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UK anti-Semitic incidents hit record in 2014, says charity


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Crimes against humanity? Yes those pesky Jewish brain surgeons just keep on cutting people open and those pesky Jew lawyers who keep on getting or keeping people out of jail .

No need to mention all those pesky sciencetists, burn them all.

It is really quite nauseating (and revealing) to hear people try to make excuses for random HATE INCIDENTS against random Jews in the UK. There is no excuse for these hate incidents. Those obsessed about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, fine, but you cheapen any moral authority you might have had by trying to rationalize general antisemitism (hatred against Jews) which is EXACTLY what they are doing.

Edited by Jingthing
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What do they expect will happen as they allow anti-Semitic people to take over the UK?

The anti-Semitic people only followed after the path was already laid by the anti-Semitic media and press in the UK.

But the anti semites claim the press and media are controlled by Jews, so how can that be?

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UK Jews are responsible for what exactly?

An excessive amount of whining.

The Jews in the grocery in Paris, the ones murdered for shopping for Jewish type food, are they whining?

The MUSLIM that saved a dozen or so of the shoppers...is he also one of the Muslim immigrants that should be sent back to his country of origin?

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I forgot, terrorists do not kill gentiles, do they?

You're being disingenuous. In Europe you are not seeing targeting of people by Jihadists just based on being Christian and you bloody well know it. We are seeing that on people including children only for being Jews. In Europe there aren't violent attacks on churches, Christian schools, and shoppers buying Christmas decorations, are there? In the Middle East, yes there is also targeting of people just based on being Christian such as in Egypt and by ISIS, etc.

Edited by Jingthing
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It's about hatred against Jews. That is the definition of antisemitic. Pretty much the only people who rant on about not accepting the established definition of antisemitic (SPECIFICALLY about hatred against JEWS) have issues with Jews and wish there wasn't a word for hatred against Jews. Well it's (hatred against Jews) something that exists as has for thousands of years including multiple genocides against Jews so a word for something so serious is needed. If you don't want to hear about hatred against Jews ... tough cookies, move to another topic instead of posting about it. Would that work?

So, what's the word for "extreme disapproval of Israeli actions against Palestinians"?

I in no way advocate or exonerate the mass hysteria, ignorant masses, bigotry that makes rednecks abuse innocent Jews, but what you must not ignore is the message, that, as the OP asserts, this increase is due to a growing realisation of Israeli crimes against humanity.

Once Jews outside Israel start seriously condemning Israeli crimes, people will see it's an Israeli thing, not a Jewish thing. As it is, most Jews appear to support Israeli crimes.

Jews concerned with the increase in anti-Muslim abuse would be welcome too.

Crimes against humanity? Yes those pesky Jewish brain surgeons just keep on cutting people open and those pesky Jew lawyers who keep on getting or keeping people out of jail .

No need to mention all those pesky sciencetists, burn them all.

See, there you go again....you plainly can not be a sceincetist (sic) yourself to so wildly spin what I wrote, back to irrelevant things about Jews.

I'll write this slowly....it's about Israeli politics/actions, not about Jews.

So you think jews should be concerned with Anti Muslim abuse and criticise Israel at the same time? A fair assumption might be that a fair number of these anti semitic abuses are perpetrated by the Muslims we are supposed to feel sorry for. Heaven forbid we should expect Muslims to condemn radical Islam or point a finger at the Arab country exporting radical islam!

But I see where you are coming from, Its that "mass hysteria, ignorant masses, bigotry that makes rednecks abuse innocent Jews"

The Jews this, the Jews That, It's the Jews who should be concerned for the people abusing them, the Muslims. is It the Jews fault because we don't?

might have been more believable had you said we should all be concerned about abuse regardless of who it is aimed at rather than trying to make it the fault of UK Jews because of what is happening in Israel! It is not about what is happening in Israel. It is about Anti Semitism in the UK

Read the OP!

I should have asked, is it the Jews fault the Muslims are being abused? Is it the Jews fault Jews are being abused? After all I hear we always Whine about anti semites? Maybe the Muslims should condemn anti Semitism also?

Edited by ggold
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Crimes against humanity? Yes those pesky Jewish brain surgeons just keep on cutting people open and those pesky Jew lawyers who keep on getting or keeping people out of jail .

No need to mention all those pesky sciencetists, burn them all.

It is really quite nauseating (and revealing) to hear people try to make excuses for random HATE INCIDENTS against random Jews in the UK. There is no excuse for these hate incidents. Those obsessed about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, fine, but you cheapen any moral authority you might have had by trying to rationalize general antisemitism (hatred against Jews) which is EXACTLY what they are doing.

Actually, what is really nauseating is the perpetual spin, trying to turn everything into anti-semitism....and you wonder why people blame Jews (and you) of playing the victim card! You're reply is to a reply to my post that says, " I in no way advocate or exonerate the mass hysteria, ignorant masses, bigotry that makes rednecks abuse innocent Jews," (conveniently edited out by you), yet you try to spin that into "making excuses"!

Nobody is trying to "rationalise anti-semitism".....you just have to learn to let go of that hollow allegation and accept that the detest is towards Israel, albeit misplaced and actioned against random Jews.

You are the one spinning. It cannot be any more obvious. Or should that be nauseating?

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Try walking around with a yarmulke on your head in most of the world outside Israel and report back about gobby people whatever gobby means.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Try being black. Jews don't have the monopoly on abuse, they just like to think they do.

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Try walking around with a yarmulke on your head in most of the world outside Israel and report back about gobby people whatever gobby means.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Try being black. Jews don't have the monopoly on abuse, they just like to think they do.

Dude, nobody here ever said that Jews had such a monopoly.facepalm.gif But it just so happens that this thread is about antisemitism (hatred directed specifically towards Jewish people) in the UK so that is the topic here. Since that is the topic, I would like people to imagine walking around with a Jewish identifier (or just naturally looking very Jewish ethnically without any identifier) and what that would be like in much of the world.

As far as trying to be black, well generally you really can't if you're not. But a non-Jewish person actually can easily present as a Jew just with a yarmulke or Star of David. Some non-Jews have tried that and had an eye opening experience.

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And that's the point. Anything remotely critical of Judaism is automatically 'antisemitic'.

I think the point is more about your expression of personal annoyance at Jews.

Your attitude is disturbing and revealing.

You suggest a large percentage of the reports aren't real.

Then you blame antisemitic attacks on Jews themselves, for complaining about them. Did they happen or not ... your message is oddly SCHIZOPHRENIC in nature.

This isn't about Jews. It's about the filters in YOUR HEAD about Jews.

Reminds me of the Ben Kingsley clip I posted on another thread.

They were doing a movie about the holocaust in Hungary and a local approached them, what are you filming?

They told him.

The hostile man replied ... Ach, You Jews, It never happened and if you don't shut up, it will happen again.

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Reread my post. Nothing more to say.

Nothing more needs to be said. "In Europe you are not seeing targeting of people by Jihadists just based on being Christian and you bloody well know it" covers it completely. clap2.gif

I expect half of these so called incidents are just gobby people getting a slap in the pub and reporting it as a hate crime.

Actually, if you read 7's post on page 1 of this thread, you will see that almost all reports were of verbal or online abuse. "Hello, Police? An arab looking guy just called me a Jew! And I am a Jew! But he made it sound like an insult....."

One reported incident involved a physical attack.

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