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Mosquitos Ruining My Life - Am I Crazy?


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I know you said you don't want any advice, so I'm gonna give you one.

Anywhere where you have standing water, pour some dishwashing detergent in it, not much, just enough to break the surface tension of the water.

The mossie babies drown.

Note:Use organic degradable detergent.

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...start consuming brewers yeast...you could pulverize it and sprinkle it in your food too ...an excellent source of B-Vitamins...your sweat will repel them..

...there are also herbal coils...all natural...they burn from 6-12 hours...so 2 day at the entrance....

...as well as some natural repellents...

...don't leave stagnant or open water around...

...put up screens on the doors and wondows...and keep them shut....

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Nobody ever listens to my advice but a garlic tablet every day will stop mosquito bites

I could hardly walk from being bitten so much until I read about this remedy. But since popping a garlic tablet every morning I've not been bitten once in years. Mosquitoes are just repelled by my skin odour. Humans can't smell it but these pests clearly can

So the worried parent could control the numbers of mosquitoes in her home using the recommendations here combined with a daily garlic tablet

Should do the trick - give it a month for the garlic to be absorbed in the body

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I live in CM in a condo :-) Lucky to say no mosquitos :-) Can't stand be eaten alive, they say because my blood is sweet, haha, maybe local Thais have harder skin textures and immune to these pests?

This week went to a pub to watch the Superbowl, and covered myself with Jaico, arms and legs, because the night before watched the final tennis matches and got bites, 2-3 :-( But all went well the next morning :-)

How the hell can you try to sleep at night when they all come out for midnite buffets? :-) No house for me, I enjoy my pool, sauna, jacuzzi, and gym with very few mosquitos! :-) Once or twice a year is too much for me already, thank God! :-)

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Screens on windows and doors for sure if you want to have them open. AC in the bedrooms at night will stop them flying if you have it set low enough. Get rid of breeding sites such as standing water, screen over any floor water drains in the house. Non toxic sprays such as citronella can help. Mosquito nets over the beds. A fish pond which will encourage them to bred in helps as they breed there and the fish eat the larvae.

I trick I discovered: I had a large empty black bucket sitting outside on the balcony in a dark protected corner. I noticed that each morning it was full of the little buggers, a quick blast with mozzie spray into the bucket each morning and the population reduced significantly over a period of a couple weeks. I also noticed that laundry left outside over night attracts them as well.

I never noticed this anywhere but Thailand, but mosquitoes seem to be attracted to dark colors. The closer to black, the more will be attracted. This ought to provide a clue as to what clothing to wear and perhaps how to furnish a house, while further inspiring a number of creative solutions akin to your culling of the herd with the black bucket. Kudos on that by the way. The thing to keep in mind is that it really is the color black that does it. I suspect because evolution (my apologies ahead of time to any GOP/IKIP readers who no doubt will be outraged) has "taught" the mosquitoes that they are in fact invisible when they alight on black surfaces. Try to find them even when they are actively biting when you are wearing black clothing and you'll see what I mean. This observation is anecdotal as I've done no actual research, but I would be willing to wager that science will back me on this.

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I live by a canal. Can't sit outside at night. We live in a traditional Thai teak house so lots of gaps in the walls.

We used to wake up covered in bites. What worked for us was screens as the first line of defense and then added mosquito nets. These can look good and they do work. Though I still find it quite satisfying to roast/zap a few mosquitoes before going to bed on one of those battery powered zappers that look like a tennis racquet.

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I think you are NOT over reacting. Twice last week I was up til 4am trying to hunt down a mosquito that just would not stop biting me while I was trying to sleep. I even let it bite me for 10 minutes in the hope it would be full and f off. Not so luck, it just kept attacking me. There is no way I could live in a house with that every day. And this was just one mossie on each occasion.

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Hey, be glad they are not flies.... like in Africa, on everything!

I live happily in a house but it is completely screened and the doors are closed at sundown, no screen door, but need one.

I use one of those rechargeable battery bug zappers that look like a tennis raquet. Mine even has a light to attract bugs and the zapping really works. It can be swept through the air and get them.

Also, for you, put in several of those ultraviolet electric bug zappers that are wall mounted and just keep working inside house. They make a very satisfying zap sound for each bug drawn in and fried.

If you have pots or pools of standing water, put a couple drops of ordinary oil on the surface... that keeps them from breathing and they die.

My mooban also sprays for mosquitoes something that has not killed us yet, but keeps down the little devils.

A relaxed person can handle this matter many ways and enjoy his house.wai.gif

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rolleyes.gif My father, although i loved him, had a fixation with Flies not mosquitos.

We would be sitting watching television, then my father would see a fly.

He would jump up. grap something like a newspapaper and disrupt the peace and quiet of the whole family with his attempts to kill that Fly.

He would climb on chaies, tables, the sofa ..... whatever it took to attack the fly.

He once climbed up on the dinner table during diner to get to a fly.

He once jumped up, grabbed a newspaper, and slapped his wife face with tha folded newspaper.

She was NOT happy, but his excuse was,"But, honey, i saw a fly flying around your head!"

It made the whole family nervous because we never new when Dad would suddenly jump up and swing at a "fly" he thought he saw flying around you.

Often he hit you instad of the "fly".

I mean, hey, he was my father and i loved him, but he was crazy with his dedire to kill flies.

Sound familiar?

Great story. Had to fight the urge to laugh. Didn't work, but I had to try. cheesy.gif

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Wow i had never thought they could come through an open door or window.

And a basic search on Google did not bring up the standing water thing which i never knew about and never though to get rid of.

What is fogging and what are the black hole things?

I used to lie there with the doors and windows wide open and let them bite me but now I will change all that.

Thanks so much and glad I asked.

my pleasure......

with that method we have approx. 3 mosquito in the house per day, and 1 in the bed room.

I have to ask... Where exactly did you think they might be coming from?

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Fill a couple of small containers with water and position around the place. Spray a couple of squirts of oil in a can. Wd40 in UK or USA, can't remember what is called here but it comes in an orange can.

If the Female doesn't get caught in the oil when she is laying her eggs, the larvae will suffocate as they try to breath.

Very satisfying to watch the bastards struggle.

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Screens on windows and doors for sure if you want to have them open. AC in the bedrooms at night will stop them flying if you have it set low enough. Get rid of breeding sites such as standing water, screen over any floor water drains in the house. Non toxic sprays such as citronella can help. Mosquito nets over the beds. A fish pond which will encourage them to bred in helps as they breed there and the fish eat the larvae.

I trick I discovered: I had a large empty black bucket sitting outside on the balcony in a dark protected corner. I noticed that each morning it was full of the little buggers, a quick blast with mozzie spray into the bucket each morning and the population reduced significantly over a period of a couple weeks. I also noticed that laundry left outside over night attracts them as well.

Instead of the bucket have a "clay/ceramic pot" fish bowl, the small fish will eat the larvae and also nice to have. Learn from the Thais.

Of course you can have several around the house and on terraces.

Edited by Bpuumike
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Yes, you are over reacting, simply because there are so many solutions to solve your problems.

Most of them are here on this thread.

Screens, those little electronic things when plugged in keep the mossies away.

You are probably suffering from mossies in your drains, too.

A splash of bleach (Haiter) in your shower drain, kitchen drain and sink, and downstairs bathroom drain and sink will take care of that.

I sympathize. I live next to a klong in Hat Yai...and the mossies drive me mad sometimes...but it's a result of shitty fitting screens and open doors that allow them in.

Next time I am home (I work in Malaysia, live in The Hat), I'm bringing one of those electric zappers to put in the downstairs entryway/garage.

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Drink leo. They line up to bite the missus n her family but they dont go anywhere near me. 2 bottles a night seems to work.

They bite you but you don't mind anymore and in the morning you don't remember thanks to the Methylalcohol in the Leo.

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To reduce the ITCH time rub a little n..ANTERGAN cream on the spot. Get from chemist 25 baht. I keep several tubes in stock . Have been using for years. Of course put in window screens ,so essential.you are not crazy,just do the advice and live a little

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