corrupt but would prefer him to have been contained through legal means until his party imploded on himself (as was starting to happen), so the system can start to clean itself out. If you can't tell the difference between that and being a Thaksin lover, you're too stupid to be posting on forums.

Grow up sport. Not all who post against the Shins are yellows, as you seem to want to insinuate. Really, you see few "reds" - well there are a few, regulars and the newbies who spring up to replace those who vanish.

You believe the "system". whatever you actually mean by that, here in Thailand would start to clean it out? And that PTP and Thaksin would have ever respected law and judgement the didn't like. Yes, right of course. And you think you're intelligent enough to call others stupid. You've just demonstrated your intellect thanks.

Now run along and play before your brain starts to get tired again.............. Yawn.

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Yawn... Speaking of straw, you yellows sure love a strawman argument. Truth is, I see very few "reds" on this forum, just a lot of people who see a naked power grab by a selfish elite who fundamentally don't believe in equality. People who believe Thaksin is corrupt but would prefer him to have been contained through legal means until his party imploded on himself (as was starting to happen), so the system can start to clean itself out. If you can't tell the difference between that and being a Thaksin lover, you're too stupid to be posting on forums.

"People who believe Thaksin is corrupt but would prefer him to have been contained through legal means......."

I needed a good laugh to start the day, even if it is non-PC to laugh at the mentally deficient. I can imagine the DSI under Tarit, or some sycophantic bought copper investigating Thaksin. Maybe the NACC if they weren't starved of budget. But they would have to be quick. because his amnesty would have approved the day the 180 wait expired. And that would include the Yingluk, and her (non-elected) corrupt cronies with their G2G deals

Of course by then Thailand would have a B3 trillion debt (and climbing) as the B700 billion rice scam was propped up by the B2.3 trillion loan. Couldn't scrap that could they, and risk a voter backlash. Yeah corrupt is fine if you're elected.

BTW wear a hat if you're going to be out in the sun all day.

Edited by halloween
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