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Mosquitos Ruining My Life - Am I Crazy?


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I am prime steak for mossies. They love my blood and I undertstand the feeling of walking on te der hooks. And I live in a town house.

I know you say you've tried lots of things and keep trying. No still water in pot plants. We have two or three of those zapper things going and they have been a revelation for me. I don't walk around worried about getting bitten anymore.

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This is a really bad time for mosquitoes in TH. Things should get better as the weather warms up and we get further away from rainy season. In the meantime, obviously there's screens, but go a step further and put some curtains over the windows too. Then try you best to keep the lights down in the evening, as mosquitoes are attracted to it.

Mosquitoes are not attracted to lights. They actually avoid them. That is why you often find that your legs are bitten when sitting at a table, because there is less light there. Mozzies are also more likely to attack you if you are wearing dark coloured clothing, because white clothing reflects ambient light.

Why do you think that most problems with mozzies are at night? It is because of the lack of light.

The mozzies that carry dengue fever feed during the day, but they hang around vegetation. I've never seen one of them inside a house.

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I bought a small UV light with high voltage zapper from MAKRO to use in a house I was renting.

I emptied the dead mosquitoes from the bottom tray every few weeks. They certainly work.

You need to ensure that every window has a screen and each door has a screen door, or you'll suffer for ever.

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This is a really bad time for mosquitoes in TH. Things should get better as the weather warms up and we get further away from rainy season. In the meantime, obviously there's screens, but go a step further and put some curtains over the windows too. Then try you best to keep the lights down in the evening, as mosquitoes are attracted to it.

Mosquitoes are not attracted to lights. They actually avoid them. That is why you often find that your legs are bitten when sitting at a table, because there is less light there. Mozzies are also more likely to attack you if you are wearing dark coloured clothing, because white clothing reflects ambient light.

Why do you think that most problems with mozzies are at night? It is because of the lack of light.

The mozzies that carry dengue fever feed during the day, but they hang around vegetation. I've never seen one of them inside a house.

Fascinating. Well, I still find I have less in the house if I draw the curtains at night.

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I think you are NOT over reacting. Twice last week I was up til 4am trying to hunt down a mosquito that just would not stop biting me while I was trying to sleep. I even let it bite me for 10 minutes in the hope it would be full and f off. Not so luck, it just kept attacking me. There is no way I could live in a house with that every day. And this was just one mossie on each occasion.

Youre as barking mad as the OP is...........why didnt you just turn on a floor fan ? it blows em out of the sky, they cant touch you. Thats all it takes....a fan.....

Would also like to recommend with the black bucket trick too (works with dark blue also).....I have a black bucket and it attracts them like pensioners to pattaya.....then 2 mins of aerobic exercise each morning as I tap the bucket with my foot and zap zap zap........

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Living in the sub tropics and complaining about mosquitoes = irrational, not crazy

Refusing advice on how to adapt to living in a mosquito infested region of the world = obstinate, over reaction

Winging instead of solving an avoidable problem = immature, girl

good luck growing a pair


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I think you are NOT over reacting. Twice last week I was up til 4am trying to hunt down a mosquito that just would not stop biting me while I was trying to sleep. I even let it bite me for 10 minutes in the hope it would be full and f off. Not so luck, it just kept attacking me. There is no way I could live in a house with that every day. And this was just one mossie on each occasion.

Spray Mortein or other around room...Leave room for 10 minutes...Return to room....Sleep well...

It's not rocket science...Queenslanders have lived with mossies forever..we just handle It.

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Screens over windows or keep them closed

"May I respectfully ask for opinions on whether I am overeacting or being crazy and not on how to get rid of mosquitos"

Yeah your crazy, backing mad, a Loony, one sandwich short of a picnic, your lift don't reach the top floor, lights on no ones home

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Wow i had never thought they could come through an open door or window.

And a basic search on Google did not bring up the standing water thing which i never knew about and never though to get rid of.

What is fogging and what are the black hole things?

I used to lie there with the doors and windows wide open and let them bite me but now I will change all that.

Thanks so much and glad I asked.

you forgot to mention stark naked on the bed with light full blast

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you are mad and so am I when it comes to Mozzies

They love my blood , DAMN vampires !

The zappers that you plug in the wall that I got at Big C did nothing , maybe I have to buy a more expensive one

and I get them on the 5th floor too,

in fact I have seen them riding up the elevator with me.......

And Dengue is real in Thailand , so it seems stupid to just get bitten and not care.......

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Well ,,you must be over reacting and crazy because you are not asking how to get rid of the little suckers ,,,That is what normal people want to know first, If you don't want to know how to get rid of them don't ask stupid questions. clap2.gif

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Yes I think you are over-reacting.

I live in a house and it isn't too bad, I have come to be used to one or 2 bites a day.

I keep my bedroom closed and use AC at night, I know it is not the Thai way, but close the doors and windows.

In the lounge where I do open up, I use a fan to keep them off, and apply cream repellent around my ankles when they are about.

Take a good look around for standing water as that is where they come from, and apparently do not travel far.

Edited by jacko45k
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Screens on windows and doors for sure if you want to have them open. AC in the bedrooms at night will stop them flying if you have it set low enough. Get rid of breeding sites such as standing water, screen over any floor water drains in the house. Non toxic sprays such as citronella can help. Mosquito nets over the beds. A fish pond which will encourage them to bred in helps as they breed there and the fish eat the larvae.

I trick I discovered: I had a large empty black bucket sitting outside on the balcony in a dark protected corner. I noticed that each morning it was full of the little buggers, a quick blast with mozzie spray into the bucket each morning and the population reduced significantly over a period of a couple weeks. I also noticed that laundry left outside over night attracts them as well.

I never noticed this anywhere but Thailand, but mosquitoes seem to be attracted to dark colors. The closer to black, the more will be attracted. This ought to provide a clue as to what clothing to wear and perhaps how to furnish a house, while further inspiring a number of creative solutions akin to your culling of the herd with the black bucket. Kudos on that by the way. The thing to keep in mind is that it really is the color black that does it. I suspect because evolution (my apologies ahead of time to any GOP/IKIP readers who no doubt will be outraged) has "taught" the mosquitoes that they are in fact invisible when they alight on black surfaces. Try to find them even when they are actively biting when you are wearing black clothing and you'll see what I mean. This observation is anecdotal as I've done no actual research, but I would be willing to wager that science will back me on this.

I suspect you are correct. Natural selection favoured those who were attracted to dark surfaces.

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Screens over windows or keep them closed

"May I respectfully ask for opinions on whether I am overeacting or being crazy and not on how to get rid of mosquitos"

I don't think you're over-reacting, there is a higher risk of mossies with a house, because you're surrounded by the enemy on all four sides, rather than just being attacked on one front, from the side of the apartment-block where your one/two windows & balcony were !

Nevertheless the solution is to have fly-screens on all your doors and windows, and to use them, to always keep them closed, because the mossies fly in during the day if you have given them the opportunity, then bite you later when they get hungry in the evening or overnight. Never drop your defenses !

We all have to learn this, often through bitter (or 'bitten' ?) experience ! rolleyes.gif

There is also the common-sense point, that you might have moved to an area which has more of the dratted things, being more-low-lying or full of breeding-spots in other peoples' gardens, than the condo which you used to live-in ?

Good Luck ! And also remember that it's a common experience that, after several years here, the bites become less-irritating.

Edited by Ricardo
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You are not crazy, Mozzies can be very annoying especially when you are trying to get to sleep. Or if you have a bad allergic reaction to the bites. But don't move house, you'll get mozzies elsewhere, In australia I use a few drops of vegetable oil in my water tanks, and this prevents the wrigglers from getting the oxygen they need, If you hang up a bug zapper away from the house, not outside the door, like some people do, this also helps, close the back door for the dogs and put in a doggy flap door, seek permission from the landlord first though. I also spray the bedroom about one hour before bed, than shut the door, if the smell offends use a room freshener before going to bed.

Good luck.

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I think you're over-reacting.

Most of the time, a mossie bite will be a minor itch, nothing more, unless you live in a known malaria area.

Crikey, my record is 7 blood-filled mossies killed in one slap on my arm. Theyre not that big a deal.

May I respectfully suggest that you are missing out on possible solutions if you reject all suggestions for mossie control. If it is ruining your life so much, look at all the alternatives (such as increase your vitamin B intake as a natural repellant).

VITAMIN B, Yes I never get Mozzies or bed bugs or even flies..my body is full of vitamin B tablets over the years.

Burn incense ...citronella..yes anyone had benefit out of citronella? GARLIC CLOVES.

YES to your question are you over reacting?

You seem to be a persin who "catastraphises" things ..makes them bigger than they really are.

Edited by georgegeorgia
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i would definatley say that you are crazy or at least in some way mentally retarded.

how about doing what sane people do. 1) spray rooms - perhaps one at a time - when the children are not in them. also remove yourself. 2) mosquito nets on doors and windows. most sane people have them. 3) if totally against sprays use elctric device with tablets in kids rooms. 4) seek help of mental health specialist

Edited by jonesthebaker
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You are reacting to the situation in your own way, ...that's neither over nor under....it's just you being you.

PS. I have a house and a condo (I live in the house), it has less mosquitoes about the place than the condo has.

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Is there a spray that will kill the mozzies and not kill you ?

what I mean is if you spray a room everyday a percentage is going to be left on the items in the room,

your clothes , bed, carpet , food , plates etc ,

This cannot be good for your health

is there a spray that you would be happy to spray on your hands and wipe on your face ?

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Some mosquito repellents are downright dangerous.

I looked carefully and chose a Japanese one, using Pyrethrum, which is from a flower.

It's safe for people.

TOPS sells it amongst others. Name is: KAYARI. Green can and top.

In Papua New Guinea where malaria is rife, we dipped our mosquito nets in pyrethrum solution, and the mossies were killed, just by landing on the net.

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