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Which super zoom : Olympus SL-100 EE or Sony Cybershot HX-300

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I would like to buy a compact camera with optical super zoom 50x. I have seen several models on the market and now my decision is probably between Olympus SP100EE or Cybershot HX-300.

So I know the quality using zoom on these cameras are not the best but for the price and flexibility to take pictures with both wide angle and up to 1200mm (50x) I find very attractive . The price here in Thailand is about the same , around 13-15000 baht.



If you mind is set to make a choice & you still have difficulty try this;

Take a coin. One side is the Oly, the other side is the Sony.

Flip coin up in the air, let it fall to the ground, whatever side

is facing up is the camera you buy. If it lands & stays on its side

then give the toss best 2 outta 3 tries. Hope this helps!


For a camera like this, my recommendation is to find a store that has both and spend an hour playing around with the cameras. Buy the one that fells better in your hand and is easier for you to operate because you probably won't notice too much of a difference in the output quality between the two. They are pretty close in specs, with the only real advantage I saw going to the Sony with a faster max shutter speed.

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Thanks for the good advice, most camera shops I went into seems to favour the Olympus but maybe they try to sell it since its in stock. According to reviews I've seen on youtube the " eagle eye" autofocus works well on Olympus when using max zoom . But image quality is probably better on Sony.

I'm not looking for the perfect camera, I just want to be able to take some quick shots from distance with decent quality in daylight conditions.


As Phra Ek said, the sensor size makes the difference when taking photos on low light situation. That was the main reason I got Oly EM5 when I already had Canon SX50HS (similar 50x optical zoom).

But. Even if the Oly offers superior image quality, I still like to take my super zoom camera with me when I ride around this island. The ability to frame the photo with the zoom is one thing I really enjoy.

One of those cameras only offered JPG format and not RAW. Even if you currently take only JPEGs, you might want to change your mind at some point. It did happen to me some time ago. Therefore ability take RAW images, might be one thing to consider when you are selecting a new camera.

  • 4 weeks later...

I would like to revive this month old topic because my SX50HS is now starting to do some strange things and make odd noises, stuttering on start up. Have had message, 'lens error camera will turn off restart camera' a couple of times.

It is the second I have had as I wrecked the first by banging it on a hard surface, this one I have (had) been using for only 10 months but it has been in use most days and sometimes all day.

Not sure what I should do at this point for I don't want to be without a camera as I go out almost every day and have some trips planned this and next month.

Thinking along the lines of getting another and sending this one in to see if it is worth repairing, alternately just getting another as a spare a using his one till it dies.

You all may have noticed what I like to do and I need something with a fair reach for that, don't want to go to something heavy with a long lens, although that would give better quality it also comes with weight and less portability, something that's important to me as I do most of my photography walking around and without a tripod.

Looking at staying with canon as I now have 2 batteries and I find I can flatten a battery in a day in the forest no trouble, I really need to carry a spare for in addition I have at times camped where there is no facility to charge batteries, no mains power.

Been looking at reviews of the newer SX60 with bigger zoom but said to be worse in low light.

Still undecided and open to suggestions as my knowledge is really limited to pushing the button.


I had the 'lens error' problem with my SX50. I took the camera to Canon service centre and they fixed it for free. It took an while as they had to order a new lens unit from Bangkok. Isn't the warranty 12 months for Canon cameras?


Had the exact same problem recently. I was up on the firebreak trail on Doi Ang Kang a couple of weeks ago, it was early morning, and my SX50 is always on a tripod. Anyway, i put it down to damp moisture or something as i'd been brushing the cam by accident against various wet vegetation. When i got to a high view point i switched on the cam and . . . beep..beep..beep, "lens error blah blah". After about 10mins trying repeatedly the lens would open, but in very slow & noisy juttering steps. I wiped the barrel dry & prayed. By the end of the day it was pretty much back to normal. It freaked me out for a while though. facepalm.gif

The just announced Nikon P900 looks interesting, 83x optical zoom (24-2000mm equiv!) Nikkor ED glass . . . available in April. Will probably get one pending reviews. http://nikonrumors.com/2015/03/01/nikon-coolpix-p900-camera-announced.aspx/


I had the 'lens error' problem with my SX50. I took the camera to Canon service centre and they fixed it for free. It took an while as they had to order a new lens unit from Bangkok. Isn't the warranty 12 months for Canon cameras?

I had the same error problem on a G12....thrice. Then got rid of the thing & picked up a G16.

Canon's warranty is 12months but somecamera stores have a club kinda thing and can

offer members up to 3 years warranty...depending on how much they've spent.

When I sent the G12 in for the last time it was gone for 3 weeks...a week t get to BKK,

a week waiting for the repair then another week to get back to me. Cost was nearly

4K Baht too...shipping & repair.

These lens error problems are quite common on PnS & bridge cameras & the repair is

usually to replace the lens assembly & tyhen Canon gives the camera a good cleaning.


Seems I am not alone with this problem, I have a warranty card so will go into the big city in a couple of days and see what happens.

Thanks all.


Took it I to where I bought it, Digital2home, and they have sent it to canon service under warranty.

Emailed canon service got prompt reply, 2 to 3 weeks.

Ok it should hopefully come back repaired.

But got to thinking I have given it pretty harsh treatment in the 10 months I have had it, what with using it most days and using it as a spotting scope the lens has been in and out times without number, been in all sort of conditions except underwater, there must be a limit to its life with the treatment I give it, also have some people coming from NZ at the end of the month and will want a camera and may not get it back by then, so what to do.

Thinking I should get something as a mate for it rather than replace it. The way I do things, mostly walking around and handheld I dont want anything heavy or for that matter expensive as I am likely to go feet over head in some of the places I go and break the thing as I did with the previous one.

I am pretty happy with the results I get from it, nowhere near professional but I'm not aiming for that so I have looked at all the reviews and have come to thinking of getting the newer SX60, longer reach but not good in low light.

Price is only 15,000b and has the same battery so I have spares, I also know how to use it, after a fashion.

It is light enough so I can carry both in the backpack if need be and alternate depending on conditions.

I suppose what made me go for canon over others some of which have better reviews is having spare batteries and the knowing how to use bit.


I am very happy with my Olympus SL-100 50x camera. It works perfect for my needs, I use the zoom a lot and the Eagle Eye spot and track auto focus works really well . Well worth the money , I paid 10600 baht on Ebay , imported from Japan .

In Thailand the Olympus dealer wants 15900 baht , not sure why they sell it at a much higher price here.

Here is a video that demonstrates the Eagle Eye .

  • Like 1

Balo, tell me about it. Been looking for a 4K TV for the Thailand house. Near double the price of Blighty!

Now just trying to figure out how to get a 55" TV in a suitcase.

Think not bother.

  • 2 weeks later...

Have had message, 'lens error camera will turn off restart camera' a couple of times.

mad.gif now getting this with my Canon PowerShot S95 . . . . it will not open at all & it's way past any warranty. Crying shame, i'll probably have to bin it . . . was a cracking little P&S.


Have had message, 'lens error camera will turn off restart camera' a couple of times.

mad.gif now getting this with my Canon PowerShot S95 . . . . it will not open at all & it's way past any warranty. Crying shame, i'll probably have to bin it . . . was a cracking little P&S.

Got a phone call yesterday that my SX50 is fixed, will pick it up when I have to go to the big city next week.

Take yours in and ask for an evaluation, they did it for free on the previous one that I trashed, Emailed me back and told me it wasn't worth fixing and returned it to the shop where I bought it, no charge.

  • 4 weeks later...

Mentioned before that with the SX60 I was having to focus sometimes 2 or 3 times to get the focus right, this was using the point focus on birds.

Found that I can drop the size of the point focus area and once I have done that the focusing problem has gone as the focus area is small enough to concentrate on even a small bird at max zoom. This means that focus (auto) is quick and pretty accurate, do need the tripod though.

On the way to Koh Chang Ranong in the next couple of days and will be able to give it a good test drive there. Will carry the 60 on the tripod and the 50 in the bag or round the neck.

After reading the topic on lenses needed I sure am glad I am going with this system both on a cost and weight basis, but then I don't need professional results.

Was thinking the next topic should be "What is the best truck to carry it all on"

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Robby nz, I agree 100%, carrying very heavy and very very expensive super tele/zoom exchangeable lenses are not necessary for most of us.

When I was at the Buriram superbike races recently, I found out that my Olympus stylus 300mm was not enough to get the bikes filling the motive and not possible to walk closer.

Cropping from the Stylus can only be done very limited so better with more zoom.

The few times I need super tele can't justify spending thousands of $$ on a lens and then come the body on top, no thanks.

So I will need minimum 700 mm for my next camera and this new Nikon coolpix P900 looks interesting. Only use it in daylight anyway and keeping the ISO down.

I always carry my Sony RX100 m3 in a belt pouch when I am in Thailand and I find the photos from it awesome and don't need better picture quality than that.


If you are used to an RX100. then any images from a super-zoom are likely to disappoint you; they certainly won't be better.

No you are right, but what will you suggest to use for very casual shooting of bike races and far away birds?

My Stylus is pretty good as long as I keep the iso below 400.



Thinking randomly, but how about a cheap, used APS-C DSLR with a cheap, used 400mm f5.6 (Sigma, Tokina, etc). Should run maybe USD 500 max.

Or for more, get a used Sony a37 + Minolta/Sony 500mm f8 reflex or Minolta 100-400 APO? Should be about USD 800 or so.

Or, if you are willing to go even more, around USD 1300-1400, I would say used Sony a37+Minolta 200mm f2.8 G+Sony/Minolta matched teleconverter, but I guess that is no longer inexpensive.


(original) (full gallery) - mix from the a37 and a99, most with the Minolta 200mm G with or w/o the 1.4x and 2x TC's

Presumably, Canon or Nikon would have similar options for similar prices.


If you are used to an RX100. then any images from a super-zoom are likely to disappoint you; they certainly won't be better.

^ from an experienced birder's point of view, that is a daft comment . . i'm personally used to a Nik D7100, & without spending $8K+ on a totally sole purpose, impossible to travel with, clunking mass of huge weight glass, totally impractical out on treks . . my SX50 or the newer SX60, or likely the latest Nik P900 will get far closer & does/give perfectly acceptable images on par with my APS-C . . . that's if you know how to handle/control these camera's correctly. For birds, that means (in my experience) on a good solid tripod.

It's 'tools for the job' in my book . . & bridge cams are that tool for that job, imo.

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Thinking randomly, but how about a cheap, used APS-C DSLR with a cheap, used 400mm f5.6 (Sigma, Tokina, etc). Should run maybe USD 500 max.

Or for more, get a used Sony a37 + Minolta/Sony 500mm f8 reflex or Minolta 100-400 APO? Should be about USD 800 or so.

Or, if you are willing to go even more, around USD 1300-1400, I would say used Sony a37+Minolta 200mm f2.8 G+Sony/Minolta matched teleconverter, but I guess that is no longer inexpensive.

(original) (full gallery) - mix from the a37 and a99, most with the Minolta 200mm G with or w/o the 1.4x and 2x TC's

Presumably, Canon or Nikon would have similar options for similar prices.

Well as I mentioned my Olly Stylus1 that can go to 300mm is not enough but I am happy enough with the IQ but I will need min 600mm. and it have to be a zoom lens too.

I actually think there is a 2X tele converter for it which I will check on-line if worth buying or not.

Thanks for the suggestion anyway.

I am also a casual bird 'shooter" and also here I often can't get close enough.

I rather not exceed 500$ as this gear will seldom being used.

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