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From another thread, it seems that there's a certain cache in having Bangkok plates and that cars may hold a higher resale or trade-in value because of this. The thread also commented that having a provincial tag makes a car even less desirable for whatever reasons than an identical car with city tags. I am thinking of getting new wheels and both our cars are Udon registered; one is 3 years old and the other nearer 7 years old. Do you think there's any added value in doing the trade-in or sale back in the home province? I would assume from the other thread that nobody likes an Isaan number, especially in Bangkok and the Bangkokians weekend playground around Pattaya. Asking around the Pattaya area tents and the prices for the older car are a whole lot less than the 'price check' range for the same age/make/model on taladrod.




Pretty amazing but true - i once rented a truck from a guy in Pattaya (private, which had Udon plates) while we were looking for a house to rent there. Showed up at the house and the agent goes to my "Bangkok - not so hiso but still thinks she is.. wife" so what part of Issan do you come from - didn't go down well lol

Personally I couldn't give a flying duck what plate it has on it as long as it was in good shape. I would view an upcountry plate as a bonus actually - Bangkok traffic is <deleted> as you know so any vehicle here i would multiply the wear by 1.5 (sitting in traffic jams, start stopping etc) over an upcountry plated vehicle.

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